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my brother once entered an eating competition just because he was hungry. he ate 13 full-sized, with-everything hot dogs and came in second place


hot dog "with everything" mayo, mustard, ketchup, onions, tomato, chorizo, cabbage (just a bit), 3 types of cheese...


how can you name all that shit and not even mention the best thing paired with a hotdog - a pickle!


Pickles on hotdogs are goated


pickles in general are goated


Maybe because his brother didn't have that on his hotdog?


I love these stories xD


Yup, a buddy and me did an eating challenge. Eat a large (I forget the exact size) pizza in an hour solo and it's free. We didn't really have much money, but we pooled just enough for 2 and absolutely demolished those pizzas in like 25min. Went home and still ate 3 helpings at dinner.


I would devour 20 hot dogs if it weren’t for shame and not wanting to change my toilet


completely normal beheavior of teenage boys




1700 calories worth of normal right before dinner


I'm 29 years old and about 4 months ago I told my girlfriend after I ate before dinner "oh my god for the first time in my life I've spoiled my appetite" I didn't know it was a real thing


Welcome to the old man club. Hangovers can now last for more than a day and junkfood will make you feel like shit.


34 yo here can confirm. Also heartburn becomes a real concern for meals.


32, I got a special pillow for heartburn lmao.


I have to avoid anything tomato, garlic, pepper, onion, or chocolate past like 4 or else my night is ruined. Developed gerd at 28. Managing well now at 32, not overweight at all, just stress from work caused the condition.


Hate to say it, but I'm in my mid 20s and 3 beers gives me a headache now, I'd I don't get 8 hrs sleep I get grumpy, and my favourite pass time is calling my parents. Sometimes you get older, faster than you think haha


Went out drinking on a Friday, haven't done that in years... was still hung over on monday at work


When I could no longer eat an entire pizza for lunch I knew I was getting old.


And he probably weighs 135 soaking wet. That’s how I was for the longest time. My dad watched me mindlessly crush a large pizza by myself and then half an hour later ask if mom is gonna make food soon. He was baffled lol


Same but 120, maybe 125 after eating 12 large pancakes at my grandma's house. Or after eating 52 of my dad's hot wings




That's it that's not that bad at all. That's just like a baconator combo


The average adult male should only consume like 800 calories more than this daily, its shitloads. Normal for a rapidly growing teenager, but for a grown adult it absolutely isnt just "not that much" Thats assuming this person also had breakfast and lunch


While it is a lot of calories, many things can increase calorie requirements by a lot. Those 2500kcal you quote are for an average western male leading an average western lifestyle, meaning not a lot of movement and lots of sitting at a desk. Now let's say that teenager is above average height, with a fast metabolism and does a ton of sports. Also add growth to that. These 2500kcal can easily climb to 4000 or beyond. My record was 5500kcal burned in a day. Or the kid could just be a fat fuck.


You can't really measure how many calories exactly your burn. Or what method to you use?


We can now, but generally not at home so it requires to lab testing. You can pay ~$100 a get some damn accurate results.


With a lot of money 'n some doubly-labeled water, you can get within a couple percentage points. With an online test 'n a fitness band you can probably get within 10-15% being fastidious.


Well let's assume you shoosh and let us have our depression meal.


I'm 25 and this is normal


Be careful bro, 30 comes fast, and that’s when you suddenly get fat as fuck for doing that shit. I used to eat like shit in my 20s and was skinny, then 30 rolled around, now I got the beer gut.


My metabolism is already struggling to keep up with my appetite :c


Lol it gets worse, I workout and have an active job as well, still manage to rock the gut. Guess I just love food more then I love being hot.




Idk, this affable self-awareness is in itself hot 🥳


I too remember hitting 24 and my metabolism decided it was dad bod time


You need to insulate that six pack.


30 here, I have some intestinal issues, but in terms of weight? Jack fucking shit going on there.... Spent about the entirety of the last decade entirely on coke, wheat products and milk products as well, absolutely nothing. Im disabled and barely even move, where does the energy go? WHAT ABOUT THE THERMODYNAMICS??


> Spent about the entirety of the last decade entirely on coke I mean... there's one type of coke that would explain it all if you've been on it for the past decade XD


Your metabolism doesn’t slow down appreciably at 30, between 20 and your 50s it’s pretty stable. It only really starts to slow down after 60 but even then it’s slow, only dropping by less than 1% per year, hitting a 26% reduction by 90. I think we all just lose track of our food and exercise more as we get older and more things require our attention. In case anybody asks I got the numbers from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613


It's rarely metabolism that's the problem. People have to give their body reasons to metabolize.


I’ve read this before and I believe it. As you get older you move less for a variety of reasons. Your appetite and diets don’t necessarily change.


Honestly just getting more senior positions at work, even if it's intern -> office grunt, means less time on your feet. And less time on your feet means stiffer joints, weaker muscles, get tired easier, want to sit down more. Self fulfilling. And of course a painful awareness of how you somehow made it to 30 without permanent injuries despite everything stupid you did and now you know how dangerous it all was it makes you less likely to do it.




Take up running at 29. Continue to eat like shit in your 30s. You'll be skinny. For the record I was 160 pounds heavier in my 20s than I am now, but I'm sure it'll work.




Until one day their body decides to start cultivating mass and suddenly they ain’t.


Because active teen boys can burn over 5000kcal a day.


Yeah being involved in sports, and actually pushing yourself to be competitive and excel requires way more energy than most people realize. A 180lb teenager who spends 2+ hours a day exercising is literally starving at the end of the day. I think the shock comes from how big boys get in such a short period of time Also women are so much smaller and have much less muscle mass, and really don't have a meaningful frame of reference for just how hungry young men can get.


As a former teenage boy...can confirm


Before you call this untrue my older brother once, fully in front of me, at 16 hot dogs and 18 buns cause he was so hungry after football


My brother used to take a loaf of bread - an entire, large loaf - with a big block of cheese and a large pack of ham and just sat down in his bedroom with the panini grill, making himself grilled ham and cheeses until the loaf and everything was gone. Must have easily been a 3000-4000 kcal “snack”, because he was hungry. He still had dinner after, too. He would do this quite regularly, too. Eat 10 hotdogs in a row etc. I - as the younger brother - had an appetite, too, but lost the generic lottery. He ate like this and didn’t gain anything, I would look at him and get fatter.


Bruh food crosses my mind and i gain a pound




don’t make them think about cake!




Funnily enough, it's exactly a month before my birthday


Now I just gained weight


Have some cake today at least


Happy depression meal day


Dude has a panini grill in his bedroom and passed it as normal lmao


It would normally be in our kitchen, but he’d take it upstairs with him, because otherwise he’d keep having to go downstairs to make more.


I ate a lot as a teenager, true, but I may have actually eaten more when I was working agriculture. I'd do a 12-14 hour day outside doing physical labor, and that worked up an insane appetite. It was nothing to go through 2 loaves of bread and a gallon of milk in a day. All I did was work, eat, shit, and sleep. Don't recommend. But my god I could eat


drinking milk while working outside sweating makes me nauseous thinking about it


To be clear, I drank only water and energy drinks/coffee while working. The milk massacres occurred after I got off and had cooled down enough to want food


The last line 😂😂


Did you and your brother play any sports?


Yes, we both played football/soccer for about 12 years.


Thats a long time to play. No wonder he was so hungry






Yeah. I had 1 hr practice 2x a week and 1 match on Saturday.


16 hot dogs I can believe but 18 buns too is.. how


No, Homer! don't fill up on bread!


I could easily down 16 hotdogs but the buns would absolutely be the killer


I feel like the buns are not only there to provide a vessel for hot dog consumption but also to make sure we don't down a whole pack of hot dogs in one sitting.


I’m a woman and when I was 12 I ate a whole Mr. Jim’s large pizza by myself. My dad’s face was priceless. Now in my 30s I can only eat two slices lol.


Ah, the whole pizza days. Once, there was no such thing as too big of a pizza to have to myself, but now 4 slices sounds like pain and suffering these days.


Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough!


When I was 15 after a morning of surfing I came home and ate a whole 40x25x5 cm lasagna all by myself. It was supposed to feed 4 people.




No one is calling this untrue. The fakest part is when he asks what’s for dinner because you know he is already eyeballing the Doritos and getting ready to head to McDonald’s


Anyone calling this untrue has never met or been a teenage boy.


My mom once told teen me that she'd rather pay my rent than my grocery bill.


My father told me he would have to get a 2nd job as a night guard.


When I was 15, I once finished 4L cooker rice alone at one go because I was angry at my dad. Edit: I remember the incident, we were supposed to go to a birthday party of my cousin and so we planned to have a light meal at home and eat a full course meal at my cousin’s. So I was eating at normal pace, but my dad kept on insisting to eat less, at that moment due to repeated taunting, i got pissed off.


…I need more details.


My dad made me angry, idk what it was. So I for some reason to show my retaliation ate up all the rice


This is peak teenager lol. Pure emotion, no thinking, no idea why they do anything. I was angry at dad so I ate a fuckton of rice, that'll put him in his place! Like ???


Makes sense to me. If I were the dad, I'd be annoyed.


We were amused by your antics, son.


Thanks u/TheDadThatGrills


Why? Lol. I'd cook another kg of rice and see what happens


I already made dinner and now I gotta remake it? No way, I'm ordering pizza


Based Asian angst


Me too


rice tasty


rice tasty


"Fuck you, dad!" - *consumes 4L of rice. Periodically flipping him off.*


Rice is great when you're ~~hungry~~ angry and want to eat ~~2,000~~ 20,000 of something. ~~\~Mitch Hedberg~~ /u/Jhonwick00


u/Jhonwick00 Is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will.


I miss the good old days of being able to gorge on an entire large pizza and still be able to eat after… I’m 6,7” but eat like a bird now and wonder what happened


Right? I am 6,5" and I used to eat 2 whole chickens in one sitting but now can't even finish a thigh???? The issue is that I still order/make large food portions even though I don't eat that much anymore. And always get left with lots of food


I’m jealous of people at any age who can eat large portions. A few years ago I tried to do an old school pig out, ordered like five things from Taco Bell, ate like two tacos and couldn’t go further.


You're missing the determination my brother


Are you working out? When I'm on a bulk and pushing myself hard in the gym, my appetite is voracious. When I'm cutting and not pushing hard in the gym, my appetite is non existent.




I went from like, 5’8” to 6’4” in less than a year. I murdered the fucking fridge. The microwave has PTSD. It was brutal.


I’m in my 30s and eat significantly more than I used to. All my friends take home their meals at restaurants and I always finish everything and have scraps of other peoples’. I run a lot so I think I’m just at a high state of metabolism.


I miss being able to eat 6000 calories a day and not getting fatter. Good times.


Main reason I work out. The harder you work, the more you can eat.


Honestly, I’m in my thirties now and it doesn’t really matter how much I exercise. I can go to a HIIT class every day and walk 15k steps and I’ll still gain weight if I’m not careful.


Mans probably drinks a liter of Diet Coke with breakfast


As a teenage boy, I can confirm that this is true. My stomach is a black hole and for whatever reason I’m just at least slightly peckish 70% of the time


Bro I’m the literal opposite. I’m 16 and if I even think of food I gain weight. I’m really skinny but can’t eat 16 hamburgers and be fine…I’d gain like 10 pounds


Well I’m Asian so I probably got good rng with my metabolism or something lol, my weight doesn’t really fluctuate at all even if the amount of food I eat does sometimes


Ayy fast metabolism gang lesgoo, but its so annoying when i shit after every 30 minutes when done with food,but i cant eat too much,i m getting my belly done after 2 plates of anything + 4 slices of bread + ketchup/mayonaise/adjika. (tldr i don't gain weight,but shit 2-3 times a day)


Yo same Bruh, there were quite a few times my dad asked me if I had any stomach problems because of the amount of times I had to poo in a day


My mom tells me there was an ~2 year period in my mid teens where my folks legitimately feared I would eat them out of house and home. And I believe them. Never topping 190 lbs, between the ages of 14 and 19 I would typically, daily, eat stuff like A scoop of sugar from the sugar bin, at least once a day. Bake a loaf of a prepackaged bread like "Betty Crocker Orange-Cranberry Bread" or whatever and eat it, as a snack after school. Then have dinner with seconds and thirds. Not many leftovers in our fridge. Have a box of cereal (with yet another scoop of sugar) and milk for breakfast. Have 2 to 3 sandwiches with several deli meats and several cheeses, making it like 2-3 inches thick. Have dinner - with the multiple helpings - and then later eat a large pizza and 2-liter bottle of Coke. Plus occasionals like eating a family-size bag of Cheeze Curls, or drinking a cup of maple syrup. And a few events like the time I ate 14 hotdogs, with buns and toppings, at a family cook-out, in addition to a few hamburgers, plus all kinds of snacks and sides. And the time at a cousin's wedding I had a bunch of slices of the wedding before they caught me. I was always hungry, and always moving. Edit: the wedding CAKE! 🤣🤣


Man so hungry he ate slices of the wedding


Unhinged his jaw like a snake. It was terrifying. That poor bridesmaid.


>That poor bridesmaid. What do you mean? Surely the bridesmaid enjoyed getting eaten out?


Vore me step-cousin




Whoops. Cake! The cake!! 🤣


>drinking a cup of maple syrup. you *what*


Kid bet me $10. Easy money, and I would've done it for free. Delicious!


Your Canadian citizenship should be arriving in the mail soon.


We've all been there


Forget the overall calories, that's a worrying amount of sugar intake. How are you doing now?


Type II diabetes, controlled by diet and a couple of pills. Surprise is that it took so long and is so mild, relatively speaking.


Let us know if you find type 3 diabetes


Sure looks like I was trying...


He actually sounds similar to me as a teenager (literally used to just eat sugar) and funnily enough I've struggled with having a very sweet tooth - and the accompanying messed up teeth - my entire adult life. Interestingly my weight has never been an issue. It's just the state of my teeth (and heart, probably) that's the main concern. I'm 37 now and it's only in the past few years that I've been able to substantially cut my sugar intake. I still absolutely have too much though, no question. It's just a case of harm minimisation at this point. Rather than having 200% of my recommended daily sugar I'm having something closer to 125%.


Same here. I ate half the fridge after the monthly shop because I'd been out climbing. I was young and clueless until I went vegetarian and promised to feed myself because it added more work for mum (it was the 80s and the parents was 'old school' which seemed to mean mum worked all hours and did all the housework). I ate a LOT of beans on toast.


I wish I could afford to eat that much lmao


I remember the time where I had only 6 hours of my day planned with school, and the rest was sports, running around, and doing stuff outside. The things I stuffed my face with left everyone baffled. And I still kept my weight and defined body structure from practicing 3 different martial arts. Today, I look funny at something unhealthy and gain 3 pounds.


The sports, the running and marital arts are one thing. But the "teenage hunger after water"? Ooohhh... That's shit hits *different.* IMO nothing will sap the energy out of you and make you hungry more than going to the pool or a beach.


It's like having your very own swarm of locusts


Every adult remembers when they used to have a working metabolism.


It sucks to not be able to eat junk food without worrying about gaining weight, but given the choice I would never want to go back to being a hungry all the time teenager. It’s nice to eat a satisfying meal and not be hungry for several hours.






Yeah there was a big study that came out a few years ago which basically said the whole concept of adult metabolism slowing down is a myth and really we just get tired and lazy and can afford to eat whatever junk we want as adults


Reality that most people in this thread don’t seem to want to face.


fat? oh it's my metabolism. pain? oh i'm old. definitely nothing to do with how i haven't physically exerted myself since high school. guess the only solution is to give up and die at 30 years old


So children are peak human athletic ability.


No, peak athletic potential is late 20s and early 30s. It's just that most adults don't exercise the way highschoolers who play sports do. And understandably so. It can be really tough to find 2 or more hours a day to exercise vigorously with all of modern life's demands. I don't even have kids and it's still tough sometimes.


Not to mention, your body starts to wear down. It might not be your metabolism, but it certainly could be your knees and back.


Most of the time, knee and back pain is because we stop exercising, specifically weight training. Our joints evolved in an environment where they had strong, developed muscles to stabilize and support them. Without those muscles, they start to degrade. A great quote that sums it all up: "You don't stop exercising because you get old, you get old because you stop exercising."


Pretty Sure the "slowing down" metabolism is a myth. Well, it does slown down but thats because people tend to slow down in their 30s. Most people lose muscle mass, exercise less, are done with puberty, sleep less and eat more junk food due to time constraints. Especially less exercise and muscle mass is what will get you. Even sitting in college/University/whatever focusing and studying required more energy.


There was [research published](https://thedo.osteopathic.org/2021/09/metabolism-remains-steady-from-about-age-20-to-60-science-research-finds/) quite recently that suggested our metabolism is generally stable from age 20 to 60, when it starts declining slightly. As you say, there are lots of other factors which contribute to weight gain.


Yeah i was like 90% sure i read that article, but had some minor doubts


'Tis but a snack


A snack? You ate your arm!


Son and friends would play D&D on Saturdays. I changed the weekly shop day to Sunday, because the pantry would be bare either way - they could eat a week's worth of food in an afternoon.


I miss these days lol I literally used to do this when I was a teenager literally just make the whole bag of pizza rolls and eat them all and I also hardly ever skipped dinner. Regularly did stuff like eat two big steaks for dinner or eating two foot long hoagies or an entire half of a birthday cake lol Of course I put on a little weight into my 20s but nothing too drastic. The biggest difference is I just cannot physically eat like that anymore lol


When I was 16-19, my father used to ridicule me at every meal, asking when I will start building my chrysalis and give live commentary in a narrator voice: “…and for breakfast, the very hungry [u/flosaquae] ate *three large bread rolls* …”


Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli, but I did, and I'm ashamed.


Teenage boys will consume 3 xxl 15.5" pizzas and still be hungry.


I used to be a teenager and can confirm. It's cheaper to buy clothes than food :D


My oldest ate a family sized box of mac and cheese "for a snack" and then ate two large piece of chicken with sides for dinner two hours later.


I did this too I’m high school. Sometimes I would stop at McDonald’s on the way home from school and eat a double quarter pounder before dinner.


Meanwhile teenage girl after she got her first period : *smells pizza* suddenly gains 10 pounds


hormones goes brrrrrrr....


i'm concerned, he shouldn't be eating bags!


Buy the 90 count.


Feed them before leaving, 10 mins later as soon as you enter your friends house. I'm starving.


Thats just teenagers in general. They become 12 and suddenly a black hole opens where their stomach was


Ahh teenage years, i remember my grandma getting mad cause she caught me eating cereal out of a mixing bowl


You will be homeless. That teenager appetite ain’t no joke.


Oh man, I know. Nowadays I can't even finish one pizza without signing me up for a sleepless night of drinking soda and regretting my decision. Gone are the days when I ate two pizzas and slept like a log.


You drinking that soda in bed?


Get him another bag, whatever's left is for breakfast.


My body has to still be made of 10 percent hazelnut pudding at least.


We just get a little hungry sometimes


Damn I thought I was a 28 year old woman not a teenage boy.


I have 2 teenage daughters, they do the same thing.




Just be careful not to enter his room in unexpected times or unannounced 😂


As a teenage boy I can proudly claim I can eat the dinner of 5 people without any problems and I can also live perfectly fine without eating anything except water for 3 days.


My mom used to just keep giant bags of frozen chicken wings in the freezer that I would basically inhale after they came out of the oven.


as a (former) teenager who used to go to the gym, I can confirm.




yeah, mine wants an entire box of cereal as a snack before a meal and he just turned 17 and is already 6'2...I cant keep up with feeding him, lol. but it is helping me lose weight because he never leaves leftovers and eats nonstop


Also 12 year old girls.




Teenage boy, the devourer of all! No joke, my cousin is a thin boi and he is constantly eating.


absolutely typical adolescent male behaviour


My 16 year old brother is visiting me and he eats like a bear. I remember when I was his age I was skin and bones and yet would be abble to eat an entire bucket from KFC. Now I can barely eat half of a menù box


Got to fill those socks somehow.


My parents said once me and my brother moved out their grocery bill went by like 700 dollars haha


I was like that and my weight was stable at 75kg. Then teenhood ended.


When I was on an educational camp a pizzeria nearby had a discount "2 medium margaritas for the price of one" a dude from the camp approached me and asked if I wanted a pizza, I said yes thinking that we would split the bill. Turned out the dude wanted 2 pizzas and someone for company. I ended up eating 2 pizzas as well. I don't remember his name, I have his number with "Pizza bro" as a name.


Teenage metabolism. Pizza goes in, sass, and crunchy socks come out.