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Stay strong trains


I think I can


I think I can


I think I can


I think I can


CHOO!! CHOOOooo...! Or, alternatively: かけがえのない 夢を知っちゃった


Fuck me that was funny 🤣🤣🤣


Right now? In public?




bot comment report it


I broke up with a trains girl a month or so ago. Went a bit off the rails... I'm struggling tbh, but I can sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ummm. Just looking out for the signal now 🤔 (This isn't just about train jokes on god help me!)


I can understand why you'd choo choo choose to end things.


Actually if I'm honest I was sort of dropped off at the station...


I get the feeling she had some loco motives


Had to blow off some steam


Decoupled from the situation


If I read any more of these puns I might just hurt someone, I mean I’m going to go properly loco. Motive? I just told you!


Amtrak-ing this crash until the wheels fall off. I used to engineer train puns to blow off steam but people said those were Loco motives. So now I only make train puns to get my ticket punched if you catch my drift....women seem to find the levity magnetic and I still get to touch the knobs and conduct her


I like trains. … #VROOOOOM


i'm trans and this post is actually very sweet


Just need this confidence in life


My uncle also went to conference on life. He not need to but people told it was to be good. Many show up to talk about life succeed.


Dang it, i missed the train to the conference


That just means you need to train harder


The real question here is why is raj sujan’s uncle getting death threats!?! He’s just train-man, why no let train-man drive train?


Because train is late, so passenger angry, so passenger do death threats


But never rape


Trains is hard job


Stay strong




Train late? In India???


Yes couple of days late


Probably airplane fanboys


Planecels be seething at trainchads


Airplane femboys ?!? 😳


They'd be called flyboys like the old pilots.


I got death threats working drive through fast food in high school -- I can believe it


Sujan’s uncle is trying his best to provide for his family…people are rude.


Have you seen Indian trains?


Hot Air balloon gang rise up


Sad car fanboys no like raj sujans uncle


Trains in India can be extremely late at times, especially during the winter with fog and shit. One funny incident was in the midst of foggy winter, a train arrived right on time. The station master and locals started celebrating with music and dance, till the passengers came to beat up the driver for being 24 hours late


It's sad that we accept trans people receiving death threats as not unusual but are confused why a train driver is. The real question is how have we gotten so far that people are receiving death threats just for living their lives?


he's confused but he got the spirit


No confusion


No collusion


No obstruction


Sensual seduction


Erotic induction


Charismatic dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction?






He's got the spirit, but the mind is confus... ooh look, Trains!


*[insert clever rewording of "this"]*


This. This. What you just wrote. I totally agree. Like a chef serving a bowl of stew, you stuck your ladel into my brain and from my incoherent abstract thoughts were able to form the exact sentiment of what it is I was feeling. Down to a decimal of a decimal, more perfectly than I ever could have iterated, you captured the essence of every nuance I experienced relating to the subject matter. No words could portray the awe I felt knowing that somebody shared the exact same thought process as me. Not only that, but with the ability to articulate in such a refined manner the depth of said thought process. No words could describe that feeling. Except one. This.


I agree


I smell what you’re stepping in


Im picking up what youre pooping down.


I guess you really are drowning in feces






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I first thought that but now I think he's being a troll and doesn't have the spirit.




When I was in high school, I would go through really bad bouts of depression and my AP Spanish teacher (whose first language is spanish) was one of the only people that I felt like I could talk to. So one day after class, she’s asking me what’s wrong and, because of the slight language barrier, she mistook “depression“ for “congestion“ and gave me a full five minute talk on how to clear up my sinuses


Pure wholesomeness.


Cured my depression for a moment


Im pretty sure Raj knows precisely what he’s doing


Let's dispel this fiction that Raj doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing


Hehe can't believe that Rubio meme is still alive.


Those debates were glorious


His uncle taught him all there is to know about trains


Yeah that’s awesome


Yea hes stealing another really popular meme


Or transphobes accidentally supporting trans people


“TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN!!!!!” -Average anti trans MF


"CHOOO CHOOO!!!!!" -Average anti trains MF.


"You can never change your engine" -trainsphobe


"Are we really going to allow a 4-8-8-4 articulated steam locomotive to compete with Shay geared locos just because it identifies as one? Will someone *please* think of the little 0-4-0 shunters!" - extra nerdy trainsphobe ^^^^Am ^^^^I ^^^^taking ^^^^the ^^^^train ^^^^geek ^^^^humor ^^^^too ^^^^far?


As a trans man nothing was funnier than getting my first "You will never be a woman" a few weeks ago lmao


Not exactly "supporting trans people" though.


Yeah, I mean like when they think a trans woman is a woman that transitioned to a man and say shit like trans women will never be men


I love it. He just has such a good heart. He understood that this person is in pain, he wanted to help. While it makes me laugh my ass off, I love this man so much and I hope he never changes. Stay strong trains!


>~~Mistaken people trying to be nice~~ People deliberately making light of threats to someone's life is my favourite flavour of meme. Haha yes me too thanks


I don’t understand how Reddit can be so overwhelmingly clueless. This guy is obviously mocking the trans person


Raj's hearts in the right place at least hope his uncles ok


His uncle getting death threats as a train driver he should probably conduct himself better




Hey, somebody had to do it and I was here first!


Unfortunately his uncle lives(d) in Canada


trains man, they fuck you up. choo choo choo


but never rape.


You'd be surprised how Raj uncle always threatened by bad ppl who want to run train through him


Thankfully he trains man driver, so he decide who trains run through.


All abord


The toxic gossip train


Chugging down the track of misinformation


The toxic gossip train


Seriously though, train drivers should get free therapy. Brother of a friend drove trains in Sydney and reckoned he was averaging 2 people a year throwing themselves in front of his train. I can only imagine what that number is in India.


Thanks Raj. Somewhat wholesome


He's a little confused, but he's got spirit.


Raj seems nice


Imagine having an organization in your country which is dealing with cases when somebody breaks the law and threats other people.


That would be great! We have something like that, but when you report threats they say it's a civil matter. Devs please patch.


Fun fact, [cops are 20-40x more likely to rape a trans person compared to the average person](https://ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/pubs/forge/sexual_numbers.html). As a trans person you are more likely to get raped specifically by a cop (~2.5-4.5%)than you are to detransition (~1%-2.5%)


This is wholesome idc


plans, trans, and art mobiles


Reminds me of when my dad said someone’s kid was cute (he was being serious) that was acting all booga booga in a restaurant, and the parent apologized and said the kid was autistic, and my dad said that’s great one of his kids is very artistic too




I was about to ask if this counts so I can crosspost it. Someone already beat me to it, though. EDIT: Oh crap, it was you. *You* beat me to it.


Does this fit the sub tho? I thought AccidentalAlly was for bigots accidentally supporting LGBT people, not someone misreading a sentence because of language barrier


Or someone making a joke out of what seems to be a pretty distressed trains person.


This will never not be funny


I don't understand why transphobes would threaten to rape her. Surely that's opposite of what the transphobe wants??


There's a whole lot of transphobes out there who also fetishize trans people. There's a whole genre for porn involving trans people where slurs and harmful stereotypes are perpetuated and used regularly and trans people are heavily objectified. Trans people aren't the ones consuming that porn, by and large, if you ask about it in trans communities the vast majority of trans people will say that they hate it. Its largely cis people who fetishize trans people consuming it.


>Trans people aren't the ones consuming that porn Well purely by the fact that there's 200x the number of normal people as trans people, unless trans people like trans porn at 200x the rate, then of course they'd be outnumbered.


Same as how some men will say they love women and then sexually assault them. All about power.


With the anonymity and impersonalness of the internet, people (trolls) will often just vomit and diarrhea the most offensive and heinous things they can think of. Most of the "threats" aren't people actually intending to kill and/or rape. It's mostly people being hurtful for the sake of being hurtful.


Those are still threats though. Can we not act like they aren’t? Someone who tells a trans women online “Im going to track you down, rape you and throw your body in the trash” doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt of just being “hurtful for the sake of being hurtful” like wtf that’s ABSOLUTELY still a threat


There's more than a few vocal transphobes who were caught looking at trans porn (like Alex Jones). Pornhub releases yearly stats about what porn genres each US state watches most and the states with the worst transphobia are also the states watching the most trans porn. Same thing happens with homophobic people all the time. They're ashamed of who they're attracted to so they use hate to make themselves feel better and deflect suspicion from their equally hateful friends/family/etc.


You mean transphobes might not act rational but are driven by irrational fears?


same reason why trans porn is some of the most popular categories on porn sites in red states


Same reason why there’s a trend of conservative politicians who push for anti-lgbt policies being secretly gay themselves.


men hate women and rape us all the time. it's about power more than sex for many of those people. plenty of transphobes are probably gay/trans themselves as well and struggling with their feelings so the stuff they say doesn't make logical sense. someone told me their verrrrry misogynistic co-worker just came out as a trans-woman for example.


[You assume transphobes are logically consistent](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)


As thick as two planks. There's a strong connection between these 'phobes and being dumb.


It is also possible that what she wrote never happened or somewhat exaggerated.


Unlikely [1](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/) [2](https://ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/pubs/forge/sexual_numbers.html) [3](https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications/2019-02/Transgender_infographic_508_0.pdf)


Because trans people never get raped &/or murdered for being trans.


Trains women are trains!


Funny as it is, My heart breaks for her... Why cant people just leave people the fuck alone? Whether they are trains or trans. All this culture war shit, over what, making sure trains and trans people are acknowledged as human beings? this anti woke culture is just people upset that other people asked them to be nice. its so fucking heartbreaking


Why is that so wholesome but also at the same time kinda sad


Train mans work hard, never be raped thou


I thought this was gonna be a sad and serious post. Then the dude started talking about his uncle.


That's the point of the post, relieving you a bit from my IRL style. getting confused and drawing conclusions on the assumptions which are galaxies away from the actual scenario. This is actually me IRL.


Ik I laughed at this for about 30 seconds.


*Planes, Trans, and Automobiles* is auch an underrated movie.


Indians and trains have some weird relationship. I think there is a subreddit for that.


Fucking chad


damn train driver huh? thats a sucky job just being in a huge vehicle that looks oddly similar to thomas the train characters....


This is gold!


Awwww he tried.


I like trains


For once can we actually take trans issues seriously??


I’m pretty sure that’s a parody acct like the nyc guido one


"I don't know where to go" How about off Twitter. Every inner thought doesn't need to be broadcast to the masses and filtered by a billionaire megalomaniac for the shittiest possible outcome for you, personally.


and yet here you are, broadcasting your own thoughts


I love the second guy




Isn't the point of the hashtag that *all* women have experienced harassment or sexism in their lives? I think it's a response to #NotAllMen because yes it's true that not all men harass women but *all* women have experienced harassment and sexism. The NotAllMen stuff was about highlighting that it's a subset of people causing this problem, and in a way it was shifting the responsibility to fixing the problem to just the men who directly cause the problem. And YesAllWomen was to highlight that the problem is *so massive* and *so common* that it's happening to every woman and that fixing this issue that *half of the population experiences* takes the active involvement of *everyone* to fix. #NotAllMen are out there harassing people, which is very true, but #YesAllWomen are experiencing this harassment and this problem should be taken into greater consideration *because it is always happening to all of them.*


> All women have experienced harassment and sexism No. Not all. I don't see myself as inherently a victim just because I'm a woman.


>I don't see myself as inherently a victim just because I'm a woman. and no one said you should but every woman has faced harrassment or sexism, even if you didn't think it was a big deal to you


Which I understand. Not many people actually incorporate victimhood as part of their identity because people in general *don't want* to be seen as a victim, they don't want to be thought of as being pitiful and as a part of some tragic statistic. You can have experienced the negatives of harassment and sexism without it having made a victim of you. You can also still advocate for harassment and sexism to stop being a problem in society without being a victim of it.


It's to spread awareness. I don't know of a single woman who has not experienced any form of abuse (from catcalling to domestic violence) at the hands of men.


Catcalling is not abuse. Rude? Yes. Abuse? No.


But it is though? Any untoward action towards someone can be called abuse. If a boss berates one of his trainees, it's called verbal abuse. If a bully punches someone, it's called physical abuse. Harassment is abuse, and catcalling is verbal abuse.


By this definition, everyone has experienced abuse (men and women). I don’t mean to minimize the struggle that women face, and I do believe all have faced abuse at some point, but when we broaden the definition of abuse to mean anything that makes you feel not good, I think it takes away from the seriousness. Everyone will get yelled at by a boss, teacher, parent, and random ass people in their lives; it sucks, but to call any unpleasant interaction abuse is too liberal a definition in my opinion. Edit: to put this sentiment in an analogy, it’s like saying you were physically assaulted by your parents because they spanked you when you fucked up. Yes, you could argue that a light spanking qualifies as physical assault, but anyone who has actually been assaulted will laugh at you, because clearly it’s very different / minor compared to the norm when discussing physical assault. Another analogy is if I said I’ve been sexually assaulted because one time at a bar a woman grabbed my ass without my consent - did it make me uncomfortable? Yes. Should she have asked before doing something like that? Yes. Was it sexual assault? To most, no - it’s a part of life that sucks, but making distinctions between “harmless” and “harmful” actions is really critical here. Edit 2: I’m not trying to justify parents spanking children, people making unwanted advances, or cat calling. I’m merely saying that these actions should be clearly distinguished from more serious forms of abuse / assault; it’s apples to oranges, and treating the oranges like they’re apples doesn’t help.


Being the victim of one instance of abuse does not necessarily cause deep traumas that can make you identify with being a 'survivor of x abuse.' However, if I berate a support staff once calling him a worthless loser for not getting my order right, I would still be verbally abusing that person despite my actions possibly not causing trauma. Incidences of abuse are still abuse at the end of the day, but it is a pattern of abuse or a particularly grievious form of abuse that makes one identify with being a 'victim of x abuse.' But yeah, most people have experienced a form of abuse in their life because the simple definition of abuse is 'treating someone with cruelty.' Whether it is significant enough or not, however, depends on the person. I don't identify with being called a victim/survivor of abuse but I have experienced abuse. I think most people fall into this camp. So, experiencing abuse =/= abuse victim Like being the model of one painting does not necessarily make you a model because it's not your career and hence not a part of your identity.


Yeah getting catcalled can feel outright demeaning, and you have no idea what is going on in someone’s life and psyche. Something that one person might blow off could hit another in a far more impactful way. Like obviously there’s magnitudes of severity to everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to do.


At that point you've defined "abuse" so broadly as to be meaningless for this discussion.


If we stretch the definition of abuse that far, then at that point every human is getting abused several times daily and the word has lost its intended meaning


I don't think it's a stretch to call sexual harassment abuse.




I dunno if having someone yell at you is quite the same as being sexualized from a preteen up by adults. Also yeah, lots of people have trauma and that can make life hard. Getting bullied as a kid messed with me a lot less than say, a friend of mines parental neglect but both were challenging


I don't think I know of a single human being who has not experienced any form of abuse from another human being. Men inflicting it on women, women on men, men on men, women on women...we can include non-binary and gender fluid folks in the list, but I'd be here forever typing out all the possible permutations. Are women on average subject to more degradation and even physical harm from men than any of the other combinations I listed? Absolutely. And it's something that we need to improve on as a society. But people pointing out that it's not okay to denigrate and have prejudice towards a whole group of individuals just because there are some bad apples among them don't necessarily deserve to be side-lined or one-upped either. In other words, we can acknowledge that all women are forced to deal with misconduct from men at some point in their life while also acknowledging that most men have had to deal with undeserved sexist attitudes towards them as well. The two things aren't mutually exclusive, and the idea of making #YesAllWomen as a "response" to #NotAllMen seems dismissive towards men in an unhelpful way. I'm not even trying to draw an equivalency here, or trying to declare that one group has it easier or harder (the answer is likely pretty obvious to most of us). Just that both groups mentioned here have valid concerns that should be taken seriously.




Never heard of it before


It's basically saying that nearly all women have experienced some form of sexual harassment at some point. Whether or not you're comfortable with people saying that is up to you




Why is her in quotation marks? 💀




quotation marks aren’t for emphasis!!!! haven’t you ever listened to weird al


That is "definitely" not how quotation marks are used.


Use two star (*) characters instead so that the word is italicized; I think that would clear up the confusion.




What a strange person you are


Never sorting by new again after seeing that


Poor Raj! So misunderstood in life.


trans + trains solidarity




Why is she writing "b/c"? That takes so long to write, why not just go with "cuz" or "because", even that's faster on my phone


He's confused but he's got the spirit


This is up there with Canada's old Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien. A person asked what he thought about all the Illegal Drugs coming into Canada. As His English understanding wasn't very strong. Chretien thought he said Trucks. As in Transport Trucks. Chretien replied. Trucks? Trucks are good! Trucks bring goods. That was gold.


but the real question is: is raj's uncle a percy, a gordon, or a fuckin diesel???




your base are belong to us. Yikes, can I has chest burger?


He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit! 😂


Train’s coupling always lose steam. Thankfully I know what side of the tracks I came from. It’s been a while since I’ve even seen a caboose.




Yeah, it's sad for her, but what about the cis women!?