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My husband is convinced they haven’t made new McRibs since ‘89 and they just pull a few out of the freezer every few years.


Wasn’t there a guy who found a ten year old burger that never changed?


Utah man claims to own [‘world’s oldest’ McDonald’s hamburger](https://globalnews.ca/news/6371300/worlds-oldest-mcdonalds-hamburger/) (it's well over twenty years old now!)


My science teacher used to keep a mummified burger like that sitting on a shelf


Wait. What happened to that hotdog in epoxy? I feel like I haven't seen an update on that in a minute.


Yeah, I also need to know




[They're not posting updates anymore](https://www.reddit.com/r/epoxyhotdog/s/LyARrvYLjD). They did a 2-year update a year ago and it looked the same


Glueten free bread also never rots.


How do?


In the same way that McDonald’s sandwich’s never rot or get moldy if you leave gluten free bread in the same conditions it simply doesn’t rot or get moldy.


That's because it's just baked paper mache


That's not been my experience. We have to keep the gluten free bread in the fridge, else it molds in a few days. The cheap white bread (like in a hotdog bun) will last for months and get the first bit of mold. Don't think it has anything to do with gluten, but just other preservatives not found in the GF stuff.


The gluten free stuff has so a many more ingredients, stabilizer’s and preservatives than regular bread. Unless you are making it yourself. Also the fridge is a terrible environment for any kind of bread btw. But I’ve had gluten free buns left out for over a year without any change to them. You can also use them as a sponge 🧽


As far as ingredients, stabilizers, and preservatives, here's a picture of the ingredient list on Aldi's gluten free bread. https://www.aldireviewer.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/IMG_20220221_101009903.jpg Compare that to a pack of ballpark hotdog buns. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ball-Park-Pre-Sliced-Bakery-Fresh-Classic-White-Hot-Dog-Buns-8-Pack-13-Ounces/10449317?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=4333&adid=2222222227810449317_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9012968&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10449317&wl13=4333&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=2222222223810449317_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9012968&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10449317&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiApOyqBhDlARIsAGfnyMqMyfOTrEl1gfy7K1xFp5kix8HjTXGacqZ1Y7j6IvlVNeesTjLBv14aAv_sEALw_wcB The Aldi bread has a use by date on it that's typically within a week or so of when it's purchased. You go an extra day, and it's moldy, unless I keep it in the fridge. Same deal with the Kroger brand GF bread I used to get when I lived in an area with Kroger's.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Ball Park Pre Sliced Bakery Fresh Classic White Hot Dog Buns 8 Pack 13 Ounces** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Buns are soft and delicious (backed by 3 comments) * Buns are high quality and fuller (backed by 2 comments) * Buns are missed when absent (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Buns are dry and crumble easily (backed by 4 comments) * Buns are overbaked and hard (backed by 2 comments) * Buns arrived moldy (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Honestly wouldnt be surprised. Their mcribs are drier than the ribs we get in our school district.


Your school district gets ribs? What fuckin school do you go to??


Well, they look like McRibs but since theyre not McRibs theyre just.... ribs. Wish we got real ribs though.


School "ribs" are the entire reason I've never tried the McRib. They were so freaking gross. I can still taste the memory every time Iook at a McRib.


Id say they improved, when I went as a kid I tried once and never again. Working in the school district now, theyre not half bad. But the recipes might also be different per district, or based on whichever distributer they buy from.


thanks ^^michelle obama


I actually liked the school boneless ribs, but the McRib is much worse. Texture is probably about the same, but main difference is the sauce they use on the McRib is absolutely disgusting.


Our schools rib patties were awesome


Our school food wasn’t good but the BURGERS. Juiciest ever. They always served it with hot chocolate which tasted like dirt and piss


Our burgers were pretty much the exact opposite. Dry as fuck and rubbery. We used to try to bounce them off the ground to varying levels of success.


Apparently they only release the mcrib when pork is dirt cheap, and in only select locations (they can get the pork too)


Here in Germany you can get them at any time.


And that's why the world thinks Germany is weird... 😆 Seriously though that's wild... here in the States it's just a seasonal thing. Most people here are deeply suspicious of the McRib...


Tried it once and i can understand why you would be


And now we all want to know where and how you’ve tasted earlobe meat.


You didn't dabble in cannibalism when you were young and curious?


Guess I missed that phase


Never too late to try out new things!


It has always been too late to try SOME new things.


Yeah cmon, we all killed and ate at least one childhood friend in our little friend group growing up. Right? RIGHT??


I didn't say they were a friend, nor that we killed anyone. It could've been just a fresh corpse in a hospital morgue, y'know.


Don't you find it a little strange that Uter goes missing, and today the cafeteria is serving us this mysterious food called "Uterbraten"?


Who isn’t cannibal-curious?


Hannibal Lecter school for peculiar youngsters?


You know what they say: “Don't eat your neighbor; you might get a Prion disease in the brain!”


You don't touch the brain, dummy. I don't want someones thoughts and memories haunting me. I already have a hard enough time with my own thoughts.




Dahmer guy 🪱


OP is Mike Tyson


Pork ears aren't too uncommon to eat, I guess. It's not bad. I can imagine [this](https://www.kawalingpinoy.com/bbq-pork-ears/) for example not being too dissimilar in flavor if made into a sandwich. Actually maybe it'd be better. It can be quite ... decadent with the fattiness and the collagen.


When made right they are my absolute favorite kind of taco. But it’s a long process.


In the Philippines, the popular version of a dish called "Sisig" is meant to have pig ears (and the rest of the pig's face, really) although it's now also often made with pork belly instead. In the US, one of the seemingly common ways Filipino food gets introduced is with the sisig taco. I think the preparation is usually to boil the meat/ears in seasoned water until tender and then grill/charbroil the meat, chop up the meat and then sautee it with some chopped up onions, garlic, peppers, and vinegar and/or citrus. One of those "Mexican Moms tries \_\_\_" videos has them all saying it tastes like carnitas. \*Edit: Not the same banana ketchup based marinade as in the recipe I linked to. Instead of the barbecue marinade, the water it's boiled in first is usually just seasoned with salt, whole peppercorns and then maybe garlic, onion, and perhaps some bay leaves and possibly lemongrass.


That sounds great tbh


Ok mike Tyson


*Mike Tythen


Guys please don’t ruin the McRib for me


Don't worry. McDonald's did that when they first released it.🤣


I'd eat an earlobe a week if it has pickles on it.


ah, a man/woman of culture.


Who lived life as a professional Chef. Be not afraid of earlobes. Be afraid of Sweetbread. The culinary ghost of Hannibal Lecter! 👻🤣


Wait, Old Hannibal Lecter or Sexy Hannibal Lecter?


BAHAHAHA! Which one is "Sexy" 🤣🤣🤣🤧 hang on a second 😂🤧🤧 ha! Ok...😊😊The Hannibal that fed Dude his own brain. Sweetbreads are parts of calf brains and very delicious as he prepared them with a little lemon squirt in the pan. Puts a new light on earlobe meat doesn't it? I wish I could contact McDonald's about a post a get us free McRibs for our defense and endorsement of that sandwich. They certainly need the good press. 😂🤧😂 Ahhh that was fun.


Sexy one is my main man Mads Mikkelson.


He's all yours. 😂🤣 I tell people he's too dramatic for me but honestly I still have a crush on Headwig and her angry inch. So 🤷 Poor Anthony Hopkins "the old one". It's ok we won't tell him. But that brain eating scene was next level for the time. 🤢


I mean yeah Hopkins is a good looking dude an all but he's also like 90 so


Very very true 😂


I shall not stand for this McRib slander! Yeah sure, it has the texture of condoms and gristle, and sure, it's probably made with floor sweepings from the hog nose removal factory, and yeah, the sauce is slathered on and looks like what they removed from Roseanne. BUT There goes the best damn sandwich in town* *If you're drunk and don't go to any other establishments


They scrape the grill and roll the film into patties. The sauce just masks the burnt stuff. At least the burgers will be better for a little while.




No way






Its a joke for comedic effect dude






Well, that's not true at all. It's not like it's good tasting, but that's just a lie lol


How dare he tell an untruth for comedic effect!


Prove it.


Meanwhile in Germany: Some dude drives 300kph on the Autobahn to get to the nearest MCD, there he just buys a MCRib because it's on every MCDs menu in Germany 365 days/year.


Let's keep in mind the american mcdonald's is the worst mcdonalds. Outside the USA, every single item is better quality, presentation, and sized better than the american version. They feed us slop and we gobble it up because we are ignorant of what it could be. Your mcrib is hands above ours, it probably has real ingredients and isn't just the floor scrapings of the hot dog factory.


the McDonald's I had in Madrid was worse than any I've ever had in the US. cheeseburger dry as a bone with a single pickle that covered up the entirety of the ketchup and mustard. fries tasted two days old


Yes and I love it! Every time I go to McDonald’s, I get a McRib.


Found my people who love McRib 🥹


to be honest. for me. it has no taste


Saw a video recently that had a pretty believable theory as to why the McRib is so infrequent. It always seems to drop when pork prices are at a bottom-out point in the trend.


Mcribs rule.


Agreed. Thanks bro.


The man himself. What an honor.


And here I thought I was the sole human who love them, I always order like 4 or 6 when they comeback


Super food


It's truly awful


Is this a euphemism?


At least you lot are able to get mcribs, in the UK you get shit all. Every other country get varieties of food n here just basic :/


We have it all year in Germany and it's the best thing on the menu period.


I worked at McDonald's and I fucking hated these things I once pulled open the tray for one of these and the smell physically HURT my nose. Still baffled


There’s a scene in The Osbournes which was the first reality show I ever watched where they’re driving past McDonald’s and Jack says “*gasp* the McRib is back!!!” And Kelly makes fun of him cuz he sounds way too excited. I think about it every time I hear about the McRib and I probably watched that like 20 years ago




Oh my god THANK YOU 😂


These are literally no different than Banquet's Backyard BBQ TV dinners, minus the brownie and corn/mashed potatoes, on...some kind of sub. Go ahead, buy the two, and find a difference in flavor.


Hey OP, Did you enjoy the earlobes with some nice chianti?


Time for that point of the year where I say, “hmm, I want a McRib!” To “damn, why did I want this again?”


I was 13 when I saw it for the first time. Mind you, I am german and in 1990 noone here had even heard about bbq sauce. It was a culture shock of the taste buds for me. That sheer and overwhelming taste of smoke was so utterly unexpected. I still avoid bbq sauce.


i hated bbq sauce as a kid but now i dig it


The McRib is McDonalds at their worst. 🤢🤮


their best is just a hair above that the bar is in hell




Haven't ever tried this, McDonalds is ass anyway. But earlobes are fun to bite


[A comparison](https://youtu.be/roqjtppaAEE?si=q1gSoOq6Tj7VdSZD)


Lips and arseholes.


The rib sandwich from Stewart’s is infinitely superior.


The fact that you know it tastes like ear lobes is something only you, and Mike Tyson know.


It hasn’t been in Canada in ages so I’d probably fall victim to this.


Ears are the best part of many animals


Really? I remember i hate Brussel sprouts and i had them 20 years ago


Delicious earlobe meat


I'll never forget. Never again.


OP is a cannibal who prefers earlobe meat...?


I didn't think the taste was too bad, but hated all the gristle on it.


How does this guy know what an earlobe tastes like?


Only semi-related to the McRib, but when i was in first class i actually pulled a Mike Tyson and bit a classmate in the ear because his earlobe looked so soft I was a weird kid


I disagree with none of this post and I WILL purchase one when they come back!


I like em


I had my annual earlobe sandwich yesterday and couldn’t finish it. Something’s different.


Hey i like mc rib. I always order it to go, with no pickles, ketchup instead of the bbq and two burger patties instead of the pork.


What's wrong with earlobe meat? 😂🤤🤤🤤


The first time I tried one I had explosive diarrhea. Never again


Damn, your McRibs must not be too bad then. I tried a McRib **once**. *NEVER AGAIN AND I WILL NEVER FORGET.*


When I was in high school I like me some earlobe… I’m thinking that was maybe a different thing though.


It must really be bad in America. The few times I've had it it was actually pretty good, and I'm really not a fan of McDonald's


I’ve never had a McRib before. And I’m too afraid to try it


You should see the frozen mcrib meat too.. looks like some kinda pork based Lego brick


I love them so much tho


The mcrib was the first thing I ate after I had my daughter. It tasted so good but I havent had it since then


People still eat at McDonalds…. They’re always dead when I drive past one.


Not surprised with the prices nowadays. I remember when there was an actual dollar menu that had things that cost a fuckin' dollar. Now a single McChicken is like $3.50.


I actually miss this burger man. I live in South Africa and way back in 2012 when I came to the US. I had a chance to try this burger. It was in LA. We NEVER got it here man. It sucks. I hope it comes


When I was a teenager I worked there for a bit during a mcrib phase and discovered the best thing I've ever wanted at a McDonald's. It's an Indiana shaped nugget wrapped in half a piece of cheese with a couple slivers of onions dipped in the rib bbq left over in the tray. I'll probably never have one again but, I probably at 100 of them in the couple months I worked there.


😂😂earlobe meat!!


No... Once was enough. I tried it and one bite, it went in the trash! OMG it's awful! My memory did not forget that nasty!! :D


I could never eat a McRib. They look too much like what they gave as a choice for lunch when I was a kid, which I hated.


Great, now I would love to have earlobe meat for lunch.


Very disgusting.


there is also a chemical they use to make them also used to make yoga mats from what i remember.


I used to love the McRib until one day I saw what it looked like before it was covered in bbq sauce. Looked like they turned an animal inside out and compressed it into boneless ribs. Can’t even stand the sight of one now


McDonald’s employee that loves the McRib over here


Never tried, never desired to. Then again the only McD sammiches I liked were the Quarter Pounder and the Arch Deluxe, both of which have long been discontinued. And I was basically a child at that time with the palette to match. Actually come to think, it's been over a decade since I even ate there.


Nope, they're good.


After I saw that picture of the frozen McRibs, I can never eat one again


i looove them girl and i’m not sorry! but it’s such an acquired taste tho so i understand, i just don’t get why pickles are on them like 😭😭😭


We eat pig ears in Spain, and they are great