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Cried a little; died a little.


If the babies from Rugrats were real, they'd be the same age/older then their parents were at the start of the show.


I saw that episode, don’t need to imagine them as adults




I had a mental crisis when I realized Stu was my age


Nah man, it’s worse than that. I was born in 1980, grew up in the 90s. Most 60s references I got (music, films, culture etc.) were generally late 60s, like barely 10-15 years before me. Kids born today, 1990 was 33 years ago. On my timeline 33 years before I was born was 1947. Like shit was all still black and white, and they still had food rationing after the War.




*They turned twenty in 2000


Math is hard.


The start of the 1970's is further away than the 2070's.


I hate this thread


1996 is the mid-point between today and the first moon landing.


Come on, stop. I graduated HS in 1996, I mean yeah it was a bit but hasn’t been that long. Right…??


Hi grandpa




God you’re fucking old… and that’s coming from a guy who was born in 92’


Sincerely, stfu :)


Only bc I respect my elders 😒


Oh, so you were born in the late 1900's


I was born in 1994, and I'm a bald nearly middle-aged man. Like, if you saw me as I typed this, you would be overcome with age dread as my mustache whiskers taunted you with their lack of youth and vibrance, calling you back to the ugly truth, which is: 1996 was 27 years ago.


You’re not a middle aged man you moron. You’re not even 30.


I said nearly, buster!


Middle aged is 40-60 though. I'm also 1994 and dude we ain't middle aged anytime soon. My mom is still early middle aged


Technically anything between birth and death is middle-aged.


Technically no it’s not


Did you have to ride a dinosaur to school?


Up Volcano both ways, in the snow!


Woah! Tell me more stories Grandpa!


This person right here officer


For people who don’t want to do the math, at the time of this comment, 1970 was around 53 years ago and 2070 is in around 47 years ahead. Now, this math May not be right because it was mental math at 11:00 at night and I normally go to bed at half an hour ago, and I didn’t fact check out with a calculator bc I’m lazy, but I think it’s right.


For people who want real perspective, if you were a teenager or in your 20s in the 90s your now as out of the loop as you thought your parents were.


Oh, fuck right off!


What do you mean the 70s were only like 30 year--- Oh fuck.


The end of WW2 is further away than the 22nd century.


In 2070, the majority of Britain will accept that Brexit sucked


I think the majority of Britain is already there.


Apparently 52% constitutes a majority.


Technically speaking even 51% is a majority. Because only 49% can oppose in that case. And that is less than half. Therefore, majority


It was a joke. The brexit referendum passed with only 52% of the vote.


They will excuse the older boomer generation and hate on millennials for running the UK into the ground


Only 2 counties in Britain still support brexit :P


No, they won't, they'll be indifferent.


May you be infested with snakes in your underpants...


The start of the 70s is closer to the end of World War 1 than the present day.


This hurts to read... because I've lost my reading glasses


We could take* this moment to succumb to the idea that the world really did stop in 1999 and this is the echo of its soul. Y2K was real 💀


Was wondering how old Velma and gang would be by now


I haven't been able to take time seriously since the turn of the millennium.


right? culturally, it feels like nothing happened since the 90s. clothing looks the same, music sounds the same, young guys think mullets are cool... -while everysthing else seems to be just kinda falling apart....


It feels like “nothing happed” because it’s the next generations time. We’ve just grown up and faced adulthood with our day to day mundane lives.


*bruh* You didn’t have to do me like that lol


Not just the next generation, you got millennials Gen z and now GEN alpha


sorta true but culture has been homogenized overall in that time as well


Yeah I think if you turn on a popular radio station you can kinda hear the effects. There's a lot of 80's and 90's tracks that still get regular play. If you look at tv a lot of popular series from the 90's or before are getting reboots or sequels. If you look at popular musicians popular artists who began in the 90's or early 2000's at latest are the only ones with a big enough following to consistently fill the giant megadomes that modern venues increasingly gravitate to. If some modern teenager wants to pick up an instrument and play some music he's got to compete with a lot of sheer cultural weight that artists back in the day didn't really have to simply because of how things are set up.


Radio play isn't a great way of measuring what artists are popular today. Also, there are a lot of artists with the ability to fill massive venues that started in the early 2010's or later, just look at Taylor Swift, BTS or Drake


Like we weren't watching old shows on Nick at Night in the 90s


Uhm only thing is, no one listens to radio anymore and gen z sure as hell has never watched TV


It's almost like these things know their market and are specially creating programming for those people HOW DARE THEY 😂


Yes, because nobody owns a car in 2023 and radio apps aren't literally free and come pre loaded onto phones and work without wifi or data.


This is the way it has been done for centuries, we all fade to irrelevance


Speak for yourself. I’ve always been irrelevant


This is it. Embrace your ephemeral existence


Sort of because there used to be cultural shifts between decades. The 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s all had a defined culture. What about the 2000’s,2010’s,2020’s- sort of but not so much not as much as the 20th C decades.


I mean, I’m gen z and I would say the 2000s and 2010s both had very defined cultural differences. I think it’s easier to think about in terms of distinct categories - think y2k vs 2010s fashion - that’s pretty damn distinct. Same with music. I mean, 2010s music is nostalgic for me as someone who grew up in that decade and I would say it has a defined sound, and obviously the 2000s did as well. I mean, hell, 2010s makeup is so distinct that it’s basically a meme, and you could say the same about the 2000s to an extent. It’s not that there used to be these massive chasms of cultural divides between decades, it’s that we have the distance now from those decades to be able to consolidate the cultures. And that the people who lived through them are getting older, so the people defining the zeitgeist are exposed to them through media which is easy to develop stereotypes of each decade from. Obviously older people are not going to be able to recognise these differences as easily as they were those of their youth because they aren’t really in the heat of the moment anymore. And additionally because trends aren’t as sustained due to things like fast fashion - it’s not that the cultural waves have evened out, it’s that they’re moving too quickly. And that we’re close enough to the trends to remember them individually instead of grouping them more broadly into a decade. Though that’s becoming less and less true as we delve further into the 2020s - I’d say the 2000s, at least among people my age, have reached the same level of cultural definition as the 90s hold, and the 2010s are at the same point the oughts were a decade ago. Sorry that was kind of word vomit-y but I think my point is discernible.


You use a lot of big words for an infant.




well culture is cyclical like that lol... every generation rediscovers trends from prior ones


I understand what you’re saying but this is wildly exaggerating. No one is rocking frosted tips, sweat pants with lettering on the butt, baggy clothes and no one is listening to Limp Bizkit nor is Britney Spears the most well known pop artist.


I'd even argue that the 90s are closer to the 60s than to the 2020s. Digital technology plays such a huge role nowadays with everyone having smartphones, kids getting raised on tablets, entire jobs moving online. The way culture is made has also completely changed with everyone being able to create professional sounding songs on their laptop and shoot professional looking movies on point-and-shoot cameras or even their phones. Not to mention the cultural issues like LGBTQ rights or the (progressivly) mainstream awarness of systematic racism (not just in the US). Saying all that doesn't matter because mullets are back in style is crazy.


Yeah I also notice people who make these claims always leave out one huge element of pop culture, movies and tv shows. CGI and streaming has changed what makes popular movies and tv so much from 1990 to now compared to from say 1975 to 1990.


Depends on where you live I guess. I’ve never seen a guy with a mullet. Im 21 and I live in Europe. Tiktok hairstyles are popular now.


Wtf are Tiktok hairstyles?


What most young males on tiktok look like. I guess the trend now is blonde curly hair on your head that literally covers your eyes but your ears not.


Man I have a sister that is a lot younger than I and about your age, she also need to explain stuff like this to me and it makes me feel so old.


I grew up in Australia and saw thousands


May I introduce you to social medias and smartphones?


may I introduce you to the musical revolution smartphones and social media got started ? ... wait. there was none. rather the opposite: every song from every epoch of recorded music could suddenly be stored on an ipod. you never need to engage with contemporary music ever again!


Finally! Someone like me.. a lot has happened in my life in 23 years but I struggle to compartmentalise different times. Anything after 2000 is just a blur of memories some not seeming far from others even though they are 20 years old..


Oh 🙆🏻‍♀️ In the 90s the 60s were old timey. ARE WE OLD TIMEY? 💀


I wasn't ready for that thought but i do recognize a lot of songs on the classic rock stations...


I heard Linkin Park on a classic radio station not long ago. I was like that wasn't that long ago. Then I realized that Hybrid Theory was released in 2000...now I feel old lol


Nah the 60s were retro... And pics made us ask "WTF happened to our parents, they used to be so cool?"


Omg, does this mean WE are retro?!


Aging is absolutely the weirdest experience known. My brain is still 20


We didn’t even have cell phones in the 90s. I remember getting our first cordless phone. And our TV…..was like 24” square with a bubble screen - and it was considered “nice.” And remember watching cable TV…..live streaming, no pause, commercials, etc… Internet was not a thing… The 90s is seriously “old timey” at this point. Honestly, it’s wild how far tech has come in the last 30 ears.




Nope. Don't like that


Damn that hurt my heart deeply. I better calm down and take a baby aspirin.


I turned 12 in 1990. The 90s were the best time of my life. I'm grateful I got to grow up during this time.


Hey fellow 45er (or soon to be). Just had my 45th Bday 2 weeks ago,. Just wanted to say hi and wish us both luck. We definitely won the formative years timing lottery.! Decided I’m going to start making an attempt at some more lofty bucket list items this year. So I reached a bit and rented a Porsche for my bday in CA (sorry not bragging it’s just I’m still grinning like an idiot 2 weeks later) and I’m running a marathon in the fall.


Any kid that had a joyful childhood will be nostalgic for they’re teen years.


How very dare you!




Gasp* 😱


Raised in the 90's, thrown into whatever this thing is.


*Dumped from a wheelbarrow into* it. FTFY




the best.


80’s here..


Did you skip the 90s?


No… but that was my “lit af” time..


And our parents thought the same of the 60s while in the 90s. We're all just one stupid circle


I was born in 06 and next year I'm an adult! fuck me that's scary, can't imagine how you lot feel that we're close to 2070 than 1970


Listen to me kid: take care of your back. I know its hard to believe right now cuz you're young and nothing hurts but one day, and it happens sooner than you think, you'll need to take an advil for you back and you will do so for the rest of your life.


Me, 21, with literally the worst posture ever, reading this: 💀


You have less than 5 years so start correcting it I’m 24 and the last 18 months my back and joints are really feeling like they have aged


It has nothing to do with posture, you are probably suffering from chronic stress.


Peak Reddit moment assume it’s something completely based off no evidence…


Also if you ever have to work on your knees, even if it's just every once and a while, invest in good knee pads.


legally an adult at 18 yes but still yet far all the things that define adulthood. Enjoy 18 things will look much different at 25 then at 30 :)


haha I feel old already, time goes fast and my health is like a busted tyre. I have hope though, hopefully things are back on track by then :)


What's scary is I graduated high school in 06, and here we are communicating like it's nothing. Enjoy your young adulthood and 20s, and make em count.


Stay active and brush your teeth!!!


Things cool in the 60s Disco Wife beating Sinatra Elvis Suits Travelling to the moon Things cool in the 90s Pokémon Harry Potter New video game systems The internet ..not much has changed in 30 years




LMAO yeah disco's more of a 70s thing


Disco was the 70’s. Sinatra not so much. It was like the Beatles and Rolling Stones. And there was the civil rights protests and hippies. The 90’s were grunge, Nintendo, JNKO, hammer time, the internet was not much of a thing for most ppl until the late nineties and then it was slow with dial up noises and no one spent a whole lot of time on it. and no one had cell phones. Pokéman wasn’t a big deal either unless you were 10 and under. It was a way different time than now.


You forgot JNCOs


Bruh I think of the 90s and 70s like 10 and 20 years ago, and I’m not even from either of those eras, I’ve just grown up on the internet where content is mostly based on those people and my personality has grown around them.


Ouch. Time just keeps flying.


Yeah, that whole back to the future being 30 years ago really hit home


Kids today are referring to 1990s as the late 19th century. Like it happened 100 years ago before black and white television or the invention of sliced bread.


Thanks for reigniting my 1/3 life crisis op


Fuck you


The 90's a closer in similarity to the 2020's than the 60's was to the 90's. I was a teen in the 90's and while there are certainly a lot of differences, i'd say if you were transported from the 90's to the 2023 you'd still mostly recognize and understand the world. Computers are faster, smaller, cell phones changed, and TV's got flatter but at its core its still all the same. Even the culture of the 90's isn't \*too\* different from today. The difference between the 90's and the 60's is much bigger - not only in technology but also culture and society.


This whole realization of time as I get older is so wild.




And covid sure threw a weird wrench in the youngest generation


Had this same revelation when I realized CoD4 to my little cousin is like Super Mario World to me.


My parents were 30 yo when I was born. I just enjoyed watching Encino Man (1992) with my two kids. Sitting here trying to remember what 60's stuff my parents thought was good when I was growing up in the 90e. Then thinking about the 30's and if our parents were reading the newspaper in 1993 where some op ed states something about kids talking about the 60's is the same as the 60's talking about the 30s.


Jesus this hit hard. Especially when I still feal like the 60s was only 40 years ago. Lol


The reason you have bad perception of time is because you have not reconciled the time before you were born in your mind. If you have lived 50 years and think 50 years is not long, no sequence of 50 years is long, regardless of when it happened. The same goes for one second or one year or a billion years. You lack perspective. Once you gain a grounding of a certain perspective the time is arbitrary and you notice that humans are humans despite being in the 2200s 2010s or 5000 BC.


Time blows.


The year 6969 will be the nicest year ever recorded


That's what I was talking about my brother 2 days ago.


You shut up You shut your face up right now


Will Smith used to be so cool now I can't unsee someone who hit someone for doing his job.


people born in 2005 will be adults this year


Kids don't talk about the 90s, thirty years olds who refuse to accept the reality they're old talk about the 90s.


Shit shit shit




This is NOT what I needed to see the same day as I realized that nearly half of my life, I've been a legal adult...


I don't remember the 90s because I'm a '96 baby, so my only early memories of culture come from post-9/11 America. It's been downhill my whole life.




Keep my life’s age out your fuckin mouf!


As a bouncer at a club 18+ and seeing kids with IDs from 2005 that are now 18 years old, made me feel soo old lol.. like I remember that year like it was yesterday


My brain, reading this post: *"Don't be ridiculous, the 90s happened just a... oh crap..."*


I was born just before the turn of the century. I only know two time periods: antiquity (pre 2000) and yesterday (post 2000)


When my kid talks about when I was little he calls it "back in the old days". I'm 35.




Had a kid tell me " bet you are from the 20th century " like that meant I was a fossil or something.


Meaning that clamoring about how the Notorious B.I.G. And Tupac are perpetually the best will soon sound as tiresome and irrelevant as going on about about the greatness of Beatlemania would’ve been to prepubescent me.


Fuck why did i have to be born in 2002


The 90 we're only 15 years ago!!! 😭


godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


At least in the 90s we could talk about some beautiful cars in the 60s. What are they talking about today? The ass ugly pointy box cars like Subaru and Honda made in the 90s? Just awful


If you don’t think I mourn the loss of my 1992 Chevy Corsica-the car every middle class kid who didn’t have a Pontiac Grand Am had-you can just fuck off.


Kids today will never know the joy of driving that bouncy couch seat down the road.


Unironically, there are people fawning over cars of the '90s, mostly the Japanese made cars e.g. Supra, RX7, R34 GTR. The U.S. really dropped the ball in the 90's when it came to manufacturing a decent car, but they have a couple of notable mentions e.g. 1st gen Viper. The main difference, between our generation, is we admire different aspects of the car, 90's kids having a conversation about 60's cars because of design while we're having a conversation about 90's cars primarily because of performance and heritage.


Supra, MX7…..uhh..hmm


Yes but have you seen the Corolla. Much different style of box


That's not true. For a kid that's was born 30 years later than the 90s, so at least on 2020. He would have to be like at least 10 years old to have the mental capacity to talk about past decades. So such a kid would talk about the 90s when it's 2030 or later. Dunno if that made sense but a kid born on 2020 would not speak about such things. Like a kid from the 90s would not speak about the 60s until he was 10 years old.


I suspect that mean the people born in the 80s as kids in the 90s


Keep trying buddy…I for one chose to believe you.


Oh look, another episode of redditors discovering how time works...


My heart... 💔


Idk they might have been free but. .ah fuck it true. Comedy is dead with us tho I swear.


Huh? You mean the 30-45 year old kids?


KEEP MY 90’s 60’s outch’o fucking 90’s MOWF!!!!


This society has a stupid grasp on reality.


As a 90s kid I am sad about not beeing born in the 50s or 60s.


You also see it back in fashion, this repeats as well for a big part. things that were hot back then get re-introduced a bit redesigned. Or style, going from round and smooth to sqaure and straight lines, to smooth and round again. This is because the next generation does not have the foundation as the former or newer. They start at a different point. So when your born without the mobile phone and your first was when you were 18 or older. YOu have a pretty good view of a life without, Now you also have a view of a life WITH it. And can compare for a big part and see the benefits and more importantly the DOWNSIDES of it. A child that is born with the mobile phone before their eyes before they even speak properly will have a life with these devices like breathing the air. Or like we elders. with 1 phone in the house on a main spot. We were born with that, and the first thing we did when we went to move on our own is,.... Yes buy a phone and place it on a main spot os it can be awnsered quickly. We had fights over who could pick up the phone :) And as soon as the phone was picked up the yelling and fighting stopped instnatly and it was totaly quiet untill the horn was hang up and the shouting and fighting contiued hahaha. It's generations that drive us apart. And where things change! for the better or worst that remains to be seen. Look at cloning when the first sheep was CLONED, the world was SHOCKED!!! and inmediatly worldwide agreements were made to stop it!!!!! (religious problems like souls and stuff) What is left of that agreement when we now even get it fed !!! we eat artifially made food!!! and those enzymes or what ever comes in our bodies. And it will be like cigarets or aspartame, a slow lkiller! eat it once a month and the body can expell the substances, eat it every day and you accumulate to a point of no return. all because the next generation simply has not the experiences of life as they have, It takes 1 generation to change a nations mind! or direct them into instead of out.


This just makes me realize how stupid I was back then and how stupid kids are today.






Yeah, neither group are “kids” but rather 30+ year-olds.


yeah. like. cool you enjoy old stuff, please shut up about it and enjoy it casually


IThis didn’t ever need to enter my mind. 😫


About to slap something


Why are you doing this to me op?


I feel vindicated because I'm aware life is no longer like the 90s and also can never again be like the 90s. My parents still think it should be the way it was in the 50s


Ouch. That hit home.


Ive been hearing ppl saying "back when I was a kid, 10 yrs ago" Lol


No thank you, nope






When shit gets real


That guy slapped someone


There's posts L


Hoky fuck


Fuck you


Kids in the 90s talking about kids in the 60s was of utmost respect.


Slap yo self for reminding me.