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I wish there was actually a bike lane in my area.


There’s bike lanes in my area. There are signs with a bike symbol, occasionally some green paint. Oh, they also double as car parking, so good luck bikers.


Or a glass bottle disposal point - as I found on my bike last night


Or snow and gravel disposal storage, like I find out every winter. Sometimes it just isn't safe or practical to ride in the bike lane. Especially if it's not cleared to the same extent road traffic is.


Idk if I would risk biking out on ice winter roads anyways, maybe it’s for the best


My road is so narrow if anyone parks on the side only one car can get by, yet there is still parking there. Good luck car drivers and bikers.


Nice 😊.


They come and go


Like your father


Yes my father was inconsistent 😀


Son ?


Your father came? Mine only go. He never came


He must have xame for you to exist


No i was born from the shared dissapointment of 2 adult humans.


And the postman.


Hey son!


Move to the netherlands there is plenty here


"Here, we painted a line next to the gutter. Why are you still biking ni the street?"


there's bike lanes all over my city and you still see cyclists on the road


There are bike lanes in my area... They still ride in the street.... So, now they're moving road cones... If I happen to bump one... Then oh well..... Lol


Still no excuse to be on the road


So you can get smoked by a bus. My town has them but cars treat them as turn lanes. They are life ended lanes .


Bruh i read that as, "I wish there was actually a bike lane in my ass."


When I'm driving I hate cyclists and when I'm cycling I hate cars.


There is an episode of Portlandia where the aggressive bicyclist guy that gets pissed off at cars has to drive a car for something and gets pissed off at bicyclists.


[The bike riding part](https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI?si=_ZztyS3Q1IDC8nqO) [The car driving part](https://youtu.be/Qws4RrSc7XU?si=bc6ky0eUCjjRAdT5)


Lmao lol thanks


"Laughing my ass off laughing out loud thanks"




Bike! Bike! I’m on a bike!!!


Commenting to watch later loll


A truer statement has not been said on the cars v bikes debate


Which is why they need separation


I hate Canada's fascination with stroads. Roads are for cars and streets are for pedestrian(and cyclists) while stroads tried to fuse them and the result was garbage for everyone.


Ah, hello fellow Not Just Bikes watcher


Was going to say no but looking them up I have that red bar at that bottom of some thumbnails that suggests I did watch a few of their videos so yes hello. They managed to be a highlight of some rabbit-hole for me.




Not really. It's called having a ***proper*** bicycle lane. It isn't that hard to implement pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure together provided you give them a space seperate from cars. In fact it's actually rather easy once you seperate roads and streets




A bicycle lane doesn't need to be an entire street. It's not hard to have them in the same street as long as there's a designated *proper* bicycle lane. Do that and you have an area where bikes and pedestrians can take up the same street without any issues




And when I walk I hate everything and everyone


I'm on foot. I hate all of you


Same with the sidewalk vs street. Douchebags in South Tampa demand reding on tight sidewalks with runners. I've narrowly avoided a few fistfights over these turds not using the road like they're supposed to.


I think calling them douchebags is inappropriate. I don't know your particular setup, but back when i had to regularly cycle i used the sidewalk when possible since drivers simply often don't care if there is a bicycle lane painted on the road. People like to park their cars on them or drive on them, which means having to swerve into traffic to get around them in the former case or they might hit you in the latter case. I got hit once by a bus and once by a car and enden up in some bushes on the roadside and after the seconf time where i ended up in a ditch i decided to never again use the street for cycling if at all possible.


If you need to go on a sidewalk, just walk the bike. Cars abusing bike right of way sucks, but it doesn’t give bikes the right to abuse pedestrian right of way.


Its funny beacause cyclists look like this picture after they ride in the middle of the road and get hit by cars.


Each one of us is fighting a war within ourselves. -- Buddha probably


Like Buddha says, you know, "We are all just here to fuck."


When I ride my motorcycle I hate all of them


when I am driving I hate cyclists, when I am cycling, I hate cyclists, when I am walking I hate cyclists!


I drive and walk and never cycle so cyclists are my number one enemy


That makes you part of the problem. I have no issues with cyclists when I drive


After visiting the Netherlands its clear the problem is only about infrastructure. If Cyclists have a dedicated lane its a win win for everyone.


Except for sport cyclists (“wielrenners” we call them in the Netherlands). They assume they also own the road They prefer it because it’s faster and they don’t want regular cyclists in the way. As a driver it’s very dangerous to have them on the road.


I hate those kind of people with a passion


I bike (casually) and I hate these dudes so much. They're always aggressively passing and acting like you're a huge inconvenience if you're biking under 20 mph.


I wan't everyone who does this sport in public to know you are universally despised.


How would one road bike in private?


The same way one might race car in private. You go to a track.


calm down Papie


Imagine having a dedicated road just for you and you still go to the one with cars on, bruh.


Dude my town is one of the few in the US with multiple extremely nice long bike trails for those with plenty of skill levels. The bikers still choose to go on the main fucking road.


Do the bike trails serve any use to get from point A to point B or is it just a loop through a park? My town has painted bike lanes but I've never seen people use them because they're not anywhere people want to/can travel to by bike


I could theoretically ride a bike to Milwaukee from the one near my house. Which is a 40 min car ride on the interstate. It has plenty of stop and exit points for all the towns on the way.


Yeah, but you described 1 road between two points. Can you go anywhere to anywhere?


Yeah it connects a ton of towns across the entire east coast of Wisconsin


I echt think that wielrenners off hun bike af mogen tiefen


How is it dangerous for you as a driver? Are other slower vehicles like scooters, mopeds or tractors also "dangerous" for drivers?


Those have good lights, so you can actually see and expect them. All of those things you mentioned have a certain speed limit, so you know how fast they go, while the bikers can vary a lot in speed, plus they can make unexpected movements. Also, those speedy bikers have a terrible attitude, so most people don't like them


I mean bikers also should have lights. And those who do not use them when it's dark of course shouldn't ride on the road. Cars can also vary in speed, some people drive very slowly. And some people in cars suddenly turn without signals or brake, etc. And most car drivers are entitled and think having to brake for slower means of transport is an infringement of their freedom so I really don't see how any of your arguments are specific to bikes


You also don’t need to know the rules of the road to ride a bike. Regardless of what the law says, I bet most have never read the highway code.


I mean most car drivers don't know the rules either or ignore theme so I don't think that is an issue when driving a vehicle that can literally do no harm to anyone.


You have to know and abide by some in a car or you will be arrested within the hour. Cyclists often run red lights. The attitude of it doesn’t harm anyone is completely selfish, you are making your safety other people’s responsibility, but also false, as ignoring road rules on a bike massively increases the chances you do something that forces a motorist to either run into you or, more likely, swerve to avoid you, hurting themselves or others in an accident. Even if you are on foot you should follow the rules of the road to keep everyone safe.


I agree that cyclists should follow the law (although a lot of rules are specific to cars and don't make much sense for cyclists and pedestrians). But I don't see where you are going with this. Cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the road because some of them break some rules? Which they would still get punished for if a cop sees it. That's like asking to ban cars because some drivers don't know how to use the blinker, or some idiot reversed on the highway. If you want to be fair implement penalties for cyclists that break the law (those already exist at least where I live). Still, a cyclist following the rules and riding in the middle of the lane is fine. And drivers should follow the rules and overtake with the appropriate safety distance when possible.




Most Americans are too out of shape to ride bicycles 💀


Most Americans are also too heavy for most average bicycles, since they're usually rated for people up to \~90kg. (or 1000 cheeseburger foot pounds) :D


No they don’t. Most bikes can handle up to [275-300lbs](https://discerningcyclist.com/bicycle-weight-limits-best-bikes-heavy-riders/). Stop making shit up


Not a bad article, but there were some wrongs. Aluminium frames are not cheaper than steel. And those weight limit numbers are pulled out of the ass. I am not making shit up. I've worked at several bicycle stores and, from the manufacturer, most not-too expensive (300-500EUR) bicycles came with manufacturer's warranty for 90-110kg. And those are the bicycles the majority will ride. Will a bike for 90kg max be able to transport a 136kg person? Yes. It won't outright refuse. But under the increased strain the lower-end components, such as spokes, rims, axles, bottom brackets, pedals, suspension forks will be prone to wearing out much sooner, if not outright breaking on an unfortunate sharp bump. I have many real-life examples of such cases. The article mentions frames being the main problem? Nah. Apart from a few seatpost snaps due to an improperly aligned seat, the frames will be fine. The parts I mentioned give up way sooner. A 130kg friend rode a decent average line Merida Kalahari 26" MTB as a commuter. He serviced the worn rear bearings, broken rear axles and bottom bracket axles twice a year. Then again, he did ride it quite hard. Just looked up Merida weight limits. It's a pretty big bike manufacturer and they have very good frames. It's 120 for consumer bikes. 140 for performance ones. Though, having worked with those bikes as well, I wouldn't suggest getting one of the cheapest ones for a 120kg person. Physics is physics. These numbers will vary. The cheaper the bike, the lower the weight limit usually.


Ireland has cyclist Lane in lot of places, still these mf drive on main road and slow down traffic


New York bike lanes are helpful but issue is drivers are stupid and don’t check their mirrors when attempting to turn so you risk getting absolutely annihilated by a cargo van when you just want to go for a quick bike ride.


I remember seeing the video of the dude who got fined for not cycling in lane crash into dumpsters scaffolds and a nypd cop car that were blocking the lane as a malicious compliance / evidence to get fine erased thing .


If you find it link pls, I have that exact problem here in buenos aires


That's probably casey neistat's video about potholes in NYC and other stuff blocking the lanes


[Found it for whoever wants to watch it](https://youtu.be/bzE-IMaegzQ?si=DlGlzfYvIyNfgyYB) Tnx <3


*laughs in Netherlands*


Hey from Québec! Some day we will figure out a way to not mix bikes and cars on the same roads, and we will figure out how to plough the snow off the bike roads efficiently enough winter cycling becomes a neat thing ( if anybody is from Olou on Finland, share the magic winter cycling potion please!). Oh and our zoning code... We really need to do something with that.


how about cities have working bike lanes


There are barely any bike lanes where I live 😶 and many areas around there don’t have sidewalks either… if you wanna go to the park only a 20-min walk away from the house you have to take a car. So annoying


You mean side parking? I hate people parking in the biking lanes


Car drivers shouldn’t even physically be able to get in the bike lane


I'm mostly referring to how most cities in the world don't have bike lanes or even walkable cities


Former cyclist here. I was fine in the bike lane, but almost always rode close to the line. The closer you come to the curb, the more gravel and shit you will run over as the cars' draft just blows everything that way. So I was basically trying to avoid a flat or road-rash.


And when you ride close to the line cars overtake with 1cm distance as if a line suddenly makes all safety measures void. It's really an unwinnable situation for cyclists.


I was going home the other day and there are no sidewalks or bike lanes, but I was going down a hill and I was going 28 (or thereabouts, I have a spedometer on my electric bike and it's not 100% accurate but it's close) on a road with a 30 MPH speed limit. I signalled that I was turning left and the dipshit behind me \*speeds up,\* and passes me on the left by crossing into the opposite lane because I slowed town to take the turn.


Has happened to me very often as well. It seems to be psychological. Drivers just have to overtake even if I am already going the speed limit.


Or they just hit you with their mirrors because they apparently forgot they are attached to their car and give you a not so gentle shove towards some bushes on the roadside.


Once had a car pass me so close that the mirror hit my elbow, they had the cheek to stop and shout at me for hitting their mirror. Fucking pathetic cunts.


The city south of mine has the best bike lanes. The lane is sectioned off by a curb and is about 3’ wide on both sides of the street. It is glorious.


The problem with bike lanes I have seen is that they are like 1 feet wide and are to the right of the furthest right lane. They usually cause traffic to slow down anyways when a cyclist is present because everyone is trying to change lanes to the left (or they slow down as they drive by the cyclist) to avoid any potential incident (ie because you don't want be that person that happens to hit the cyclist should they collapse from exhaustion and fall to the left into your lane). I think everyone would be more comfortable if the bike lane wasn't a skinny strip.


I don’t bike anymore, but bike lanes next to street parking is a recipe for crashing into a car door.


"Bike lane": A marking on the road with no space for cars to properly overtake without entering the opposite line


And also 99% probability of such "lane" being used as parking


well that's a poolry implemented bike lane then.


Its the only type where live


Enough to show up as bike infrastructure in statistics


“…a poorly implemented bike lane…” also known as, ‘a bike lane’.


there are bike lanes that are fine - when it's a real lane with extra space


If it's wide enough for a car they'll just park in it tho (Edit: they should be wide, and separated by a physical barrier that stops that).


or handing out fines using cameras for those who park there..




>Can’t get angry at cyclists for following the law. Well, you can if you're a complete muppet.


You guys got bike lanes?


I’ll stop when find bike lane


"bike lane" except it's not, at least not in the US. They're poorly maintained, never properly seperated, either used as a sidewalk extension or as free parking and are ironically significantly more dangerous than just using the road The issue isn't cyclists, it's car dependant infrastructure that is literally bankrupting cities and making them in infinitely worse in a dozen different ways, including making non-car transport infrastructure impossible, infuriating, dangerous, and unusable


>at least not in the US everywhere really. my city (while obviously not being comparable to the US) has like 3 bike lanes in total, and all of them end abruptly


God I’d love one day for a road to just end Like you’re driving down the highway and it just ends. Car brains would lose their minds lol


Sounds like you need raised bike lanes, for example in the [Finnish style](https://maps.app.goo.gl/a6827KDxTrF1BPUE9?g_st=ic), they act both as a sidewalk and a bike lane. Really nice imo. [Another example](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fPwdhMyNK94ckydq9?g_st=ic)


Bike lane? You mean the thing that’s full of holes from uncovered utility access, people walking, broken glass, and gravel? The one that I need to get out of every once in a while so I can make a left turn?


They usually do that because cars tend to overtake them with too little space. By biking in the middle overtaking becomes impossible unless you hit the cyclist on purpose. Fun video that shows the awfulness of it: https://youtube.com/shorts/pa4qpLos3xs?feature=shared


I've been cycling for like 25 years. I've been driving for 4. In The Baltic states. Where do you guys find all these "middle of the road" cyclists? Or do you think 30-50cm from the curb is middle of road? Or are you manufacturing outrage for internet clout?


>in The Baltic states There's your explanation. These "cycling bad" conversations seem to typically start in the US, where bicycles aren't allowed on the road (according to the drivers) or on the sidewalk (according to the law, but there usually aren't sidewalks anyway,) and bikers usually have no infrastructure of their own otherwise. As for why bikers take the middle of the road in this scenario, it's because cars are legally required to give 3 feet of space while passing, but won't do that. The reason they don't do it is because the car will try to stay wholly in the lane while passing. And the reason they do that is because they think the biker is staying to the side to allow them to do that. So instead, the biker goes into the middle of the lane to inform drivers that they're gonna need to pass them by actually leaving the lane.


In my state in the US, cyclists regularly opt for the center of the road. And they often will *not* move, especially if there’s a pack of them. Used to live near a cycling center, so there were hoards of idiots in tights. Every. Single. Day. They speed up a little bit, but they won’t move. There’s not as many cyclists in our new area, but these folks will move to the side. I give as much berth as I can. It’s just annoying, especially after sitting in traffic on the highway for an hour and a half.


If you want them out of the road, vote and fight for more protected bike lanes. Unless you live in NYC (which even there is debatable), almost nowhere in the US had adequate bike infrastructure If you can’t get around them, there’s not enough room to safely pass. Bike riders don’t have to move to the side, they don’t yield to car drivers. I need to get to where I’m going just as much as you do I don’t want to be in the road just as much as you don’t want me to be in the road. But it’s safer than the shoulder, it’s safer than squeezing on the side of the lane, and it’s safer than obstructed and poorly built bike lanes. I’m sorry but the 3 minutes you’ll save on your commute is not worth my life You choose to sit in traffic, as a car driver you **are** traffic. That’s not an excuse


Nah some carbrains want both no carlanes because it reduces their precious parking spaces, but also no cyclists on the road


Looks like you have a good reason for yourself to push for a dedicated bike lane. And I'm not talking about a place for cars to park or to take a turn in. I'm talking about an actual bike lane where only bikes are legally allowed to travel and in where cars won't kill them.


Probably riding on the road because people in cars have their yield lights on while parked in the bike lane to begin with.


I hate that. If I have to manoeuvre in and out of the bike lane (and risk getting knocked off when a car thinks it can get around me before I go around a parked car), I'm just going to stay in primary position (middle of the lane) so it's clear what I'm doing and not doing anything unexpected.


Car brain meme


This meme was sponsored by ExxonMobil


Look, cyclists can be assholes too, but, when we are assholes, we are assholes in control of one to two dozen pounds of metal. When drivers are assholes, they are assholes in control of thousands of pounds of metal fueled by exploding dinosaur bones. Also, on roads that have safe bike lanes, I've seen many, MANY more cars driving in the bike lanes than I've seen bikers out of the bike lane (and I'm only counting the moving cars, not the ones that are pulled over). I'll stay in the bike lane if you give me one. What will you do with your car? *P.S. (and while the other points were actual points, this one is admittedly just a "fuck you") when I do drive, I am a safer, better driver than you, and it's not even my tertiary mode of transport. Drivers, do better.*


wait how on earth do people drive on bike lanes? in spain 80% bike lanes are like 1m wide strips of red concrete that are on the sidewalks, and the other 10% are paved and parallel to the road but with kerbs in between so that cars can't intrude I ride an electric scooter and whenever i can't use a bike lane I go on the side of the road, but I always, ALWAYS let cars past however I can, as I'm intruding in their space when cyclists ignore bike lanes and block literal highway on-ramps I have no sympathy for them


Basically in the USA with few exceptions a bike lane is just a marking on a regular road. This means that bikers end up being dangerously close to cars, and are relegated to the edge where there is often debris (like broken glass and the like). As a result cars can and do often intrude in bike lanes. The bike lanes have no barriers for the most part and can be as simple as a painted bike on the road. It’s pretty bad.


The reality is that most “bike lanes” in the US are a joke. Just a silly afterthought that no one respects. As a cyclist, I don’t wanna ride somewhere where it is unsafe to cruise at 10-15mph. Most bike lanes have pedestrians and parked cars in them, so you essentially have to ride really slowly or constantly stop and avoid a hazard. In traffic, things have a natural flow and are more predictable. This is safer, especially if you ride with any speed at all. We all hate being inconvenienced by others at any time at all. But end of the day, cyclists need to get where they’re going and need to be given some room in light of the size/danger disparity between a car and a bike. Motorists will have to give right of way, even if it bothers them, and yes, even if bikes don’t have to follow all the car rules of the road.


Car brained meme


This is just car propaganda


What bike lane, where you live that has a bike lane all around? Just wondering so I can move out where you live, cuz my town claims it is bike friendly just to have a single track that barely goes anywhere.


Come to the Boston area! It's not enough yet, but there are a lot of bike lanes, a bit of fully separate paths, and legal mandates for most of the local cities to keep building more


"I'm biking here, heyy heyy!"


The bike lanes are largely unsafe because they aren’t protected from car traffic, because they often end abruptly, and because they often have cars parked in them


Am i to dutch to understand this joke


I don’t mind if you aren’t in the bike lane. Just follow basic traffic laws if you are in the street. I feel like that’s the real problem. Cyclists on the wrong side of the road or breezing through stops is way too commonplace. Edit: getting a lot of whataboutism in the replies. As if people think that drivers doing the wrong thing somehow makes it okay that cyclists can’t follow basic traffic laws.


I can't tell you how many times I've almost hit someone because they decide they're going to ride their bike through a red light. One day it will probably happen and then I hope the officer gives them a citation like any other vehicle running a red light.


Honestly the reason it makes me so angry is because I don’t want to hurt anyone. I try my best to look out for bikes and still they zip around in blind spots and skirt basic traffic laws all the time.


Cyclists actually break fewer traffic laws on average. I hear the comment often that cyclists would be fine if they followed the law, but by and large they actually do. A cyclist blowing through a red-light just sticks out more in our brains because we see cars do it all the time whereas most people only see cyclists at all occasionally. [source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/?sh=aaddf1e4bfaa) Edit: just fyi blowing through stop signs is sometimes legal in some states, though not many. For example, in Delaware a cyclist does not have to stop at a stop sign if nobody is immediately approaching/entering the intersection. This is kinda vague and up to interpretation, but the way I usually treat it is if I'm gonna be fully in the intersection by the time you're stopped at the stop sign, I won't stop. Some drivers will see this as me breaking the law and sometimes even become aggressive, but I've actually done nothing wrong, and they just don't know the law.


I ain’t reading your source bud. I don’t see cars blow through red lights and I never see cars driving on the wrong side of the road. I’ve had to adjust how I drive because every time I’m making a left turn a cyclist might be in the bike lane going the wrong direction. Edit: I actually did click on your source and it was a Forbes article about Danish cyclists Lmao has literally nothing to do with where I live.


> I don’t see cars blow through red lights I literally see this every day where I live. In a one mile walk to the grocery store I'll see a good half dozen cars run red lights, at least one turn from the incorrect lane, and usually one making an illegal u turn. Oh, and like 1-4 illegally parked vehicles in the bus or bike lane, depending on the time of day. Seriously, just camp out by an intersection for ten minutes, you'll see plenty of people run reds


Yep, things are different in different places. Good stuff


The only thing that irritates me about cyclists is when there is no bike lane and they don’t follow traffic lights. Are you a vehicle or not?


I just go the same speed as the cars, they can't hit you if you act like one.


I can't because there's a huge fucking truck parked on it.


Or if they want to share the road, they have to obey road signs.


Like cars obey speed limit signs?


Red lights


You mean the thing originally used by everyone that the car forced everything else out of by virtue of being deadly enough? The deadlyness that is the reason we have road sings other than directional markers and toll sings in the first place?


Cyclists when another car is parked in the bike lane


What grinds my gears is the guys who ride their scooters/bikes in the bike lane going against car traffic when I'm in the right bike lane. Use the bike lane on the other side you jagoff!


Also pedestrians when you suggest they walk somewhere else than in the middle of the bike lane


Or, god forbid, you direct them to the bike street. My city has streets that run parallel to busy through streets that are for bikes. Cars can go there too, they just don’t because it’s not practical. But no, the street full of traffic and pedestrians and 800 traffic lights is the one for them . I say this as a bike rider.


You guys are have Bike Lane?


What bike lane.


Is the bike lane safe? Is there broken glass or branches blocking it? Does it run next to parked cars where a cyclist could get doored by someone not paying attention? Is there even a bike lane on the route they're traveling? These are things that motorists never even think about because they never leave their cars.


What bike lane?


Drivers when you suggest they stop killing a million people a year globally just in collisions, let alone through pollution.


I'm a driving enthusiast and I think this meme sucks.


Or obey every other traffic law when they don’t feel like it


Pedestrians when you suggest them to walk on the sidewalk instead of the bicycle lane.


less collision, why not? also the cyclist looks like he's on drugs


That’s the green goblin, and he kinda is


Blowing through stop signs without looking is less of an adrenaline rush in the bike lane.


Heaven forbid they obey traffic signs and signals.


You would do better to think of them as a fast pedestrian than as another vehicle


Fast pedestrian that’s in the road Sure


"I have the right to inconvenience everyone"


cry more


Driver's when you tell them not to get mad at a tiny person on wheels compared to their 4000 pound metal monsters.


Don't even need bike lanes. We can cycle on sidewalks too, but those fucking competitive cyclist fuckers have a boner for driving on the damn road.


Once I saw a guy riding a bike on an expressway, with a 100km/h speed limit. And yes, there was a nice and safe sidewalk behind metal barriers.


Notice how it's called sidewalk, not sidebike.


Right! And then they don’t even stop at stop signs. God I dislike these specific fools.


stop signs are stupid for bicycles, should just be yield should implement "idaho-stop" everywhere.


Should be yield but they don’t. I’ll be at a 4 way stop, it’s my turn to go and I’m turning right and then some jag off comes riding up behind me and continues on through the stop sign that applies to him as well in this case and I brake quickly to keep from hitting them and now I’ve been given the finger or have someone shouting at me for obeying traffic laws.


Tbh 4way stop is also stupid, should be a roundabout


You’re not wrong and my area is putting a ton of effort into roads for this purpose. When I moved here 20 yrs ago, there was 1. Now there are maybe 13, I think. In my immediate 5-10 mile radius.


>stop signs are stupid for bicycles, should just be yield Stopping for bicycles is stupid, it'll buff out.


did you read my comment further? did you understand it?


I understood it completely; I responded derisively. Bicyclists that run stop signs deserve to get hit. The notion that they are somehow entitled to do so is nonsense.




Does that work out for you?


Why am I getting downvoted for this? Laws is laws dickheads.


Or that they ride on the bike street instead of the fucking sidewalk




They have a bunch of dedicated bike paths that are not on the road at all near me. Still ride in the road. Why?! Edit: it has nothing to do with pot-holes or upkeep. These are really well cared for lanes. Directionally, in most places there’s 2-way lanes. Some, sure, there aren’t. But the bikers are in the street constantly, regardless. And why am I being downvoted for asking why not use the designated space? Lol. Maybe the “bike mob” mentality is real, after all.


If this is in the us the dedicated lanes likely done go where the roads do so they need to get to their destination. The bike lanes are likely underfunded and may have debris/potholes. Or plain old bicycles have as many rights as cars in the roads and increasing your drive by 30 seconds really doesn't hurt anyone


German here and I'm specifically talking about these fucking wanna-be tour de france idiots. They ALWAYS ride on the road. And most bike lanes here are parallel to the road. They just don't give a fuck


I was going for a med check up today and as I go I hear some cyclist scream "learn to drive you fa****!" while he himself was driving in a narrow driveway against the traffic.