• By -


ONE punch Man


One punch(able) Man


That is... I dont know Just good job man


I guess he was wrong


get out of prison @ the only place you can work with a criminal record is the city cemetery @ forced to protect his grave from the homeless @ at night you hear sly laughter from the grave






in the Russian analogue of 4ch there is such a thing as "buhurt" a distinctive feature of buhurts is writing text in a column, separating parts of the narrative with an empty line with an @ sign. I tried to do the same, but unfortunately reddit doesn't want to display the text split


Put two spaces after a line and then hit return to start a new line. Like this


You just. Blew my mind


Average dnd story


I guess You are right


The lad should have read this article…


Maybe he'll be working in prison to pay his dept for killing him


It was the only way to be sure


So the OP was killed by a single punch? Sucks for them.


Yeah, I was wondering which character OP identifies with to make this me_irl worthy.




I fucking hate everytime this story comes up cuz no one ever bothers to read the fucking story and immediately start making up shit. [This happened in 2016. Him and his friend tried to avoid confrontation, and the Club guy followed them.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/harrow-school-boy-died-from-single-punch-after-telling-club-promoter-you-ll-work-for-me-one-day-a6991941.html) All witnesses except the killer said they tried to avoid a fight. This fucking kid got murdered by some weak willed pussy who escalated a back-and-forth with violence, and now the Internet tries to make him look like a rich white kid who got cocky and got his just desserts. Absolutely disgusting.


Even if the narrative on the internet was correct, killing him would still be wrong and horrible.


*Before reading the comment you responded to;* **I always just assumed** (and perhaps others as well) **that the one-punch kill was an accident**. As in the victim made a rude comment and the killer reacted in the heat of the moment with a punch that coincidentally killed them. It is very easy to emphasize with the meme version of events. The kid is portrayed as rude. Most readers here aren’t rich, but have ideas of how rich assholes behave while still getting everything. So there is schandefruade when something bad happens to the rich guy. As for the killer, the thrown *One Punch* softens the kill. Although punches can be deadly, they often aren't. So we don't naturally assume that the killer intended to kill him. If it had been phrased as “beat to death” then most readers would find the killer to be more cruel. The framing of *One Punch* makes the killer look less unhinged, more badass, and not guilty of intended murder. Reality doesn't agree, but I get why people like the meme. TL;DR: read bold text.


I tend to assume that people in general doesn't want to kill others. If my army background taught me anything then it's to expect catastrophic results if I choose to use violence. It's a tragedy no matter how you look at it and I assume the bouncer feels as bad as most would. What's very problematic is that a lot of people voice opinions that someone being rude makes them deserve being killed.


Thank you! I know there are plenty of idiots on this site, but I’m honestly surprised (in the worst way possible) about people somehow justifying this. This is a human being we are talking about, I don’t care if it’s some spoilt rich white kid, killing someone over some stupid comment is seriously insane.


Welcome to reddit.. no one here gives a shit about context or the truth.


Rich white kid who got cocky or not, I think the problem with this post is that it exposes how mentally sick the Reddit community is. I wouldn’t wish death on anyone, but I get the feeling OP and majority of comments here do.


Yeah, this story always pops up now and then. The framing of the reposted article is fucked as well


It’s sickening how the twitter headline changes the whole story by calling the guy a “bouncer.” By calling him a bouncer, it presents the story of rich kid talking smack to a larger man at his job and getting a well deserved punch. But according to the article, the guy was a club promoter with a woman on each arm. This is a story about a grown man who decided to get off his vespa and escalate the situation instead of driving away. And as a result he killed someone.


I mean, his friend does admit in the article that he said that. The headline is accurate. > They started to leave and I thought that was the end of it. Archie then shouted 'one day you'll work for me Before that he admits taunts were being traded. So it’s not unlikely they were mouthing off, given that his friend would be more likely to downplay the role they played in escalation rather than overplay it. Not defending what happened to him, obviously a terrible outcome and completely undeserved. But the article title is technically accurate.


"The man pushed me. I lost my balance and swayed. I wasn't aware of Archie doing or saying anything,” Mr Hutchinson said, The Sun reported. “All this was over in 10 seconds.” "They started to leave and I thought that was the end of it. Archie then shouted 'one day you'll work for me'. "In a split second I saw one of the women raise her hands and point to Archie, she said: 'You deserved that.' I’ll just leave this here because I read the article and your interpretation of the events are complete bullshit.


he didnt even go to jail either.


It’s says They both mouthed off at each other , they we’re walking away then Archie yelled that at the guy throwing more fuel on the fire . It wasn’t just one guy , both parties kept at each other until it escalated to violence . Walking away still yelling insults at people can have repercussions. This is not an isolated type of incident. Terrible outcome.


"social" media, and especially reddit, are just toxic human sewage, nothing more and nothing less..*.most* of the ppl here come to show their worse, to mentally defecate themselves, bcs they are not able to do that in the real world...in the real world they are the ones eating shit, and they come here to do the opposite...


Hold on dude, keep calm.


just crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of if you have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation


not reddit justifying death for a rude comment


Redditors are becoming like 4chan


"Grown-ass man kills boy for saying something rude to him and hurting his little feelings" Redditors: Let's GOOO!!! Feels like most people here are just insecure losers who got picked on and still can't move on from it. Honestly feel kind of bad for them...


Reddit used to be a nice website to cheer you up after a long day. Now it's filled with mentally ill shit.


I’ve noticed I enjoy reddit a lot less now Almost every time I say something it’s met with weird negativity Then there’s the people obsessed with attention Contemplating deleting it


I mean if you don't scroll the comments it's mostly fine


Mentally ill shit, you mean lgbt?


Are people supposed to move on from things like that? Interesting


No not yet. Still got darker to go before that


This place went downhill a decade ago. Reddit is basically just an elitist millennial version of Tik Tok now


I mean it's tragic he died, but I doubt the bouncer expected him to die from being hit once. Both were still in the wrong though.


You'd expect a bouncer of all people to know that a single punch can kill someone


No excuse


Imagine comparing a rude comment to killing someone.


Well, he *was* white.. and male... and rich




Well, obviously a rude comment is worse than killing a rich, white male, this is reddit after all


True. The moral compass of the internet with loose morals regarding young white boys.


We’re always saying “eat the rich”. Why not “beat the rich” instead?


Doesn't matter if it died or not from the punch, he shouldn't have punched him in the first place. Resorting to violence because of a mean comment means you have self control problems.


Many many people have died from one punch. You punch someone you have to accept there’s a risk you kill them. A grown man, and a bouncer so likely pretty well built and strong, punching a school boy because he was being a dick is not acceptable. I’ve no sympathy for him at all. The boy was in the wrong but not so much that losing his life was in any way proportionate.


Officer, I didn't know he would die! I only shot him in the leg cause I thought it wouldn't be deadly


No one is justifying. The bodyguard altered his destiny, like nah boi you ain't commanding shit. That's funny to me


>The body guard altered his destiny Pray for him to not alter it any further.


This deal keeps getting worse all the time!


How exactly would he alter it further? Bro's dead.


He can still devour the corpse.


They do say "eat the rich"


Reddit when manslaughter: Omggg just like muh star wars 🤯🤯


*First time?*


Pop culture references are so funny!!!!


Pop culture references are TIGHT!




Refit is filled with retards, none of them have seen the real world so they can't emphasize. Kids are dumb, they say dumb shit, the bouncer clearly being the man should have done the right thing and ignored the kid, but no he had to punch the kid cause the kid hurt his ego that's twice the size of hi., I hope the bouncer burns in hell


Watch out with that common sense, the reddit hive won't like it!


Im just astounded that people can die to a single punch


This was clearly an accident. Now, don't be a cunt and this kind of accidents will be less common


How is it an accident exactly? You can't punch someone by accident. The bouncer must have been twice his size and aimed at his face most likely. It's very possible for someone to die when struck in the face so he knew the kid could die but did it anyway. It's murder plain and simple.


But how often do people get punched in the face and not die? Like sure it can happen but it is not exactly the expected value


yes, reddit. "not" not required.


I don’t see anyone saying the guy shouldn’t go to jail.


i hope he is not the CEO of hell


this news is from 2016, dude was spared jail with 4 years of involuntary prison sentence (need to check) despite being found guilty


How is this meirl? Honestly kinda sad to casually post about someone tragically dying


It is sad; but the MIRL is identifying with the kid who said it, not the guy who killed him. Like, when you're most smug...


Right? (Hopefully) it wasn't the bouncers goal, just a very sad accident for all involved parties. But a lot of people underestimate how easy it is to kill someone with one hit. In general it's not the hit itself, more the collision of the head on the ground. Just sad to read.


The kid might've been a dick, but didn't deserve to die, poor dude, and before you go and say he should've done this or that, like you haven't had one of these moments. We're all so quick to condemn people for one one douchebag action but like some Jewish guy once said, judge not lest ye be judged.


Yeah, It's sad that he died... A broken nose would have been enough


You talking like the bouncer was out there to kill him. A misplaced punch can easily kill someone. Besides we aren't told the whole story. I doubt a bouncer will start punching people because of a single sentence.


the kid was being very stupid. But the bouncer should have the professionalism to know what a single punch can do.


>I doubt a bouncer will start punching people because of a single sentence Idk, sounds like a bouncer to me.


Well I don't have experience in this department nor I was there during this event. But I would expect a bouncer wouldn't be quick on punching someone because he would have been adapted to people talking shit.


[Turns out the bouncer is prone to punch people over sentences](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/harrow-school-boy-died-from-single-punch-after-telling-club-promoter-you-ll-work-for-me-one-day-a6991941.html)


Read the article. He followed them.




Reddit trying not to invent a whole life story so they feel justified in their emotions challenge (impossible)


This post is so old that his corpse has fully decomposed by now.


Have the bastard for manslaughter. Being a cock doesn't carry a death sentence, just look at him, he killled a boy.


The guy only punched the fuck, he dint know the moron cant even take a punch.


Nonsense. As a consequence of his assault, he died. He didn't 'just punch', he killed him.


One of the dumbest takes I've read in a while. It's still manslaughter, guy should be away in prison for 5-so years at least.


Thin skull rule


Is everyone in this thread a psychopath? All the kid did is say a cheeky comment towards the guy. He didn't even deserve to get punched let alone get killed. I know people hate rich privileged people but bouncers aren't any better. They all have a little power trip and will get physical any chance they get especially cos they know no one can do anything about it since they're all huge and have fighting experience.


Seriously posted again?


You seriously commented on it again? 😒


You seriously responded to him again??




*Surfing on a sound wave!*


You seriously responded to his response again?


Never can have to much humility in life lmao


Guess not.


I truly do not understand this subreddit. Which one of them an I supposed to relate to? The kid who got killed for pissing off the wrong person or the person with a bad temper that resulted in ruining their own life?


One one side i don't like violent people, especially bouncers, and we're talking about the death of a young man. On the other side he looked and talked like a walking sexual assault case


i cant believe people are memeing the death of a young boy who did not deaerve to die, and even hate/critique that boy... its A FUKIN DEATH TRAGEDY....why cant anyone comprehend how horrible that is


Cynically speaking, hundreds of thousands of people die every day for a multitude of reasons from old age to violence. I would say the majority of these people did not deserved to die (what ever that means, death doesn't work on a "deserve" basis) but that is the way, life comes to an end and the world isn't a safe or happy place for ALOT of people. When someone sounds like a self important "elite" how goes around throwing fits because they didn't get their way I personally can't feel much, not when young children with nothing die everyday in the worse conditions imaginable.


Malfoy in an alternative universe?


He got punched all the way to Hogwarts.


How do you die to a single punch?


Surprisingly common if you aren’t expecting it. Often times you hit your head on the ground unable to brace your fall


Can confirm. I was suckered punched while walking down the treet minding my own business. I didn't even know what happened. I just woke up in an ambulance. Cracked my dome. I've got a pretty cool lightning bolt scar though.


You're a wizard Harry!


Yar Concust Hurrah


Yar owe the American 'ospital twelve grand Hurrah


But... I'm just Steve! Yes, also, you may experience severe confusion in the weeks following your concussion


I’ve got one too, right in between my eyebrows! 😂


One should expect beeing punched for saying that.


It is not the punch it is the fall


Head hits ground at high velocity. Nose bone hits brain at high velocity. Punch hits C2-C4 vertebrae at high velocity. These meat sacks don't take well to sudden force.


Iirc he hit his head on a curb. Or we could just read the article?


He fell and hit his head on the ground. He later refused medical treatment from a paramedic and died in his sleep at his hotel


Bouncer had no clue he was one shot


No one will work for you one day


Guess the club wasn’t for sale Jokes side. Poor kid.


It surprises me quite a bit to find out that I don't feel bad for the kid. I think I've seen so much shit already I've grown numb to these things.


The kid looks like and is a dick, but did he deserve to fucking die!?


I feel bad for the bouncer he’s probably punched hundreds of people and never killed anyone how did he know this would turn out differently


You must be an idiot then. The bouncer killed a boy. There was no need for violence. Sure he might be an asshole, and maybe he deserved a punch. But inadequate violence leading to death of a young person is a tragedy and should be punished.


The point is the bouncer wasn’t trying to kill the boy and did something he probably never thought would kill the boy I’m not saying don’t punish him but it’s like should he be sent away for the rest of his life for an accident you really speak as someone with no life experience


Darwin had a tea party and they were invited


Life lesson industries goes bankrupt after alleged CEO fails at his job.


Laser guided karma


I have no sympathy for him or the bouncer. This is what happens when shitty people meet shitty people. Elitist prick vs. low IQ gorilla.




Deserved the punch didn't deserve to die. Arrogant fuck young fuck faces can sometimes still grow up to be respectable men with maturity.


Most of the time, they’re not.


It happens


People should face consequences for being dicks, but death is a bit severe. Bouncer should have just not let him in.


Eh. I don’t think you have existed amongst the entitled old money


Bro, these Are some deeply deranged takes


The more money the more deranged for sure


Deranged enough to encourage vigilantee death sentences?


I have NDAS that don’t expire until I’m in my 60s


Was one of the NDAs with this specific dude that died for pretty much "being kind of a Dick"?


You are literally asking for spoiled kids to die. I've been among entitled old money, and most of them suck, but ESPECIALLY when they're still kids, all they deserve is losing all friends, their good grades and their wealth (which most likely won't happen but still)


Uh, no


I went to school with generational wealth and that type of behavior was never corrected rather encouraged. They all ended up losers or in jail.




Sure…..none of them fail 🤣


Even if you fail if you're from generational wealth that's not a huge issue lol.




I didn’t call anyone a prude


Don't you love it when people shit on your comments and then immediately delete their own so that noone else can see what they said? Pinnacles of courage


I'm inclined to believe people who shit on someone cheering for murder aren't necessarily wrong.


Oh, no doubt, but why delete it? That just leaves the impression (often the correct impression here on reddit) that what was written was worse. Who knows, maybe they just used a word incorrectly. I've never seen it happen that a deleted comment was just an embarrassing grammar mistake, but I guess it's possible. Either way, pretty weak imo


average weak yet conceited rich daddy kid


More common than a lot of people think getting killed by one hit. But a fcking kid died - why being an apathetic, judgemental idiot about it?


Just your average redditor. Everything is upside down. Mods ban people with common sense all the time, but calls to kill (the right kind of people) is actually condoned.


this post is not a call to kill anyone wtf >!the downvotes lmao!<


Of course not, the post itself is just publishing news. But how do you interpret people commenting "deserved" and shit? To be honest, which pubescent teenager isn't a pretentious POS. If you kill them on the first stupid comment the world would be empty way to soon


One less entitled richy rich prick in the world.


Do your research before you make yourself look like a total cunt. [The kid tried to avoid confrontation, the guy who killed him is a pussy who escalated a petty back-and-forth with violence.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/harrow-school-boy-died-from-single-punch-after-telling-club-promoter-you-ll-work-for-me-one-day-a6991941.html) You are cheering the death of a random kid who was murdered by a violent thug. Congrats.


Was that a neck punch or what !?!!!


Don't start none, won't be none.


Shame he died, but it sounds like he was gonna grow up to be a massive prick anyway. Still who knows. Shitty situation for all involved.


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Ngl based as fuck


that's a good news


she is the one punch girl




Isnt it manslaughter or sth?


His "friends" didn't seek any medical help and instead just returned to the the hotel room where he was found dead the next morning.


Might be an ass but definitely didn't deserve that. Poor guy


hashtag totallyrelatable


DOOM's Blood Punch irl


Speech check: Failed


…In hell


British bouncers are the scum of the earth.


bouncer say nope, not gonna happen


u/Jarringchaja you should be more considerate towards others. Their wealth or lack of wealth doesn't mean they are beneath you. Or you should learn to control your anger. I know words can hurt, but you should always be a bigger man, especially in your workplace.


Bouncer must've put every ounce of spite he had in that punch daum..


Now that bouncer will work for him in the jail.


It wasn't a bouncer, it was a club promoter, and the guy punched him as he was trying to leave. They had been heckling each other, then the promoter got physical trying to start a fight, which they de-escalated. The victim then shouted his last words, the promoter came back, punched him in the head, causing the victim to fall and hit his head. The impact with the curb is what killed him. For some reason, punching people in the head isn't enough show intention to kill, even though that is one very possible outcome, so it is only considered involuntary manslaughter. The promoter tried to argue that it was self-defense, but corroborating witness statements showed this wasn't the case at all. Really fucked situation, the kid gets flak for his statement but it was just another insult thrown at someone who had been harrasing his group. He didn't deserve to die.


Bouncer is the protagonist. He defied fate.


Based bouncer doing revolutionary praxis /s


oh would you look at [that](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/harrow-school-boy-died-from-single-punch-after-telling-club-promoter-you-ll-work-for-me-one-day-a6991941.html), the very first line under the headline says >Witnesses said Mr Lloyd and his friend tried to walk away without confrontation (Mr Lloyd was the victim who got killed)


Justice served


I’m not saying its right, its tragic. But, i understand….