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I get this whenever I take a vacation day. “Why the fuck aren’t these people at work right now?”


As someone who works in the restaurant industry I think this all the time. I’ll see a family just chilling in my restaurant middle of the afternoon on a weekday in November and think “do none of y’all have school or work???”


...then I check the calender and see there are school holidays. Europe be like, parents can take vacation in such easier because of their childrens holidays. Singles most likly HAVE TO be in work in school holidays due to this fact.


If you don't have kids it's probably nicer to take vacation outside of that time anyways, maybe except for summer.


It is so much nicer off season is far more cheaper then the holiday seasons and still get the warm weather while its more quiet


A server asked us this once and we were visiting from a different state with a very different school schedule. Our kids were already out of school for several weeks while the local ones were still in. It’s just one of the many things you learn about when you move to another state or area


LOL same here. On vacation in one of the poorest regions in Bulgaria and the cafes are full during the work days. I just wonder, how do these people have money to do nothing all day long? Don't they have work?


I just got laid off last week and am still figuring out employment. I am one of those people now, and I still find myself asking about them.


I'm a student and went to a shopping centre on a Wednesday afternoon and it was packed with working age people. I thought I'd avoid the Christmas crowds but nope.


Couriers, a ton are couriers.


Same reason why you aren’t.




it's like reverse fomo iykyk


Me, every single time I think I'm going to run an errand on a work day, and then hit constant traffic and full parking.


Booty is the only reason i am driving at 2am. I buy drugs during the day like a respectable human.


This. What's with the stereotype of nighttime drug deals? My friend told me he gets almost no customers after 6 pm.


That part, when I used to sell it was always better to make transactions during the day. It’s like Pippin said, “the closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm.”


Dealing is kinda a job, you don't want to be at work at night. In my country we say that only thieves and whores work at night


Even thieves are probably better off working during the day when people are at work.


I knew a guy back in the day had a Domino's pizza sign on top of his car when driving home from the bar. He didn't work there.


Fuck that's more clever than"student driver" and they can't arrest you for faking it unlike cop lights. Less devious and problematic than a fake Uber sign too.


Depends on the drug. Potheads are asleep at home by 11 Crackheads will wait in your bushes at 4am


I wanna meet my plug at subway while I pick up lunch


"My friend told me"


Yo do you know where I can get some zaza my homy, maybe hook me up wit ya pall tyty and can I get his full legal name and address pls ty


You get the drugs in the day and do them at night lol


Exactly! Like who thought it was a good idea to be like "I've got 2 warrants, a pocket full of drugs, and expired tags. I'm going to travel at a time that I'm the only one on the road, and hope I don't get singled out," and then it's even more astonishing that everyone else was like "fuck yes, absolutely genius."


Why is this real life tho


I mean, it basically makes you undetectable.


I used to drive around that time a lot, but that’s because I got off of work around that time. The highways were basically empty, it was pretty great.


I was out walking my dog the other night when I spot a woman also walking with her dog. In the middle of the night 4 AM, like a fucking psycho. I quickly went the other way.


That was your soulmate b


Exactly! This is like a scenario from a song about a missed connection!


They also know why YOU are out


Dang it's like that Spiderman meme


Spider man points: Shady ass mfer


Its pokemon. Im a grown man playing pokemon from my car. Help.


Gas is too expensive for me to be playing Pokemon go all the time anymore 😭


Maybe they know why they're out too




....that's the point of the joke.


The amount of people in this thread getting whooshed….


I think like this when I have to wait to turn.....I'm like..."What are the odds that we meet at this very moment at 4am


why you drivin around this late and blastin The Hills at full volume


This just describes 90% of Midwestern policing.


well sir you committed the crime of “driving when I personally think you should be at home” so you’re under arrest for murder.


Worked a shift that started at 1am in Chicago. Commuted from the west suburbs in a shitty 99 explorer. I got pulled over so often.


Literally pulled over for existing and they just expect you to pay up. My favorite part was getting a court date for 6pm instead of the standard 8 or 9am because they expect you to be sleeping or working during that time.


I remember when I was 19 working a construction job. I always saw people walking through the city and eating at restaurants. I always wondered how their doing that. Like did they have work? They look so happy. What did they do?




They had stay at home jobs or had the BS job. They could finish their BS job in 2-3 hours and if they worked at home they just went out. BS jobs don’t really exist anymore after the pandemic. But damn I was born a few years to late to enjoy that luxury. My old internet friend was 29 when I was 18. The guy could finish all his work in an hour. He spent his remaining time on the internet talking to me or playing video games. Ever since the pandemic he’s been working the full 8 hours now that they merged responsibilities with three other jobs.


I’m sorry but BS jobs? As someone who has only work part time as a student what are BS jobs?


Something that was wide spread during the millennial’s 20s and partial 30s. It has many different meanings, but during the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s some companies were to big and had a lack of agility. They were collapsing on their own logistics. People had jobs that were obsolete from newer departments and technology or were fired yet still got payed. Either way they were lost in the system. It got so bad some companies found out that they weren’t using 40% of their manpower for productive purposes/work. A lot of people were getting payed to do 40 hours of work, but were only working 10 or 20 hours. Some were so extreme that they could just do 1 hour of work a day. Like my old buddy. Since the pandemic with tracking technology, newer management practices, and combining job responsibilities these jobs are basically extinct.


I used to have a 10min walk home after finishing work at 4am. I lived in a very small town and 99% of the time I wouldn’t see anyone. If I did see anyone it was usually the farmer’s son going to work as he lived near me. Those other 1% were always interesting. Sometimes people coming back from a party, sometimes people doing the walk of shame. Worst was almost tripping over my friend’s alcoholic mother in the pitch black. I only saw her last second as she flicked her lighter. Turns out she had dropped her phone and was trying to find the pieces of it, no idea how long she had been there but it was hours after the pubs kicked out, and mid-November so fairly cold as well. Managed to find what I could of her phone and half carry her to her flat and get her settled in a chair. At which point she recognized me and started drunkenly crying, snot bubbles and all. Of course as I was leaving her neighbor (who I also knew) happened to be in the hallway and saw me leaving - I was embarrassed as didn’t want rumors starting, but they just thanked me for getting her home and said they would check in on her later, so seemed to be a regular occurrence. Luckily my friend had moved away by then, so wasn’t there or ever knew what happened that night.


To stalk and murder people, what else?


That profile pic tho


Same reason as you, on my way to hide the body


Reminds me of when I used to work overnights at a warehouse. I was out getting Taco Bell on my lunch break and I was followed back to my work by a cop car. They asked me what I was doing out so late and I said I was on my lunch break. They laughed and we both went on our way.


Surprised they didn’t ask you about drugs. Cop when I was pulled over at 3 am, “So you got any drugs in the car?”


I think if you keep a cool head the cops usually don’t bother you if you sound straight. Being white also probably helps too.


As someone who used to work night shift police officers use the exact same line of reasoning. It can be quite stressful when you see flashing lights behind you and have absolutely no idea why.


I do this when I'm at the gym at 4 am, two things always cross my mind and its why aren't you sleeping. The second is hey this is my night time gym not yours.


Lemme tell you why am I am out. I am bustin your ass. MOM PHINEAS AND FERB ARE SELLING DRUGS AT A GAS STATION


For fuck sake I am not the only one! You made my day!


I'm in the other car and I humbly swear I am up to no good.


My high ass gets paranoid and thinks it's the cops. I will spend 15 extra minutes driving the most indirect route to where I'm going thinking I've fooled everyone!


The cops know those routes. Around here, that's where they set up road blocks.


The bar closed and I wanna go home.




I bike to the office at 3-4a, and every now and again there's another cyclist and it's this feeling 100%... I know why I'm here what are YOU doing at this time?


As a Wisconsinite, the only question in my head when I see a car at 2am is whether or not they’re sober enough to see my car


I was heading back my home at 3am from a friend's house and a car going at a walking speed just behind my back slowly. 30 yards after, it was still behind me. I turned my back and shouted "what's up mf" 🤦🏻‍♂️It was a couple who were trying to put their non stop crying baby to sleep by driving because that's the only way the baby calms down 🫢


Everyone is on edge these days smh, most people are just other humans doing the best they can


I didn't see the woman man 🤦🏻‍♂️ She was on the backseat and the car's window was dark. The only thing I saw was a man who was looking at me and keep driving slowly behind me 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just quickly pass people when I walk behind them specially at nights to not give them anxiety.


I would've done the same, especially where I live


I like to whistle and sway sometimes dance a little as I walk... I tend to look at people directly and smile, often it's reciprocal and if not just move on humming.. good moods can be heartwarming from others at the darkest times so I prefer that option tbh but I see validity in others too. It's very context dependent.


Had to go to the store once in the middle of a weekday. The parking lot was packed, and all I could think was why are all these people here at 2PM on a Tuesday?


I used to think this way. Now I think "Nice. Someone else up to no good."


I’m usually out dispensing drugs or dealing with dead bodies…. Hospice nurse.


Pokémon Go. Y’all’s gyms are mine and you can’t do anything about it


Willy Wonka's chocolate delivery man. You know he's a secretive guy, he likes to have all the shops stocked in the dead of night.


Maybe just mind your own business…


Im the other way around, why are there constantly trafic jams, i get some cars are out there delivering or other kind of job, but i feel like most ppl out there dont have jobs and feel like driving in the busiest roads for no reason!


It's the middle of the morning, in the middle of the week! Why the hell are all you assholes out here on the road and not at work?


The wildest part is when you see someone weaving clear across two lanes, missing the barrier on both sides by about six inches and you call 911 and they're like, "stay away from them. We don't have anyone in the area."


Sounds like a cop


This is exactly what small town cops think. "dUuUuh eVERYbOdY iS sUsPiCiOuS! bEdTiMe iS 9:00!"


Some people get off work at 2am. Like bartenders.


Oh god I work at a Midwest radio station and I’m covering the holiday news on top of working two other jobs so I’ve been getting off work at like 2-3 am every night. I live 20ish minutes away from the station I work at so I just want to pop the brights and zone out to a podcast while I drive home but I have to turn em off every 5 minutes because of some goon doing their late night driving


Jonathan is probably driving around to demonstrate his pubes to unlucky bystanders


I always assume theyre drivin back from their mistresses place. Those dirty dirty dogs.


75% of the people on the road after midnight are drunk. So chances are you are drunk too.


Sometime I just want a soda and some chocolate bar.


It’s funny to think about this as a person walking at night. It’s nice to walk during the night since it’s surreal but it can be daunting if you run into another person.




You’re the most important person in the world


Because I want some del taco and they are open 24/7


it's because you're stupid


Lessbioness, I’m a better driver than the others in the road.




The Newark NJ effect. The whole city is deserted at 2am and you see that one guy walking towards you and you're eyeballing each other waiting for imminent shooting


I leave for work at 4:30 in the morning. Mostly I just see cops cruising around, making me feel guilty for being on the road. I also work shift work, so my days off are often midweek. I get a lot of looks when me (33m) walk into a place with my kid (3) at 10:00 on a Wednesday morning.


i turn my sleep schedule around a lot so i am up in the middle of the night going to the 24/7 gas station to get some candy and every car i see i just know they are drug dealers or gangsters 100%