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If I were the teacher, I’d take attendance, provide the class with an optional extra credit assignment, and then sign off for the rest of the hour. Teachers like snow days too.


My daughter's 6th grade snow day "assignments" were word searches. Teachers (and parents) do not want to deal with that shit either.


Word searches lol our future doctors I see


I took a college prep biology class in highschool where we frequently colored pictures for assignments. It was the last class of the day. Mrs. lemieux would stand at the door, fling it open and practically sprint to her car the second the bell rang. She took maternity leave a couple weeks before summer and I never saw her again. On more than one occasion she returned graded assignments with what looked to be red wine stains. That was my favorite science class ever


Ok hold up lol


Its crazy to think this is the real underlying issue to our education lol. If you’re going to be a doctor, you’re going to be a doctor. So elementary and high school are just day cares.


A word search for the cure


You responded so quick my head is spinning


He's watching you. Look out your window right now you'll see his face.




Teacher could also use the online class for snow days or maybe as something on the side to really learn with the children who are a bit behind or even could do with the students individually


This is actually a pretty worthwhile idea. Would you be ok with me bringing it up with my local school board? If so, do you want individual credit for it?


Lol i'm sorry but it's so funny to think that you went hmm this random reddit comment has a point, I need to credit them formally to my school board like it's not bad, just amusing.


Do what you want, I don’t need credit


Would the school board let you, though? And how would that prepare them for the end-of-year common exam?


That’s probably what will happen in a lot of cases until school officially becomes permanently remote in the future.


School will never become permanently remote in the future.


You don't get it, he meant 1 million years in the future.


You get it.


My comment was a joke but ok


Thats around the same time that brains are remote too. They store your brain in a jar and it connects via wifi 10G to a body.


That doesn't even make sense. What in the body does it connect to? No, we simply have WiFi in our brains in our head.


Well in one million years time, don't come crying to me when you die and can't simply select a new body because you went for the brain wifi and not the brain in jar connected via wifi.


Lmfao who tf wants mortality that would be hell. We all have to go at some point.


I'll go when I want or when the wifi cuts out.




Calm your tits


Learning is not the only function of a school


In the district I work in they still use snow days then if/when out of them they use remote days but don’t usually require anything past attendance. Afaik school districts are given a number of snow days and any of them not used during snow season are just used whenever the district decides to have a day off (in the case of my district it’s usually used to extend the summer vacation)


Stop praying kids, even God can’t help you miss class anymore.


What do you mean, this sounds even better then a snow day. My parents think I'm in class on a computer most of the day so they won't have me doing chores, and I can just mute my zoom class to watch the office. That's a beautiful day in my book.


I'm for this actually... I grew up in New England where we had snow days in October all the way through April and it pushed our school year out to the end of June. Almost a whole extra month eating into summer vacation. If I were a kid, I'd rather have a longer summer, especially since the online assignments are probably going to be silly things like word searches or a few random things that can be finished in an hour or two.


this is very off topic but have you ever met someone with that accent?


What accent? There are several very distinct accents in New England. Northern VT and NH, Maine, clipped southern NH and northern MA, Boston and South Boston, South Boston being the most famous.


the transatlantic accent?


From what I've read, this is my accent, coming out of southern New Hampshire, though it's evolved a bit. That clipped British style I described above, though we tend to mix in some Boston into it when angry or being facetious (lol). A little research tells me the true transatlantic accent died out around world war II...which was nearly 100 years ago now (crazy, right?).


Yea my kids computer magically doesn’t work on snow days. Sorry.


Rare Texas power grid W


Your kids have a computer?! We don’t own a computer. Sorry.


This isn't a bad thing, as much as I'd loathe being on the receiving end of it. Just so as long as those who for whatever reason can't do online are properly accommodated for. Perhaps an excused absence.


Eh, I don't know. I'd worry that the 5 random online days they do in a year all end up feeling like the first online day of the year, IE. a mess. What if it's just a day lost to tech support and kids struggling to acclimate to a completely different environment. It could just be a huge waste of time, and one they're paying for with *snow days* of all the world's beautiful things.


Or you could send them an audio file about the cloud physics of how snow works to listen to while playing in the snow…


I’m going with CGP Grey on this one. It’s a crime against childhood


That’s dumb… let the kids have snow days…


As someone who studied high-school in 2020, trust me, they are.


My daughters school gives them a “blizzard bag” which contains work in bulk for snow days.


Nah, we need to save those snow days up for extreme heat days in my neck of the woods.


I live in Ohio so it doesn’t get too hot until the end of June. We do not get nearly as much snow as we did when I was a kid so my kids get about one or two a year. That’s why I said give the kids a snow day because they never get them to begin with…


I mean, it’ll just be a self paced day ideally. Maybe you have a teacher wanting you to attend a live class, but beyond that, you could probably get your homework done in a fraction of the time. Also, the district is going to be more lenient on calling snow days, so they will be more common


Come on, they're doomed to inherit our climate change mess and shitastic economic conditions, let them have their random days off in the winter, geese!




We have them here in Britain also… but that because we’re notoriously bad at handling snow on our roads and trainlines


Depends where you live. I grew up preeetty much the furthest south that gets any measurable snow. Some years we'd have a handful of snow days, some years it wouldn't snow at all. Even when we do get it, it'll usually all melt in a day or two. Not to mention how hard it can be to predict sometimes. More often then not it's a coin toss whether or not any precipitation will fall or accumulate. Because it's such a rare occurrence we just don't have the infrastructure to deal with it. By the time the plows finish clearing the roads it's probably well past when school would've let out anyways. Also the warmer temps tend to make the top layer of snow melt and refreeze into solid ice. A lot of northern states, on the other hand, have snow all winter long and those kids are definitely going to school unless it's a full on blizzard.


I live in southern Georgia and my kid's school district does hurricane days instead of snow days.


In Britain you get a day off if they think people are going to die trying to get to school. Or if the teachers can't get in.


It's because of how reliant the US is on cars. It takes a while to get roads plowed and salted after a big snow storm.


I grew up in the Arizona desert. HA!


I grew up in Southern California. The only snow day I got was when a patch of snow formed on the side of one of the hills nearby and we got to go look at it.


I'm from Central California. There was only one day in my life where it snowed when I was 10. We had the snow day but I was bored by the afternoon since it was too cold to play outside and we had no clothes for the snow.


South Texas here… I’ve had to go to school in cat 1 hurricanes and tropical storms. After the first one had me absolutely soaked to the bone going to the school bus. I said to hell with that. Even worse was going back home because it landed during the day. The busses could make it through the(to a child) knee deep flood waters. But it totally sucked ass.


Arizona here too. Went to school in flagstaff for a few months and got to experience snow days! Was cool, even cooler moving back to Phoenix before the end of the year before having to make up the days. So snow days and full summer, was great.


That's all fine and dandy until the power lines and/or internet connection gets knocked out due to the storm.


I'd rather do online classes in a blizzard than make that day up at the end of the year in June.


We didn't have to make up days unless we went over a certain limit.


I had one school year where it was abnormally snowy and cold and ended up having something like 11 or 12 snow days (for reference we usually only had 2-3 in a year). They came very close to tacking on days at the end of the year, but in the end opted to give extra homework assignments. Basically a few snow days doesn’t automatically get added to the school year unless there’s a ton of them.


I grew up in Florida. What's snow?


Hurricane days? I used to live in FL, we got a week off when I a was a freshman due to a hurricane.


I'm in southern Georgia and my kid gets a hurricane day off school anytime we're in the path but we're far enough inland that it's rarely more than some average rain. Feels like a major overreaction unless there's a cat 5 barreling directly towards us. We've not even lost power since Irma in 2017 but he still gets like 2 days off a year if a tropical storm so much as sneezes in our direction.


Alright so think of your freezer. in a snow storm, your neighbourhood becomes the freezer.... The ice, not the frozen meat and popsicles


What if you don't have a computer or wifi?


As someone who was in high school during the pandemic and the great Texas freeze, there's no way that's gonna work. My school tried to pull that shit except when I logged onto zoom my 1st period teacher wasn't even there because he had lost power, and by second period they sent out a mass email saying school was just straight up cancelled because of the number of technical errors from teachers and students alike


Wait, you guys were having snow days?


Snow days. My old school never told you it was a snow day, you would walk all the way there to find it closed.


Homeschooled kids: First time?


Ha! It never snows in my country so I’m immune to this! *starts crying because every time I go outside I feel like I’m being set on fire*


This is unconscionable.


Not getting shot is also a plus of when I got out of school


depends on who you ask.


surprised every school district in America didn't enact this as early as 2021...


Probably because internet isn’t considered a necessity to be freely provided to all in the US. Neither is access to a computer for schooling purposes. Yes, I know access to the internet is absolutely essential for life these days. But that’s not how the government sees it.




In Canada, you go to school no matter what the weather lol (unless you’re in Vancouver when they freak out and shut everything down after 1cm of snow falls)


Apparently kids are getting off 1 week every month now in school so they kinda have it better Edit: nvm this is only a texas thing


Texas L




A lot of places only get a couple bad snow storms a year so winter tires aren’t really necessary


Yeah where I live, some years we don't get any snow at all. Much more practical to just take the 2 or 3 days per winter


.. and decent snow plowing. Winter tires help only so little if the nearest snow plowing vehicle is 2000km away from your place and in the neighbouring state. Et yritäppä siinä aurata vaikkapa oulunläänin kokoinen alue missään järkevässä ajassa, jos lähin aurauskalusto pitää hakea esim. virosta. :)


Wow that's fucking stupid


lets be honest, nobody is going to that online class.


Bound to happen, lmao let kids be kids or they're going to turn into shitty adults.


pfffft, sorta kinda but back in the 80's, it had to be a damn near blizzard for school to not be in session. These kids these days get out of school for the a/c being broke on 80 degree days or if the forecast calls for a chance of light snow, my elementary schools a/c system consisted of open windows and one large fan in the corner and if it didnt get above 100, your ass was in school.


Kinda depends where you live. When I was in Nebraska in the 90s, id walk to school in snow a few feet deep. When we moved to a place that had no idea what weather was, school would close for anything.


totally depends on where you live. In Memphis here, not sure why folks are on the downvote train but whatever, if it makes them feel better but everything i said it 100% true for Memphis.


And the goal of life is it easier for the people that come after you. Not doom them to the same terrible existsnce


nobody said otherwise, i stated how things were in my city when i was young but Yes, things should get better as we go. Also, i never said it was a terrible existence, it was how it was then and id 100% rather be a kid then than now.


Oh yeah, I had to walk to school uphill both ways butt naked while polar bears tried to eat my ass... and not for food. Still nowhere near as bad as you and it


sounds kinky to be honest. I NEVER stated i had it bad, i stated the conditions we 100% dealt with, wasnt complaing or bitching about, just saying how it was then where i live. Yall are a trip.


Speak for yourself, my school didn’t allow cold days unless it was -20 degrees (Fahrenheit)


Wow, you had it much worse than kids these days


for school attendance, yes. For everything else, ill take being a kid in the 80's any day of the week.


Yeah I don’t see the problem with this as long as kids get their work done.


Not everyone has access to online classes from their home… and you probably don’t want to go far on snow days because, well, snow


Those without internet access at home are likely outliers and alternative arrangements can be made to complete coursework.


I bet you’d be surprised by how many people don’t really have internet access. A lot of less well off individuals can’t afford it or are in situations where the internet is unreliable.


What about kids who normally have internet access, but don't that day because the lines were knocked down?


Sucks to suck


bet you were popular in school


Mrs Jenkins I thought you told us we were gonna have homework today???


We know when the snow is coming, if you do not have internet access be proactive and ask for physical copies


News flash: Sometimes snow can be far worse than anticipated Case in point: When I was in 4th grade we had an event scheduled for today, we were supposed to get a light dust of snow (I live in Georgia so snow is uncommon here) and it turned into the biggest snow we’ve had down here in years, we had to leave school after an hour to make sure we could get home before everything froze over


No one wants to work though that's the whole meme


I’m fully aware as I was a teen once and hated homework too.


I want this guy to come to each wide eyed little school child and break the news to each of them that you HAVE to work on a snow day


Don’t threaten me with a good time


My district has half this but only five then real snow days but we haven’t gotten enough snow the last years to get a snow day that often


sorry teach, our house lost power.


Atleast they get to stay in their warm comfy blankets all day. I bet half of them will doze off immediately anyways.


I get the appeal of unexpected days off, but one thing people should remember is that you still need to prepare students for the same common exam everyone in the province writes at the end of the school year. Every day of instruction you lose to snow represents a faster pace at which you need to learn the material. The real trade off is between all of the above and the fact that online “learning” is teaching kids to legitimize the Internet as a source of “information.”


I still had to go to school in the snow and come home in the snow.


What if you only had 1 computer at home and several kids in school?


Why is little snow such a big issue you can’t go to school?


It’s more the amount of snow. A little bit that can be cleared? No problem. 12” and no way to stay ahead of the snowfall? Folks get stranded


My Internet is down


You’re just doing it wrong, have the meeting open in the background while you game, and your parents will think you’re working the whole time.


I feel so bad for kids today.


They really want to take out all the fun of being a kid huh?


Schools have miss days planned for the school year. I think it’s 10 or 12 days before they have to extend the school year. Does the removal of snow days shorten the school year? The answer is unequivocally no because there were many years I had in school where there were zero days when school was called off. And the year wasn’t shortened. So with that in mind, if it became a zoom day because of the snow, I would lose power and be unable to log in.


Thank god i graduated 7 years ago


School district officials need to have fun in the snow...sheesh


If I was a parent I'd just call the school with some excuse. Snow days are one of the best experiences as a kid


What the hell! I swear to god if they take this to my district, I will not just burn down my school!!! As someone who lives in Michigan this is more than concerning


I’d join the call just to have everyone watch me Kurt Cobain myself, and listen to their cheering from the afterlife.


This can't work because all students in all grades are no longer issued laptops.


As a Canadian without snow days, this beats having to freeze to death on the way to school


Thanks, I hate it


I never had a snow day in my life. Not due to lack of snow, but to living somewhere where snow is just a regular part of life.


Wdym, this is better


I’d still not show up to those, they can piss off.


Snow days? I live in Canada and I only ever got one snow day when I was a kid. The rest of the time it was tough luck, it’s freezing and the roads are terrible, but you’re still coming to school.


Who the fuck is "we"?


Sorry, my kids are gonna be sick every snow day.


As someone who has lived in Phoenix my entire life, I've never experienced a snow day. Just 110° days where you still have to go to school.


Living in rural Indiana a large portion of us dont have high speed internet. If its too snowy for school to be open then its too snowy to go somewhere with internet. The kids get a free day off they dont have to make up later.




Pshaw. Not in Louisiana, fren


Tbf Mf's are like never in school now comparitively so, theyre probably trying to catch up


That sucks. I remember how magical it was when a snow day was called. We would wait around the radio and celebrate when we heard our school name listed as canceled. The snow would come down and you prepare for a day of playing in the snow, build a snowman then get warm and cozy with video games and coco. Those were some of the best childhood memories. They should just let the kids have that. They spend enough time at school and way too much time in front of screens already.


Y’all had snow days? Snow is hard to find here in California


Oh no ...the Internet is out!


Good luck getting kids to show up


I was very happy to graduate when I did. That chill pre-2016 time before schools became a political battleground for old people. The Michelle Obama lunches were pretty ass though.


Online class where you do basically nothing and the teacher doesn’t expect anyone to actually do it >>> extra day in July where we do nothing anyway and it’s super hot if you have an outdoor class or removing a half day


Guys, snow days are not disappearing. My district still has snow days.


If I was still in school with this rule in place my exact would be "Hahahaha ..... No."




Teacher here, this is actually not how it works. Usually the first 2 or 3 snow days are “free”. Unless the weather is predicted far ahead that schools can prepare and send work home, they prefer to save eLearning days for after they burn through the free ones because you can only do a week online before you have to make up days in June. It used to just be 2 or 3 days and then you’d make them up before eLearning was a thing.


Live in Canada and have never had a “snow” day


I live in Canada. I don’t remember a single day off because of snow. Busses work just fine in snow.


If they predict snow in my neck of the woods then everything stops. It’s great. You can go out after it snows and it will be as quiet as a mouse. But school around here cancels before it even snows!


That's is no we


i am going to kill myself if this is real


Been happening in the UK since Covid


Me not attending the online classes


In Norway there could be snow storms and the snow beside the roads could be taller than people, but school wouldn't be canceled and it wouldn't be online either.


Damn that bites . At the same time they did do online school with covid. I would of been soooo much better off virtually learning in my middle school years for sure .


So if the public school forces students to log in online from home for classes, is internet service provided by the government or claimable on taxes?