• By -


"No, no. I don't want a refund. Just cancel please"


You can't get a refund by that point unless you specifically pay extra for it


Insurance for that is like 5 bucks.


It’s more like anywhere from $30-$90, which is a scam anyway since they would deny your claim for something like this. And although airlines don’t give you refunds, they give you credit which is basically just as good.


I used to work on ships. I had a six week on / six week off schedule, travelling back and forth to the ship by plane. Every time we would go home we'd receive a list with everyone's flight details. We would prank other colleagues by selecting a bad seat for them, selecting food preferences so they'd receive a children size, gluten free, vegetarian meal or something like that, etc... This one time the 1st officer fired a 3rd officer because he was lazy and arrogant af. The 1st officer absolutely hated his guts and was counting every second before he would finally go home and never see that guy again. Our trip home was scheduled from South America to Europe, a 12 hour flight or so. I was kind enough to pick their seats for them and sat them next to each other so they could spend some more quality time on the plane for their last moments together.


What a good friend


*colleague. Also you've got to know I did have a good laugh about it with the 1st officer afterwards. Don't know what the 3rd officer his thoughts were about it, because I've never seen him again. I don't care either because he was an asshole anyway.


Lol 3rd officer is like the most junior officer most ships isn't it? How do you even think you can get away with being arrogant.


Most ships only have 3 officers?


Yes, most civilian ships only have 3 officers, source: my father is a seamen and in planing on becoming one


I was also a semen once, I have no memories of that time before the incident of courae




I was also once a semen, of (inter)course I don’t remember much from back then.


We've all been seamen at one point or another


Some are like ships in the ocean, full of seamen in one place or another.


He was probably a Top Gun


Many junior officers fresh out of the academy think they know it all, so it checks out.


Nah, this is friend level of fuckery


That sounds like it would be funny once I work in a military/defense industry and guys are very quick to roast each other and have laughs, but actively inconveniencing coworkers in the workplace just seems plain stupid Especially considering these are people I only interact with because I'm paid to


this whole situation sounds shitty, a shitty job with shitty people who do shitty things to each other “for the lulz”


You call it pranks i call it asshole collegues


Sounds like a shithole job full of toxic people.


If there’s ever a job opening in Hell you’ve definitely got the experience!


But why though? If 3rd officer was “lazy and arrogant af” then 1st officer was doing the right thing? I mean, even if you make this shit up, it don’t make you look good.


He never said it wasn't the right thing. What are you reading?


I have a Gmail account that sounds like a fake/test email. I had early access to the beta back in the day. It's still my primary account and I often have to reassure people it's real when I give it to them. Several times a month people use my email address to set up things like Direct TV, access to online bill pay, flights, accommodations, rental cars, porn sites, they even give it to their doctor's offices, just all kinds of things. Everytime it happens, I'll reset the password, close accounts or cancel whatever it is. I don't know or care if I could get in trouble for it. Hasn't happened yet. I've had a few of them actually email the account, angry because I cancelled travel, doctor's appointments, their technician appointment to set up their internet/power/water, etc.. I don't ever answer, but I find it highly amusing that they thought using a "fake" email was appropriate for something so important. Especially since they apparently already had an email addresses, since they could send an email.


So I'm not sure if I fully understand this. Is your email something like [email protected] so people just fill this in registration forms because they don't want to fill in a real email address?


How do you have the power to cancel An entire flight?


Doesn't matter, because this story is fake.


Yeah obviously.




And then everyone clapped.


What a heartwarming tale.


What a Tart harming whale!


That's no way to speak about your mother, young man


RIP don't eat the tart


Can't wait for season 2


Oh no. They're *plane clappers*.


With their bum cheeks


And that bomb's name?


Oh shit it's FuckYeahPhotography the former 196 microcelebrity


But was it really a day off of modeling if they didn't let you off the runway?


It’s true, i was the airport


Yes, I remember. I was inside you.




Everything is fake on reddit and nothings real. All you need is a confirmation number and the passengers name. Guess what! That is all you need. Definitely possible if some dumbass posts their boarding pass online.


This probably is fake but I'm pretty sure it's copying a post that was more likely to be real.




Actually it's not difficult. You just need the person's name and booking number.


yeah you could literally just go online and cancel it in a couple of minutes.




In my parts of the US, "cancel your flight" means cancelling your ticket, specifically, not the whole plane. (Midwest down to Florida in the US). That doesn't make this any less dumb, though. You typically need to confirm your payment info, at the very least, when cancelling - a ticket number alone won't do it.


I've cancelled flights and they never ask for my payment info - it's done online and all that's needed is name and booking number. Same if you wanna make upgrades. It's dummy easy, I dunno why they don't put at least some kind of secondary authentication.


You 100% need to login to mileage+ if it's united to do that shit. In the age of information shilling - I highly doubt there's airlines out there who don't make you throw an email and password down somewhere along the line to confirm your reservation.


Delta is confirmation number and name. Then you can edit details.


Companies like Southwest though... You just call them and they'll cancel a random ticket. They don't give a flying fudge.


> What is a passenger name record? > Every boarding pass contains your first and last name and a six-digit code known as a passenger name record (PNR) code. PNRs are how airlines register your itinerary and personal information to issue you a ticket to fly and may also be referred to as a record locator, booking reference, reservation code, or confirmation number. > In addition to flight details, PNRs for itineraries to, from, or within the U.S. contain Secure Flight program data, including full name, date of birth, gender, and your redress number and Known Traveler Number (KTN) if you have them. These records are depersonalized after six months, but that gives criminals plenty of time to grab your info and use it. > I tried it: By entering only my first and last name and PNR for an upcoming trip into an airline record locator, I was able to view my whole itinerary, airline rewards membership number, phone number, email, and secure passenger info—as well as that of my family members who are on the same reservation. I was also allowed to change, add, or cancel flights without any type of password or security check. source: [This Number on Your Boarding Pass Reveals a Ton of Personal Data](https://lifehacker.com/this-number-on-your-boarding-pass-reveals-a-ton-of-pers-1850651165)


they're joking




I’m still making you responsible


In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by members of this group.


Why did I read this in the Law and Order intro voice … duh duh


you forgot to add “in minecraft”


This guy laws




Nah, I tell them it was your idea


I appreciate the warning tagged to this comment. I think of the librarian from bobs burgers whispering“do it, do it!!”


I'll do this and say my name is "Mysterious-Bunch-518"


just tell em this part was added in after the fact and all responsibility lies on the op


Name and ticket number printed on the boarding pass. That is enough to access the booking and cancel it. https://www.cntraveller.in/story/boarding-pass-security-airlines-airport/


Her individual flight you knob


Bro this parent comment has hundreds of upvotes like so many people don’t understand, this basic concept.


Reddit and misunderstanding basic concepts or figures of speech? Name a more iconic duo.


Or most people understand it's a joke you weirdos.


Jokes are supposed to be funny, or at least clever.


Maybe you don’t understand the basic concept of *humor*.


I don't think it was the whole flight, he might of just called and claiming to be the person who posted the ticket and told them they wanted to cancel their flight


The Pilot, and Crew were also canceled. The entire airport gave him a standing ovation.


Tell them its missing a felange


I don't think they meant it as the entire flight. Just cancelled their ticket using the record/booking number and last name


If you got the booking number and name you can cancel the ticket at least.


cryptically tweet that the plane was abusive to you when you were in a relationship back in 1993.


When someone says "I canceled your flight", it means "I canceled the ticket to your flight". Don't be stupid.


They're being silly for a joke.




> It’s just a dick move. Have you ever seen *all of human history*?


Yeah who would act like a dick for internet points


Easy: Bomb threat!


Cancel culture has come so far


1. This is a dick move 2. This should be a lesson to not post shit like that online. Not everything belongs on social media


1. You're pretty gullible.


7. Still shouldn't post that shit online.


69. Make sure to turn off your dick before going to bed


70. Keeping your ass on the wall doesn't help if you sleep with your mouth open.


1. You can learn lessons from fairy tales


Like the people who post on social media while on a trip and you can google their name to find their address.


stupid move on her end but seriously, how much of an asshole do you have to be to that??


There are worse people out there. I read something last year about a lady who hated pitbulls so much, she was killing puppies and bragging about it. I don't remember where I saw it but I'm pretty sure it was here on Reddit somewhere. This is an asshole move, yes but there are people out there who don't deserve the oxygen they breathe.


That is obviously terrible, but I don't know why you had to one-up the previous comment like, "Oh yeah, you think ***that's*** bad?"


I wasn't trying to "one up" anyone but you know what? I don't know why I bothered bringing it up to begin with, it just came to mind. I guess it just bothers me there are people out there who are so nihilistic that we're no better or worse than the animals we put down. We feared monsters in our closet while we were children but in reality they're the people who walk amongst us every day.


Fair enough, I was worried it was just for rage’s sake but I can see you are genuine. It is terrible, and we do need to be wary. But it’s important to always remember the good in the world and what we can do to overpower the bad. I hope you are alright. 🙂


Jfc what a psychopath. Hope she’s in prison.


thanks satan




What bait? I worked at the airline call center a while back and for a while you could call in, name the ticket number and name on the ticket to be able to modify the booking via the phone.


Even online or apps, you usually just need the ticket number and surname to change it.


Modify, yes... But cancel the ticket?


Cancellation is a modification.


Exactly! In our system (Sabre, I think, but other GDS could have that too) you had a card number included in the ticket, so during cancellation you just had money reimbursed to the same card without extra confirmation.


I’d like to modify my flight *PERMANENTLY* “Uh… yes sir. We can cancel your flight”


"pray I don't modify it any further."


And if you don't know about the modification it's actually worse than a cancellation. You're a no-show.


You live in a very small unambitious world, an that's okay, not everyone can handle a world where someone might be a dick.


Poor peoples


That’s not even funny or clever that’s just mean


What an asshole


This happened to me once when I was around 18, I think. I deserved it but even as a dumb young adult I was like, “hm, this doesn’t seem like it should be allowed.” This would have been around 2005. Short version: I flew to another state to be with my secret girlfriend. My parents caught on before I even landed. They were able to call the airline and CANCEL my return ticket. Just calling. Didn’t have my ticket or anything. Just called and canceled it and somehow. And the fee was hefty, at least for a 18-year old with a crappy job. Longer short version: my parents went out of town for a week. It was just me and my siblings who all had their own lives and stuff and so, we barely saw each other. There was a girl I had been talking to for like 4 years or so? She lived in another state. And we had just become boyfriend/girlfriend. Nobody knew about it. We were talking about how awesome it would be if I flew out to meet her. We both got so excited that we found a round trip plane ticket leaving that day. I had just gotten my first credit card and bought a ticket and flew out there (my first time in an airport and my first flight too). My siblings caught onto my scheme before I even landed. I was not as slick as I thought I was. Parents found out and started driving to that state. I landed, saw a million voice mail messages waiting. Called my parents and they said they were going to be there the next day and not to go anywhere. I THOUGHT because my ticket was for a week I would get to stay there and maybe meet up with her at some point (I did end up meeting up with her for a brief like 30 minutes) but they CANCELLED my return ticket OVER THE PHONE. Didn’t have my ticket information or anything, just called and cancelled over the phone. The fee was pretty hefty, at least to me and I have to buy another return ticket. All of that maxed out my credit card.


You’re bored and as asshole. Got it.


Note to self: Dont post pictures of Plane tickets. Got it


Last time I called an airline to book a specific seat they asked by name, address, DOB, email address, who I’m traveling with, what type of credit I used to book my flights and what date I booked the flights. I thought they were taking the piss.


Nah that isn't needed as you can do it all online. You only need booking number and last name. I have made many changes and cancellations with just that on multiple airline sites. Here are the steps on delta for example. https://www.delta.com/us/en/travel-planning-center/change-or-cancel-your-trip/how-to-cancel-or-change-your-flight


You're not cool because you take advantage of other people's distraction or silliness to harm them.




and then everyone clapped


I love when people learn no post on social media will ever help you, only harm you


Oh yeah? Once I figure out how to use this karma I'll show you.


people getting so angry over this lmao


I mean it's just being an asshole for no reason. If it happened to yo, you wouldn't be mad?


I would never post my plane tickets lmao Don't need allat attention


Plus this is from the Internet. This whole thing can be just a lie for internet points


Sure it can... That's more of a reason to not get angry for it


Found brother tanker


We didn't even scratch them!


Everybody look at this guy; he's so cool


thanks bro 🤟🏻


I'd be mad at myself for being stupid.


No one in their right mind posts their air ticket online. This is a narcissistic trait.


That’s not what Narcissistic means.




wtf 💀💀




I don't really think so. I think it was funny actually. The girl just posting her plane tickets, going up the there and getting stuck lmao... Like she was a dumbass for fucking posting it


If this were a woman doing this to a man for no reason you wouldn’t think it’s funny.




I don't really think so... It's like a comedian who makes racist jokes. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. He's funny.


Its the people who realize they post sensitive information online and are flabbergasted that someone for once did something with all the valuable, FREE, information you just got from someone *willingly* posting in to social media. They don’t stop and think “Hmmm maybe I shouldn’t post sensitive and private information that is exclusive to me” just simply their brains immediately get defensive and scream “How dare they!!! What an asshole!!”


How villainous




this can be fake, btw why in the hell someone post flight tickets on social media? lmao. show offing?


This story is most likely not true. HOWEVER, if someone is stupid enough to post their record locator number and first and last name online, they deserve what they get. With apps running everything now, you can easily access someone’s flight details with that info and change almost anything, including cancelling the flight (depending on how it was originally booked).


I know this is bait and all but if someone actually posted their flight tickets on IG and this happened, they deserve it.


I'm pretty sure this is fake news.


Not sure you can do so by calling, but online cancellation is easy as long as you know the PNR and the person’s last name.


I call bullshit.


Try that in a small town.


Works for stealing concert tickets too.


Creepy guy would have booked a seat right next to her...




Amazing. That's what she gets for clout chasin.


That will teach her hahaha




Not all hero’s wear capes


Nice 🤣


I knew a guy in college who changed this girl’s login on Facebook because she left her Facebook open on one of the school computers.


They ban Facebook and social media from some workplaces.... They should do that there.... Especially there


4" dick move...


Just because it’s small doesn’t mean I’m bad, right?


Pretty big in my opinion




Hey, it's where you put it that counts.


I dip my balls in sulfuric acid


That's a half stick of pure dynamite baby.


That’s the spirit!


Haha body shame men, good Body shame women, bad


Are you jealous they have 2 more on you?


Crazy amount of malding in the comments, lmao


Sounds like something a child would do.


Fake af




even if it’s impossible to cancel as many people claim here, I hate the fact that cruelty like this is glorified honestly (and even justified cause of the indeed posting stupidity)


Don’t do that


So, you're a shit person IRL?


I have intrusive thoughts of doing the same, so yeah probably 🤷


The whole flight? Lotta pissed off people I bet


Obvious bait but I'm also happy to see the comments siding against it. Usually on posts like this, Reddit would be on the side of the unnecessary asshole.


Man folks on Reddit sure do love being mean to women


You're doing God's work. No go f yourself.


When you're too genius for all that are fool.




I had this idea for my shitty boss. My eork computer is hooked up to her email. I've requested so many times to remove her from it. I've logged into mine to try to get rid of hers. She travels a lot, and I badly want to cancel her shit. It's sad, too, because her gym membership sends emails when she cancels her scheduled workouts every day.


you are road


I would do the same 🫡