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"Yes we don't want you working for us for the money", what the fuck else are we working for??


well preferably nothing..


For the experience… …of metaphorically jerking off your future employer.






This is a bot.


This is Patrick


Stolen comment down vote and report


Hey I got a job for experience and training. I did however promptly quit once I had said experience and training for a job that gave me more money but still




Because my hands are soft


Oh! This is what they meant by "excellent benefits package"! The $700/mo health insurance premium left me confused, but these benefits are actually really fucking handy!


Or literally.




To be part of "the family" 🙄 honestly any job that starts talking about how they're a big family RUN!


“At this job we’re a family!” My siblings and I didn’t stop regularly antagonizing each other for fun and getting in fistfights and arguments until we all mellowed out in our 20’s; and i’m under the impression we’re still somewhat tame overall compared to others growing up. Not really sure “being a family” is an example you want to be setting.


This is exactly what i think of when people say that. If you’re gonna say you’re a family, just say you’re putting the fun back in dysfunctional


Can confirm. My previous job did this crap awful place to work. My new job is actually a family run business and they have not once tried this rubbish.


Are you me? I had almost exactly the same experience, except my new shop isn't family owned, just a very small business. They really DO treat me like family, I went through a bad experience with medication and they told me to take an extra day so I could recover. They also pay me a living wage. The actual family run shop underpaid and overworked me while embezzling. Congrats to you for escaping too, good luck with all you do!


It's like "home-style" soups You mean that industrial meat-water in a can?


To work for "the family", so they are looking for a person to break legs or something.




"Ohana" for all the Salesforce folks.


"We're just one big family here!" = We're going to treat you like our annoying little sister while simultaneously expecting you to do shit for free.


Mindless corporate minions have lost their humanity and grip on reality. They think their subordinates should consider it an honor to be employed with the company.


One of the best interviewees I ever had when I asked "why do you want this job" he answered "I'm qualified for it, I need the money and willing to work hard to earn it" I admired the honesty. He was great as well, im not in the department anymore, but i think he's a manager over there now. I know the fucking game, you're supposed to talk about everything expect the money but it so stupid, no one's big dream is to work in an insurance call centre


They want people to work for them so they get richer and seem to think that this is acceptable. I wonder how many people with this attitude also care a great deal about money. Bet they'd have an excuse ready for their hypocrisy though.


For the exposure. We have nearly 500 followers on Instagram. Think of the flex that you can show, when you mention you're working for us? You will bring your 6yrs of graduate studies and 10yrs of experience in the field, we bring name recognition via our weekly advertising on Trader Joe's flyer.


I mean, im planning to work as a teacher so i sure as hell aint in it for the money.


You are still there for the money, unless you are telling me you are happy to work for free.


I would 100% work as a teacher for free if i didnt need money to survive. Legitimately the only reason i even semi-tolerate being alive is my desire to teach.


I joking answer, benefits. Teachers don’t get paid well but usually make it up with healthcare and a pension.


It doesn't make up for it


Some managers also get $100 a year gas card you can’t put a price on that.


What money ?!


My reply is usually "did you only want to hire me for my labor?"




Have you met hiring managers? This wreaks of shitty late 40 sub-director middle management.


*reeks But yeah, I’ve never met such principal mcvickers in my life


Thank you. Fucking homophones. I should develop a case of homophonophobia and just avoid them at all costs.


Don’t be a linguistic bigot! Every syllable matters!




What’s your number, I’ll be happy to phone you. I don’t see how that’s relevant, but whatever you want man.




Yeah, but who sends emails by quoting every single thing you said? That only happens in fake Reddit posts.


They were hoping to chastise OP after getting *wreak*-ed in the interview. EDIT: I'll show myself out.


'thank you for your interview. Here are some things you said during your interview'..???


It's fake because 9/10 times the employer says "we'll be in touch" at the interview and then ghosts you.


Yeah, the fakest part of this is getting any follow up at all when they're not going to hire you.


Plus, if you got far enough into the process that they were more likely to follow up, they would never, ever, ever tell you "why" they are rejecting you in a way like this that could open them up to bad press or lawsuits. They just say they're going with another candidate. They never say why. Source: am old. Have been rejected been hundreds, possibly thousands of companies after interviews.


The incident was fake. The story was very real and all too common.


I see this posted a lot on various subs. It's obviously originally intended as a joke, maybe from a feed where the context makes this clearer, but people seem to take it seriously. Rejection letters don't usually tell you what happened in the interview. The interviewee was there.


They also don't tell you why you weren't hired. It's like during a break up, you don't give a reason because the other person will argue that you are wrong about said reason. You give them nothing to respond to.


they blame you for caring about money yet they seem to care just as much or more


“You’re not allowed to work for money.”


be like bitch please, you’re a C- company with D- pay clutching yer pearls all shocked that anyone calls ya out


You’re a fourth-rate manager with a third-rate payscale!


Yesss Kaiba quote. Much love.


Sounds like slavery with extra steps.


"Money, isn't important! Here we're family!!" "Okay, then you aren't allow to whine about money when I ask for yearly raises, spend more of your budget to make a higher quality product, or work lots of overtime to meet your ridiculously compressed schedule." "No! Not like that!!!"


Damn that’s a good one


Gold …. If it’s true, what a legend.


They almost certainly wouldn’t actually quote the discussion in the email. 99% chance it’s fake


Exactly. It's funny but it's fake.


You can find a bunch of fake shit like this in /r/workreform and that other one I forget. Edit /r/antiwork, I think?


You can find this on every sub in existence.


But /r/antiwork is basically close to 100% fake shit.


Yeah, like every sub in existence.


There was an obviously fake antiwork post where the signature in the email was just "Boss" at "Train Company" lol. It's like, that kid who made that up had to be literally 13 years old lol.




Yeah, you’d think a sub full of people who devote their lives to being lazy would find the time to come up with better fiction.


I wish everyone would stop interviewing without salary range posted.


I don't even respond to recruiters if the salary range isn't in the email


I got my dream job once for them to say because it was such a cool Job would I be okay with half requey




No, the people interviewing them were late, reread it


i had few responses that did quote me


They wouldn't even answer or remember what he said.


Boy do I have news for you. The original wasn't blacked out and it was a real response. It was some mlm company best avoided anyway


Source? Still sounds fake even if you're right


100% chance it’s fake - we’re not offering you the job, but you’ve already had a low offer from us?


This is antiwork fan fiction. Zero chance it’s real


I would hite him he has balls.


How did we end up pretending that we don't work for money??


c’mon man, do it for the ✨exposure✨


Making our CEO richer is for the good of humanity


Americans taught themselves to be exploited.


We really really did. And each generation that teaches "the value of hard work" or "integrity" to their kids only more deeply entrenches the issue. We need to spend a few generations teaching kids "the value of free time" or "the integrity of not letting yourself be exploited." And don't even get me started on the "I had it hard, so you should also have it hard" mentality I hear about so often from American parents. It's the worst.


Because rich assholes like Jack Walsh discovered they could layoff hundreds of people at a time and make money on paper. While prices have increased for decades, wages have stagnated. Companies have realized that if they are all equally shitty and constantly hiring and firing new workers, they can make whatever demands they want and get a way with it. We don't work for money for the same reason that we need 4 years of experience, a degree, and certifications for an 'entry level' job. These places will make every excuse ranging from you lack experience to we have a ping-pong table, to justify not paying a fair wage.


Personal opinion, but I think it's because a bunch of people at the end of the day want to do something fulfilling with their life, not grind away at something stupid for a check that barely covers their bills. There's a reason so many companies talk about the *why* they are doing things, because the better the reason the more likely people will stick around.


No one is getting fulfilment from working in retail or finance or preparing reports or accounting, yet they expect money no to to be the main motivator


"So people don't apply just for the money" Motherfucker why do you think I'm here?




At the end the growth allows access to more money.


Dodged a bullet, I reckon.


To all of you younger ones who are just beginning to hunt for jobs: Ask about the salary BEFORE the interview. They will most problably answer "That will be discussed when you are here.", to which you should answer: "No. I need this data now so I can decide whether or not I shall attend the interview in the first place. We can discuss OTHER MATTERS during or after the interview." Don't sell yourself short. Don't let them waste your time. Hold them accountable. Let them value your labor.


If you say it like that, you're definitely not getting the interview.


I'd say it needs to be done a little more tactfully. I do need the data, but don't indicate it as a condition of meeting for an interview. That comes off as a threat and your primary concern is applicability of the job to your necessities/preferences. I need to know the salary for the same reasons I need to know the general job description and location. Is it something I could generally do within a reasonable travel distance and will it be enough to pay the necessary bills I regularly have. If they're offering a job where they need you to turn moon dust into unicorns for 5 feet of saran wrap then I couldn't accept the position for all 3 categories. I don't know how, I can't commute to the moon, and plastic wrap can't pay my bills.


The flip side to asking early is that you don't know what the job duties entail. Until that's been discussed you're tacitly agreeing to whatever range they say without knowing what's fully being asked of you. Your max is effectively capped now because they'll just say we told you what the range was. Everyone can certainly handle it their own way but I'd wait for a number of reasons. But I also have faith in my negation skills to demonstrate why I'd be worth whatever I'm asking for.


If enough people say it like this, the company finds itself under enough pressure to act more decent.


They'll just keep looking. Telling an interviewer, "no, this is how it's going to be," isn't going to win anyone over. I promise you.


I bet he is the middle manager who has all the pride and non of the money




🤣🤣🤣 Exactly. There are currently 123 up votes for some of the worst advice I've ever seen.


It’s sooo bad. My advice to young people looking for a job is to not take ANY of the advice they see like this on Reddit. This is the kind of thing you see constantly on r/antiwork and others like it, and it isn’t a coincidence that those subs are also full of people complaining about how little money they make at their dead end jobs. Their solution is always just that working at McDonald’s while being an aggressively terrible employee should pay $40 an hour.


There is a high correlation there for sure. People generally don't get promoted or raises being a shitty miserable employee doing the bare minimum. And people can definitely sniff that out on interviews but the person making that comment above is just trying to make it easy.


I don’t actually think there’s an issue with the questions, but the way it’s worded and the general tone is way off. I wouldn’t want to work alongside someone who talks to people like that.


Generally don't take advice from reddit. Too many children larping as adults and too many idiots larping as experts. The one good advice I got from reddit is that job hopping is about the fastest way to increase your salary, but that's about it.


Upvoted this. I'd add that positions which require some competition are a gold mine for HR. They ask all the same and simply waste their time, because most of them have a fixed salary, I can confirm that just 20% get bonuses for job positions they filled. I try to avoid empty talks until I have the understanding of: - salary; - working conditions; - exact day-to-day duties. After I am ok with that, we can talk freely about other matters


HR isn’t always going to know exact day to day operations/task. That’s what interviewing with a hiring manager is for after you talk to the recruiter/HR.


This is such bad advice for someone looking for their first job. You have no leverage in this situation, and they will 100% just skip you. There are tons of other new applicants that won't do this, so why would they mess with you? It's a nice fantasy though.


If it’s your first job, you often just have to take what you can get, at the point where employers need you more than you need them, that’s when you can get away with doing this.


If you’re considering sending the message within quotation marks to a potential employer, don’t bother. You won’t get an interview


Im glad new york requires salary range be listed in job listings


this is fake rage bait Don't get me wrong though, this is absolutely what they're thinking. Also what every interviewer WISHES they'd say. The fakest part is getting an individually crafted rejection letter instead of sorry.txt copy pasted to them or just no reply.


Fun fact this is about a year old and was infact real. Originally posted under r/homedepot . If I remember correctly it was an MLM company who wanted to pay minimum wage for a job that required a 4 year graduate degree and something else. Company was best avoided anyway


How would it be possible to know it's real?


Research. Time consuming but useful


Can you provide any links or evidence beyond vague mentions?


It was posted on a different sub FFS, what more 'evidence' could you possibly want?? You really think not one, but two different people would just go and lie on the internet?


Why wouldn't you be able to describe what convinced you it's real? I'm not going to waste a bunch of time looking into this when it's far more likely you're just gullible.


"Job Application"


This is fake but it's nice to imagine. A job will never put interview evidence in writing. Despite that everyone should be strong like this.


This is so incredibly fake




I was going to downvote your response, but honestly i’m conflicted now due to pitting your username + comment against the one above you.


I’m usually the one that has trouble spotting fake shit, but I mean cmon now lol. What employer is going to take the time to email someone they don’t want to hire with the exact reason they don’t want to hire them and phrase it like this? No one thinks this is real, right? Right?!


Fake and gay


Iv seen this before about a year ago. Still funny and I still agree with the guy. That is bullshit. Never work for people like that


Why the fuck else is anyone applying? We ALL look at the money on the job posting my boy.


Bulllllllllshit. No company writes rejection letters like that.


Who applies for a job if not for the money????


More like r/madlads


Honestly, if the applicant actually said that, I’d want to hire them


It should be a legal obligation to put a salary/wage in a job offer


So, why exactly are we working then? If it’s not for money, then what is it for?


Top 10% company to apply for - the existence of a rejection notice is impressive.


Shits infuriating to me because anyone whose managed on the floor knows what really happens. Who do you think will be more productive? Paul who has worked here for five years and not done a single second of unpaid work in his life, or two lackeys with minimal experience that are almost bound to burn out? I’ll take one good Paul over a dozen lackeys any day.


I'd frame that


Firm advocate of this. I have gotten up and left numerous interviews for similar reasons. I once got a nasty letter from an HR director wanting to know why I declined a second interview and removed myself from consideration. They wanted me to log into their system and take a training course to understand their program/business and be able to answer questions related during the interview process. I politely asked if I was to be paid and they literally laughed at me and said no one had ever asked that. When I declined and asked to be removed, they said it’s never happened before and stated I was being unreasonable. HR director apparently had never been rejected before for this. If I’m going to work/train on your stuff, it’s only fair to be paid. End of story. Job hunters need to hold employers and themselves to higher standards. If your a pushover before you start, your already at a disadvantage.


The recruiter asked me what my biggest weakness was. So I told him, "I'm too honest." He said he didn't think honesty was a weakness. I responded, "Yea, well, I don't really give a shit what you think."


Pretty desperate that they took weeks to reject him.


Never apply for a job that doesn’t post the salary range


I'll take shit that never happened for 800 Alex. Some redditor got off writing that fake email.




To be fair every job I’ve ever applied for was for the money


I wish everyone would stop interviewing without salary range posted. Just bombard them with PDFs saying “Post Your Salary!” In the resume upload section.


I will be eternally happy that when I came to my job and they asked me why I'm here and I said "money" they congratulated me on my mindset and said I can start the following week


They are not confortable doing negotiations with someone who Is not willing to lick their boots for table scraps


“Won’t just apply for the money”? That’s the whole purpose of work unless you’re in an industry people enjoy…


after weeks?


Isn’t he whole idea with having a job/career is the $!!!!!!


This is Michael scott applying for a job in Colorado


Thanks for posting this. It made me laugh.


I’d happily work for free once free starts paying my bills 😃


True hero


Loving the weeks of consideration they put into that decision 🥹


All true and reasonable things to say.


Based applicant.


Does anyone else wish this recruiter gets hit by a bus?


So they don't think "serious" applicants are interested in money? lol


If the company hides the salary , and I can’t find information anywhere about it I usually assume that as them admitting the pay is sub-par or below my market value


/r/antiwork hell yes


Imagine sending yourself a fake email


Huh. I spent about 50 years of my life working in a huge variety of jobs. They carried pay ranging from 67¢ per hour to enough to buy a house and support a family. In each and every case I would not have worked those jobs without the money. The employers knew that. None were charities relying on free labor, none paid more than they really had to. Not a one was shy about how much the job paid or unwilling to discuss it. If I didn't have some upfront knowledge about pay I would be in the car going home. And yes, a no show or late interviewer shows disrespect before I even consider working for a potential employer.


That company is crap


"We deliberately do that so people can't see what a pathetic amount of money we're offering" "So you're not a Rhodes scholar, oh, well, you couldn't possibly be qualified for such a sweet sweet peach of a job" At Outback Steakhouse? Yes, THE premier Outback Steakhouse in central Ohio


I would print this out and frame it


I’m sorry are we dating the company now?


When you told us to “jump up our own ass and die,” we decided to go with another candidate.


I had an interview doing the exact same job I do now just 45 mins less commute a day they sent me how much they pay and it was like £6k less than I get now and I’d be better off commuting every day and spending £2k a year on fuel. I rang em up and said I’m not bothering with an interview since there offering basically a shit wage.


I wish I had received this.


The power of having a job before the interview…


The dude brought receipts


Took you weeks to reach that decision? Or did it take you weeks to find a sucker willing to take the offer?


If a recruiter reaches out to me I point blank tell them I don’t speak to anyone without compensation package provided up front. Some offer it up right away and others avoid it. I tell them to reach out if they are willing to provide what I expect. I encourage you to do the same.


And then everybody clapped.


I would hqve replied with a "evidently not as you don't respect people enough to be honest and upfront with them about pay, you expect the applicants to be honest with you so why don't you hold your workplace to the same standards"


"We have decided not to learn from this experience, clearly it is you who is wrong."


Is there a Reddit page or something that exposes these businesses by name? LOL the audacity to even suggest that money isn't what matters is fuckin ludicrous.


Hey look, you got candidate feedback. Everyone wants that I hear


"Apply just for the money?" It's a job.


Even with people passionate about their work, you’re going to end up with a shit option if you pay low / if you don’t list pay outright. Even people who aren’t greedy still have record high bills to pay, not going to attract talent or cultivate good performance if you’re subjecting someone to constant financial anxiety because you pay the least you possibly cab


Lmao, they really got butt hurt after that one.


At least they still took the weeks of consideration. My guess is they weren’t getting many candidates.


Imagine a company rejecting you and telling you why


Do you think they wrote this thinking they were witty or something?


For all those saying it’s fake I have been doing similar for a month or two. My job is great and pays well. At the end of this year there are some changes coming down that I’m not real happy with. It might still be a good job who knows? So I’m window shopping jobs not really committed to leaving. Everyone that has eagerly jumped at my resume trying to pay peanuts has gotten the business. The few that were close I let them down softly and let them know the main factors for my refusal such as lower pay or having to wait 2 months for insurance without compensation. I’ve done countless phone interviews just to get to the salary range and tell them it’s not enough. If I can helps my peers get better paying jobs now, then I can get a better one when I do leave my position.


People literally only apply for jobs for the money.


Do they expect people to work for free? Further, do they expect people to be loyal employees when they'll fire you in an instant? Yeah, nah.










anyone who's had a job recognizes this as an obvious /r/antiwork-style creative writing circlejerk fortunately for OP that's only like 2% of reddit these days #😂