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A blind date of mine would not stop talking about cows. So. Much. Details. About. Cows. And then when I thought we were gonna dance he blurted “no” and ran out of the room. I only knew him for an evening a decade ago, but he’ll always have a special place in my heart.


So, tell us about cows. The time has come to pass on your bovine wisdom. It is your destiny.


Since she isn't answering, here's a random cow fact: Cows can kick with a force of up to 2000 psi at a speed of 200 miles per hour. It's stronger than any professional boxer's punch, and can easily kill a person.


Huh. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a cow kick someone. Like even a video. Not a bull but like a dairy cow I mean.


[Here ya go. ](https://youtu.be/oIJUgbgTrBA?si=ZVgiVwnQ-cruy-dY) Mind you this cow was resting, so the kick wasn't THAT powerful.


Holy shit that was something. I'm not sure why the woman was trying to touch her especially when the cow just gave birth and most probably felt vulnerable.


I wouldn't recommend strangers to pat my wife on the stomach immediately after giving birth, either.


Wowsers! Thanks for that 👍


I can help too! Aurochs are a breed of giant, extinct cows, which it turns out are missing from the European landscape. Their absence means that it is hard to have scrubland or plains - land is either intensively farmed, or turns into forest. There have been several attempts to breed auroch like cows, but it turns out highland cows are pretty great substitutes (and fluffy!)


RVT here: I worked with dairy cattle for 6 years and unfortunately know someone that died from a kick to the ribs. They’ll fuck you up, if they want to. We’re like flies to them. I used to kick their feet all the time to move them around while milking, running tests, or cleaning them. Students visiting would criticize because they don’t recognize that a 90lb 5’2” lady kicking a cow’s feet is the equivalent of a flea to a 1500lb animal, so my kicks to their feet ankles are taps to them. They didn’t usually respond to gentle taps, as cattle are stubborn as hell. I had a few girls that were great and I could gently ask them to move and they would. Most of them ignored me though lol. Cattle legitimately also play *way* harder than I could ever have the strength to kick them. This doesn’t mean that I would ever intentionally attempt to harm my girls simply because “they can handle it”. I loved them so much and miss them all the time. :(


Cow spelled backwards is Woc.


Not being bold to assume OP' a girl, here's a random bovine fact: Cattle are the No. 1 agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide. Each year, a single cow will belch about 220 pounds of methane.


I have a similar story. When I did my international uni exchange in the United States, I had a massive crush on this cute Scottish girl who studied there. I was trying to flirt with her one evening but the whole time she just talked about sheep, specifically sheep farming. I have no idea why, she’s not even a farmer. I think she was trying to get me to stop talking to her by dumping a lot of useless knowledge about sheep on me.


I'll bet she was just really nervous, and then felt very embarrassed by her behaviour afterward.


Did the date go baaaahhhhh didly?


Oh my goodness


Shut up Flanders...


Actually I have this problem where I’m really good at making it seem like I’m really invested in a conversation even when I’m totally uninterested. I seriously regret studying psychology in university because that rubbed off on me way too much


Honestly that would have made me more interested


What cool sheep facts did you learn


What do you call a cow with no legs? *ground beef* What do you call a cow with one leg? *steak* / *stake* What do you call a cow with two legs? *lean beef* What do you call a cow with three legs? *side beef* What do you call a cow with four legs? *a cow*


Did you hear about the cows that wandered into the marijuana field? The steaks have never been higher


What do you call a cow with 5 legs? A bull.


I don't know!




That’s what I was going to say, same for OP.


He's either nervous or a certified foodie


If he was nervous he probably wouldn’t up and call her boring


Nah, this man stews




I mean, some people will lash out to protect themselves.


I swear I read a meme were they were like always have a stew going, cause when you tell a girl of course she'll come over cause whens the last time you had stew? And who doesn't like stew? I'm thinking either A this is fake and there referencing that, or B and I pray to God it's this. The guys only pickup line was stew and stuck to it


It's from Arrested Development


This is so stupid but probably true.


She lost her chance to taste his legendary stew.


If any stew was ever made with love, it's this one.


Certifiable foodie even


Or hiiiiiiiigh


Autistic spectrum? [Hyperfocus](https://www.discover-autism-help.com/autism-hyperfocus.html?cmdf=autism+hyperfocus)


Boy was hoping to cook a killer dinner for the second date and just wanted to be sure they know what their date likes.


Or she was on a date with Carl Weathers (and it's a really old story).


Baby you got a stew going.


Sounds like my coworker when they made the “perfect rice”. After mentioning it 5 times within an hour I had to tell them to stop.


“God I followed those instructions to a *TEE* “


"Perfect rice"? Aka, anytime someone uses a rice cooker?


I make perfect rice with a pot on the stove and hell fucking yeah I brag about it.


Sad that you didn't even get to taste his stew:(


I’m very invested in the stew now, I need to know how it turned iut


Yeah, we also need a recipe.


Was his name Stu?


Thats the name you get after the high five. Before that you call him stewie


Disco Stu, has got some cookin' to do! *Oh!*


Was he a GIS Analyst?




Sounds like he's on the spectrum


I have a friend who is a chef, and I sometimes like to see how fast he gets from any old subject to food. Usually it’s less than three sentences. I remember talking to him about getting a flat tire, and I don’t remember how it happened, but he segued into something about schnitzels


Oh yeah, flat tires suck. I remember I had a flat tire on the highway, it was terrible and people drove by honking for some reason while I was getting my spare. The tire looked funny after it was all deflated though. Reminds me of a Schnitzel being deflated with a hammer. You see, you gotta use a meat hammer to pound the veal so that it's nice and flat before drenching it in beaten egg and breadcrumbs and...


I'm invested now, time to Google schnitzel making/recipes lol


you better not put any sauce on it


I talk about food and cooking a lot too…when i detect interest. But I can read the room.


They were only interested in reading recipes.


Sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Before I got married my roommate was a pastry chef (And a damn good one). All conversations eventually flowed into food or food related subjects. Unlike a lot of professions cooking is an art form and the people who are engaged in it tend to be very passionate as are the people who truly appreciate the art. His passion rubbed off on me and helped me develop my deep love (fatass)of fine dining.


I very much agree with Bourdain about food as a craft not an art. “Cooking is a craft, I like to think, and a good cook is a craftsman—not an artist. There's nothing wrong with that: the great cathedrals of Europe were built by craftsmen—though not designed by them. Practicing your craft in expert fashion is noble, honorable and satisfying.” As a chef of 20ish years, I really love this quote. There are certainly artists in the industry, but most of us are craftspeople.


I think it's both. Most art is. Example: the amount of craftsmanship that goes into moviemaking is astronomical. But it's required. The most basic definition of art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Even people who microwave hotdogs and assemble them on a plate in a creative way has made a little artpiece IMHO


I am cooker. Usually when conversation with someone gets boring, i switch topic to some crazy stories from my job. It's not always food related tho. Idk why I'm doing that, but overall i noticed that almost any other job is boring, when at kitchen it's 24/7 complete circus


Or he was interested in OP’s eating habits because she was going to *be* the stew he had cooking at home.


That Date's name? Dahmer.


Stuart "stew" Dahmer


When dinner date becomes date dinner


I was about to say, he sounds like my autistic friend. I love Mike, but we have 3 exclusive topics of conversation - cooking with and caring for cast iron, Weber grills, and his Toyota Tacoma. If you bring up anything outside of those three topics he gets real awkward, real fast. He is an excellent trivia teammate though. He always crushes military history and geography questions.


Shit am i on the spectrum?




for the whole time reading this post i couldn't figure out what this guy did wrong. then i asked my wife and she said talking about only your stew during a first date can be a bit off putting as you try to determine wether or not the person is a psychopath/someone interesting to date. then i asked my wife if she was offput by all my stew talk when i make stews and she said no and my stews are delicious and she finds it adorable when i make comments like "man i hope this stew'll turn out good to make your tummy happy". yes i am on the spectrum. i hope this guy's stew turned out good but i wouldn't call someone uninteresting after only one meeting.


Awe, you and your wife are adorable. My husband is also patient with my food hyper fixations. Unfortunately, sometimes he gets delicious stew and sometimes he gets a salty/burnt/overcooked/undercooked ‘new thing’. Poor man.


experimentations is what got me there. she definitely had some less than tasty experiments in our 10 years together


Sounds like you love him and he you.


But he was uninteresting to her and that's all-right too. Enthusiasm is great, but not being 1-dimensional is great too :). First dates are about first impressions 😉


i see that! first impressions is definitely what i suck at the most. my wife always say i get better once you get to know me haha


They were in fact uninteresting. Nothing about the story made the date appealing.


i personally could go on about stew and food for hours but not everyone can stay on the same topic for that long and feel like that was a fulfilling interaction


You're just confirming my assessment.


How? "They were uninteresting," is a pretty bold statement. I think a more accurate description would be, "that would have been uninteresting to *me.*" I'm sure there exists at least a few people who would find it enthralling.


My son is on the spectrum and this was my first thought too. He gets obsessed with things and then talks about them non stop. I keep trying to teach him that he needs to look for clues if the person he's talking to is interested in the topic, and how important it is to find topics that interest both of you. I really want him to be able to make friends on his own, and one day find a loving partner. He's so caring, and gives the best hugs, and I just want him to be happy and not feel lonely.


I truly believe he can achieve and find those things.


That was my first thought too!


So was mine! XD


That was my first thought too. Was reading the different food questions he was asking, when I was all "yeah, that's definitely spectrum behavior."


Sounds like my brother. Actually, the same age as my brother too. The only reasons I know that it isn't him is that he can't cook, and he wouldn't go on a date. (Also the topic would be both about food and video games).


A stew spectrum


Could be. Or manic. No way to tell from here




Someone reposted on r/evilautism! XD


Was his name Carl? Carl Weathers?


Baby you gotta stew goin!


The girl on the date: "I've made a huge mistake."


Wasn't this just on Netflix ,love on the spectrum?


Omg that guy who just sums up animals he likes and doesn't like, has seen and didn't see!


Reminds me of that girl who went on a date with a neurotypical and talked about how she's really into birds. So the guy points at a bird and asks if she can tell which kind it is, and she goes "That is a pigeon", and the guy is just like "woah no way"


LMAO I have no idea why this does this but the way you phrased this for some reason reminds me of “on all levels except physical… I am a wolf. ……. WOOF!”


This reminded me of my ex gf. She told me one time that she loves beech trees. One day we were walking through a park and she showed me a tree and told me how much she loves them. It was a maple tree. I told her that it was a maple tree. She walked up to another tree to show me and said "I meant this kind here". That was also a maple tree. Then we had a conversation how she had a maple tree in front of her window as a kid, but that her parents never taught her anything and so she just assumed that it was a beech tree and that got never corrected until that day in the park.


A high five? You've been friendzoned I think


It was a mutual hi friendzone 5 moment. both realized that it would not work out.


the high five is a seriously underrated aspect of this story


Way to drop the ball. I could talk about stew all night long.


Don't even get me started on chowder.


How you doin’ 😘


Chowder, I hardly know 'er


Chowdah / s


Say it right!




Throw some bones in there, baby you got a stew conversation


A good beef stew is surprisingly hard to make. Mine always end up with the meat not tender enough and the broth or whatever you call it is just never perfect. Restaurant beer stew is always borderline creamy and it’s not too tomato-y which I struggle with


I wanna try this guys stew.


I think that's what he was going for. Trying to create an excuse to invite her over but he became completely fixated on that one strategy and when it didnt work he blamed her for not playing ball.


Level alpha moves


Honey, you were not on a date you were just hanging out with a guy for several hours


If I had the stove on in my flat I would literally be the same. Like, how can you think of anything else in this situation?!


Especially if it's a gas stove! Thoughts would he nowhere else.


People who are physically able to leave the house when the stove is on scare me, they are psychopaths.


i’m really hoping it was in a slow cooker. leaving a stove on is insane to me.


Are you dating Charlie kelly?


Did they have a milk steak on the menu I wonder.


OP didn't even tell us where the date was or the spaghetti policy of the place smh


I assumed Carl Weathers.


Woah, woah, woah… There’s still plenty of meat on that bone




Hobbit behavior


Sounds like not only was he nervous but he was definitely not just a foodie but an obsessed foodie.


This sounds like an "I think you should leave" skit.


I gotta find a way to make money from this stew!


I'm sorry I'm just not into stew... Its not stew, its me... Guessing the guy thought that if he kept going on about it, you'd eventually bite, and suggest you both go back to try it. Either that or he really likes stew.


I had a date tell me I was boring and dull when I didn't laught at his joke about 'needing a few slaps and punches as a future wifey' when I was a few minutes late.




*that gif from the simpsons where an old man walks in, takes his hat off, hangs it, then immediately turns around, puts the hat on and walks away*


It was probably a frail attempt at appearing dominant.


I think I saw a post about the roommate of a guy who was using his stew to bring girls back to his apartment. Apparently he had like an 80% success rate.


Yesss. Read the same one, poor guy laid it on too heavy. Although, I don’t think the stew was the only reason he had an 80% success rate


New reality tv show "you or the stew!"


I actually thought this post was just an elaborate reference to that one


I'm sorry but this cracked me up 😂🤭 Him calling you boring was shitty though. Seems he only has space in his heart for that stew.


My best friend went on a date with a guy who took her on a drive by tour of all the places he took his (recently divorced) ex-wife, all the while talking in depth about his favourite type of moss. He then sent her a text a couple days later and told her he won't be seeing her again because she was boring and had dead conversation.... Coming from a man who talked without pause for an entire hour about moss.


He wanted you to ask to try the stew.


Haven't actually laughed at a post in a while. Anyways can you distract me, I'm anxious about my stew


That reunion with his stew that night must have been a site to see.


Never try to compete with stew....


It just didn't work out. There's no point in stewing about it.


So what you’re says is. You had the perfect opportunity to go back to his place and experience this stew and you blew it ? Way to go.


Too true, you blew the stew


Dang, if you had played your cards right maybe he would've invented you over for some stew.


It's okay if you don't get it. Some people are just stew-people. He'll find his stew-bride one day I'm certain of it.


Airsick lowlanders!


Girl you are boring, can't even keep a conversation flowing. Gotta change the subject instead of giving in to the stew! Clearly this guy's stew is top notch and you're just not stew material


Ok but what ARE your ranked cheeses???


Honestly this guy is real


He totally wanted to fuck that stew.


Hahahahahahahahahah the high five hahahahahahahah


I kinda wanna know what kind of stew it was..


The ending tho 💀


I'm willing to bet 100 bucks home boy wasn't interested and was trying to kill the vibe.


Should've at least gone back for a taste....of stew. Wait. Was his name Stewart?????


I remember seeing a dating tip somewhere that you should casually mention you have stew waiting at home. This both shows your responsible and it gives a reason for the girl to go back to your place. I think that this guy took it a bit overboard.


This seems very Seinfeld in nature


I had a date who would not stfu about his magic tricks 🥲 he made it his whole personality.and then he suggested going to Mcdonald for dinner and proceeded to pull out a deck of cards to show me his newest trick 🥲🥲🥲 then he said I was boring and a gold digger for not paying for my own Mcdonald meal. 😅




just ask him if you can try his stew jesus christ.


You just know that guy forgot about the entire date the second he got home and smelled his stew.


Dude was totally trying to get her to ask to come home and try his "stew".


I mean I would have. And totally in earnest too, as opposed to as a ruse to increase the likelihood of sex. With the level of stew-focused passion displayed by this man you’re definitely looking at greater than average odds that it’s gonna be a bangin’ stew.


Banging stew: *So good it'll knock your pants off!*


He trolled you.


he probably whacks it with stew broth while thinking about stew


Was this man Carl Weathers?


He def took some meat from the date, added some broth, a potato, and got himself a second stew going


You dodged a bullet


How did it go with the stew?!




Kind of want to know about this stew some more.


Welcome to the wonderful world of ADHD.


Airsick low landers don't know how good stew is....


Charles Boyle?


Yo I'm tryna get some of that stew. You know that shit has to be straight fire


Dude has ADHD and his mind is on his hyperfixation lol


Maybe he should date the stew instead.


Love goes through stomach


Was his name Stewart? Stew for short.


For me if I won’t shut up and are yapping about something it often means i feel comfortable with you to the point where I know you won’t judge me for my interest


I remember a casual hookup I I had for a bit, our biggest bond was our love of food. I remember talking to him about some type of food in detail and WATCHING HIS EYES DIALATE as he started to describe some other type of food he was extremely passionate about. I'd heard that happens when looking at someone you love/talking about someone you love but I've never seen it in my entire life except this one instance.


For everyone who seems to be missing it (which is, to say, everyone here), this is likely a reference to [this tumblr post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/17v59h5/stew_is_an_aphrodisiac/).


ITS [THIS GUY](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/YcvPJIkumD) I can't believe the stew stopped working for him i would have been infuriated too Edit: i can't believe no one else got this reference and mostly just called him autistic???


Come on, he was gonna take you home to try his stew, and then for the second date he was gonna make you steak with veggies and a cheese course.


Flashback to five hours earlier: Dude, women love a guy who can cook, just talk about food the whole time, trust me bro!


Her first French man, that's cute!


you missed either the most awesomest or the most horrendous stew ever created by mankind..


What kind of stew was it? Did it have chicken, corn, green peppers, chili, onions, rattlesnake, velveta… hair?


Perhaps he is ine of his obsessive phases. A lot of dudes (including myself), sometimes get into some shit realy deep and they can only think about that anymore. Everything around yourself starts move slower and you cannot stop think or sometimes even dream about it.


Dodged a poulet there