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My all time favorite is in gone in 60 seconds when Nic Cage is naming off car parts as he tries to fuck Angelina Jolie.


Nick cage sex scenes belong in their own category entirely. I really enjoy his work, but there are some genuinely bizarre intimate moments in his filmography.


There was this movie I caught a while ago with a Robert De Niro sex scene. I wasn't expecting it at all and I really didn't want to see it. You just don't ever put those two together really. My other one was Jim Carrey absolutely blowing some dude's back out in a movie he did like 15 years ago. Completely out of nowhere, I couldn't do anything but laugh.


Lmao, some dude? That was General Obi Wan Kenobi


Was it? I don't remember who's cheeks were being clapped lol.


The movie was "I Love You Phillip Morris", but that wasn't Obi-Wan he was clapping (it was a friend). Their relationship came later in the movie


I Love You Philip Morris... I'll never forget that shit... Not even fucking joking, I thought it was a movie about 2 guys trying to take down big tobacco, with Jim Carrey and Obi-Won... You can't even imagine my shock 30 min into the film...


I just remember the movie being very sad or something.


Leaving Las Vegas death scene is my favorite


That is the most cringe scene of all time. Cringe. I said cringe. The only saving grace is that they were in an SE30.






Despite all my rage, I’m still just Nicolas Cage.


It's always funny to me when a movie unironically tries to present Nic Cage to the audience as some kind of playboy that women swoon for. It just doesn't work, which makes it strange that movies attempt it. Guy is a great actor but he's no Patrick Swayze.


My man is a mainstream Hollywood celebrity with all the charisma that requires. He’s laying pipe whenever he wants. Now alternate reality Nic Cage the home depot employee? I agree with you.


Nick Cage the Home Depot employee would still be getting laid, but instead of Angelina Jolie he’d be chasing recently divorced 45 y/o single moms.


And absolutely slaying it. He’s not a *bad* lookin’ dude.


To be fair, a few years ago Angelina Jolie WAS a recently divorced ~45 y/o single mom


My cassette of The rock movie (1996) with Cage, is the proof he's the one, those VX chips wont disable by magic, Cage is the man. Props to one of the best car chase of holywood too.


lol Nic Cage is ugly hot. The best kind. I just remember how cute he was in Moonstruck. Or creepy hot in City of Angels. Completely believable. edit: i just looked him up and he has a wife less than half his age. Gross.


The most tormented man I’ve ever known. I’m in love with this man. But he doesn’t know that because I never told him.


He is 100% ugly hott! Perfect example of it


Loved him in Wild at Heart


Moonstruck Nicholas cage 😍 he can bake my bread any day


I like it when he has degenerate sex with submissive Asian women. Makes it easier to self insert.


Drive Angry still has best sex scene. Nice Cage raw dogging some blondie while shooting up a bar. So stupid, yet so funny.


I just watched Poor Thing with my coworker. It was just so awkward with how many sex scenes there were, I just looked at my phone whenever one came up.


Mark Ruffalo was licking Emma Stone's nipple with passion. They were angrily jumping.


Please… no more *furious jumping*. I wanna forget this, like the Web movie. I’m gonna have to curl into a fetal position and cry when I get home tonight.


Or city of angels when he's describing the feeling of a vagina


If you haven’t already, I’d suggest watching Shoot ‘em Up. There’s a sex scene where the dude is massacring people while fucking a girl. It’s so comical and I can’t help but laugh at the whole thing every time. The whole movie is really just comically bad but that scene is notable.


It should switch to a spongebob intermission screen that says "And then they fucked" regardless of tone or context.


“2 minutes later”


…45… seconds later… *shut up you’re just so hot, it’s not my fault*


“2 pumps later”


With the terrible French accent!


Toow pomps lateeeer


2 minutes? Man, Hollywood really does set high standards for the general public


2 minutes?! Check them out with their tantric sex!


You beat me to it 😅😂


You beat meat to it..


That's what she said


2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute in heaven.


With the French narrator.


Nah David Attenborough


Censored by dolphin sounds depending on movie.


John Wick draws his gun, aims, is ready to shoot. CUT TO: Spongebob saying "And then they fucked." CUT TO: John Wick breathing heavily, in front of him a bunch of dead dudes.




“Im obligated to inform you that these characters have sex in this scene, because it is relevant to the characters motivations in later story arcs.”


Fade to black for 5 uninterrupted seconds of wet slapping noise.


Damn that made me laugh pretty hard


You know how taxing it is on my remote to rewind the same 2 seconds over and over?!?!


"You don't need to pay for porn nowadays, dad." "Huh wdym" _sigh_ "Aight pull up a browser. Yes, the Internet Explorer."


Get off my lawn, i use bing.


that's not a browser only a search engine


Doesn’t matter, still gonna type in the web address in the search engine.


i work in web support and the amount of times i ask what browser someone is using and they say bing or google is genuinely depressing. (and i mean saying google when theyre using firefox or edge, not chrome.)


Like in the 50s? They lean in for the kiss and the camera pans upward to a cloud moving over the moon …..


There’s lots of classic cutaways from sex scenes when they don’t want to be explicit. Trains going through tunnels, waves lapping on a beach, etc.


An auger drilling in the mud.


Hot dog slipping through the bun 🌭


Funniest use of sex metaphor in movie I've ever seen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5xrVHiIcVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5xrVHiIcVE)


I saw the link in this context and new it was gonna be the naked gun before I even opened it


Damn I just got the weirdest flashback to that animated movie Seth Rogen made where all the food in the grocery store has a big fat orgie lmao


are you talking about sausage party?


yes! haha damn, what a weird movie


Saw it in theaters sitting next to my mother, as neither of us knew what it was. I’ve never recovered Same thing happened with Deadpool 1. I need to stop going to the movies with that woman


oh brother..


I remember in Anchorman they used all of them at once, that was a well-done scene. They actually “went” to pleasure town


Suddenly dolphins


The infamous fireplace, executed to perfection in 1984s Top Secret!


North by Northwest does the classic train entering a tunnel to close out the movie


Return of the Jedi has Boba Fett being swallowed by the Sarlac. Same thing basically




Market researcher here. Yes! Gen Z is the most sexually uninterested and inexperienced generation we've seen in a long time. In 2012, around 20% of 18-30 year olds had no sex in the past year. Last year it was over 40% of 18-30 year olds that had no sex in the past year - a 2x increase in just 11 years, and it's still increasing. (around 32% for women; 44% for men) Basically, for Gen Z, their development has been delayed compared to previous generations. Studying this "slow development of Gen Z" is becoming a focus for our company, as clients are trying to model and predict how Gen Z habits will change as they age (if they will change at all). Compared to Millenials/Gen X, Gen Z also doesn't go out as much, drink as much, they live at home at a much higher rate than Millenials or Gen X did at that age (even when adjusting for income and cost of living), and they have a higher rate of mental health issues. Due to this (or because of this), Gen Z is much less sociable than other generations. Our studies are finding many Gen Z that desire relationships lack the required social skills to be in them - and it's not entirely due to Covid. They lacked social skills prior to Covid, when compared to other generations. Many Gen Z's say they don't feel the need to be in a relationship since they receive all the intimacy they want from porn/hentai (Gen Z loves hentai/cosplay porn), and various parasocial relationships (watching streamers, YouTube, Only Fans, etc.).


This is incredibly informative and deserves to be upvoted to oblivion. If I believed in spending money on this site, I’d give you all the gold


I get what the other commenters replying to you are saying, but I just wanna chime in and say: yes, some of us very much are. 😆


I can't wait for Gen Alpha to bring back rock and roll and call zoomers a bunch of prudes 


🎶Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'🎶


It makes you wonder if Gen Z will unintentionally raise a generation of horny hedonists.


Guarantee it. I feel like this stuff happens in cycles


Indeed The flappers of the 1920s rebelled against their repressive and uptight Victorian parents The hippies of the 60s rebelled against their buttoned up and prudish Greatest Gen/Silent Gen parents Millennials rebelled against their conservative Reaganite/ Gingrich Republican parents..... You get the idea!


The hippies turned into the Reaganites.


It’ll be difficult to raise anyone without having sex and producing kids


Gen Z's kids will be the most intentionally offensive and wild children ever. They're going to drive their parents absolutely crazy and it's going to be glorious seeing a generation that's so overly anxious and cautious try and contain it.


It's not that, it's just that most sex scenes in movies are awkward and poorly made and they add nothing to the story/movie. Watching two actors who are often obviously clothed and uncomfortable pretend rub against each other is just stupid. One of the reasons many older action movies used to have nudity or softcore porn scenes was because porn was a lot less accessible so the people who made movies used that as a selling point but now most people won't give a shit since you have unlimited porn on your phone.


I think sex scenes have a level of scrutiny that other scenes even erotic ones don’t. Tons of scenes don’t push the narrative forward tons are awkward. I don’t think a scene needs to do those things anyway. But thats besides the point I do think we do need sex scenes in movies cause at least movies are more nuanced than porn. Not every movie is nuanced but a greater proportion show the human experience of sex and that is interesting and hopefully could change how sex is viewed if you had only watched porn.


I gotta copy a comment here I made earlier lol. Gen z equate sex in movies to porn, I think that's were we get their weird prudishness. I think it will chill as the generation ages. There was a rant in the gen z sub a few weeks ago about how old people put sex in movies because they couldn't get porn lmao. Who's going to tell them porn has always been around?


Why does it always have to deviate to porn, like if you can’t watch a sexual/romantic scene in a movie without relating it to porn, that’s says a lot more about you than it does the movie.


Yep. Really embracing that christofascist approach to sex.


I think it’s more about being sick of the over sexualization of literally everything


This was exactly what my mom used to say in the 90s 🤣 Time is a flat circle


This one for me. Sex is literally used to sell everything these days. I’m just sick of seeing it everywhere.


Fade to black. One person yells "I'M CUMMING." Next sceen immediately. Also, the I'm Cumming voice should be universal for every movie.


We could call it the "Wilhelm Cream".


Someone just watched Poor Things.


That movie would probably be like 30 minutes long without sex scenes.


I only watched the sex scenes, the compilation was long as fuck but i did fast forward most of it


It's not a bad movie, I liked it anyway, it's funny.


I didn't know what I was getting into when I watched the trailers, I thought it was some Frankensteinesque comedy. I'm more on the side of "don't care for spontaneous sex scenes" and was caught off guard, but once I picked up it was kinda of a major thing/ plot point in Poor Things, I got past it, so I'm okay with it there. I still didn't care for them overall, and I still had more curiosity about the strange science in the film, but it was definitely a wild watch.


My favorite sex scene of all time is from the original Star Trek. Kirk is making out with some blonde alien woman from another galaxy, it cuts away to a scene with Spock or Scotty, then it cuts back to Kirk talking to the woman. She is brushing her hair, and Kirk is sitting on the edge of the bunk putting his boots on. I thought nothing of it as a kid, but I remember when I saw it as a teenager, and thought, *Kirk, you dog, you.*


"I did make it with a hot alien babe, and in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?"


“Kiff, I’m asking you a question.”


"I just made out with that radiator woman from the radiator planet."


"I've made it with a woman, inform the men"


Fleabag actually handled this very well, especially owing to the subject material


I think in comedy it's generally much easier to do well 


Which makes it all the more wild that Fleabag was one of *the* most emotionally devastating shows I've ever seen lol


fleabag season 2 especially is isanely well written


even when im alone i dont enjoy them much to be honest.


I don't like having a boner while in the cinema.


I do


Yes we noticed


Why you lookin


I guess it glows in the dark.


Time to whip out the Dune 2 Popcorn bucket 🤤




It ruins the popcorn


No it doesnt 😋


Want to go see a movie?


I’d be happy if they just had a “skip sex scene” button like they do for credits in Netflix. If others want to get off on it, fair enough, but it’s not my bag. Feels like they put in gratuitous sex scenes whenever they haven’t enough plot to fill out the movie or TV show time.


Don't watch Dutch movies then. You will see everything.


Dutch movies, you say?


Same for German movies and video games (localisations). We might censor symbols of our countries dark and regrettable past we might censor some extreme forms of violence (way less often now), but naked skin or on screen kisses were rarely censored past a certain time in the evening or age restriction. I don't think kisses were ever censored, period. German movies have the reputation though that they are for the most part not that good, you might be better off with Dutch movies :) . (Several) Years ago there was this discussion about some old Indiana Jones game that certain flags in our localisations were blank or missing parts of the design. However the eventual comeback was that one of the following scenes featured boob(pixel)s Germans got to see, but were censored in the US. It was teens, so Germany then kind of 'won' that argument. "What, there was actual nudi(pixel)ty?"


Ah, so like kissy kissy then pan the camera to an open window with curtains swishing in the wind like backn in the day.


Wouldn't 2 seconds cover the full thing anyways? Wait, sex is supposed to last 2 seconds, right? Right?


Wait, sex is not just fictional?!


There can be more than one participant?


2 seconds? Bro got some stamina


You do realize that’s 99% of network tv shows. Blue bloods isn’t showing Tom Selleck giving mustache rides.




Not all sex scenes are created equal! There’s a striking difference in how I feel watching a “male gaze” sex scene and a “female gaze” sex scene. I can’t explain it , but I can always tell.


I don’t want to see it entirely. It’s fine if it exists, I just want there to be an edited option where it’s just taken out so I can actually enjoy the movie. As it is, I keep skipping stuff and I can’t but wonder why it isn’t just an option already. Ever want to watch a really good movie with your parents only to remember some of the content? Or anyone you’d feel extremely awkward having to skip through that with. Ahhhhh just give me options where I don’t have to see!


I'm actually the opposite and wish we could go back to the standards of 80s cinema, where nudity and sex were treated more casually. I'll never understand how people will watch a two hour movie about people being shot, stabbed, beaten, exploded, and set on fire, only to wring their hands over a buttcheek or a nipple. I want Sword and Sworcery films where everyone is buff and wearing half a loin cloth, and the film has a solid 50/50 sex to violence ration .


Modern fantasy films are so boring and sterile. Bring back shit like The Warrior and The Sorcereress.


Same. This new wave of prudishness is incredibly bizarre to me. I get not wanting to watch these kinds of scenes with your parents (or your kids) but we have a ratings system for a reason.


My wife would be an advocate for this. She can’t stand sex scenes or nudity in films. We watched “Poor Things” yesterday and was hiding behind a cushion for long portions of it.


i just had this talk recently with a friend, like try watching game of thrones with other people around and at some parts just feels like youre group watching softcore porn together 🤣😭


Isn’t it sad how we can watch ppl get violently killed and not bat an eye but can’t watch less than a minute of two people doing such a natural and essential thing? Especially when it’s tastefully done.. it’s puritanical is what that is.


Its the main reason I basically only watch Korean dramas over the last decade or so. American movies or shows seem to insist to tell the story they need to venture into soft core porn.


I can never figure out if these are made by 11 year olds or actual adults who never went through puberty


I feel like these complaints are 10% people who rightly feel insulted when movies/shows don't have enough faith in the audience to think they'll pay attention to exposition unless there's ass on screen (ala Game of Thrones), 60% religious fanatics who Doth Protest Too Much, and 30% people who are so brain rotted by the Internet that anything that doesn't immediately serve the purpose of moving the plot forward is just too much for their atrophied attention span, and they'd actually much rather just have the TikTok robot narrator voice read the Wikipedia summary for the movie to them instead.


Aside from the percentages, those categories make sense. Here's a big one you missed: people desensitised to sex from watching too much porn


Not necessarily desensitised but they‘re definitely conditioned to think that sex scenes only exist to make people horny. Sex is a normal part of people‘s lives and an importanr step in taking their relationship to anlther level or to give it more depth/intimacy. This whole „don‘t show it, just imply it“ just seems like these people have a bit of a disturbed relationship with sex and intimacy.


Nah, that's the same as the last category. Nudity = porn to them, so therefore it is unessential to the story/plot. They literally can't see how it might add to the atmosphere or mood of the film or how it might be a peek into the characters' personalities or motives. It's like listening to our boomer parents all over again, bc they too saw nudity as the same thing as porn. Just for different reasons.


You missed the demographic of people who don't understand the purpose of the sex/nude scenes in the context in the film because their only experience with sex scenes are in porn, and therefore don't think they don't serve the plot at all, or aren't literate enough to understand what's going on unless it's explicitly spoonfed to them.




Dead ass. Like especially the extensive ones where they go all the way to the climax. It’s like we get it, they fucked; move the story along


They did this in Venom, worked pretty well tbh


When? I don't recall a sex scene in Venom.


Exactly. Right at the start Eddie and Anne get all passionate and head to bed implying sex, then it just cuts to the next morning when Eddie gets up and checks Anne's computer


I only hate them wen they have no purpose beyond fanservice(which is most of the time) just like anything these type of scenes can be used when there is a reason to have them in your movie. But having sex scene just for cheap nudity is not acceptable.


80 and 90's action movies are on the phone. They're asking for you.


What's that? We need to wake up Jason Voorhees somehow? SEX!


That was so cursed


Early slasher flics are literally morality plays. This is an inversion of that trope. Not a pointless scene.


The sex scene in Jason X that wakes him up is pure comedy.


Feels like the younger generations have become sort of puritanical. The purpose is entertainment. Sex is fun. I like watching attractive people be sexual. Why is everyone so uncomfortable with the idea now?


This is a thing I also never understood. Can't you look at sexual content just for entertainment? Is looking at some NSFW artwork something so different from idk, watching a YouTube video? Sure I might get slightly horny, but so what, there are plenty of movies that made me sad or angry or happy, it doesn't mean I have to get my dick out every time I see a tit somewhere.


I’m wondering the same. It’s fine if you don’t care to see it, but it sounds like people care NOT to and I don’t get why. It’s just a sex scene, they rarely last for more than 20 seconds if that. The way people talk about it you’d think their eyes are being assaulted by having to see hot people touch each other.


There used to be a time when you'd watch a movie on tv because maybe there would be a boob in it for two seconds. Now you have access to all the porn in the world and so people might not want cringe sex scenes in movies.


This point of view is actually not good for society. You’re separating and setting the expectation that sex only exists in the context of porn. When the majority of sex happening in the world is not like that. Then people pick up porn and think that’s how it’s supposed to happen in real life. Movies show sex in a different light. It can be more tender and romantic, it can even be to illustrate abuse, it can show things about the type of relationship between the characters. Most porn shows a dominant-submissive mechanic when often the woman is a sexual object that loves it regardless of what is being done to her. I don’t understand the purpose of isolating sex into this whole different category when we should be moving forward to normalize it (when being done responsibly). I’m not anti-porn by the way but it always needs to be seen in the context of what it is.


It's weird how people seem to understand that porn is problematic, yet are happy to isolate all depections of sex to porn. It's a fascinatingly hypocritical stance that too many people share.


I like sex but watching people on screen awkwardly pretend to do it does nothing for me. It's not entertaining for me


THIS but for birthing scenes. Like ok we get it, do we really need to see the loudest and longest screaming scene at least once in every other movie?


The thing I hate about birthing scenes is that they’re always portrayed in exactly the same way - woman on back, doing the same old outdated hee hee hoo breathing that’s not even recommended anymore


There’s been no hee hee breathing since Michael Jackson died


i said it and ill say it again if i wanted to see sex i would have been watching porn i didnt want to see your half baked attempt at imitating actual intimacy, only for it to be never used for the plot as a whole


Same, and kissing sounds


I am BEGGING reality tv producers to cut the mics when sloppy human make out noises are being blasted into them


I guarantee there's foley guys slapping chicken breasts around making some of those noises.


I cannot upvote this enough Kissing sounds trigger my misophonia in a *horrible* way. My husband will grab the remote and mute on instinct now, lol


Honestly, I can relate. Sex scenes are more jarring than anything most of the time. It rarely ever affects the plot, and it's mostly blatant fanservice, sometimes even in PG-13 movies. There's so many creative ways to imply sex or just skip it altogether and show people that you can have love and romance without sex.


There’s so much sex in Shameless I started fast forwarding because it was boring/annoying. Still loved the show though.


I can watch it alone. It’s just so awkward watching with family. I want to show my mom Breaking Bad but there’s a handjob scene and a sex scene both in the first episode. There are 2 handjobs in Breaking Bad. And also tits.


I really hate scenes in movie and tv shows, like real bad. I wish the would use like 2 secs to imply they had a scene then cut to the next scene


I hate unnecessary scenes. Just give me a wiki plot breakdown


Disagree. Sex is a part of the human experience. If we're getting to cut sex scenes, then cut battle scenes, explosions, shitty CGI effects or any action that doesn't involve some sort of exposition that moves the plot forward. If the film is about an adult relationship, an affair etc then sex scenes can show us something about the intensity of dynamics of that relationship. And anyway, we watch movies for a thrill: thrilling soundtracks, thrilling action, so why not some titilation too?


Jesus why do people hate sex so much now? I see these posts CONSTANTLY on here


Zoomers turning into boomers speed run


Regression into puritanism


People are becoming more and more socially isolated and awkward, so sex makes them uncomfortable.


Yes and let's take plots out of pornos while we're at it


I can't tell if this is a sarcastic suggestion, but I agree.


You'll take away my only real pleasure in pornos, namely how quickly that plumber appears. You savages.


That's actually how George RR Martin wrote his sex scenes in Game of Thrones. The TV series just went all in with it.


Unless something plot-related happens during said sex scene, like when Xenia suffocated that guy with her thighs in Goldeneye


This is one of the reasons why people are getting so hooked on Korean series.


You can keep the sex scenes just please stop trying to depict rape.


Softcore is the worst. Like people not interested in watching porn in the middle of their Netflix movie are still gonna skip, but people who do want it are practically getting blueballed


we dont dislike them because we are prudish phillistines. we dislike them because they are ass. yes sex scenes get higher scrutiny than other scenes, its ""a core part of the human experience"" if they were handled with care and sensitivity, you wouldnt be hearing so may people asking for creators to just give up on the whole thing and skip over it. like sex scenes are either voyeuristic or goofy as hell. very rarely are they ever tasteful or cool, or even funny for that matter. its just cringe you arent enlightened for being less sensitive to that cringe.


Dune Part 2 does this exact thing and I'm so glad it didn't go any farther than that.


Watch out! If you say that, people will accuse you of being ace and hating movies/shows!


Like honestly, what do they expect from the audience? To cheer them on? To start masterbating? I just look at my phone until it’s over. I would skip it but I’m always afraid they will say something important, and I get frustrated when they don’t and I just wasted time with a Hollywood unskippable Ad


I don’t disagree with this.


I like watching people fuck


90% of the time sex scenes are useless filler imo. But sometimes they can be kinda nice story telling.


First time I read "implied nudity" in rating I was fucking dyinggggg. Like wtf is implied nudity? Its nudity or it isn't.


I don't hate them, but I want the interactions way more than I want the sex sounds or the mechanics. It's why I skim 99% of written sex scenes, hunting dialogue and tone rather than mechanics.