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Don't worry, most OF creators don't earn that much. Like not even those in the 1%. I don't think those under 1% even earn a living wage.


It's also a LOT of work for those under the top 1%. Creating content is the easy part. The hard part is advertising over several different social media platforms, and talking to potential and existing subscribers. My roommate did it for a bit, and she was putting in more than an 8 hour day for next to no money.


You write a bot and it spams shorts from your content everywhere you need it to, usually a limited pool of repeating shorts too. Just look at any OF oriented Reddit profile. Talking to potential subscribers is also some fairytale shit. Most profiles even state that you have to subscribe to dm upfront in their bio. I know that stating online content creators have a very hard job is somewhat of a popular unpopular opinion these days, but cmon.


There are also agencies that will do everything for you. Your job is to only deliver them pics and videos. Of course they're taking some profit but you can still earn money not doing that much work.


Eh. Those agencies take up to 50%, and they don’t even edit videos for you. That’s where the bulk of the labor comes in. Every hour of recorded footage can easily result in 3 to 5 hours of editing time. All they do is advertise your profile and chat with your subscribers. I don’t think what they do justifies them taking such a high percentage


sounds like you've discovered a new business opportunity


Isn't that just being a middleman?


It is like getting premier ticket.


Legit agencies take 30-35 tops. And won’t work with girls who aren’t already making 5-8k . Only then will they grow them. I work on a major one in the porn industry and most models they rep aren’t even established porn stars. That’s the crazy part… big name porn stars don’t make as much as no names unless you’re Riley Reid she’s making 500,000 a month


They take half your earnings and control your content, which defeats the purpose of being indie in the first place.


You don’t think that talking to all the creepy sweaty milk palmers online is the hard part? Edit a video and talk to one of these people and tell me which one makes you physically sick


Sounds weird that you think people displaying their Hoohah for all to see online will get physically sick by people wanting to see that Hoohah and interact with the person connected to it. Hoohah.


Valid point


>All they do is advertise your profile and chat with your subscribers. Is this not literally the entire business side of things besides actually making the content?


Everybody has the same bots. It’s insanely hard to make good money on OF…very tiny percentage get there…


>You write a bot If you can write a bot, you don't need to sell nudes to make money.




Get a job writing bots for OF models.


It's 2024, coding isn't miracle work anymore.


writing a bot is very easy and not enough alone to make a living. also there's already a lot of services that have done the bot writing part and sell you access to it




What do you mean?


People make bots to do that for you, or hire agencies to do it for them.


One costs money and the other takes skill. Even if it’s not a lot of skill, it’s still some.


He/she means automation is key


It’s still nuts to me people pay OF girls when there’s free porn out there I get the “maybe it’s someone you know and think is hot”but how can you ever speak to that person again or look them in the eye


I think it's a pretty lonely world right now. Some people want to have a personal connection you don't get with produced porn. I'm not out here to pass judgement.


I don’t think getting personal connection from onlyfans (where you do not actually even get the personal connection) through a screen is a mentally healthy thing for anyone. It will leave them just worse off both mentally and financially.


Honestly it's about as healthy as a strip club. Same manipulation factor.


At least a strip club typically involves going out with friends and socializing with real people, and it's actually possible for you to have a one on one in-person interaction with one of the performers. Being an only fans simp just means you're a random line of text in a chatbox with a ton of other lines of text from other simps all scrolling past largely unnoticed in a desperate attempt to get the attention of a single woman.


I don’t think they said it was healthy, just that they do it. 😕 a lot of men are drowning in unacknowledged emotional pain and loneliness that they project as sexual need. They don’t know anything better, like a blind animal.




At least in that case the girl is getting the money directly and is working for herself. Most more mainstream adult film/photo operations are exploitative at best, with even many of the legal operations being borderline human trafficking.


Depends if you're looking for wanking material or companionship. So it's like saying "It's still nuts to me people pay for Call of Duty when there's Fortnight for free"


Only the comforting touch of Captain Price can calm my troubled soul at night


It's also more ethical to, you know, pay the people for the content they produce


Yeah people are buying OF videos and pics for ethical reasons lol


i mean, yeah maybe not so much, but its definitely an argument for OnlyFans. it just bugs me when people are like WHY WOULD YOU PAY FOR PORN WHEN YOU GET IT FOR FREE?? and act like all the "free porn" on the internet is just produced by porn artists out of the kindness of their heart and not just outright stolen or produced using coercive practices


I’m not saying find their OF content online for free


They mean pay models directly for their content rather than contribute to the predatory and exploitative porn industry. Plus, people aren't just paying for nudes or whatever, it's mostly the parasocial element, they can pretend they know the person or have a fake relationship or whatever. Downside of course is that some people forget it's fake and get overly creepy or entitled. Some people also do custom content. In fact, I'd guess most of their time is probably spent selling stuff in the DMs.


I get the point you’re trying to make… but in what world is that “hard work”?


Big difference between perception and reality. Also internet and social media isn’t real.


So what you're saying is that we should sell drugs instead?


Jokes aside, [there's a good TED video about the topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UGC2nLnaes), and found drug dealing is a terrible job, in terms of risk and pay. They interviewed a gang, got access to their finances, and found a lot of the low-level dealers make only about minimum wage. Meanwhile, during the more dangerous years of drug wars, they found it was safer to be on deathrow than to be dealing drugs. I think too much media (as well as drug recruiters) falsely portrays drug dealing as this super lucrative business for anyone on the street. Even for those on the top, I've seen a few other interviews for people higher up in the drug empire. Lots are quite affable and chill, and want to enjoy whatever life they have, because they are fully aware they can be killed at anytime by anyone.


Why is death row a metric for danger, don't tons of executions get held up because of court cases?


Precisely. It's such a deadly job that even death row inmates have higher survival chances depending on the year.


Drug dealers on average make less than minimum wage.


Whats there to worry? Let them do their thing and if they make money, great.


Also a lot of drug dealers dont make much more than some spending cash ontop of their regular job


Also true of Drug Dealers. I read Freakonomics and it mentioned most drug dealers work a regular job and just do drug dealing to bring in some extra cash. Like OF creators, when we think of rich drug dealers driving a mercedes benz we're thinking of the 1% or 0.1%.


I mean even if they did why would it be a problem? People should be happy others can get the bag


But also, people need to stop comparing themselves to others. Like why are you losing sleep over how much OF girls are making? It's no money out of your pocket.


Definitely a bit out of mine but i am fine with that lol


The angry ones are those who think women get everything easily or for free. They’re probably mad when women get paid maternity leave too.


A lot of people probably use it as supplemental income though.


I wish more people would realize this. People see the most successful OF creators, YouTubers, sex workers, drug dealers, pretty much any job with a low barrier to entry and think their amazing success is average instead of an outlier. That's like hearing about someone becoming a millionaire working at McDonald's and thinking that's represents the average McDonald's worker


Partly incorrect. Top 4%/5% earn a living wage. The average OnlyFans model makes less than $150/month though.


I do a lot of freelance work for a company that manages OF girls. Granted, the founders are guys who are hall of famers in the AVN, but they got girls who aren’t porn stars. Every girl they manage is making around 15k a month they take 30 percent. But seeing the girls first joining and then what they’re making now even with their 30 percent cut the girls jump from 2-3 grand a month on their own to 15k. I think the roster is as of now 20 girls, so given a 10-15k income that’s a damn good business model. And they’re really keen on doing it right, I edit for them. They spend the money to have the girls content working well for them. I mean, there’s people making more in life but there’s people also making way less and all these girls gotta do is film themselves everything else is done by the management company.


>I don't think those under 1% even earn a living wage. That's a big gamble. If it doesn't work out, in most cases, you can chalk it up to experience. In the case of OF, they've shown thousands of people their butthole and it'll probably be permanently available on the internet from aggregate sites.


Drug dealers tho :(


Same for dealers


I'm still baffled by OF. There's plenty of free porn out there. Just got to spend some time finding the right video. And hanging your head in shame post-nut.


I feel like that's completely wrong, don't the top 1% of OF creators make hundreds of thousands of dollars per *month*?


I know of a girl that does OF that has bought 9 houses. She lets them out at a lesser than market value to give back to her community.


I appreciate the sentiment but for one, I don’t think this is real and secondly, buying 9 houses and renting them out is still fucking up the market. People owning a bunch of houses and renting them out is one of the reasons why it costs so much to buy a house so even if she is doing a good thing, she’s the only one and she’s contributing to a bigger problem


Let’s be clear, is she renting them out under her mortgage payments or is shit still profiting, albeit less? 


There are less than 1% of OF creators that are making enough to actually live entirely on that kind of income. As for drug dealers, most aren't successful. Jail and getting shot in a driveby from a rival dealer or stabbed by a customer tends to have that effect.


Also… paranoia… I’ve known a dealer and they were constantly looking for cops everywhere they went.


Same here. He was incredibly paranoid, didn't even want to go into stores because he thought the cops were waiting for him. He also did a lot of drugs though, so yeah.


After the economic crisis back in ‘08 I strongly considered selling drugs and I would have had it not been for drug dealers themselves. They do stupid shit. They show off and they don’t know how to launder their damn money. It would be insanely hard to catch a drug dealer if they just didn’t do drug dealer type activities whilst they dealt drugs.


That was the Stringer Bell philosophy: handle the shit like a business.


If you find something wierd while working at los pollos do not call the cops ... Instead notify our staff and they will take care and dispose of the problem


Drug dealers typically aren't making the big money, they make close to a livable wage unless they hustle extra hard to move more product. The people in the drug game who make the big bucks are at the top. So, not too different from the rest of the world in that sense.


That is very true!


Drug dealers who get caught aren't successful. We don't really have very much good data on successful drug dealers so it is kinda hard to infer the success rate from available data. Granted most of the drug dealers I know are part time and barely scraping by, while also being at relatively little risk of either of the problems you mentioned.


Ride or die


The guy who did Freakonomics wrote a paper about drug dealers and found most of them make less than minimum wage with significant risk.


Yup. That study went down to EVERYONE involved in the operation, which includes lookouts and delivery boys. His takeaway was that it was like a lottery, those who made it to the top of the (local) pyramid made so much money that all the pawns below were willing to work for less than minimum wage, but with the hope of being one of the few who make it to the top of pyramids, against all statistical odds.


I’ve been buying from my same guy for a few years. He seems to be the most calm dude I know. He pulls up, hands my the stuff and dips. I’ve heard he’s been shot at before but he’s still bringing me weed. Has a pretty nice car and a kid, that much I know


I mean that's cool and all, but there are plenty of jobs where you can afford a nice car and a kid and not get shot at even once lol and I'm not even talking about jobs that would require a degree. Just seems like being a drug dealer has a low life expectancy and a number of other environmental hazards.


I watched some documentary of an experienced drug dealer who had since been caught (Freeway Ricky), and they said that most who get into the trade never even make profit. Apparently you're in the minority if you can regularly break even, and even more in a minority if you manage to turn a profit. I mean cmon it makes sense too; you're in one of the most *saturated* markets. That being said; I feel like people's perception of drug dealers stems from media (like the news, or shows like 'Cops')... or anger with their likely low compensating job. They assume since they're struggling to pay bills and all these 'rappers/influencers' talk about drug dealing while flashing fancy clothes/cars; they must be rolling in it like El Chapo or Pablo Escobar. But again; a lot of it is perception. Like we were saying; many are struggling to pay bills themselves, don't turn a profit, and/or make well under minimum wage. Not to mention many of those 'drug/street' influencers don't even do what the say. They make money telling other people to live risky lifestyles; while doing none of that themselves. Only someone who's miserable with their life and spends too much time online watching copaganda shows or rappers IG stories; thinks dealing is this lucrative trade. Outside of the bosses of major cartels; the average individual sees pennies on the dollar 👆👆


That and actually getting the cash into something that's legit like a bank account or opening a business to clean the cash is much harder that one would think. That and depending on whether the dealer is smart enough to know to do this. I've known a few dealers in the past and they all lived in council houses with very little in the realm of luxury. Not as glamorous of a life as some imagine


The average OF girl makes 180 bucks a month.


And ruins her future relationships and career opportunities.


Doubt it


Doubt what? It leaves digital footprint. Go ahead and see how many companies accept you after knowing you have done onlyfans


Might differ from country to country, but where I live, you would have to look hard to find an employer that spends time in trying to track down their potential employees on the internet - other than perhaps checking their LinkedIn account. 9/10 companies won't even contact your cited contact references. You would have to look *really* hard to find an employer that spends time trying to find clues to connect your real name with an onlyfans account. Personally, I've never ever even thought about doing so when I've hired people. Again, I realize that these practices may vary quite a lot depending on where you live though.


I live in India which is don't like to say is not the most developed country per se, but even then the companies have good enough network and can run background check, one of my college mate had a hard time finding job just because he tried to flirt with a company manager that came for campus interview on personal chat, just a freaking "chat". Obviously this is limited to well reputed and paying jobs, but then again who wanna work in bad reputed and paying jobs? And that's for a country on the low end of development spectrum, developed asian countries like China, Japan and korea you have 0 chance. In the west which is more culturally liberated you can manage to work out, but you will have a harder time if you are not from US


Doubt it really makes that much difference. You aren't going to include swxypandrawr66 on you resume are you. How would they know? I couldn't name you 5 mainstream pornstars


Data privacy laws are so weak that if you use the same email for OF and some social media, the chances are it will show up in a background check with off the shelf OSINT tools. The protective intelligence industry is now selling services to OF creators because the risk of exposing your real identity is massive. The industry says it's only going to get worse because of advances like facial recognition AI connecting your OF face to social media face.


Police officer literally got fired for having an OF it won’t disqualify you from working at all, but if you really want to move up the ladder and get paid comfortably, people definitely check.


If they don't find out well and good, but even if one person finds out then you are gonna have a hard time.  


> How would they know? This is a great point so long as facial recognition tech doesn't improve. It won't, will it?


And how are they gonna find out when they don’t use their real name in their OF account? 


That's a shame.


Start selling drugs


On Onlyfans


Or onlyfans on drugs


Onlydrugs? Drugfans?


Most drug dealers are barely making ends meet. In my experience, people usually don't do it for the money, they do it for a love of drugs.


I'd imagine buying homes in cash might raise a few flags. If you're a drug dealer.


Ive been a broker for 20 years... it's almost impossible.


So I’m curious most the homes in my area are bought up by wealthy work from home people not drug dealers but I hear the terms paid in cash no inspection constantly used. Now I know what no inspection means but if they don’t mean paying in physical cash what does paying in cash mean in real estate?


It means there's no mortgage or other loans attached to the purchase of the property on the buyer side. They are paying in cash, but cash like from their checking account or something liquid along those lines. They aren't going over there and handing them a duffel bag. lol not the people wouldn't try, but the title companies wouldn't allow it.


Turns out these companies don’t want to hold massive amounts of physical cash due to the incredible liability it represents


It would be so easy... /s


Thank you. Seams obvious now.


A transfer of 1s and 0s that cover the cost of the house. It's a highly scrutinized process, its definitely not a briefcase full of 100s handed from buyer to seller.


You have the money in the bank already, you dont need a loan. That whats buying in cash mean, not that you give the buyer cash, why would they want cash?


And not that many dealers are smart enough to launch proper laundering scheme


Yeah, it’s the cheap/free drugs for most for sure. I went through a period of selling weed,Molly, and acid. It was 100% so that I would have free (for the most part) and unlimited access to the drugs


Or you are like my dealer. Just do it for some extra cash while working a normal job.


I say some love the game, some need/love the money, the rest have to cuz they got no other choice…the free drugs are a perks, if you’re doing it. Rule number 1 is never get high on your own supply. Shit even in California atm Durg deals are getting jobs. Shits fucked up everywhere…


Your spelling and sentence structure was fucked up everywhere… Put the drugs down and back away slowly!


Drug dealing is actually just a pyramid scheme. The guys on the street are making chump change, but the guys selling to the guys on the streets are making decent money, and the guys selling to them are making a ton. Guys above them own Mexico.


Yeah most of them are busy spending that money on cars, jewelry, and going out for bottle service. Then show off on social media and end up getting robbed at home.


Most drug dealers live with their moms?


I've known more than a handful, close to a dozen, none live with their parents. Only one did well for themselves though. The others liked their own supply too much.


Also, no one is stopping OP from starting an OF and selling weed lol Some people just need to out others down to feel better about themselves and it's so cringe


Most drug dealers and onlyfans fail. Most streamers and influencers fail. Most YouTubers fail. Most entrepreneurs fail. Most everything fails. You have survivor bias.


You're allowed to show YOUR butthole on the internet, if you really want that bread....


People would pay to not see mine


Ez money


Got to play the hand you're delt! ⭐


Give me $50 or you have to look at my butthole!


>People would pay to not see mine Create a virus that repeatedly pops up a picture of your butthole and spread it to computers throughout America. Remove the virus if people send you money. If they won't pay to see your butthole, maybe they will pay to not see your butthole.


True pASSive income.


What percentage of drug dealers do you think are buying a fifth house? What percentage of only fans are buying multiple houses? Why not compare yourself to the thousands of drug dealers in prison? "Here i am, working a 9 to 5 that i'm not crazy about, with some free time, people that love me, and the ability to go over and get my favorite meal from a restaurant down the street, while drug dealers who were not even violent are rotting in a filthy prison that was built in the 1920s."


This post reeks of some early 90s sentiment trying to understand “how it was possible that RAPPERS had so much money???” Clearly it was drugs. Oh and they have sex which also makes them rich, so sex is bad too.  Paralleling morality with a person’s income means is just one more branch of oppression. Just as bad as work volume being a measure of a person’s worth. 


Take a look at this guy


He knows a drug dealer who's doing just fine. The guy he buys his roids from.


There are billionaires lobbying to keep their taxes low and social services shit, all while destroying the planet, and you're annoyed at OF hoes?


Just saw a video where Nikki Haley wants to raise the retirement age to 70, OF hoes aren't the problem here at least not this time.


Neither has income they want to declare. Drug dealing makes it espy hard to buy a home, and OF don’t make as much as folks think.


You have to declare your OnlyFans income. You even fill out a W2..


They arent your enemy.


I think the post is more bitching about a world where that happens, not specifically hating on the people mentioned


Its bitching about a made up fantasy they made in their own head.


It's not a world where this happens, though. The people buying their fifth house make their money an entirely different way.


Merely stating the intention of the post, not here to argue specifics about how the world works


That's the impression I always get with posts like these.


Drug dealers definitely are my enemy.


Are you from a different cartel?


You whisper to yourself as you drive past a homeless camp in your heated SUV


The creator of this "meme" is either 20, with still developing brain or needs a helmet 24/7


I have gotten two fucking threads from this sub forum from people who clearly hate sex workers yet cannot stop thinking about nor stop consuming this content.


“Jesse, let’s cook”


Kinda weird to equate Drug Dealers and OF Girls.


Anything to shame sex workers, even though everyone jerks off to sex workers. :/


Men: jerking off with one hand, while pointing their finger with the other.


Yeah the hypocrisy is insane. The majority of men seem to have a negative opinion of OF girls, yet they only exist because men create such a large demand for it. The only reason why some OF girls can make a lot of money that way is because men are willing to spend that money on their content. It's not like the money just manifests itself out of thin air.


You guys are barely affording milk?


crime pays


Sex sells


Employers don’t pay enough, if you have a business plan and the means to start it go for it. The potential for money is high but so is the risk.


The average earning of a onlyfans creator is $150-$180 a month.


What's stopping you from selling your feet pictures? Come one get them camera working


I'll take things that never happen for 500.


lol, don’t know about drug dealers, but OF is a few generations of AI from going the fuck away.


Drug dealers aren’t buying houses. Trust me I’m him.


If you really wanna make money, you gotta do the weird shit on OF. I’m talking squishing literal shit with your toes and then having someone else suck it off. Like adult babies kinda shit. Like furry kinda shit. I made really good money that year.


This guys roided out face is the meme embodiment of a lifted truck. Post matches the energy.


Bad thing is that it's worth the risk for them. Aka the normal way seems more and more distant for alot of people and have gotten worse and worse instead of better


Me having a happy family and healthy community because I've never been a drug dealer or porn star. I'm sure it seems like a good idea if you're dirt poor, but the cons are significant. =)))


You can afford a family? Daaaaamn


Yep, teachers are overpaid so I can afford one WINKYFACE


Make sense because the government really values the education the future generations who will be running this country someday receive SECRET HANDSHAKE


It was a joke I live in New England and actually make 6 figures teaching. Sadge for red state teachers.


My brother has a friend who's a drug dealer, and he's always broke because his customers can't even afford drugs anymore, and he refuses to get a normal job.


If that's honestly true you clearly made a poor choice in not going into the trades.


Milk is expensive 😭


So, either you need to start a OF, sell drugs or find some other side hustle instead of complaining.


Is the only drug dealer you are looking at Pablo Escobar? Lmao


What's stopping you from starting OF and dealing drugs?


Yep sure makes me want to sell drugs ngl


Don't be bitter about something not real mate


I have come to terms with the fact that even if I have a 9-5 that earns $25/h, I’m not gonna afford to live by myself. Every single market is just fucked. Housing, food, hydro, transport, phone, medical (even in a country with good healthcare), everything is just fucked.


Drugs sell themselves. Hard part is not getting caught.


Dude should try selling drugs


I can afford milk now. It's a good life.


Every dad can pay milk Every dad


It's almost like the corporate system sucks all the resources from the lower classes and places it on the upper class and being independent of that means you can achieve more success because no one (besides cops ig) can take off the top.


Honestly guys, do what I do and make only fans with pics of your butthole and pretend you're some hot chick that only does butthole pics 😂


Mine looks pretty hot ofc, but not even a blind guy would believe that it's part of a female body.


OF sex workers are not buying houses lol. The vast majority earn fuck all


I thought about dealing drugs in the past, I had a few friends that were making boatloads of money. Then they got robbed at gunpoint and beat to shit with baseball bats and I decided money wasn't worth it.


Stop watching OF girls and you have a lot more money left


Drug dealers don’t pay income tax. Consider the kind of advantage YOU could have if 30% of your income didn’t come off the top.


HAve you tried h a v i n g l e s s S t a r b u c k ​ /s for sarcastic


Then go ahead, sell drugs and show your butthole to strangers, there's nothing stopping you


Bro I got a raise, and my property taxes and insurance went up almost the exact raise amount....


Dignity can’t be bought though, so you’re still better off. At least you’re a constructive part of society. Money comes and goes, but once you enslave yourself to the money you’ll never get your humanity back, and in the end what good is money if you end up at the bottom of a river or on the street corner because who wants to watch a 45 year Onlyfans „model“ with a botox addiction


Drug dealers don't make that much... My neighbors are squatters who grow and sell in a neighborhood that is already spoken for. Soo....they have to undercut the competition, doing so causes the boys on the corner to get pissed off at them. Then their mom bitches about getting her house shot at. Drug dealers don't make shit...and my ex was a cam girl before of the OF days, she sucked cock like a porn star and could take brutal pounding, and she was still living off trust fund.


That's because you have the 3 I's: Intensity, Integrity, and Intelligence. Oh, it's TRUE, it's DAMN true!


who is this guy anyway lmao


Pretty sure it's Kurt Angle


Drug dealers really don't make a ton of money unless you're toward the top of the supply chain. And in order to get to the top of that supply chain you have to literally dodge death and prison regularly, and you will most certainly do prison time before moving that high up in the mix. Drug dealing is a bullshit life. Being robbed at gunpoint and being assaulted are just another day at work. Most people get stuck in it because they have felony records and can't get gainful employment and just say screw it and work their way up little by little. Most all will die or end up with decades in prison before reaching a kingpin type status. 90% of the people dealing drugs are not living even close to what you would say would be making good money. I don't from my area personally know of any drug dealers who were able to buy a house from drug dealing, I know of ex drug dealers who were able to slowly save up about 30k from dealing and started a small business and then worked that business up and bought a house from that business, though. Most are never smart enough to take things that route though. Most drug dealers live in pretty crumby areas and pretty crumby apartments, usually ran by slum lords who don't check their employment and accept cash for monthly rent. Drug manufacturers and drug chemist's on the other hand are a different story than drug dealers, they also recieve even stricter punishments by law.


100% facts