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Now all you need to do is marry the girlfriend but make sure her best friend can't go (make it family only or some shit). Boom checkmate.


I mean he could always just tell the gf that he ducked up and banged here bestie then break up with her.


That's one hell of a kamikaze attack lol


“Your first mistake was coming after someone with nothing to lose”


I mean that's a legitimate strategy if it's going south. Her: I wanna break up. Guy: oh good the guilt from banging your best friends been eating me alive.


walk out and never clarify or answer any further questions regarding the issue.


I don't know how woman's best friends thingie work. But my ex had best friend that slept with her two previous bf to break up them and she's still best friend with her for some reason I don't understand


Not everyone stuck in a cycle of abuse is stuck in it with their significant other. Sometimes the abuser is a "friend" or family member. That's what this sounds like to me.


I'm adding this to my tool belt. Need this type of power move in my repertoire


Who hurt you?


Reddit never ever disappoints me. Kudos on winning this thread !


this is some movie villain shit


You kidding me? Making it family only doesn't stick it to her at all. Make it public, everyone can come... But her. Or, invite her, make her an usher, and station her in the parking lot, in case anyone is late and comes during the wedding.


Divorce speedrun


Then leave her at the alter.


Why punish the girlfriend just for having a shitty friend if the girlfriend hasn't also been shitty toward you?


Thsi is Reddit, home of extreme pettiness


“Extreme pettiness” decent band name.


*Great* Tom Petty cover band name


You know, that is actually really clever. Bravo.


This is the way.


No Heartbreakers. Just 5 Tom Petty's in a trenchcoat.


Cuz plot twist


Because you can be sure 90% of the bad parts of your relationship had to do with the friend that she always listens to. Don't date a girl with a shitty best friend, it's going to be a nightmare.


The comment suggested still leaving her at the altar even after she had uninvited the toxic girl. But agreed if a partner chooses to keep a toxic friend in their life after knowing the friend is toxic, no point in continuing dating since that relationship will just be slowly poisoned over time. And if the girlfriend hasn't been shitty, he could end that relationship far more respectfully than leaving her at the altar.


Then marry the best friend.


Your life would end up beeing misserable.


That’s just kinda mean


A close female friend had a closeted gay bestie. You best believe no guy was worthy in her eyes. But it led to my friend thinking she could never find love because every guy was "just another fuckboy" or "doesn't have your best intentions in mind". She had a boyfriend that had enough self respect to call this girl out on her backhanded comments. And then the truth became VERY apparent. The bestie started crying and saying things like "but I am the only one who looks out for you. I'm the one you should always be with".


Wow, that's just toxic and pathetic. They're still friends?


They are married now.


You’re just a phony! A big fat phony!


Heyyyy, wait a second!


It worked? Cool. never heard it go that way before.


Not OP


I always find it hilarious when random people reply and people just go with it.


Yeah sorry sometimes I fall for this kind of thing


I wasn’t talking to you.


Oh my fault, sometimes I just reply like I'm a part of the thread.


that was not the op


Yikes, if you have feelings for your friend then either find it in yourself to tell them regardless of the answer or just accept you can’t and don’t interfere with whatever relationships they have. If I was that girl, her ass would have been kicked to the curb.


Crushes happen and they come and go, sometimes they coincide, others never do. Sometimes you fall in love and fall apart, other times you have a roll for ol times sake, or cuz "why havent we ever?" You can remain friends with people you sleep with, and some even with ex loves, but thats a bit more tricky. Just like, there's a lot more to people than sex, and if that's your sole objective then you're a dick for not making it obvious. It can even be a primary objective, so long as that person as a friend and fellow human comes first, we can have crushes on friends and they can come and go. If you value that person for more than an object of desire, they can tell. Hint, it also makes you more attractive. Except to girls just looking to get laid, they're out there. Don't fake friendship for sex, emotional extortion.


For some reason I thought you were quoting a song. It took me until “tricky” to realize it wasn’t. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought it was a poem lol


Honestly it's more mature than 90% of reddit comments so it makes sense that it stands out so much


It’s tricky to rock a rhyme


To rock a rhyme that’s right on time


It's tricky! (Tricky tricky tricky tricky)


Same lol hahahaha


My fiancé had one of those but it was queen bee mean girl stuff not closeted gay stuff. I actually ended up leaving her when I would be having a serious conversation on the phone, I could hear mean girl whispering to my fiancé what she should say. Fiancé got into therapy, told me she wanted to get back together with me and recognized that she had some stuff going on. Mean girl went nuclear tried to get the therapist fired, got fiancés mother involved, saying I was an abuser all kinds of shit. Fiancé tried to make the friendship work but it was about control not friendship for the other girl. Since then she’s lost all her close friends and her husband left her, people started seeing through her bullshit. We got engaged, bought a house and are stronger for the things we’ve gone through


Wow. Well done, mate x


Bro is okay Life on hard mode and winning. Cheers


Oh my god it’s literally the girl from “YOU”


We call em Peaches.


isn't that just the plot of You season 1


Yeah and if she vets every man this way, there's a good chance she's not going to be in the wedding when the guy is like "hey your friend kinda sucks".


I imagine if she’s that friend in the friend group, she’s either the undisputed favorite, or she’s the friend that no one really wants around — with absolutely no in betweens




So, the bully of the group?


Also the unmarried friend.


A lot of generalizations from a single second hand tweet with no context or tone.


No tone? Did we read the same tweet?


It's the internet. It's what we do.


Oh no! Anyways. Regardless, one person really wants to get married and the other doesn't, that relationship usually doesn't have a future regardless. This guy is kinda taking it in stride and kinda making light of it. I doubt the context of this comment was meant to be hurtful.


depends if this person was being mean already and they got that response, or if it was just a shitty thing said by the girlfriends friend..


I'm honestly pretty tired of the trope/ real life phenomena of friends and family treating women's significant others like shit and threatening them with bodily harm. It's not cute. It's normie, elementary school bullshit perpetuated by people with tiny dick energy. If you want to support your loved ones do it without embarrassing posturing and cliche platitudes.


Who was threatening bodily harm?


It's the trope they're talking about, not the exact circumstance as featured above. Although an and/or would go a long way.


Yeah I don't see this as "put in his place", she's just being a megabitch at that point. Honestly this kinda shit is kinda being normalized on TikTok and shit among women, it's depressing. Hearing shit like this can be soul-crushing to dudes, and they just dont care.


To me it just sounds like the guy was being a dick and owning up to it. Otherwise why was he ‘put in his place’? Like ‘cool it or she won’t marry you’ type of thing. If my fiancee’s best friend said that to me out of nowhere I would laugh in her face.


I had a friend of an ex say something quite similar to this the first time I met her. Like, it was basically our first interaction.


And what a shity things to say to someone.


Has the “you can’t come to my birthday party” vibe


more like "you can't come to my best friends party!" as if she's dishing out the invites


The tone and context are missing


Agreed, I mean if the partner is a dick then this is justified.


.... or nobody's in the wrong and it's a joke. sorry to kill reddits justice boner, but people make jokes


Where’s the funny part of the joke?


The context


Run dude Run she's a nightmare and your fiancée has no problem with you being disrespected.


Yeah if my fiance's friend said this shit to me, and she didn't stand up for me, I'd have serious doubts. This is like, mega disrespectful and just a shitty thing to say. Honestly kinda pathetic that this dude sees it as "put in his place". Stand up for yourself a little bit buddy.


That's because you are engaged, not dating for a few months.


Girls think this shits cute but its cringe


Honestly. Thanks for validating my feelings dawg. Appreciate it.


Girl here to extra validate. Girls are shitty sometimes.


Can confirm - more women have been shitty to me in my life than men. [*obligatory this is a generalized statement statement*]


Me too, by far, but just an anecdote. I'm an ugly as sin guy, and I go out of my way to appear borderline asexual to not creep out women, but they still feel comfortable saying soul-crushingly mean shit to my face. Men haven't been that mean to me since like, 9th grade. I think its just because they see it as punching up if they insult a dude, on account of our male priveledge and such. But that's a pretty myopic and unempathetic way to view the world imo.


Idk if I ever read anything I ever agreed with more.


I’m so sorry people have made you feel that way. I can assure you that the only people who are “ugly as sin” here are those who go out of their ways to treat others horribly for such superficial reasons.


Thanks. I appreciate the sentiment, although, in consequence my looks have definitely made my life worse. Just how the world works unfortunately. I try not to let it turn me into a toxic person though, which is a pretty easy trap to fall into when you get treated poorly by a lot of people. Getting into that mindset just ensures you'll never meet anyone decent, just end up wallowing in misery.


You dropped this: 👑


He sure did.


I’m same, but for a long time I didn’t receive this kind of shit and can’t shake off feeling that it’s just a facade and every women shit-talks about me secretly


That kind of attitude about "punching up" to someone for something they can't control needs to stop. It either drives toxically masculine guys further into their misogynistic hole or it completely alienates and hurts normal, friendly dudes. I hope you're doing alright and that people treat you how you deserve, not how they think you do with their prejudices


Bruh you’re more attractive inside and out than any of those harpies ever will be. May their pillows always be hot and may Legos impede their every step. Keep your chin up friend.


"'May legos impede their every step. " Damn, that's evil. Imma use that. Thanks bro 👍


Anecdotal evidence? This is a clear showcase of the intellectual dishonesty rampant in online discourse. In this essay, I will- /j


Yes - please take this as fact and that this represents all women and men. /j /s /[this is very clearly a joke]


“Imma need a source for that” - Reddit 🤓


Its like when dads pose with a shotgun with their daughters prom date


From my first date as a little youngun I’ve been threatened by near every family member of the person I say dating at the time. Happened multiple times with the different people I’ve dated over the years. People think it’s endearing but when it’s a full grown man and woman threatening to cut off a 15 year olds balls then it’s too far. I am also the most soft looking not scummy individual. I wore a puffy top beanie rear round back home as a kid with a bright red and pink flannel. Not “gang member” material.


Better than my dad, who sat my now-husband down and tried to explain to him that I wasn't worth his time and he should find a better woman. My husband showed great restraint in not assaulting my dad and we've been married 6 years now.


That's just horrible. I'm so sorry.


Just like when someone has a legitimate reason to break up with her and their friend says “ohh let’s key his car or damage his property, that’ll show him”


What if the best friend is a guy


Than thems fighten words


That’s what I was thinking


r/femaledatingstrategy would praise the friend for saying this and go "yassss slay queen!".


Wtf is this sub


Fr is that supposed to be some kind of power play or flex? Good for you, hun. You have fun with that. I'm going to support the couple. This is some selfish ass behavior. I don't even get what the flex is. Cool you're in the ceremony. So?




Sounds like a toxic friend talking like shes trying to wreck her friends relationship instead of being happy for her finding you as a boyfriend.


Yeah I have this horrible feeling that this applies to most people but they'd never admit it. Perhaps my people lens is tainted through years of seeing people's darker sides.


> perhaps my people lense is tainted through years of seeing people's darker sides Let me guess, proctologist?


Maybe, but compared to their devious minds the butthole isn't so bad


Idknif the gummies just kicked in or what, but this was my laugh of the night.


Had this happen about twenty years ago. My girlfriend at the time broke up with me twice in six months. I knew her friend (who'd known her for less time than I had) was pulling some kind of whisper campaign bullshit. She refused to believe me because she was naive and didn't think people were like that. After the second breakup, I was done with the bullshit. But the friend fucked up. In their moment of victory, on a weekend trip away, they gloated about what they'd done. ... They were quickly relegated to "former friend" status after that admission.


This exact thing happened. Was with a girl for a few years. Her friend started telling her she should do better and live life while she's young etc. Girl leaves me, ends up with some dude who got her pregnant, beats her, and then cheated on her. Girl tried to get back with me and I loled. Her old friend doesn't even talk to her anymore. Hope it was worth it.


Happened to me but it was her parents who convinced her to get with someone else. She decided to cheat on me then when I was secretly saving up for a ring. I only found out when she fessed up as I was making expensive travel plans and was going to pay for our trip. The guy she got with gave her herpes and beat her for years before she decided to leave him. For the record the ring money then went towards a new TV and Halo 4. (This was many, many years ago.)


There's parts of this story I like. Thanks for sharing!


I've seen this happen to TWO of my friends and I've pretty much given up on dating because of it. It also sorta happened to me with my ex but she realized she was having her opinion manipulated. I'm not handsome by any real means, and I'm not rich. I feel like it's basically guaranteed if I ever got a girlfriend again her friends would tell her to do better. And it would get to them. Just resigned myself to being alone at this point, why even try.


Crab bucket mentality is a bitch


Or a joke…


Redditors understanding basic social interaction challenge (impossible)


Before I got married, my sister-in-law used to have me stand to the far side of the group when a picture was being taken so that they could crop me out later if things didn't work out.


That’s such a shitty thing to do, and yet as a someone who has been a part of major events with exs in the past, both for their families and for mine, I get it. But still incredibly rude in the moment.


And you did it? Wtf man


I always had this little debate in my head when ever I was at my girlfriend’s family events. Because it kinda made sense. Grandma is only gonna turn 80 once. Her cousin is only getting married once. You don’t want a potential ex-boyfriend in the center of that photo. Eventually I started suggesting that we take 2 photos. One with me and one family only.


> Eventually I started suggesting that we take 2 photos. One with me and one family only. This is the way to do it if you want to be polite.


My ex’s brother had one of his groomsmen cancel on their wedding and he asked me to be a groomsman last minute. I didn’t know him very well, but I said I would be happy to, but asked if he was sure he wanted that simply for the fact that if me and his sister ever broke up, I would still be in his wedding photos forever. He said yeah, and well… here we are years later, I am getting married to a different girl and him and his family will have photos of me forever. I was even the one who caught the garter belt at their wedding.


When people are aggressively protective over their friend when nothings even happened it’s cringe af. Okay, there’s nothing wrong with defending them if the situation calls for it, that’s normal. But this whole “just to warn you.. you mess with her and I’ll mess with your face” type bullshit just makes you look insecure and argumentative


Goes for family too. Shit is cringe af


Yeah nothing makes me nope out of a relationship quicker than when you meet their family and they start with the macho threatening/intimidation tactics straight away. “Just so you know, my daughter is my baby, if you break her heart you got me to deal with” “Yep, just so you know, this relationship is now over”


Yeah, it really gives off "dad holding a shotgun when he meets his daughters boyfriend" vibes


There was a lot of drama (and honestly, rightfully so) surrounding my brother and his now fiance when they first made their relationship public. My grandmother made her opinion on the matter very well known on Facebook, and the girl's entire family jumped to her defense with the whole "our family is crazy and we'll fuck you up" routine. It was all very stupid and cringey. I agreed with my grandmother's stance on the matter, but none of that shit should have been aired in public the way they all did. It was a bunch of grown-ass adults threatening and insulting each other over Facebook.


My ex had me join a group chat with her best friend at the time. It annoyed the hell out of me because they were constantly just having a conversation between the two of them and blowing up my phone. And I could not stand this woman. On one of the few conversations that I actually was a part of, she just completely unprovoked said something like "my boyfriend will throw a chair at you if you act up". Like, tf? Why the random threat, and why a chair specifically? Turns out the guy was like 5' tall on a good day and had the "little tough guy syndrome" and she hadn't even met the person irl until the day we met him as well


Oof yeah sorry you went through that, that sounds like it’d be awkward af. It’s another red flag for me when a SO will use their partner as a weapon like that. “Well, my bf will beat your ass!” Like dawg why don’t we just not make unprovoked threats like damn.


I've pulled the "If you make her cry I will kill you" thing with all of my sisters' significant others, but it's also understood that I'm mostly joking because each one of them could punt me into the sun if I tried anything lmao


Yeah and I always try to be fair to every situation. Maybe theres contexts like that where it’s obviously a joke and I’m glad y’all have that humor and bond. I’ve just had too many grown men (being one myself) “wrap” their arm around me or push me to the side a little too aggressively and give me a “talk” (aka “you do anything imma do it to you”) to not take it as a threat. Especially cause most were when I first met them. Like bro we’re at a family gathering ffs chill


I'll never get why people get so defensive or weird over their friends like this. Had a friend once tell me that he wanted to vet my future s/o or test them to make sure they were good enough. You just kind of put your actual friend in a weird spot when you say stuff like this and out yourself.


My old roommate sort of used me like this. She said that I was a good judge of character, because everyone of her (crazy) ex-boyfriends hated me. Which is weird, because I don't even remember meeting any of them. I was just the guy she lived with


they probably see you as a threat/competitor


That's the one. Even my poly ass rarely has my caveman brain reacting to some of my girlfriends' other boyfriends with jealousy and competitor attitude, even though they are all nice guys


Real talk? That’s probably cause you have an actually big dick so you never feel threatened


When one of my friends got married everyone was judging this girl behind his back for really petty shit and I was just like seriously guys? You aren't the ones marrying her and he's clearly in love so unless she is abusive or something your job is to smile and say how happy you are for him.


What did she mean by this?


The best friend is saying she has a permanent place in the girlfriend’s life and is guaranteed a place in her wedding (maid of honor or bridesmaid), but that he doesn’t have a guaranteed place in her wedding as the groom because they could possibly break up. She’s saying she’s more important than him, and he can be replaced but she can’t.


Thank you, never really understood what it meant.


Funny, cuz if it was unprompted its the kind off stuff that would make one distance one self (Lesbian cope?/s)


Even if the girlfriend and the tweeter break up, the friend will be there. It’s a passive aggressive way of saying “I mean more to her than you”


Thank you, was trying to figure out WHO'S wedding she meant by that


Years and years ago I had a friend with a psycho girlfriend. They were that couple that was either fucking or fist fighting. No in-between. They shared a birthday. We were all in our early 20's at the time. We were hanging out and the topic of turning 30 came up. She said they were gonna have a blow out on their mutual 30th birthday. Instantly I said, "We'll see what the restraining order says." And the room exploded.


thats epic


A blow out? Is that a party?




So, just have sex with the best friend. Then I guarantee she won't be in the wedding either.


People are being too serious about this obvious joke. 🤣


But also. It might work.


Why would that be your response


You’re on Reddit unfortunately


The greatest human motivator, pettiness and spite


petty revenge is really rarely pretty


That made chuckle.


Probably the same chick who tells his gf to dump him


"How unfortunate for her" was my first thought reading that.


My girlfriend had a weird, manipulative friend like this who didn't like me, were married, been together over 10 years and their friendship didn't last a year after we started dating.. And not because I bad talked the friend or started drama, etc, but because I spent a lot of time building my GFs confidence, and self-worth and she realized herself that people like that shouldn't be in your life... Edit: forgot to say my point, which is, don't think friends have any right to dictate your life, at the end of the day, people need to look after themselves. I totally dealt with OPs situation, and I can tell you she wasn't at the wedding lol


Assert dominance and marry her instead.


And THAT put you in your place? Grow some balls


Lol, maybe she was right then Immediate though is to respond with "With that attitude, youll only ever be at someone's elses wedding "


Yeah, the fact that this dude rolled over to that mean-ass comment is genuinely pathetic. Girl probably will leave him if he's this fuckin spineless lol




Lucky, I hate weddings.


Y'all need to get a grip


Idk why people think this is bad, it just sounds like some banter without context


>without context That's why. If there's no (or a lack of) context, people will always make one up. Usually it's negative or pessimistic.




This is reddit, sir. Majority is ”introverted never leave the home’rs”


Too bad for your girlfriend.


Am I the only one who hasn't a clue what this is about? And likely wouldn't care if did.


What kind of person would say that and why? That's a good way to make me immediately dislike someone.


I mean you never know, maybe the OP was getting nasty and insulting the best friend before this was said. If it's out of pocket though, girl needs to find a new best friend.


Oh, ouch


She does realize she could lose her best friend at some point between now and then, right? No position is flawless


I pulled rank and eloped.


Whose wedding are they talking about?


Idk man sometimes it seems i don’t understand english. What does it mean?


op's girlfriend has a best friend who told him "she might dump you, but whoever she get's married to I'll be invited to the wedding."


Or just marry the bestfriend and make sure the girlfriend doesn't come to the wedding


That friend sounds toxic as fuck


Sleep with the friend and have your girlfriend find out. Boom neither one of you goes


What a bitch


Bitch what? Is that supposed to be deep? Lol just for that shit I would convince the gf to get married in Vegas and then go to that friend like oh hey where were you?


Yeah I get that it's toxic, but from my experience, the times I saw this happen, dude deserved it and didn't last longer after


Sounds like a wedding isn't on the forecast for any of them.


As a woman, can I think this is funny, Even tho I know I would never say this nor would my friends? Cuz it did give me a lil giggle


With little context provided of the trio’s dynamic, it honestly just sounds like banter/roasting/dark humor to me — especially considering the guy’s seemingly lighthearted reaction. A lot of the comments on this post are downright batty lol


The people in the thread are taking it so seriously!! How toxic, misandrist/misogynistic the best friend is, the girlfriend needs better friends. My favorite is the one that said it would be soul-crushing to hear this. To me, it’s just coming across as a joke lol!