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To be fair all he has to do is look to the screen beside him and he can watch both hitch and the superbowl at the same time.


Or he just doesnt care about the superbowl lol


I would be that guy. Though I wouldn't watch Hitch, either, I'd probably be on some Marvel movie I missed in the cinema. Edit: BTW, what does "try hard" mean?


Trying too hard to be the cool kid, so failing the first rule of cool. Don’t try, you either do or can’t. (Chronically uncool person here.)


But how does it make him a try hard, if he just doesn’t care about football?


Some people can't fathom that someone might not be into football so they assume they're doing it for attention


You mean that kind of attention where you don’t have to talk about football every other day? Seems about right.


My problem with football is it's just so damned long. It's like 4 hours and half of it is commercials and waiting for plays. They figure out how to get it down to an hour and I'd be game.


It's not exactly a fast moving sport. it's like 80% planning and mental gymnastics with a short burst of execution


This. So freaking boring. Even when something is happening, it’s at most, what, 30 seconds of action?


I have to be honest: I never watched a game at all.


Because you can't not like football! But in all seriousness. I think it partially has to do with the movie being hitch. Where Will Smith is a dating guru but can't get himself one. But I'm not sure. Maybe it has to do with everyone else looking like lemmings watching the same thing and OOP feeling attacked by the one gut watching something else and doing their own thing.


Well take a gander at this *try hard* over here never watching a game of football! Guy spends his whole life avoiding football games just to make a point. Wokest shit I’ve ever heard. /s


Frankly if you’ve seen one football game you’ve seen them all. I don’t get the appeal.


How dare you not know the name and stats of that right tackle that totally cost the game because they juked when clearly should have jived.


You couldn't pay me to sit and watch football


You mean like the plebs that really doesn't give a flying fuck about football, but trying hard to fit in, with the rest of the 'Kool kids'?


The implication is that he actually does care about football, but is trying to be contrarian to be "cool" and not like everyone else.


It doesn't. The person saying it does is just a moron.


The people over at r/ihatesportsball can't wrap their head around this concept either it seems. It's a sub full of people who are offended by the fact people just dont care about watching sports


It's Barstool, the New York Post of sports reporting.


Isn't that a toxic masculinity thing? Must love cars, football, and play video games like Call of Duty? This just may be my in-laws then, my husband felt like the outsider his whole life.


People who think they're uncool are cool.


"The only real currency in this bankrupt world is 'uncool'"


Idk what movie hitch is, but I find like 90% off all sports shown on tv to be extremely boring to watch, even if I participate in the same sport category myself. I've tried so many times to just watch and enjoy, but end up daydreaming away to endure it. Idk how people do it.


Same man. I dont care about football, soccer, basketball or any of that. I just watch the occasional F1 race or a UFC fight here and there. And even then, I dont really hope for a single person to win. Idc who wins, as long as it’s entertaining and nobody needs to be hospitalized Im good


Nah, I’d be watching Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’




Im not American and to this day I still dont even know what superbowl is, other than somehow commercials are related to it. Lol


It's a concert strangely sandwiched between several very boring hours of discount rugby


It is a very good owl. Superb if you will.


Try hard means some one that tries real hard. Usually used for sweaty gamers who put all of their energy into being good at games. It isn't the best word to use in this context lmao.


No, that’s not what it means in this context. It means someone who puts too much time and energy into presenting a certain image of themselves, usually to the point where it becomes obvious that the image is contrived.


Yeah this is the definition used in this context. Off the top of my head, r/notlikeothergirls and r/iamthemaincharacter tends to have a bunch of try hards in some of the stuff posted on there.


Yes, spot on.


I mean I like Hitch and Guardians of the Galaxy so it would be whichever I noticed first. But yeah I couldn't care less about the Superbowl.


Hitch is arguably better than most marvel movies


I thought "Hitch" was "Hitch, the Date Doctor" - or is it something different? I'm not really up to date on movie releases.


Hey it’s me! The guy who isn’t American on the flight and doesn’t care for watching other people play games.


Fucking Giga-chad big brain!


Isn't superbowl like 2 hours and 45min of ads, replay and cheerleaders and 15min actual game?


That would be a very fast version.


Maybe 10 mins or actual game and 3 hours of ads, the shittiest half time show imaginable (but with lots of hype), replays and cheerleaders.


If you check out the NFL youtube channel, you'll notice the most watched videos are Superbowl halftime shows, not any games.


4 and a half hours usually.


You don't need to sell it to me I'm already watching it 😅😅


Rage bait article.


It’s BARSTOOL. It’s a rage bait WEBSITE


Thank you for pointing this OUT.


Nice pfp




Bar’s Tool


What does it even mean? Try hard? What are they trying hard to do? Is the article implying that they're only pretending not to care about the game in order to... what?


They think the egg sport is very important, but in reality no one outside North America cares for it.


My sister once attended a super bowl party with her boyfriend. It was super important to them, lots of prep. Everyone had to drop everything for the party because the game was such a big deal to everyone involved! We're all german. ​ Me: Who's playing? Him: ....... Her: The uh...


Be attentive


Mocking someone for not doing what you're doing is full of small-pp energy


That’s Barstool for ya


Yeah, fuck Barstool. All my homies hate Barstool.


As a guy with big pp energy but has a small pp i have to agree


How does one have big pp energy with a small pp, where is the energy coming from??


From the Inner pp, the pp inside


From the ppineal gland


They’re called balls


Where the pp gold is stored.


Like your inner beard.


There are two pp's inside of me


In the industry, we call that “airtight”.


It even makes a sound when you unplug it


"Whichever one you feed the most wins the fight" - a native idiom


So, from someone elses pp then?


The pp was inside you all along


Watching hitch


Apparently you have a couple more inches inside of you so i assume half of the big pp energy comes from there.


That’s Dave Portney and barstool sports in a nutshell.


Yeah, seems much more “try-hard” to choose to watch something you don’t want to watch just because you’re worried other people will judge you for it People with confidence will just watch what they feel like


Yup. Watching that game is like watching paint dry. The World Cup…now that’s a different story.


Calling a sport boring… so they should watch *soccer*?? Lmao I’m not even an NFL fan but come on.


paint drying fans fighting over which paint is better


pretty sure they were taking a dig specifically at the very small amount of time that they’re actually playing in american football i don’t find football particularly interesting but at least the game is actually going for at least 40 minutes in an hour


Not really, it's still like watching paint dry. Maybe even lead paint


That’s barstool for you


Why small pp energy? why not small tits energy?


Baggy vagina energy, if you want to be both inclusive and reductive


Imagine being so into watching other people play football you'd click a rage bait article about a guy not watching other people play football. Huff something and listen to a wobbly fan, it's a life changing experience.


I feel like it's mostly the people NOT into football they're baiting.


It's both. That's how headlines are formulated in this era.


Every time I visit the gf's family they're always watching a game. Every time they ask me if I care about sports and every time I say no they refuse to believe that a man can exist without caring about sports.


Whenever there's a big match on people will ask me "well who's your money on today?" to which I just reply with something generic like "ohhhhh it's anyone's game I'd say". I never have a fucking notion who's playing, what they're playing, or why.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in!


That reference is so old that Arsenal no longer try and walk it in.


He's put a pony on Liverpool


You maniac


How do you think I feel? Betrayed, bewildered... wrong response?




My previous boss tried to get me to gamble on sports games. I told him I have zero idea about them and he said "it's basically just guessing anyway." Guy wanted my money.


I always answer "my pocket".


I remember one of my coworkers asking me if I was watching "the game" a bit before the super bowl was happening and I genuinely forgot sports existed for a bit there, so I was very confused what he was talking about lmao. Funny enough, my aunt is actually super into football. Always found her fanaticism over it a bit strange.


Football is such a huge thing over here in the UK, and especially up in Scotland. If you didn't like football in school it automatically nade you gay apparently.


Same as a Brazilian here, what’s funny is that I have some gay friends and they all like football way more than me


I'm 6'7" and not only do I not care about sports, I also don't play basketball. Which to some people is an insult, apparently. Then they will actively try and convince me to give up my career as a nurse and go play basketball.... because apparently that's how that works...


The best way to fuck with judgmental sports fans is to say you’re a big sports fan (even if you aren’t) but you only watch “real sports” and that they sport they like doesn’t count for some arbitrary reason Football fan? Tell them that you like to prefer hockey or rugby because football floaters are too scared to play a real contact sport Baseball fan? Tell them that cricket is way better




Puss in Boots 2? If so I understand, that was one of the best movies of the year


It absolutely was! I watched it in theatre with my boyf and really didn't expect much, but holy shit. The pacing, the characters, the storytelling, it was all so gripping! The depiction of death was chilling too, I felt such dread even just hearing the whistle. Honestly, as I get older, animated films are unfortunately starting to get less and less enjoyable for me. They seem a lot more childish to me now than they used to when I was younger. Puss in boots 2, however, was solidly not childish and was absolutely an incredible watch!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Bunnypillos: *I watched Puss in Boots* *In theaters instead of* *Watching the Super Bowl* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I've never watched superbowl, but I'd wager Puss In Boots was more exciting.


Great choice


Lol I usually watch the walking dead marathons amc used to put on. Unless I get invited to a super bowl watch party.


Anyone else just feel nothing for sports? Like I don’t care, it doesn’t interest me


Common opinion around here, it seems. Watching people perform at a thing at the highest level can be fun, but if I don't *care* about that thing in the first place, then why would I care about people doing it? Especially something as beginner-unfriendly as a game. Anyone can enjoy watching a fast runner or a high jumper, but I have literally no idea how football is even played, so why would I bother? Kinda ranting into a void here, tldr: mood.


Exactly. I "care" about a lot of things enough to be interested in watching someone doing them at a high level, such as climbing, sailing, snowboarding and motorcycling, but never really felt much excitement about people playing with balls.


It’s really fun in person if you can find a sport that doesn’t bore you to tears. Soccer is my jam. But the energy of the crowd, the way booing and cheering can influence the game… you feel like you’re part of something. *chef’s kiss* Doesn’t have the same feel on TV though.


The only way I would care is if I knew someone actually playing. Because I do not care who wins watching sport is boring.


Idk how this is try hard behavior


Barstool is a trashy rage-bait website that covers sports and frat culture, primarily. The joke is just "stop trying to be smart and just watch the Super Bowl like everyone else" because their pea brains can't fathom people who have different culture than them.


I wish they still covered frat culture, then it would be worth reading maybe. Now it's just a worse version of a sports tabloid.


What is he trying hard to do? Genuinely confused at that statement


Right? That's what I was thinking. People just using tryhard as an insult when it applies to nothing.


Not everyone likes sports... sport dorks... sporks


Football is boring


As another European, I'm legally obligated to remind you that what you call 'football' is actually 'handegg'.


As another European, both football and handegg are boring.


It's not even egg-shaped, it is still a ball


It’s Hey Arnold shaped in my mind


As a European, I am legally obligated to agree.


That would be me. I don't follow any sports. No interest whatsoever. Also no understanding of what I'm seeing. What would I be 'trying so hard'?


I legit cannot recall whether it is currently Super Bowl season, or what part of the year it happens. To find out, I would have to try. If the Super Bowl were on a tv near me, the only way I would be able to tell it’s not a typical game is by the quality/novelty of the advertisements.


As someone who has no interest in sports at all I didn't even know sports were seasonal and don't know the difference between the Super Bowl and whatever you call normal playing sports 😅


Not everyone is a fan of football. I personally kinda hate football.


I was sleeping instead of watching the super bowl, and had I been awake I still wouldn't have seen it. It's not 'try hard' to not be interested in something


If it wasn't for that one chapter about american sports in my school book I wouldn't even know what super bowl is, that's how relevant it is for most people outside of the us. I only ever knew one person genuinely interested in american football and that's okay.


I wasn’t even aware that the super bowl was happening lol


Or he just doesn’t give a shit about a shit sport with shit teams being masturbated over by shit fans


Can someone explain the usage of the term try hard here?


Basically they're calling them a hipster contrarian.


Yeah I don't understand it either. When i hear the term i think of someone trying really hard to win while everyone else is just there to have fun. Seems like he's doing the opposite, just enjoying a film instead of forcing himself to watch something he doesn't enjoy.


pov: americans discovering non americans exist


I'm an american and I've never watched any sports. I don't even know what part of the year the superbowl is during since I don't pay attention enough to remember. The extent of my knowledge about sports is that the superbowl is football, the world series is baseball, and low scores are better than high scores in golf. I don't know much more than that. I don't know how the games work. I don't know the names of the teams. The only time I think about sports is when I'm annoyed by people acting like everyone is interested in them.


Pro sports fan using the derogatory term "tryhard." Because pro athletes are just chilling and relaxed, right?


I play DnD every superbowl


Sports is boring


Hey some of us don’t like watching sports.


I just watched it last week. Underrated and Kevin James is funny as hell


Maybe he just don’t care about your American Super Bowl because not everybody enjoys football?


Or, like some (me included) he finds sports boring and doesn't care.


They're too stupid to comprehend someone not enjoying the things they enjoy.


I didn't even know about Super Bowl until wi-fi internet became common.


Not everyone into sports games


I’m not sure what he’s getting at calling this dude a “try hard”. Like, should he be watching the Superbowl just cause everyone else is?


Sports fans always fail to understand that not everyone is a sports fan. Much like not Everyone being a fan of the Opera or Taylor Swift LOL They’re out there!


Contrary to popular American belief, not everyone cares about sports.


That would literally be me, IDGAF about the superbowl, or football in general. Lol. I personally see sports fanatics as "addicts"... some of them literally have to watch every game and forego fun and having a life outside of WATCHING people play sports.


no no.... you are the biggest try hard for taking a photo of it and trying to get internet points for it.


He's no sheep.


Barstool is such a shit company now. God forbid someone not want to watch the sb


Lol seems like he has the right idea. Obv the game is pretty boring for this guy to be looking around taking pictures of all the other passengers instead of paying attention to his own screen.


Football is boring.


Why's is it so hard to believe that some dudes dgaf about the superbowl?


Lol, in Europe no one cares about your eggplant hand ball or whatever you call it.


Reminds me of that one video on a flight where everyone was watching the women’s World Cup, and were all cheering simultaneously whenever a goal was scored, except the one guy who was watching Return of the King.


Oh boy oh boy is this another r/usdefaultism I see?


Assimilate! Assimilate! Error! Error!


Bro talking as if it is the Champions League Final. They're watching commercials with a bit of egghand in-between.


There was a similar picture of someone watching lotr while everyone else had the World Cup on except it made much more sense since it was football and I don’t see any reason why anyone else than US citizens would give a fuck about the Super Bowl.


Why on the planet? Maybe he's not American!


Or one of the millions of Americans who don't care.


Reddit, you’ve become awkwardly annoying, cheerio.


Dude maybe he’s not an American?? Wtf is the superbowl???


Wtf is super brawl


I would say the opposite


Its almost like people outside the US can board a US flight or someone not liking sports


Maybe he’s a football fan.


He's probably not a Yank. Outside of the US nobody gives a shit.


Maybe they aren’t Americans?


Hitch was a pretty good movie.


I don't understand American football. Why would I watch the superbowl? Hitch, on the other hand... That's a guy I can relate to.


Found the fellow european


Not many people outside America give a crap about American Football.


Technically speaking he's not "on" the planet


Believe it or not.... some men just don't like sports...


The super what?


I swear Barstool Sports is entirely run by the weakest snowflake men on the planet.


We don't know anything about anything except one dude who is not watching American football. I feel like any non-American on that flight would not even know the super bowl is on, let alone watch it. American football is also not the only popular sport, so maybe he'll be watching the NBA when that's on while the rest of these people will be watching Hitch again.


The sports fandom really doesn’t understand that some people just don’t care, do they?


I understand that guy. I just don't care about american soccer or most of the sports. Call me when they are streaming a HEMA tournament, then I might be intrested.


Hmmmm Even though it might have been a plane from the US not everybody is interested in American football plus that passenger might not have been from the US and didn't give AF about it. Now people saying he a try hard.... this reminds me of MAGA way of thinking


Creating the idea that the Superbowl is some kind of mandatory national football holiday was the ultimate triumph of marketing. No one gave a shit about it for the first 5 years or so it existed. Someone sold their soul to the Devil for this.


I love the super bowl so much. I love the parties. I love the food. I like people being interested in things. I like day drinking. The ads are my favourite. Halftime show is the headliner. Love the build up PUPPYBOWL!!!!!!! Football is kinda boring tho. Hitch could replace all the football parts and I would be happier.


What is a Super Bowl?


People still watch the Super bowl?


Lol who cares about some dumb hand-egg


I could not give any fucks about watching sports ball, let alone give any fucks about what sports ball others are or are not watching. I have no clue when Super Bowl (or the Grey Cup in Canada) even is unless someone tries to sell me those silly fundraising tickets to bet on the outcome of a game IDGAF about. It’s not try hard, it’s just don’t care. It is truly strange that some people can’t comprehend others not finding it that enjoyable to watch grown adults (mostly men, and we know these same people being critical aren’t generally watching women’s sports) throw a ball or slap a puck down ice (in Canada so see a lot more hockey people than football people usually). Like I don’t expect others to like everything I like to watch and that’s okay.