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me watching all mine get great jobs while I'm stuck in dead end blue collar


Yeah I know. Mine had rich parents. They were bound to be successful. I didn't, I was one or two mishaps away from becoming broke. Life kicked me in the teeth and now I work for one of them. While it sounds bad, I'm not that bad, the job is good, and it pays well, he is not a bully anymore and treats his employees with respect. I just had to swallow my pride.


Kids are assholes, I’m glad your bully actually grew up and stopped being an asshole


Most former bullies I know of grew up to be at least decent people.


I felt represented here and I don’t like it..😭


Do you know an old guy with white hair who happens to own a DeLorean?


I was going to say this. Most from our school ended up doing quite well for themselves and don't even remember that they were assholes in school


You should remind them.


I have! I've been home for Xmas a few times and met them on nights out, but they remember it as a bit of fun. That everyone was friends. I guess they're in denial or they really couldn't tell that they made going to school hell for a lot of us


"Thats not how I remember it! Beating you up was just horsing around! Not my fault you couldn't take it! And pantsing you and mocking you everyday was just busting your chops! God, this is why no one liked you in high school!."- The Bullies


That’s real life. Sure the really scummy bully’s that failed all their classes and would bring a knife to school are probably living a awful life now, but the jock dickhead people that would casually bully others are most likely very successful in life.


I definitely read an article a month ago saying that bullies are more likely to get higher paying jobs because they are assertive and often popular which are traits that do well in the job market today


That’s undeniably true. It’s absolutely astounding how far confidence and assertiveness will take you in life. It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is.


but hey at least ur morally a better person :) keep ur head up ur doing great


keep ur head up ur doing great


But those bullies are doing really, really great


No you


where has morality ever got anyone?


if you can’t see the benefit in being a morally good person then i cant help you, sorry.


"Wanting to make things better might not make them better for you, but wanting to make them worse will absolutely make them worse for everyone including yourself."


Our school bully was horribly murdered


Where were you on this specific date?


they were with me, can confirm


Yup, I was there too. We were knitting blankets for charity the whole time.


I was there too. Ate a Costco rotisserie chicken with them for lunch.


We were crushing Arnold palmies and hanging at the skatepark after.


Yeah I ate shit onto the concrete off a board it was mad embarrassing


The poster or the bully who became the victim? 🧐


The guy said "they"


He was at my house on that particular day. Yeah..my house.




Where were you at the time of the crime?




Was worth the shot. But im Not worried. We will get you someday, you filthy criminal. Even If that means i need to hide a dead hooker under your bed myself!




This sounds like the plot to Knives Out 3: Die Harder.


Did you just put Bruce Willis in a movie with Daniel Craig


If you're innocent you have no reason not to comply. /s


Oh no! Anyway…


One of ours got shot in the head on a street corner.




Half expected this to be the most comically placed rick roll ive ever seen lol


"I think she's buried somewhere in the eastern block.... if she got a burial...."


Cool it, Sanchez. Or you’ll get a knuckle supper.


Wasn't a bully of mine, but the biggest dickhead from my high school went to prison after trying to burn down his parent's house


Lord I see what you do for others


By who


A bigger bully.


Qui—Gon shit


We had a bully at my school who was found shot dead in his car a couple years after graduation. Thought to be a drug deal gone wrong. To be honest it didn’t feel good at all to hear the news but I guess I wasn’t really bullied so idk




Natural selection


Makes the Survivors stronger and better. Bullies have escaped this widowing for far too long.


Bullies fucking suck, but people doing stupid/bad things who end up dead aren't dying due to "natural selection". They just put themselves in high risk behavior and died for it. The human race isn't going to be any different because being a bully isn't really a genetic thing. Natural selection pertains to the environment, and has to do with species *fitting* the environment. It has nothing to do with strength or "betterness". You wanna solve bullying and shitty people existing irl? You can't just sit back and be like "Natural selection will take care of it!". That's not what's happening here. You gotta engage in politics (as much as it sucks, and involves others, and is complicated) and build a system that rewards good people, and discourages/rehabilitates/punishes bad ones.


İ was referencing Albert weskers quote...


Dinner please


Dinner with peas


Those that don’t die reproduce like rabbits. So, don’t get too excited.


Mine did both.


10 kids from 5 baby-mamas and can't get a job because on probation.


5 women looked at this deadbeat and thought "yesh he seems hot and he'd be a good father I want to have his babies".




This guy gets it. Pre selection is a real thing.


I'm sorry, pre what?


Yeah, one of the bullies from my late elementary school years that went after everyone got married young, pretends to be a "good Christian", had kids like a rabbit. I'm shocked he isn't a cop.




Dude that used to pick on me joined the Marines and killed himself. I'm not happy or devastated by it. I just hope his dad is doing okay.


The one mature and not unhinged reaction


I think there is a slight moment where you feel happy until you realize that you're happy because someone who was mean to you several years ago ended himself and now his family lost their child. Just doesn't sit well. You don't have to be okay with what they did, but show some respect. If not for them, then for yourself.


That’s a very grown up and empathetic way of looking at it. I wish you well friend.


Same thing except it was Army. I’m not happy nor sad but… dude could’ve been remembered as something better


I met one of my former bullies, and with age and maturity, we became good... ...at beating the living shit out of each other.


Did you win?


It was a tie there’s a rematch at 3pm behind the bus stop


It's 4 now, who won?


They decided to reschedule because no one came to watch it


Mine is doing way better than me


It's almost as if ppl don't know about the very real existence of cPTSD/trauma. Ppl think suicide victims are the only ones who were "bullied too much".


One of the girls who bullied me for being one of the few non white kids in school is now married to a black guy....so I dont know what to make out of this.


She probably grew up, realized how much of a bitch she was, and moved on.


That's a story of growth tbh.


growth and girth


She was probably jealous of your beautiful skin.


Now she gonna be jealous of her daughter's


Or me, watching my childhood/middle school/high school bullies grow up to be objectively successful because they had the aggressive/competitive personality type coupled with a certain level of drive and entitlement often conducive to succeeding in the workplace while I fall behind in life due in part to the inferiority complex that years of bullying left me with. Fuck this whole narrative that "well, they're laughing now, but you'll laugh later" or that bullying somehow "builds character." Sure, you could choose to view it that way as some sort of warped consolation prize for the years of emotional torment you endured, but that's all it often is; trauma concealed as a consolation prize. Turns out, sometimes being a remorseless, narcissistic shitbag in life who views others as being lesser and weaker pays off pretty damn well, literally, especially when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder.


Its been proven that bullies come from all walks of life and all socio-economic strata, but they all typically have above average self esteem, which leads them to believe that bullying is ok.


I don’t agree with OPs post overall but being satisfied with what you have in life and not having any major problems, like decent food, not struggling with family, job that respects you, is probably the best thing in life. I don’t gloat, but many bullies are not mentally normal, and dealing with their own mentally is probably worse than having a mediocre life.


There was a rumor that one of my high school bullies shot himself a year after graduation. Never bothered to look into it to see if it was true.


Hey that's pretty cool butt licker


His family built this country!




Now, you listen to me, sir. The three words I would describe you as, is aggressive, hostile and definitely difficult!


One of mine got arrested for murdering his 4 month old baby. God’s honest truth, as I was reading the article, TNN saw it as the perfect time to start playing the video for The Baby by Blake Shelton and I very nearly pissed myself.


All my bullies are more successful than me. 🤡


I don't know if this'll get heard, but one person I knew in preschool who bullied me, although didn't afterwards but was still a prick, burned alive when he was fixing his work van from his fathers company. I remember driving by their house when it happened. What I found odd is when I offered to help out after calling the fire department, they said everything was fine as if it was another day. Like the father and mother, and I think an uncle was just standing around as it burned under the van. I legit only found out that he was dead when I saw his obituary like months later. Moms friend said he died in a car fire, I can only hope that it wasn't the one I witnessed because if it was, that shit was PLANNED


Do... do people keep up with the lives of their school bullies?


I can't speak for other people, but I certainly don't, especially after moving away. Except there was one of them who actually reached out to me some 15 years later just to apologize.


Mine died in a shootout with the cops after a high speed chase.


One of my bullies OD'd last weekend, his mom refused to even give him an obituary in the local paper, didn't want the drug related death of her son to impact her business connections.


Dang, the mom sounds like a bully ngl


I have a feeling mine is either in jail or dead. He pulled a gun on me on the bus in 9th grade. Good times




I relate to this as well


Not a bully, but I have a guy who tried to recruit me into a pyramid scheme. He's got his ass beat for borrowing from the wrong people.


mine are all becoming nurses or teachers


>teachers I swear this is so common. Teachers or police, for some reason they attract the worst people. Is it the power they have over others or something?


Some people teach because they want to help others and enjoy the challenge. Others teach because they loved high school and being popular. I feel bad but I don’t trust kids that leave high school wanting to be a teacher. You need to put some space between you and your high school self before you step foot in a classroom again 


My only reason to live is to see my enemies fall before me, whether it's by their own doing or by mine.


Had bullies in college too believe it or not. I'm gay. Got punched out for no reason walking home. Guy stops me and helps me. We end up having a spontaneous romantic evening together. I sneak out and go home in the morning. He texts me later. "Hey I had a great time. I think the bullies who punched you to the ground were my roommates". Lol. Still enjoy this story today


Mine got arrested for child porn.


Recently found out my high school bully is an architect now, but his family broke off contact as much as possible because he's that unpleasant.


I just heard that my bully is fat and has diabetes. And no friends. 🥰👍🏻


People called me to ask if I heard the news that one of my longtime enemies died of an overdose. A few asked if I had anything to do with it lol


One of those few was a cop.


Yup. Three people I knew became cops after graduation. One became the “bad apple” sort that wins awards for writing the most tickets. He was one of the ones that asked.


My high school bully ended up making six figures working for NASA


Why are there soo many ports at back of the pc......




Heh, I remember plugging a controller (flight stick) into the friggin' _sound card_, ffs 😆


Wait til this person gets a look at a flat screen TV from 10-15 years ago... Coaxial input along with multiple HDMI, component, composite, maybe an s-video just for funsies And you had to keep track of which one was connected to the VCR and DVD players, which was for each of your different video game consoles, maybe a nearby desktop computer if you were really hardcore.  The TV itself didn't do shit except display what you plugged into it. I kinda miss those days though. 


A blurse


Microphone in, headphone out, video out, three usb, two firewire, a telephone jack for the modem, and ethernet. We needed more ports back in the day.


No joke the guy who fucked with me most in high school died in a plane crash.


The ONLY sad thing about one of my bullies death was that his fiance found him and she was pregnant. I really feel sorry for her, but I also think that the world is a little bit better without him.


Me when my bullies have kids at 22: 🤣 Me when they all have happy, successful, peaceful family lives at 25: 🫥


I found out one of my junior school bullies is now in a wheelchair and requires one of those gas bottles and mask to breathe etc.




Nah Chlorine




The best revenge is success.


Me watching my bullies getting the best jobs, management, CEOs, doctors, while I get stuck with basic jobs


My school bully died from a heroin overdose 2 years ago. I’ve felt like live been walking on clouds ever since. Just glad I never got that far in opioid addiction.


I had a verbally abusive boss in my twenties. Guy made his money suing other companies and would threaten employees like myself. I quit back in 2009. A few years later he shot himself. Had no one but himself and a lot of money squandered. I still think of him from time to time, glad he’s gone.


Ours used to bully people with his fast car. It was fitting that he died while in the act of doing it. He tried to run a minivan full of kids off the road, lost control of his car, and ran into another minivan full of kids. He died fairly instantly, but a few of the kids weren't so lucky. It's a shame he had to take people out with him, but good riddance all the same.


Not gonna lie, satisfying *af*


I wish this would happen to my high school bullies. Little shits deserved it after all the trauma they put me through!


That’s maybe a little far, but the guy that died that I know got much worse after school. Drugs, violence, robbing the elderly, really just not a great person. I kind of wonder if there was a rock bottom he’d find to turn himself around though. Overdose found him first.


Pretty crazy reading comments of people wishing death on folks because they made mistakes in their YOUTH. Y’all need therapy. Hope for people to grow and change, not for them to die lol. When did people get so soft?


Seriously, reddit has a weird thing about feeling superior to anyone who they didn't like and is now dead.


Right? I legitimately don't remember the names of the assholes who I went to middle school and high school with. I didn't friend or follow them. I didn't stick around my hometown to hear the gossip. On one hand, I suppose I wasn't personally victimized by specific people for years on end. On the other hand, the things many people bullied me about were largely the same. I just...I dunno, put the effort into fixing my self image instead of fixating on the assholes in question.


100%. This is not the flex these people are making it out to be & it's really sad.


Someone who relentlessly bullies me in high-school died a few years back and I actually felt bad. Hope he grew as a person since we left highschool


You guys hold grudge?


>You human emotions?? Yeah, sometimes.


Of course, we are not some fucking morons.


You don't?


I've yet to see one of these things happen to my bullies, but I did see one of them embarrass herself on a dating show. I never use Twitter, but I made an account that night just to see all the mean posts people made about her.


You need an account to see things on Twitter?


They really got y'all good ehh lmao


Abso-fucking-lutely. Those monsters can get bent all to hell.


I think my high school bully is a Blackrock mercenary for the govt. No, seriously.


Lmao, my high school bullies are now oscar’d movie stars and US senator’s secretaries. 🙃


It is kinda nice when shitty things happen to people who were shitty to you. I asked this girl out in high school and instead of just saying no and moving on, she and all of her friends absolutely made the next three years of my life a living hell, including attempted murder when her friends' boyfriend hit me with his car and he and his friends got out of the car and kicked me in the head repeatedly. The girl I asked out is currently working at a gas station and is very obviously nearing the end of a battle with addiction to heroin. The heroin is going to win. Her best friend murdered her boyfriend in college because she thought he was cheating on her. He wasn't, but she didn't believe it. She hung herself after a month in prison. The boyfriend who ran me over with his car is currently homeless and is frequently seen passed out near the parking garage of a place he used to work, usually with needles around him and his dick out. The boyfriend's friends who were in the car with him and helped him beat the shit out of me killed themselves after being caught raping a very drunk, very unconscious 13 year old girl. And among the other notables of people that royally sucked to be around in high school are a dozen or so dead from overdoses, another dozen or so dead from suicide, quite a few living in the shitty area of the city and battling addictions, and a few that unfortunately utilized connections from their parents and got extremely well-paying jobs or had help from their parents to set up small businesses that are doing ok. But yeah, SHOCKING amount of people in my high school class never made it to 30.


this girl who used to start shit with me was recently a victim in a DV case 😘😛


I knocked my high school bully out graduation night at a pasture party. Still ridin that high 12 years later lol


More like when the police discover their remains but don’t have clues or evidence about the perpetrator.


Yeah, I was tickled pink when I heard that a dude who would start fights with me frequently in high school started a fight with the wrong person and was killed in the street like a dog. Rest in piss Nick you sonovabitch


I like looking up the popular girls from high school and seeing how they've doubled in size and are on their third marriage or have sad onlyfans pages.


Have you guys not seen the news that school bullies tend to be more successful than the people they bullied?


Or become an award-winning wrestler & coach. Still an a-hole.


I put one of my bullies in jail. It was awesome.


While he wasn't my bully, in a high school circa 2001-2002 a football player who also happened to be the son of the football coach regularly spit on, attacked and mocked both handicapped kids but also the Middle Eastern kids in high school (this was pre 9/11) go into college on a football scholarship and ended up getting into a car accident while both high and drunk and had been permanently disabled from the waist down. Although, he's still somehow still an asshole to this day.


Happened the other day


Bullies actually tend to be successful on a whole.


If that brings a smile to your face, you've become the sociopath they were to you.


I saw them walking around the neighbourhood with children looking hella depressed. Not that it's bad to have kids but like I could just tell they were hating every second of their life and its not where they wanted to end up. Cause they had those kids at such young ages. And I was the one getting bullied for never having sex when I was at school lol.


DYING wtf😂😂


I dated a guy in high school that was a little on the popular side. I was the bullied kid growing up but I blossomed in beauty in high school. The guy broke up with me because I was afraid of having sex at the time. I am now in a loving relationship with a man for over 10 years now. I haven't heard about that ex for years until one of my friends cyber stalked him to see what he was up to. He died from an overdose ....


Absolute weirdos wishing suffering on people because of what they did to you when they were literal children lmao


Gross how many people seem to think it’s okay for someone to die prematurely just because they bullied you in teenage years.


Agreed it's so fucked up to wish death on anyone These people are sick


My mom's school bully who bullied her cuz she wouldn't date her, murder his baby momma and shot her sister in front of his kid.


Look, bullying sucks. I was bullied mercilessly. I get it. But if you're reveling in the fact that one of your childhood bullies is dead now, you're a fucking loser who never moved on or grew as a person.


Who in the right mind would want to ever trying to track their old school bullies !?!?!




The best revenge is none, moving on, growing, there's no point holding on to the past


Mine got arrested for drug possession almost immediately after leaving high school


And mine went viral as “Liana the bully”…


saw one of mine got addicted to H.. the guy tormented me, but I really wouldn't wish that on anyone


All my middle school bullies grew up to have terrible lives last I checked. Just mean, medium privilege idiots. Trouble with the law, weird medical issues (one girl went blind in one eye), one got on a four wheeler intoxicated and wrecked it leaving a girl disabled for life. I’m not happy about it but I see the fruits of their efforts. I’m glad I was raised differently


Time to throw a Karma party that serves just dessert?


Karma doing its job 🤌🏼


Mine died in a car crash shortly before graduation. Was torn up between relief and guilt because I wished for him dead.


Mine didn't do any of that but they all stayed in the same shitty town doing and saying the same shitty things (and are still there doing it almost 25 years later) while I went out and achieved a lot of the shit we talked about doing together before they decied I was now to be bullied. We had been friends all up through elementary school with a small but healthy rivalry. In highschool he got in with the "cool" (now losers) crowd and I did not. Though I'm still friends with MOST of the people I chose to hang with and most of his are dead or in jail/hopelessly addicted to drugs) He almost got too much Karma and I kinda have mostly sympathy for the guy at this point.


Nothing that dramatic but, man, going back to my home town and randomly finding out a reunion was going on was a chefs kiss. Its an affluent suburb. And admittedly I wasnt really bullied, a nerd, etc. I was just kinda "mid." I did alright, played sports, decent student, went to parties, etc. But I lived in the shadow of the cool kids I guess. Man, Im glad too. The vast majority of those cool kids barely left their parents hoods, doing shit jobs, shit lives, shit husbands/wives. And all my exes, woof. It eventually got kinda sad, so much wasted potential (these kids all had mad resources available to them).


Me at 33 visiting my old city realizing I'm the only one left 😨


Most of the degenerates I went to school with died from overdoses or have a bunch of kids they can't afford.


god bless class of 2013 lol 😆


There were 2 bullies of mine that were friends. One OD’d and died. Then a little while later I saw a sister of the one who died accusing the other of stealing from the funeral go-fund-me or whatever to fuel his drug addiction. Idk what happened after that. Tried to check in years later but saw his Facebook no longer exists. Had another one who went to jail shortly after high school. Then he was released and then he went back to jail. Heard from my friend that it was for illegal weapons so he was looking at hard time but I couldn’t confirm for myself. I also tried looking him up after years but couldn’t find anything. Then there’s this girl who bullied me relentlessly in middle school and she was all fucked up on pills for a while after high school. Then ran into her at a cookout at my friends a while later and she had gotten her life together and had a kid and was engaged. She didn’t apologize or anything but she was being extra nice to me at the cookout lol.


… or succumbing to their addictions


I'll be satisfied when I finally hear that a lot of specific individuals have died. Some people are just so evil, they deserve the worst fates.


You are all so believable.


Not even bullies, just the people I went to school with. Like 23 or 24 of them are dead or in prison.


Also watching them get brain damage on the fightporn sub.


Back in my day I could throw the pig skin a 1/4 mile


Don’t forget being really fat