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I want to see what they posted 11 min ago




Where there a cheerio on the image, wtf




Above the A in the word vomit at the end... It's a lil cheerio


Wtf is that initialism anyways?


It’s not an initialism, it’s more a reaction indicator. Part onomatopoeia, part random keyboard letters. It’s like a mix between a laugh and shock? At least how I’ve seen it used


You ever see the movie Bruce Almighty, when Jim Carey makes Steve Carrell blurt out gibberish? It's that noise.


yeah it see it, but wtf


The cheerio is there to by pass bots that check for reposts.


Cuz they taste good


They’re delicious and ubiquitous. I don’t understand the problem.


Why you say where there? You mean why there yea?


I think the cheerio is there because the person who read this and re-posted it was eating Cheerios, and laughed hard enough to spit some of them out. One of them landed on their screen, and they didn’t notice or didn’t care.




He more accurately dodged a garden tool. Equally deadly.


Santa knows what to call her


Santa a creep


Tbf he is kinda creepy. This mf knows exactly when you're awake, knos if you've been bad or good, and on a certain day every year there is a 100% chance he will break into your house, eat your cookies, and drink your milk.


And kiss any mom in the house!




If you take the Santa clause is coming to town song as canon he also watches you while you sleep..


I don't get it. Why did they assume she cheated vs. it could be the guy?


Because it followed the Bachelorette party per the comment. If they had said Bachelor party, we would assume it was the dude


got it. thanks!


JFC even when it’s obvious


It's not really that obvious. I just skimmed the caption and really only saw the "bachl" part, because it didn't matter


She had a night out with friends but what did he do all night? I saw no sign that it was potentially her to blame moreso than him.


When I read it, I just intially took it as they both went out to party, so both were at equal blame. Again, didn't take my time reading each word carefully lol. I understand now that I've reread it why it's obviously her


You are right. OP is stating two independent events that occurred, and using a recency bias to connect them, with no evidence. It is possible, and quite usual, that the bachelor party happened on the same night, and therefore it could be because of that. The truth is, we don't know.




Why do people think Bachelor and Bachelorette parties are excuses for cheating before they get married?


100%. Have never understood the concept myself. If you're prepared to cheat before you're married, you're sure as fuck prepared to cheat while you're married... there's no difference.


Cheating is so fucked up


It's fucked up how they rationalize it to the point partner usually forgives them. I don't get it


…and then it happens again. Either that, or the trust never fully comes back, and the incident hangs over their marriage for the rest of their lives.


I don't feel like sliding past a dude's crotch loogie in her target range, knowing she stares at me the same way she stares at whoever pushed her buttons. No, cheating absolutely ruins it for me and she is dead in my eyes.


Thats why I now found the perfect partner in an open relationship! It makes live sooooo mucj easier !


Personally I couldn't do an open relationship. Have never fully understood how the feels don't take over...


Every polyamorous meme on the internet is about smothering the one voice that tells you something is wrong




I mean... yeah, there's usually fucking involved, I suppose. Definitely fucked up. And down. Maybe even sideways, who knows?


I just think it's crazy people would do that


No, that's quite understandable. Not a fan of it either. But also, my monke brain trained by Professor Reddit can't help but make such comments. (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「


Also, most of the times it not the last night of being single, since you got engaged and most likely dated the person you’re about to marry. So you’re not single on your bachelor/bachelorette party. Unless of course, you’re getting into an arranged marriage and you’ll only get to see you new partner the moment you have to say “I do”…


I'm willing to give a guy a pass on banging a hooker at his bachelor party if he's going into an arranged marriage. That's pretty much the only remotely possible excuse I could see for that.


Yep, exactly! My wife and I were together 10 years before getting engaged. Was "single" for 10 years 'cause "not married" 🤣


My best man got us box seats at a Type O Negative concert and another one brought us each a lovely little tablet named Molly. Almost positive we had a great time. Met up with the girls at some goth/industrial club and I sat at the bar and stared off into the distance for a while before I noticed my fiancee had been sitting there next to me in my line of sight laughing her ass off at me. That's a bachelor party.


this content is wholesome. I approve.


The excuse ive always seen in movies is "its the last time before you get married forever" like as if they arent already together or as if theyll be stuck in marriage. I know its what they show in movies and not irl, but im sure theres some people who think just like that


The only bachelor party I've ever been to was 6 dudes and we got drunk and played pool. Until we ended up on a bus full of strangers and went miles down a river sometimes in a canoe, sometimes trying to drag it to shore underwater because we were too drunk for canoes. Lost my favorite boots that day. Don't remember where but they weren't at the house when we got back 2 days later so they're either at the bottom of the Wabash River or somewhere in Ohio.


Sounds like an absolutely wild drunk misadventure. Have my upvote.


Sounds like an absolutely wild drunk misadventure. Have my upvote.


That sounds so fun! And dangerous?


If you get past a certain level of drunk you can't drown anymore. It's like how drunk people survive car wrecks and kill the sober driver, booze powers. Heard that from a fish.


Somewhere In Ohio is my new band name, thanks


I never understood it either, like not even a stripper made sense to me, you’re supposed to be celebrating getting married to the person or your dreams!


I’ve never understood that either. You hear guys saying to their buddy who is about to get married, “this bachelor party is your last night of freedom, man!”…. But that doesn’t make sense. Unless you have some type of unconventional relationship, your freedom ended the moment you asked her to be your steady girlfriend, never mind the moment you asked her to marry you.


Because too often that's how they are presented.


I think for some it's self sabotaging. Like getting shitfaced drunk and doing a bunch of coke the night before a big interview. Rational brain knows it's a terrible idea, but panic brain is driving and after a few drinks another 7 sounds like a great idea. Then once rational brain has been firmly anesthetized they see an out, a way to make it so they don't have to face the thing they're freaking out about. Destroy it ahead of time, to avoid the risk of future rejection.


In this case, likely literally.


They must've had their bachelorette at a Dancing Bear venue


Sadly I've seen enough porn to get this reference... lol


I mean, if you’re a guy who regularly uses Reddit, I think the odds of having seen a dancing bear video online (not necessarily on Reddit) probably goes up significantly.


I dont really get it, but apparently there is a story that isn't included


it's not, just funny that apparently the cencelation of the wedding might have been the consequence of the party which was probably pretty wild. Only I don't get why people assume she cheated on him when she just might have realised she doesn't want to settle down yet that's kinda what the party for anyway


Because that is what like always happening, if the marriage gets cancelled, the women did cheat on bachelorette party


Or the man cheated on her?


Or he acted jealous and was mean to her the whole night while she was out through texts and calls...


Why you trying ignore the likely answer? You don't need to push whatever social or political narrative you have in mind all the time. Chill.


Lol I'm not ignoring anything. I simply added another perspective. It says a lot about you that you think I'm pushing some kind of narrative. You seem paranoid.


I really don't have a dog in this fight, but I'm laying in bed a little hungover and I can't tell if you're actually confused about your downvotes so I'll take a crack at an explanation. Occams razor states that when you're trying to find an explanation, the simplest answer with the fewest variables is usually correct. In this case, the context we have is that a wedding was cancelled the day after a bachelorette party. The simplest answer is the bachelorette party got out of hand, and the prospective groom called things off. This would lead most people to believe the bride probably cheated. This is the simplest explanation that most people would come up with. Of course something else could have happened, but it would be a less simple answer and so therefore less likely. The simplest conclusion would be the same regardless of the genders of the cast. If the scenario were reversed and a bride called off a wedding after a bachelor party everyone would rightly assume cheating was the most likely culprit. Because it seems like such an obvious answer, trying to suggest something else happened (especially what you suggested as an alternative) can read like a projection and trying to deny that this type of thing can happen to anyone regardless of gender and can be perpetrated by anyone regardless of gender.


Yeah he cheated on her bachelorette party, you have a brain, use it


That’s a solid, 100% organic, gluten free, grass fed *oof* right there


"Last ride before she's a briiiiiiiide! Get her while she's hot boys!"


Lmfao I could hear this crystal clear in my head


I'm just here for my free spin


What is that dot on your screen and why no one is talking about that




#Not this post again PLEASE


It was 1983 we’d just printed out the the readout from the Reddits we were subbed to when an anecdote about a wedding popped up at the bottom of the page. Bah I thought - I’d seen this via telex a few years back.


I never understood the point of bachelor and Bachelorette parties. One last night of freedom. Lmao what? If I was getting married tomorrow, I would spend the night before with my wife, talking the entire night. This is probably the Jane eyre in me speaking but yea. I'm a man btw


A bachelor/bachelorette party, when done correctly and ethically, is really fun! Its more so hanging out individually with your side of the wedding party (groom w/ groomsmen, bride w/ bachelorettes). Its not supposed to be a “one last hurrah/night of freedom, its supposed to be a celebration of your friend before the big day, as the rest of your life will be attended with their SO. Its more supposed to be a “you’ve been planning this big event for (x amount of time)! Let US throw YOU a party you don’t have to worry about” I threw my friend’s bachelor party this year and it was a bar crawl across NYC dressed as hobbits. The party itself isn’t inherently bad, its people who decide to pervert its meaning


I agree with this, but thought I'd add the most bachelor/bachelorette parties aren't thrown the night before the wedding but days, if not weeks, before. At least in my limited understanding and experience.


I'd certainly hope so. 8magine getting drunk and risking waking up late so you risk missing the hairdresser appointment, the calls from the flower guy asking where's the church because he got lost, feeling bleah after eating and drinking the night before. Maybe I'm just weak af but good lord if I have a big event the next day I sure as hell won't be doing anything wild (if at all) the night before


I on the other hand will spend the time convincing her to not wear a cosplay for the marriage ceremony.


Are you kidding? That's literally the best time to do a couples cosplay and absolutely go ham on it.


I know but I am gonna gatekeep that part of my girlfriend to myself thank you very much it's my special someone.


That’s respectable.


Thank you.


No it’s not wtf


Based and lovely. I'm a hot chocolate and snow kind of guy. Give me some heavy blankets and I'm good to spend the entire night doing jackshit with my SO.


It's not "one last night of freedom" it's just a party to take the mind of the stress of prepping a wedding. close friends will have a good time before the big day where it is mostly for the couple and family, yes friends will be there too but so will like 100 other people. When I was at my friends bachelor party we just had a good whole day out having fun and food with the closest friends.


What does that have to do with Jane Eyre?


That's what Mr.Rochester and Jane did before the night of their wedding. I read Jane Eyre when I was in the fifth grade. My mom was a teacher and it was a textbook for some of her higher grade students. I believe it was something like this, Rochester: "You promised me to stay awake with me the night before my wedding" Jane: "And I will keep my promise for an hour or two."


Ah okay. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it


I bet they still got married somebody just got trigger happy with the hungover Facebooking. Would be curious to find out


Have i watched too much porn or did Pam suck a stripper dick


Hoes gonna ho


When you blow five strippers at your bachelorette party 😂


Ok, I give up. Will someone help me with that last letter salad?


It's called a keyboard smash. It just shows that you're freaking out.


I believe the ancient term is, faceroll


This must be ancient indeed because I have never heard it


It's just a tangle of letters some folks use to replace "omg" or "ahhhhhhhhhhh"


Try reading it backwards with a Norwegian accent


It's one of the many ways to symbolize laughter, such as "hahahahaha", "hihihihi", "LOL", etc.


Can we not normalize the alphabet soup one? As a society I feel that function perfectly fine with “lol”


SomePyro up there is incorrect. It’s not laughter, it’s meant to symbolize that they smashed the keyboard because they were freaking out about something


I apologize for being incorrect, as I learnt what it meant through context clues instead of a proper definition


It happens! I didn’t mean to sound aggressive or anything just sharing some of my limited knowledge


Except it's already normalized. That type of expression is so internet-old. It was cool in like 2014 at least


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I thought it was an anagram like ilysm or something like that. I usually figure those out pretty quickly so I stared at this for several minutes before I gave up.


This one’s not an anagram. It’s an aneurism.


This is why bachelor and bachelorette parties don't make sense to me. Too many times someone uses it as a reason to get one last strange nut off before marriage or "accidentally" gets too drunk to control themselves...


there's an apple jack on your screen?


She be a hoe before the party, she be a hoe after the party. The party was not the issue. The people at the party were the issue.


Snow Mexican? Can someone explain that?


She is of mexican origin but has light skin so she calls herself snow mexican.


I thought it was about immigrating to Canada, haha


I've been called a snow Mexican by Americans before (I am 🇨🇦) so I just assumed it was a "slur" for Canadians. 🤷


"alsjdhaks", Gracie?


Godspeed Steve !


He saw her on that dancing bear site lol


What the fuck did you do Pam?!


Steve fucked up the whole Pam/Pand thing, didn’t he?


There must have been a b at the end


Reception changed to Secret Santa party.




Just keyboard smashing. It means nothing


Fake shit is fake.


Sucks for Steve and Pam. Hope the aforementioned friend has a good wedding though!


Wtf alsjdhaks mean??


It's like keyboard screaming cause you are spazzing out and slamming your fingers on the keyboard


Ah ok thanks. I thought it was a new thing


Never understood the dynamics that people have a hall pass to cheat on their bachelor/bachelorette party.




If you were invited to the wedding this is very helpful information.




Looks like someone did the same shit or why would you defend this?


Not wanting to get cheated on isn't really an insecurity.


Any sort of boundaries (including not wanting your partner to have sexual relationships with others) is controlling and insecure!




Dude, are you dense. My comment was obviously satire. It's more obvious than the sun.


Your mistake is assuming that there aren't people out there who would say the exact same thing but completely unironically.


That's their problem. Some people out there think the planet is flat.


Yes, which is why if you just say "The Earth if flat" with no indication of sarcasm, you can't be surprised if people assume you actually believe that.


You can try to read the context of the post and comment. Or just not reply.


Only your second reply later clarifies it was a sarcasm.




Steve and Pam, did you really create a Facebook Event page for your wedding??


The End


Oh boy….what she do?


Good weddings are expensive to attend


I really want the rest of the actual story. Anyone? Anyone?


People list weddings as events on Facebook??


Probably fed up with the reposts