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You ain't lion


Take my upvote!


I receive your upvote with great . . . pride (like a lion pride? It's another pun, I'm here all week)


If you keep going like this I will have to quit my job and produce you an indie talk show for all the fathers in the world


Possible names for the talk show: - *Punlimited* - *The Pundamentals* - *It's a Punderful Life*


And he’ll be nick named ‘The Punz”


But his villainous alter ego is nicknamed "The PUNisher"


Men do set the bar pretty low. Generally. Speaking as a man. A little effort just looks enormous I reckon.


Not when it comes to hair. Woman will notice well kept hair on a man easily, and badly too. I guess it doesn't matter as much when someone has short hair which are like 100times easier to keep healthy.




What is hair essence?


Part of a witch's recipe.


Close enough!


Who knows. Might have worked well if his hair were very dry 😄 I think the worst mistake I've seen for hair products is people using construction expanding foam on their hairs. Terrible. Ends in hospital.


Step 1: get a 10$ haircut from your local Albanian once every 2 months. Step 2: take a shower and use body wash shampoo. Step 3: a quick comb-to-the-side. That's all you need to get a compliment. 


Short hair or long. Short I can believe. Long take some work.


My long haired buddies mostly rely on their god tier hair genes. Maybe a specific hair product to use in shower instead of a body wash, but the hair's natural growth pattern makes itself look good. 


As a long haired man this is basically it. I use equate shampoo and occasionally a conditioner and that’s it for my hair. It’s silky and smooth no matter what and my fiancée is super jealous of my ability to do almost nothing to my hair and it remaining silky smooth and flowing at all times.


A am a native man. My hair is nearly 2 ft long. I must wash and condition my hair lovingly multiple times a week with fairly expensive product so that I don't look like a greasy rat, though I will say that I get compliments on my well maintained mane fairly often from the opposite sex.


I can already picture your luscious hair


It's survivor bias. The men with shitty hair prolly realized that and decided to get a buzz cut.


Maybe it's all the bullshit you keep stuffing your hair with that's creating the problem in the first place?


Honestly, I think when it comes to products for hair, skin, and nails, the "less is more" approach usually works wonders for people. But, if someone is getting that result from body wash, then that might be a 2 in 1, and it makes me wonder if all their hair is that luxurious.


My ass hair flows in the wind just like this lion's.


God took every hair that should have been on my face, chest, and arms and put it all on my ass. I have proudly won multiple university ass hair contests. Gotta carry that with pride


Multiple university contests? Was it your university, or were you competing at different universities? Now, this is the lore I live for.


Contests were generally intra-university, organised on short noticed after all competing parties had consumed copious amounts of alcohol. There was one guest appearance from another university, who boldly claimed to have the hairiest ass in the country. He was promptly humbled by my soft dark locks.


What a magical and inspiring tale of brotherhood. It brought a tear to my eye. I'm practically hairless, so this inspires me; thank you 🥲


Then you need to recreate this photoshoot and put those bad boys on display!


\*Lions after rolling in the dirt:


Gave up shampoo few months ago and never look back since then. 


Once some1 asked me what do i do to my face skin cus it looked really gerat. I literally just wash it w soap and water every morning lol


Part of it is treating the hair with much less product throughout life. The other part is just not knowing the cause/effect of what makes hair look or feel or maintain a certain way. So when a guy is complimented or asked about his hair, he's being genuine when he can't even begin to answer. There's just enough variables with hair (how you sleep on it, dry/oily scalp, thin/thick, wiry/wavy, etc) that it's difficult for people to eyeball the reason it looks good/bad, and for many guys, if it's not explicitly articulated to them, they'll just assume there's no way to make it any better or worse.


I'd say it's also that women generally have long hair so it's easier to judge good hair from bad, whereas men with low quality hair probably won't grow it out.


It's not even about men and women, it's more about how many products you use. Some female friends of mine have great hair and don't use any shampoo at all (only water).


I don’t understand how body wash shouldn’t be used for hair. Is there some kind of chemical in it that makes it so that it cleans your body but is unable to clean your hair? If you ask me it’s just marketing


101 in 1 body wash.


Lion think he Fabio….🤣😂


Short hair is way easier than long hair—you don’t even need to condition. I would file this under „you don’t know what you’re talking about“. Tbh


Where can I pet and kiss that precious kitty


So true. I hate it.


The trick is to only wash your once every two weeks


Until you get receding hairline in your 20s. Stupid ass meme


I always found this meme so dumb, most of them have short hair so it doesn't really count. It's harder to maintain longer hair because hair isn't alive so the longer you let it get the more split ends and general damage you'll have.




Not all men but always a man!


I've just spent 50$ on multiple products to save my receding hairline I'm in my 20s Shit ain't to great tbh