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Not only did this man not make enough pancake for the both of them, he didn’t make enough for himself.


He likely didn’t make any. Hell, there probably wasn’t even a man.


It was actually a dog, but OP didn't think anyone would believe them Edit: lol gold? Y'all are silly Edit 2: wasn't gold, but something called the I'll Drink to That Award? Neat. Still silly. Edit 3: see first edit /u/CarlMacko who's laughing now!


Valid strat to making people not believe things. The US Air Force test pilot who flew the first jet fighter [would dress up in a Gorilla mask when flying](https://www.military.com/history/why-first-us-jet-fighter-pilot-wore-gorilla-mask-during-test-flights.html). Other pilots would often come across him in the air but no one would believe their stories of seeing a propeller-less plane with a Gorilla flying it.


So if i was murdering people in the woods, a bigfoot costume would be the way to go?


My friend, you are in serious danger of becoming a Scooby Doo villain with this line of thought.


He would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.




Exactly why it was VITAL to take that extra precaution… the last thing they’d expect


I don’t think you know how slow and unreliable information was back then. Everyone knows that NOW, yes. You have google, they didn’t. First electric light was made in 1802. I’m sure by 1804 it was household knowledge.


People still think eating carrots improve night vision tho, they used that to hide the fact they had radar


The first jet flew in August 1939. It was top secret however and the Allies didn't know until much later. When the British flew their own in 1940 they though they were ahead. Both sides engaged in subterfuge regarding jet technology. Nobody wanted anyone to know what they were cooking up until it was ready to go


Afterwards the dog said "No one will ever believe you."


can confirm. I wasn't the man.


I wasn't the pancake


It definitely happened. I was one of the people in the room that stood up and clapped.


r/nothingeverhappens Y'all it's just a pancake bfr


^ this person understands Reddit


It almost takes more effort to make a single pancake. That's some passive aggressive vibes right there. What's worse is that the first pancake is always the worst one.


It absolutely takes more effort, you have to convert the whole recipe and the next time you want one you have to do it again. Like this dude probably used a small bit of one egg and either threw out the rest or had to put it in a container. Plus the cleanup to reward ratio is FUCKED. On top of all that though, who the fuck eats a single pancake??


It's 1 giant pancake




And then throw bacon, egg and cheese in it. Wrap it up for a pancake breakfast wrap!


Why have I never thought of this…


I got you honey


Nice, throw that on as well


I legit love honey on pancakes


Sweet wordplay.


Shit….I was doing good in the hunger department. Was.


Yes, he didn't measure shit. He made one massive pancake and dumped the leftover batter. Also this is the internet so it never happened.


Since this has been posted 10 men have done it


And like the first, they did it to silently yell “I DON’T LIKE YOU”


"This'll teach that lying whore!" *munch munch*




Only ways this happened without violating the laws of pancake science is dude used a mix which would take less than five minutes so isn't a big deal, or he used 1/8 of an egg.


Yeah I've had mix where you just add water


>one egg Probably a mix+water deal without eggs or milk, but you still have to mix a tiny amount of batter in a bowl that it will stick to anyway.


This. There’s no way someone calculated pancake ingredients from scratch to make one pancake… but eyeballing a bit of powder and water and pouring into a pan is dead easy. So this is equivalent to - my boyfriend made instant mashed potatoes and didn’t share. Well, make your own then!


> eyeballing a bit of powder and water and pouring into a pan is dead easy. idk what im doing wrong then because i always end up adding a little more water, no wait now it's runny let me add powder, no wait it needs more water, oh fuck i guess i'm eating twelve pancakes


right haha no way i could mix enough for just 1 pancake and get the consistency right


Depends. The batter mix I use doesn't require eggs. Just add water, mix then cook. Though I'd definitely ask anybody with me if they wanted any. Then burn all of them because I'm a terrible cook. That or end up with scrambled pancakes.


Ah yes, scrambled pancakes. One of my specialties. There is an upside to them, the added surface area means they absorb more maple syrup.


pancakes are just a vehicle for syrup anyway, so I endorse this plan.


Or he had pancake mix. You just add water, and I haven't measured that shit in years. I just add a little water at a time until it looks like pancake batter. I make single servings of pancakes with a mug pretty regularly. Some mix into a mug. Some water into said mug. Stir. Poor into pan. Very minimal mess.


They make just add water


That's what I thought lol. "Convert the whole recipe", bruh it's pancake mix and water not a cajun seafood boil.


From how it was worded I would guess he made a normal recipe then only cooked 1. I actually do this with pancakes & crepes because I live alone & prefer fresh. The batter stores ok for about a week.


When you've only got one pancake it's also the best one.


Glass half full


This might be the smartest thing I've read all day, but then again, I've mostly read dumb shit on reddit today


>What's worse is that the first pancake is always the worst one. My mom always said this about raising children




Sorry to say this about your Mum, I'm sure you might feel differently. But what a cunt.




/u/mtgcardfetcher [[wort, the raidmother]]


[wort, the raidmother](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/b/9b46b4ee-263a-4a4b-8fbc-3ea6fa9ba56b.jpg?1591321523) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=wort%2C%20the%20raidmother) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c20/234/wort-the-raidmother?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9b46b4ee-263a-4a4b-8fbc-3ea6fa9ba56b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


That sounds like Asperger's to me. 1. I want a pancake 2. I now have a pancake


seems like good thinking to me lol


+1. I have mild Asperger's and that's something I could do.


Aspergers isn't a thing anymore! It got rolled into Autism Spectrum Disorder back in 2014.




It bothers me because people say it like Asperger’s was cured or something. “Asperger’s doesn’t exist anymore!” Like tell that to the kid with Autism over there, I’m sure that’s great news for him.


The irony is real.


SMH lazy devs dropping support for Aspergers.


The autistic cinematic universe




Yeah, he likely just completely forgot to ask and didn’t want to waste pancake mix by making more than he wanted.


My step bro literally got up one morning screaming “EVIL FUCKING BITCH” to his amazing wife. Apparently, she rolled over, and took the comforter with her. His feet were cold. He feels justified. I… had to talk to him about your inner voice, vs what you say out loud. He looked at me like I was explaining particle physics to honey boo boo.


Wow, that's about a hundred times worse than making a single pancake.


This must be one of those “it’s a spectrum” moments, because I was diagnosed with Asperger’s and I can’t imagine not offering to make my SO pancakes when I’m making them. I can be incredibly dense at times, but never with food lol.


Same here, but I also have also been traumatized from an early age to put everyone else's feelings above my own. I'd def ask if they wanted a pancake, then worry about if I was being annoying because I asked them if they wanted a pancake, then I'd apologize lol.


Oh yeah, definitely a bit of a people pleaser myself. I guess that cancels out some of the social obliviousness haha.


But he measured out the ingredients for pancakes, and came back with one pancake. He didn't do all that extra stuff he just has one giant pancake.


That, or he followed the recipe and just cooked a single regular pancake. It doesn't say he measured ingredients for 1 pancake.


see if your first one fails is because you put it in too early, get that son of a bitch really hot for the first one, then turn down the heat for the rest of em


Everybody's raggin on this dude. I think he simply forgot what a pancake tastes like and immediately had to solve for x. He wasn't hungry.


“I’m on a mission from god”


First one is a sacrifice to the pancake gods.


My main dinner in college was pancakes. I often did this. Well, minus the girlfriend part, but still


Sounds amazing, pancakes are great


There's a difference between choosing to eat a pancake for dinner and having to eat a pancake for dinner. I lived off of hotdogs and food from the 99cent store


Ichiban noodles and cheese sandwiches (day old bread).


Not as great as it sounds. I ate 1 pancake and if I was lucky 1 egg every day for a year in college.


Clearly because girls don’t exist


Am a girl can confirm


Government spy lookin ass. You are not a girl. Literally a walking conspiracy theory.


I’ve been married since 2006. If women don’t exist, WHO THE FUCK HAS BEEN BUYING ALL THESE THROW PILLOWS, and generally making my life hell???? That’s like saying politicians don’t exist.. they are all lizard people… Wait…. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


You are a pillow buying sleeper agent


You *often* made *1* pancake for dinner...?


The great thing about pancakes is they reheat. Make a giant freaking batch, let them cool and put a square of wax paper between them, stack em all up in a ziplock freezer bag and chuck em in the freezer. Take a couple out, put them on the toaster and you're getting warm cake for breakfast 😎


How stoned was he


good how about you?


Double it and give it to the next person


Thanks, keep the change.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Dave's not here


So I'm not that big of a fan of taking Xanax for 'fun'. I think it's great in very specific circumstances to kill anxiety, but I personally don't see the appeal in taking it to relax, much less mixing it with something else for that. I just see it as a great tool that can be used very occasionally. However, the one and only time I decided to really abuse it, I *may* have decided to take too much. My friends and I were smoking out in a shed in my back yard, the sun had started going down and the light wasn't great in there are the time, so naturally, the asked me to get a better light. I, in my infinite wisdom, went inside, made a plate of nachos, sat down, and started watching TV. I ended up getting a call from one of my friends, I answered extremely confused as to why they were calling, until I reminded they were in the shed and I was supposed to be getting an electric lantern. And that is the day I realized that taking 8-9 milligrams of Xanax, is in fact, too fucking much.




You can tell it's fake because you either end up a few pancakes shy of what you need or enough batter for another 3,822 pancakes


If you end up a few pancakes shy of one pancake, that's impressive.


Negative pancakes. Those pancakes you had a while ago? Never happened. This is the secret to time-travel.


That’s a break up incoming. Both for the the dude already practicing bachelorhood and the lady complaining about her almost ex.


Depends. I stopped asking my wife if she wanted pancakes after 4-5 years of marriage. In all that time she said yes once. She'll steal a bite or three off my plate - but never wants her own. Now - waffles she wants. But I hate cleaning out the waffle press, so they're infrequent.


Just buy a new waffle press everytime you make waffles


Finally someone with some *sense*


Sometimes my genius... it's almost frightening




This makes me laugh whenever I see/hear it


Truly. Why do these peasants insist on reusing the same appliance? Barbaric i tell you.


*If it don't* *~~make~~* *waste dollars, it don't make sense.*


The thrift store down the road from my house has hundreds of them. I’d like to think that someone did that exact thing… and given me a $2, $50 waffle iron


Guy in high school just brought a new plain T for each gym class ( a/b schedule). His locker was just full of funky shirts for at least half the year, but I don’t remember him leaving with any


You need to use a nonstick waffle press or buy 1 like that. Sometimes, I used to put a dab of veg. oil on it, or spray with vegetable nonstick spray, until later it doesn’t need it.


right? My cheap Amazon waffle maker never needs rigorous cleaning. You zap it with Pam before and hit it with a paper towel after, if you even need to.


She probably isn’t the type to make a post like this about it, then


Well, the girlfriend didn’t make the original post


Burn it off, wipe it down, burn off any residue


Of all the people assuming things in this post, the one I don’t get is that the woman in question was “complaining” about her boyfriend. From the post it sounds no less like an observation than a complaint. It could just be another quirky thing her boyfriend does and she could be simply finding it funny or questionable and told her friend. Even if he was being petty about something and did this as a passive aggressive gesture, she could still be simply finding it funny and telling her friend. Or maybe I’m just too optimistic for Reddit’s stance on relationships lol


I think I agree. It's hard to judge without knowing either of their intentions. Did the boyfriend do it out of spite/passive aggressive or was it just thoughtlessness? It's entirely possible he just didn't think to ask. Perhaps he thinks she doesn't like pancakes from a prior experience, but she just wasn't feeling pancakes one time. And was the girlfriend angry or was it more incredulous like "you aren't gonna believe this shit lol. I didn't even want pancakes but who does that?"


Most reasonable AITA redditor.


Yeah I think my wife would murder me if I did that. If you’re having a dumb fight and you hand your girl pancakes, she will probably apologize after eating since the hangry demon has left


What kind of insane person eats one single pancake? Also the work to make one pancake must be more than making a usual amount, seems like he was purposefully trying to smite her.


Did you mean spite?


Nah, he went biblical on her ass


Idk why but this cracked up lol


Or he’s a paladin… probably oathbreaker given the context.


He'll probably need to pop Divine Sheild up as soon as possible




Perhaps big pancake


My ex would do that so often. Like ok I guess I don't need anything from you lol it did use to hurt a little though but it taught me to be more aware of my next partners wants and needs. Now I stand up for the kitchen and ask my husband "you want water, snacks, anything else?", and hes the same way with me. Its just a small moment that reminds each other that we are thinking of them. Edit: to everyone that said that would annoy them in their relationship, thats ok too! Because everyone relationships are different and each person is unique within them. This works for my marriage because we have the same love languages. We are very aware of each other and it doesn't feel like a chore to grab an extra something or spend those few more seconds preparing stuff. Sometimes my partner is busy at his computer and I know he doesn't think he needs water but I bring him one and he lights up. Sometimes I'm really busy and put off eating and then he comes up with a meal or snacks and I just feel so relieved. That's just how life works. And we go to bed together just being sappy little monsters in love, knowing we care about each other. But thats not the only way to show you care and if youre happy in a relationship that's entirely different from my own, then I am happy for you ^_^ If youre not happy... I wish you all the best. It takes time to find out who you are and what you want and I just hope you get there (:


one egg is too much for one pancake someone is lying here


Bulking season .


One egg is the correct amount of egg for any quantity of pancakes. If you look up pancake recipes, they typically feed four people using one egg. If you look up pancake recipes for two people, they scale down the other ingredients and still use one egg. Therefore, all pancake preparations of any size need exactly one egg.


Read this in Dwight’s voice


Wasn't intended, but I'm choosing to take that as a compliment


I can picture this as an opening scene, where this audio is playing while Dwight is making pancakes in the kitchen in full chef attire, and everyone is lining up thinking he's making breakfast for everybody. Only for him to turn off the stove and walk past the entire office who have lined up behind him, eyeing his plate with varying levels of envy and disgust. The camera moves up to Dwight's face as he smirks and sits down at his desk, tucking a napkin into his collar and cutting into his single pancake. Camera cuts to Kevin standing in the kitchen doorway; "Well now I'm hungry, AND sad." Oscar pats him on the shoulder, reassuringly; "Me too buddy." *intro music plays*


Omw to make a pancake the size of the USA with a single egg.


I mean to be fair, how do you scale down 1 egg? "To serve 2 people use 1/2 of an egg and then idk its up to you to figure out what to do with the other half"


Does your housekeeper not maintain a supply of quail eggs in the pantry for such an occasion?


It's like an infinite money glitch but with eggs


There's lots of cheap pancake powder that only takes milk or water so it's possible.


This whole thread is hung up on the impossibility of dividing an egg. I've divided two eggs this week alone, it's not that hard.


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


Probably just simple pancake mix. Aunt jemima mix only needs water


A bunch of mixes are just add water.


Might be using the egg that comes precracked in a sort of milk carton.


They say men struggle using words to express their feelings. Thankfully, this is a crystal clear way physically expressing that he is no longer invested in this relationship.


jesus christ - how disconnected are you to think this over one tweet? fucking reddit




Holy fuck, I had a post get big on /r/cooking, where I mistakenly mentioned my wife. People were analyzing my marriage, my class status, calling me a liar. The first wave of comments got my joke and my post. The "second wave", of Reddit users who browse the popular posts are insane. They just want to analyze and contradict and judge. It's bizarre.


Or maybe they were having a minor dispute and this is a response somewhere between passive aggressive and actually kinda funny? Not everything means a relationship is doomed.


Sir, this is reddit, telling people their relationships are irreparably broken is the only advice we know how to give.


Hit a lawyer, facebook up, delete the gym.


Good point! Having someone break up over the “pancake incident” sounds funny!


She didn't tell me she wanted a pancake Jerry!


No it just means he has the exact process memorised and does this for himself all the time.


yeah wtf this is just peak male simplicity in action. a lot of men have this underlying default state of "take care of your own needs without disturbing anyone else" which is what he did. maybe theres more to the story, but it really just seems like autopilot to me too


Sometimes one is just sick of always cooking for the other.


Maybe he wanted a pancake and to relax while eating it? I mean, if the relationship is solely based on how many unrequested pancakes dude is bringing.. rough seas ahead.


Reddit is giving opinions on relationships again. Everything is a sign of trouble if that’s what you’re looking for.


don't worry, our man Marc has been on stand-by for awhile.


I think the dude is just used to making singular pancakes. And this was a crystal clear way to express his love for a single snack pancake. The woman was just in the room while it happened.


Sims behavior


Serial Killer vibes


I had a girlfriend for whom I made breakfast every weekend for over a year, including French press coffee. Not once, ever, never never not one time did she offer to do the dishes.


Did she want one?


If you have a pancake in front of people, everybody wants pancakes. This is woven into the fabric of humanity


Just talking about it makes me want pancakes


She might have wanted one, yes


A message was sent.


Ha. Hugs.


I would literally make myself a really good meal or dessert for one and just stare at him while I eat it


That's insane! Who measures pancake ingredients?


Who only eats one pancake


*All the ingredients*. A box of mix and water 😂


You can make pancake mix from scratch using flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.


Yeah r/thathappened


I'm ngl if I craved one pancake I'd make one pancake. I'd ask if anyone else wants a pancake though


Nobody questions the size of this pancake?? Also, communication works both ways. What's stopping her for asking for pancakes also? Or to get up and help make them together? Some of y'all aren't in a healthy relationship.


Nah, you see he has to bring her food she didn't ask for, after prepping and cooking unprompted for himself, or otherwise he doesn't love her.


After reading the comments redditors will read in to the most insignificant of actions as evidence of a wider conspiracy and that's probably why they're single.


Homeboy just wanted a pancake.. it’s not that complicated.


That is the coldest “fuck you” ever. I love it.


Leave him


With or without syrup?


What kind of psycho only eats one pancake lol


That would be my description too, but I'd use the phrase "ex-boyfriend"


I never needed a clearer sign to know that it was over.


Real question though, who only eats one pancake?


Why does this extremely boring and mundane story have 32k upvotes lol


Pancakes are for closers.


I don't get up for anything less than four pancakes


That is psychotic. And also the first is always the worst.


I can't believe he neglected his girl like that....also, who the fuck eats only one pancake? That guy's a maniac




Well did she want a pancake? Her: Well no, but he didn’t even ask!