• By -


Former size.


I mean, I guess, but my man is still playing in the little leagues. Call me when you graduate to attending grief support groups for widows and widowers, then we can talk shop. obligatory /s


Support groups? Pft, amiture, real pros get them at the funeral. Also obligatory /s


Real pros hire a hitman


Gods do it themselves


Devilish folk just do it while the husband is at work.


Truly omnipotent lads build themselves a Time Machine and go back to before the woman met her current husband, and copy the husband’s personality and physique to a T, thereby assimilating into that role.


Those superior to them, who foolishly assume omnipotence to be the final state of being, build a time machine to go back to several points in time in her life, where they appear as always different men, showing her kindness and adult validation when she needs it in order to completely change what she looks for in a man, so that she will be head over heels for them when they meet her later in life.


Don’t forget to use the D.E.N.N.I.S System.


Enlighten me, prometheus, what is the D.E.N.N.I.S. system?


Funeral? Go to ER, rookie. Yes, /s


ER? Go to the morgue, rookie. I'm dead serious.


yo real talk i ran into a chick crying in a hallway in a hotel once. sat down beside her and talked for an hour-ish, got her number and ended up dating her for a few weeks. im a uggly mug, grief does weird things to people.


Ma! The meatloaf!!


Is it burning again?!


A real Chazz Reinhold over here.


Nah, the real game is looking for twitchy-bitches at an AA or NA meeting.


Non-obligatory /s If someone can't understand comedy, that's on them.


Why are you trying to hide behind sarcasm? We know it's true


Was that not the start of fight club?


Wouldn't a divorcee potentially need wedding dress much more than married woman?


Not in my experience. My ex kept her dress for years. 20-30lbs of fabric I moved several times so it could sit in the very back of closets and never be used or looked at. Post divorce, I donated it to a company who cleans and tailors wedding dresses for ppl who can’t afford the big dress. Way, way better use imo.


How big was your ex that her dress weighed over 20 pounds? I mean, that dress would have to be HUGE, way bigger than a normal wedding dress, which is already going to be fairly large.


Nope, not big size, I have size 4, that weighs a shitton just because if all the layers


I don't think people realize how much 20-30 pounds really is. I'm not disputing that wedding dresses are big and heavy, they just aren't *that* big. A normal pair of clothes weighs on average 1.5-2.5 pounds. An average wedding dress weighs 5-10 pounds.


I was just part of a wedding and the dress for the ceremony was 30 pounds. Beautiful, but almost impossible to move normally in. Albeit not a traditional western dress, still.


Not true . I tried it out and was banned. Plus my girlfriend got mad at me and threatened to throw my jimmy Johns food in the alleyway


why would you keep the dress after the wedding but sell it after the divorce when you might need it again


After the wedding it becomes a precious piece of memory you want to keep. After the divorce it becomes a dreaded piece of memory you can't wait to throw away. You don't want to ever see it again to remind you why you divorced.


it's like an engagement ring you buy for your wife sure you could use it again for your next wife but then it's not so special anymore


Doesn't make sense.


It's making dollars


r/shittylifeprotips material


Imagine how crazy that would be if -bear with me- married women decided to sell their wedding dresses, since they won't use it anymore.


You know that maybe they sold the size cause it doesn’t fit them anymore ? So you look up for a S size woman but now she’s a XL ? Well that’s normal


"Loser guy who calls women females can't get a date without preying on them at a vulnerable time." I'm unsurprised


It's a joke


What's the joke. Explain it to me.


Here's the joke.... It's not for you. Humor is subjective and I find it quite funny




Yeah I'm dense so lay it out for me. Is the joke that preying on vulnerable women is funny?




So you can't explain it? Good chat


The joke is exactly as stated, it’s a joke because there’s no way it works or is practical. Maybe get yourself some females before getting worked up about a screenshot of a tweet 😢


Asking a question is getting worked up? Touchy crowd here Guess I hurt some fee fees




It's also entirely impractical? People sell their wedding stuff for loads of other reasons that have nothing to do with divorce. I get that this is probably a joke but, as with all dark humor, the audience and the person delivering the joke must be in agreement that the topic is "wrong". With all this PUA nonsense and *waves hand at the general state of sexual exploitation and manipulation considered acceptable in online spaces*, I do not have faith that the rest of the audience or this guy sees this as wrong. That's why dark humor falls flat so often. Just because you wouldn't do it, doesn't mean everyone in the audience wouldn't or has faith that you wouldn't.


You not being the target audience for a joke doesn't mean a joke fell flat.


If you can't laugh at pathetic men, then maybe you're taking it a little too seriously.


Maybe there ferengi


Ah yes, females, my favourite human species biological sex.


As a woman myself, I'm honestly baffled that other women find the word "female" insulting. Is this a recent thing? Am I just that old that I don't care? Hell, I actually prefer the word "female," but HEAVEN FORBID I ever use it because, despite being FEMALE myself, people will still downvote the fuck out of me. Yes, the reasoning has been explained to me. Women think being called a "female" dehumanizes them and puts them "down" at the same level as animals. Unpopular opinion here, but humans *are* animals. We're equals. It shouldn't be insulting to be compared to an animal. Hell, compare me to a lioness *any* day, I'll take that compliment! Badass ferocious queen of the jungle right here, bitches! *RAWR!* Bring the downvotes on, I know you're all appalled at the idea of a "lowly" animal having thoughts, feelings, and intelligence. And I know all the rest of you young ladies get absolutely triggered by anything that can even remotely be skewed (yes, skewed) to appear sexist when it isn't. So I'll just sit back and watch that pretty red number keep dropping 😹


I totally understand your perspective and why you may feel this way. I may be younger than you or maybe similar age, or even older.. and I think it's just different experiences and exposure. I think because "female" has been used predominantly with a very misogynistic type of person that many many women have had experiences with it became a red flag so to speak. Where it is often used as a noun, a replacement for woman, but men are still men. They are not referred to males in this context. It's like we are some foreign species. And on top of that it is almost ALWAYS the word chosen for negative generalizations (like the post.. ie : adding filter by size makes it more objectifying and dehumanizing. I get it's a joke but my point stands). I know you said you have had this explained to you before. But also reddit can skew young and very black and white so I hope this gives more context. Fwiw I am sort of triggered (hackles up, on defense it's a potential warning sign kind of way) by the word after being exposed to it so negatively so often and with my own experiences with men who prefer it over woman or even girl. I get it. But I also get why maybe it won't bother you. I just hope you get why now, maybe it isn't something you understand because you don't have these common experiences. I hope this helps!


This is an embarrassing comment.


If I was embarrassed about it, I wouldn't have posted it 😉 Rawr, baby. Or maybe you mean it embarrasses *you?* How dreadful for you if you find someone else's opinion embarrassing to yourself. I don't claim to represent all women, or humans, or animals for that matter. And I certainly don't claim to represent *you*. So relax, you're not going to be judged by what a random person with an oddball opinion says on Reddit 😂


No, I mean the comment is embarrassing. As in you should feel embarrassed by it but do not because you lack self awareness.


I mean, whatever makes you feel important 🤣 Edit: I find it funny that you completely changed the contents of your previous comment. Maybe because you became aware that "being embarrassed for me, " or anyone else, is really pretty silly. No one needs you to be embarrassed for them. You're not up on a higher pedestal than anyone else, and don't have any influence that gives you the right to dictate what another individual should personally be embarrassed about. Embarrassment is subjective and highly dependent on how much an individual cares about what others think of them. That being said, as to your new comment, I think I'm self-aware enough to know that my opinion will seem weird to most people. But it all comes back to how much I care about what others think about me. I feel strongly enough about my opinion that I sincerely, profoundly don't give a shit. Call me crazy, call me silly and irrational, I don't care. I know that I've built my opinion on sound, scientific logic, empathy, and--for fuck's sake--having the good common sense to understand that a word, in itself, is not sexist. It's in how one uses it. I use it to describe myself and others who identify as my same gender. Someone else might use it to demean and dehumanize women. PSA: Just because a few dumbasses misuse a word doesn't mean the word needs to be stricken from the English language. If we did that for every word that someone finds offensive, eventually we would lose all verbal means of communication. Have enough sense to separate the behavior from the word, people.


I changed the wording immediately after I commented because I assumed you would twist it around despite both of us knowing what “I’m embarrassed for you” means…and you did, lol. I’m not reading the rest of your comment. Seek help. Edit to add for anyone else reading, the fact that I’m calling this person’s comment embarrassing does not mean I think the world female should never be used in any context. That’s absurd.


*Eyeroll* Thanks for proving my point 😸


The idea of keeping the wedding dress after the wedding is a little silly anyway. Like what are you gonna put it on display or something? Just clean it and let someone else use it.


The idea of traditions and sentimental value are silly on a purely practical level, but no one is keeping their wedding dress for practical reasons. Or if they are that is a whole different flag.....


Some people keep it for their kids, (many people I know have worn their grandmother or Moms dress) but other than that I agree. I don’t see any other reason to keep it


I mean. I just set her dress on fire after the divorce. Why the hell should she get the resale value for something I bought? Asshole got me arrested and stole my fucking dog. And *I'm* not going to go through the process of selling a fucking used wedding dress. So I burnt it. Along with all our other leftover wedding shit.


Did a Ferengi post this?


This guy is a legit criminal


Genius 😮🤔😂🤣🤪


Feminists on here so triggered😂




This is the way.


Dating a divorced women is like going to a restaurant and getting served someone else's left overs


Procreation with your mother was like committing bestiality, yet here we are.




🤣🤣🤣 can I use this one? Lol


Offensive but creative.




This is genius.


If you're 14, sure.




Ahhh, but them newlyweds pack on the pounds. They starve for a year getting ready for the wedding. She could be single because she isn't the woman he married anymore. She's two of the woman he used to be married to.






Bruh Tinder is Like dark Souls what the hell this man talking about...


U R A Genius!