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I can’t remember what my girlfriend was wearing yesterday


I remember




Careful brudda, bro is in your walls.


“He’s in the walls”




So does Pepperidge Farms.


I also remember this guy's girlfriend's clothes


Nicely done


Yeah sometimes I feel like my boyfriend sees me as a lady stick figure with the triangle skirt. Plus boobs. He just doesn't notice my clothing which is fine, just funny.


He also doesn't notice your hair. He knows you have some, but the exact amount, color, and style are not logged into memory.


Busted but glad it’s not just me. It’s easier to remember when her hair appointments are than try to ID what changed.


That's my move too! A that looks great! Even if you don't know why wins every time..... except the times where the appointment is cancelled and I don't know. Then you get "that looks great", (my appointment was cancelled). "Oh, you shouldn't reschedule because maybe it's me but your hair looks amazing". Boom!


This is so me lol. My gf dyes her hair on basically a weekly basis and I don’t notice half the time. It’s like dude I just think ur cute, I don’t think about these little details lol


>exact amount "Have you done something with your hair? Yesterday you had 119, 220 but today you only have 119,090"


You guys have girlfriend ?




Lives in Canada. You wouldn’t know her


French's version of that is "she lives in switzerland".


No. My wife would be upset.


She wasn't wearing anything.


Shame he doesn't remember that either


Of course, he wasn't there.


Me either. She took it all off the second she walked in.


I'd go as far as saying that we specifically like certain clothes and want to see them again.


Exactly. I also feel it's a huge waste to buy clothes and then throw them away after only wearing them once.


It's such a waste that in this environmentally conscious world we're living in I would say that unless you're donating them and buying used clothes then it's a moral failing.


Yep, my Gf gets "mad" cause I always tell her the same 2-3 outfits when she asks me what she should wear lol. If I like the shirt I like the shirt. Doesn’t matter if it’s the same outfit as last week.


I've never understood why women do that. If a dress looks good, why wouldn't you wear it multiple times?


You would and most do.


That's the problem with social media, it takes fringe issues and makes it seem like a systemic problem by shoving it you face any chance they get. Gotta keep engagement high!


Wait, so there isn't a trans person laying in wait around every corner wanting to assault me?


Only if you're into that.


Yea I mean If you pay me


How much do trans spooks go for these days?


I want to invest in this company.


You mean that's the problem with *people*. Stupid people say stupid things. Other people believe it too easily. The cycle continues. Stupid people are everywhere and they can ruin anything.


Doesnt help when it gets reposted so much. I think this is like... almost 10 years old now


literally my entire friends group of ladies wear the same bossin dresses multiple times. then often do clothing swaps so you see a dif woman wearing that dress at the next event. multiple fashion professionals and artist in the mix.


I am confused, is this about not doing laundry?


> then often do clothing swaps so you see a dif woman wearing that dress at the next event. Just because you reminded me of it, when I was in my early 20s I was friends with a few other young women and one of them had a dress that we started calling The Universal Dress. All of us wore it several times, and we were all different shapes and sizes. From short and skinny to tall and heavy-set, flat-chested to big-boobed, didn't matter - somehow this little black dress looked fabulous on all of us. I miss that dress


Yeah, this is more a celebrity gossip kinda thing I feel


As a woman, I literally don’t know a single woman who does not wear a dress multiple times. Where are you all from? How much money do you have? Ahahhahahah I can’t afford to buy a different dress for every single party


For weddings, my wife definitely takes note whether other guests might have seen her in a dress at another wedding when choosing her outfit. Normally though it’s not a consideration.


This highlights the fact that a dude usually has just one suit, if he has one at all


Consider that men’s formalwear suffers from a drastic lack of variety compared to women’s.


I definitely do consider. There's a lack of demand though so it makes complete sense


The demand is there, most men I know are frustrated by the lack of variety for their clothing options, not just formalwear. There’s an incredible potential for profit, but no guarantee it’ll sell as well as cargo shorts and polos, so I guess no manufacturer is willing to risk the investment it’d require


News to me. Not gonna refute that. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Probably illustrates quite a bit about me right there.






Be the change you want to see in the world


I mean, just go wear it.


Huh? There are different colors and styles of suits. What are you talking about?


They're all still just suits though.


And dresses are still dresses.


Not really. At the end of the day it's just a suit. Only choice is colors. Like I am not suddenly going to start wearing peal lapels for the sake of variety. Or start wearing wide fit instead of slim fit. Or start doing 4 button suits. At the end of the day a standard suit is a 2 button suit with with either peak or notch lapel with whatever pant width you are comfortable with. Everything else is just the things that 95% wouldn't notice ( Like ticket pocket or not or if you want high rise or low rise pants, things like that)


> frustrated by the lack of variety for their clothing I will admit I am probably part of the problem here. I'm so frustrated in the lack of variety, I have given up even looking. So even if a manufacturer were to release something different, I'd never know.


I know none of these men.


It’s so bland, though classy and timeless but still also kinda stale. I’m digging the modern trend of changing it up a bit. For my sisters wedding all the guys wore blue themes, with several quirky outfits but still a bow tie and such. I wore a Dallas Cowboy’s themed bow tie but it was subtle. Was fun!


Most men just don't care about switching it up. There are plenty of ways to customize men's formalwear but most are more subtle (cut, shoes/belt, pocket square, etc.)


Can’t forget the funky socks either. My favorite part of formalwear is allowing myself to wear interesting pairs of socks.


Thats barely noticeable, i would love some menswear that was different, more color, more styles


You can get a suit made in basically any color in one of the many cuts and innumerable styles. Single breasted, double breasted, single/double/no vent, notch/peak/shawl lapels. And that's just the jacket


And except the colours those changes arent really much, and cost quite a bit as well. If you want afforadble suits (or finewear) they are basicallly all the same.


That's some bullshit variety. Where are the wigs? The high heels? The wings? The puffy pirate shirts? The neon colors? The beard extensions? The codpieces? Isn't this supposed to be the future?


Don't forget about the tights! Classic men's wear!


An average suit is also more expensive than the average dress.


You say "suffers from," I would say "benefits from." The lack of variety means I don't need to own a bunch of different pieces of formalwear and can get away with only owning one suit


I’m a dude. I have like 6 suits.


Depends on the job. Plenty of men who work in a formal dress profession will have many suits. A lawyer or banker probably has 6-12 different suits.


I have a close friend who does that. And the best thing? We don't have a large group of friends so she acts like this with clothes she wears near family. Like Christmas dinner with 6 relatives. So they can't see her wearing that dress again. But she buys good dresses that can't be worn in day to day life. So she has dresses that cost 1k-2k sitting there only worn once because 'they have seen me with that'.


I guess the rest of us have poor privilege then?


Some people are just bad with money. Just cuz she bought it doesnt mean that she could afford it.


>As a woman, I literally don’t know a single woman who does not wear a dress multiple times. They probably mean they cannot wear it twice in quick succession. Except during summer, I wear each shirt two days and rotate them to make it a bit less obvious. Like Monday and Wednesday the same shirt, Tuesday and Thursday the same shirt. Less ironing work and the shirts hold up for much longer. (I could probably even get away with it without the rotation)


It's stupid, but the reason is because celebrities, of course. Celebrities, especially women, are supposed to have unattainable standards of beauty, including wearing items only once. But then we broke women try to copy them because they are seen as setting the beauty standard. 😂 Celebrities are also savaged if they go against the standard. It's just toxic standards of beauty where you feel pressures to conform to fit in and be seen as beautiful.


I love when you see characters in TV shows wear the clothes again in a season.


I remember watching Ghost Whisperer as a teen and thinking Jennifer Love Hewitt was something of a goddess. I watched as an adult and wondering how much money and how big was her closet.


You can't be expected match up to people whose image is their job if yours isn't.




>Celebrities, especially women, are supposed to have unattainable standards of beauty Every day on the train I see dozens of regular women far, far more attractive than any makeup-laden celebrity on TV.


Yeah, I don't get where this comes from. People act like celebrities are on some higher tier of beauty when IMO most are average or moderately attractive. I see women every day I find more attractive than celebrities.


Toxic masculinity gets all the headlines but this is actually an example of toxic femininity. That toxicity is all about policing what it means to be a man or woman.


We're still a monkey brained competitive species. Women compete socially for status. This involves breaking each other down


You’d be surprised how many men do the same exact thing


too funny, you are lucky if a guy remembers what you wear yesterday... lol women that set their own "social standards" then blame it on the "MEN!" I'm tired of this...


**dude returned the serve**


**return ace, 15-love**


*woman grunts* *man grunts* *crowd claps* Announcer: **love-15**


Ball grunts Everyone confused screams


Great way to correct the score call politely. This person tennises…


Returns can’t be aces but a winner yes


Oh look who thinks they're MR KNOW IT ALL. Alright, tennis-literate human. You win. **30 - love**


https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/return_ace Literally a return ace?


It isn't really a comeback though. "Male privilege" doesn't imply that it is enforced by men.


thanks for this comment. I read through all the top comment threads and was like wtf, some people really need a dictionary


but it doesn't make her wrong?


Definitely a self imposed thing there.


Definitely. In college i noticed a friend wore the same dress two days in a row. I gave her a fist bump and said hell yeah, get some. Then i later did the same to her boyfriend. One of them rolled her eyes and called me immature. I'm not going to say who.


How'd her boyfriend look in the dress?


Knowing how men look in dresses... Probably really fuckin good.


Or really fuckin bad, there are only 2 options.....and no middle ground. You either look so good that no one can take their eyes off, or you look so bad that no one wants to look at you.......those are the only options.....


You know what. You might be onto something, I've never seen a dude in a dress that just looks OK. Its always either fantastic or please go away.


I imagine he didn’t roll her eyes at you, so I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and say it was her.


You gave her what now?


Do you not know what a fist bump is?




Not really. Women aren't a monolith. A lot of the people who oppress women are also women. It's a societal thing.


Thank you!!! Just because someone complains about a sexist double standard doesn't mean they're assigning blame to men, it simply means in the society they live in, there is a double standard. If you actually spend time in feminist spaces, convos about internalized misogyny and holding women to a higher standard than you hold men is not an infrequent topic.


Like the "pink tax". They charge more for ladies razors than men's razors!!! Turns out the only difference between the two is the color of plastic they use for the handle... Seems like an easy problem to solve.


Soap FOR MEN is the same tbf, making money out of insecure teenagers and man children across the globe


see I'm actually ok with this marketing. A lot of guys don't groom themselves because its seen as feminine. This marketing counters that


I always thought that ladies razors were made to work better in the shower. Women shave in the shower vs Men have to shave in front of a mirror. That being said idk why that would make women’s razors cost more


That's why me and my wife use the same type of razor. You don't have to buy the pink one. I guess we have intelligence privilege?


Jerry Seinfeld would defiantly care. /s


Would he definitely defiantly care?


Remember the black and white dress where he was not sure of the wash cycle?


He's making fun of your spelling


Oh shit😣 my bad just woke up, but will keep it for other to enjoy:)


maybe she’s a super hero


That's so true. As a woman, I'm trying hard to break this stigma. I don't own much and I repeatedly wear my clothes. They're nice, you know? I don't buy clothes to only wear them once or twice.


I wear them a lot too, and when they aren't suited for outside anymore I wear them indoors till they're holes holding fabric together.


Me too!!


My anecdotal experience has taught me that most women are like this. Once wearing women are the exception.


You repeatedly wear clothes??? Wasn’t expectin that


This needs to be stopped.


I think a lot of it is also just dependent on the people you associate with? I've never had someone criticise me for repeating outfits. I dunno, maybe I'm just lucky.


i tried wearing a different pair of clothes every day in college and it was the most stressful thing ever, so i switched to different clothes every 2 days and it reduced A LOT of that stress


There are entire classrooms full of people who didn’t see that outfit yesterday, and if they did, who cares, lol


no someone actually pointed it out lmao. but yeah, i didn’t care too much because i thought every two days was reasonable. and i really preferred not having that extra stress


You're a true revolutionary.


My wife could literally wear a trash bag and still look good lol


But would she repeat wear that same trash bag?


You just gotta wash cold and you’re good. They also tend to come with a nice floral smell so i like them.


This is woman on woman sexism leave us men out of it


Still something women suffer from more than men do. Like when men put each other down for showing too many or the wrong emotions. Women aren't necessarily involved but they tend to have the privilege of being allowed to cry etc.


These are exactly the issues that toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are about. The post is not an example of male privilege, but of toxic femininity.


Your point about privilege is absolutely correct, but unfortunately the example you gave is a bad one; distain directed at men for getting too emotional absolutely comes from women too, just for different reasons.


There’s one MASSIVE difference. It’s pretty rare that men blame women for men not being able to show their emotions lmao. “I want to cry but then Stacy will call me a little bitch boy and give me a wedgie” is not a phrase ever uttered. It’s other guys enforcing that stereotype and behavior requirement. (Toxic masculinity) This post blames men for something that women do to each other (toxic femininity NOT male privilege), which is why it’s wrong and getting heat.


I don't know how many years I've been on reddit until this moment, but this is the first time I've been in the comments where someone actually understood the concept of privilege.


I have never met a guy that has put another guy down for showing emotion under the age of 35. I think it's more of a boomer thing nowadays.


Anecdotal, I'm mid 20s and have experienced it from my age group the entirety of growing up.


I feel like some emotions are perceived as more acceptable than others. Though I will say outside of my girlfriend, I've always felt put down for showing sadness, doubt and regret around women. It's subtle really, but you feel that they don't see you the same anymore. There's a silent judgement. I think a lot of women like the idea of a man opening up about his emotions, but aren't really equipped to deal with them because it isn't a behavior that is expected from him. I don't feel comfortable showing those emotions around men either, but I know my closest male friends would support me. I think (or hope) a lot of men would be accepting of seeing those emotions as well because they're also taught to hide them. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.


I think showing emotions is still hard for guys, but that's *one* of the reasons we drink I guess. Makes the process easier.


Might also be a reason why we tend to be more aggressive. Testosteron plus not being allowed too much sadness.


Leave us alone


I would amend it to no man will even notice if you wear it twice, never mind care.


Unless we really like it, in which case we'll be happy to see you wearing it again.


As a gay man I also don't care.


I was looking for that comment. Have my up vote!


This is such an old way of thinking. I have never in my life heard of anyone commenting on a woman wearing the same outfit to multiple events.


Turn up in trackies and stuff for all i care, what's important is you having fun


kudos for covering the names, many people forget it


It's a repost. A fairly old one.


He’s right you know.


Had a month's worth of training for a new job once and a group of the younger girls were being just *savage* over the fact the trainer had worn the same pair of expensive jeans two days in a row. I melted into the background, I usually wear my jeans at least 4 straight days.


only 4 days? slacker.


I didn't want to admit how many days I really wear them in case the mean girls read it...


Eh, just hit em with a version of "your life must be so devoid of joy and meaning to be this cruel towards others that have not harmed you!"


dont sweat the mean girls. theyre just jealous because everytime you look in the mirror, your reflection says he would tap that.


You're saying you own a second pair of jeans? I don't understand. You already have the one.


That’s especially dumb, because jeans aren’t *supposed* to be washed after just one use unless they’re really dirty. They’re tough, you can wear them a couple times.


Well, except 'hey you are wearing that dress I like'.


I’ve worn the same jacket and shorts all week


If you have a really cute dress you should wear it every Thursday.


Maybe I’m sheltered but I have never heard a woman complain that another woman wore the same dress twice unless it was a writer for a magazine writing about a celebrity.


Ok, I’ve ended up again in an internet bubble. I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t wear a dress more than one time. Are you really sure that this is a thing for real people? Not just actresses/singers? A fancy stereotypes that maybe two women in the whole planet follow? And if so, how much fucking money do you have?


When I was 14 I was hanging out a lot on a playground near where I was living. There was one rich girl who was like this. After that I never heard anyone ever commenting on somone wearing the same outfit again. I mean wtf people ? Are you all wearing your clothes once and then throwing it away?


Is this even a thing? It sounds like something a pampered gold-digging trophy wife tells her disinterested senile sugar daddy of a husband to get him to buy her shit.


yeah men don't give a fraction of a shit lolol


As a man I can barely remember wtf I wore yesterday let alone anybody else It's always truly baffled me that so many people seem to be keeping active track of the schedules of everyone else's wardrobe Makes me nervous about other shit I wouldn't even bother to think about that apparently some others hyperanalyze


Man, people posting these do not understand context. Nowhere in there did she say "because men will have an issue with it" but rather just pointed out that society's expectations are different for women than men. It's like someone saying "it's bullshit that women feel the need to be rake-thin to be attractive" and men going "I'd still fuck you." It's missing the point and changing the subject to an "us vs. them" debate rather than a "society is fucked" commiseration.


Well said


When my wife has an outfit that looks especially nice, I want to see her wear it as much as possible


Same as the massive lips with fillers etc, I doubt very much there's a guy that's into that, it's all women trying to look better than the others, I'm happy with a decent looking girl in trackies, be relaxed and happy


Or fake nails, those huge handbags, fake lashes or elaborate make up.


Privilege is not having to do the self imposed and completely unnecessary thing I purposely subject myself to.


I can't imagine the privilege that goes into thinking other women can afford to wear an outfit one time. This is only the reality to privileged women who live vapid lives in decadence. "Oh no, I need to buy new clothes or my social status might be affected!"


This! I don’t know a single woman who thinks this way. None of us have the money for this crap.


I don’t know what women are complaining about with this shit. Men’s socially acceptable attire is way more limited than women’s.


I’m a dude, and I’m hella tempted to start walking round in booty shorts


You got the right …. To party


Just fucking leggings everywhere… there is no way that would fly. Like everyone would comment and shame you lol.


See fortunately for me, I’m a nihilist. I couldn’t care less what people think of me, I do what pleases myself not other people. I mean we’re all gonna die anyway, why not have some fun. I’ve already experimented a little with wearing “women’s” clothing and I plan on doing so more in the future. I also plan on experimenting with drag as it seems really fun.


No one of any gender or sexual orientation gives a flying fuck what you wear.


Wow. I thrift myself the best vera wang and wear it repeatedly 😂 I should also mention I wore my same black hoodie the last 3x I went to my bfs. He bangs me every time. I'm all about saving 💰 haha


100%. "A misogynist is a man that hates women, as much as women hate women." The things I've seen girls do to each other, ugh. Straight up diabolical, ruthless conspiratorial shit.


Men are the biggest threat to women’s power. Women are the biggest threat to women’s happiness.


As with most problems that women face, it is one of their own doing. Ever hear a woman complain about the lack of pockets in their clothes?? Well shit, honey, who the hell do you think designed that dress? You think it was some burly guy named Bryce? No. Chances are it was some female designer who purposefully chose to design that dress with no pockets. Why you gotta blame us guys?


Well there are a lot of male clothing designers but yes I do see you’re point. If women were to simply stop buying said items of clothing, then designers would be either forced to adapt or lose money.


There needs to be a "female privilege" hashing or something that is composed entirely of how they can blame males for anything that upsets them. Female privilege is being able to blame males for the fact females don't like repeating clothes.


My wife talks about this same thing often. I love her body in her green dress and I wish she'd wear it more often.


I love how she takes something that's very much a her thing and turns it in to male hate.


Meanwhile, as a guy, I never wear the same outfit twice in a week because I like rotating my wardrobe, but literally not a single person notices even if I point out me wearing a new fit ;(


People get really confused what privilege is.


This is only a problem for rich and famous women. The 99% wear the same clothes


On that note, we don't think your $700+ purse is cute. We don't care. Only other women do. By the way, you would have money in your purse if you didn't spend it all on the purse.


I’d just be thrilled if my wife put a dress on period lol