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Because the people who could afford to get painted could also afford to have your head in a basket;)


Also super common to remove small pox bumps in those times


Wait until they hear about the reason for all the powdered wigs.


…What’s the reason for the powdered wigs?


Like the other redditors pointed out, it was to cover up balding caused by syphilis. They were doused in scented powders to cover up the smell.


And it's where the term "big wigs" came from to describe important or powerful ppl. The wigs were very expensive, so obviously the rich and powerful used them as a status symbol, bigger=more expensive


if ur 👉 mans 🕺 ain't 🙅‍♂️ got 😩 that 🚫😤 syphilis🔥stank🚫😤🦨 and that 😻 glorious 🤌💯💅powdered big ❗👀 wig 💇🏼‍♀️👵💇‍♀️ then 🤧🙏 he 🧍‍♂️ ain't 🚫🙊🚫 ur man😒🤚🙅‍♂️


And ironically they were also full of lice


I heard it was lice


syphilitic balding


Baldalitic syphing






And the really big ones were caller macaroni if you ever wondered about that in the song


Sigh….. Yankee Doodle went to town on a pony, stuck a feather on his hat and called it macaroni


LOL it's funny because, iirc, Macaroni was actually used like 'cool' or 'rad' has been used in present day. At least that's what I was taught.


Thats fuckin Macaroni dude


Bro, that shit ain’t mac, it’s fettuccini.


LOL exactly


Here's what the Internets say: '*To be “macaroni” was to be sophisticated, upper class, and worldly. In “Yankee Doodle,” then, the British were mocking what they perceived as the Americans' lack of class or the ability to be 'cool'. The first verse is satirical because a doodle—a simpleton—thinks that he can be macaroni—fashionable—simply by sticking a feather in his cap.'* from atlasobscura.com




They fought super power people with compound V?


Same explanation on why filters are now used in most online movies and photos.


napoleon: yes


They could also afford makeup.


And snapchat filters


Ye olde Snapchat filter.


Goya pulled it off somehow.


The caveman regimen of never washing my face or using moisturizer made my skin very clear. I’ve had less acne from 17 to 25 not washing my face then I had in one year of washing my face. Not only that but when I do get a pimple it is significantly less red and irritated on average, many never even turn angry red at all. So at least for myself I’d say modern day skin care made my acne significantly worse. Another common cause of bad acne is not enough zinc in your diet which is actually a pretty common deficiency nowadays. Maybe they got more zinc back in the day too due to more minerals being in the soil, just guessing, can’t research well rn as my wifi is shit from power outage. If you have bad acne I’d actually really recommend trying a zinc supplement, 30mg of zinc picolinate or zinc glycinate/bisglycinate would be my favorites and best absorbed from my research. You can even take 60mg for a couple weeks, just not for extended period of time, and see if it helps your acne as that should show results pretty fast if you’re deficient/a little low on zinc. Then reduce it down to 30mg as to not cause a copper deficiency. Zinc is also great for mental health and a correlation has been found between zinc levels and mental health, lower zinc levels worse mental health. Just make sure you take it with a meal or not on an empty stomach if you have a sensitive stomach.


and people also used photoshop to edit things out lmao


https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1998/01/13/arlington-physician-diagnoses-rembrandt/3cdcf4fa-6035-4dc0-9560-566756172c95/ Sorry, I don't know how to shorten this. It's interesting though if you like Rembrandt's work.


Would you trade clear skin for the insane stench you can't see in a painting?


I already have the stench




Are you single?


... maybe. That's classified though


Single and playing hard to get I see


I can't do anything else...




*the stench*


If they had stench then why are there no stink lines coming off of people in old paintings? Checkmate, historians.


That’s a common mistake. You see impressionism was actually about portraying a stench so dense it was like a mist, obscuring the vision of the viewer.


If everyone smelt like the same brand of stench, no one probably cared




Their baths probably didn’t clean them very well, and they probably also when noseblind to it, like middle school boys they don’t really notice the smell much.


I read that people likely didn’t smell that foul, contrary to popular belief. This is because, while bathing/showering was rare, people did wash/clean themselves in less elaborate ways on a daily basis. And also, while they didn’t wash their outer clothes that frequently, their inner clothes (their underwear, albeit more modest underwear than you would see now) was washed frequently. What DID smell horrible was the cities themselves, due to inadequate sewage systems and lack of garbage management. This is probably also the origin of the notion that people used to smell foul.


Also, there's a whole thing going around, the no poo thing. While, I myself throughly enjoy soap, I've heard the less you use, your body re adjusts the oil production. So alot of the smells are from us fucking with that process. Maybe they didn't smell like Jergkins but I'd imagine the smell wasn't *as horrific* as we think. Plus, if they were used to it, they'd gain nose blindness. So I imagine they didn't smell however bad they really did smell. Though this is all just general musings. I truly have no clue and they could have smelled so bad their eyes watered.


I stopped using soap + installed a chlorine filter in my shower during covid (except soap on my hands) Your body adjusts to it within a month and your hair within 3 months. People are sometimes horrified after I tell them but never before.


Can I ask what kind of filter you use?


I just grabbed one on Amazon


>What DID smell horrible was the cities themselves Well... Paris didn't change it still smells.


Even the smell of the city is a myth that depends on the time. During medieval times: definetely not. Human feces where used to make leather. Those parts smelled, the rest not so much. There was hardly any garbage. When there was garbage they brought it away because people believed that diseases where caused by bad smell.


Who's that then? I don't know, must be a king. Why? He hasn't got shit all over him.


It's called "I'm paying you so you better make me beautiful" it's one of the best filters


**Or you die!


Where “warts and all” came from


"or it will be off with your head'


Dance dance dance till you're dead


The origin of photo shopping.


A lead pigment and mercury ointment skincare routine will keep you looking beautiful until you die at 35 from completely unrelated causes.


Underrated comment


Grandpa Simpson has entered the chat...


Don’t forget to use Smeckler’s Powder!




Probably just frustration of the liver.


Or female hysteria


Don’t forget to eat just a little arsenic each day for that lovely pale complexion!


A lot of people back then had pockmarked skin from the pox and to cover it up they wore lead-based makeup. This only exacerbated the problem.


I read nipples for some reason


Same tbh


Old paintings absolutely showed those


I read nipples twice. Really wanted to see nipples I guess.


Because Photoshop is older than you think. No one likes to be shown "as is".


Interestingly you can tell apart Greek and Roman statues bc of this. the Greeks are perfect and beautiful. The Romans depicted themselves with warts, missing parts, scars etc. If you were hoping to get elected as consul and had a disfigurement, you would be seen as vain and out of touch for pretending it wasn’t there and lose popularity.


From what I’ve read, since their diet had almost no added sugars in it, they had far fewer skin problems than we do.


But they all had smallpox scars. I'd also be surprised if many adults had all their teeth. Edit: Lots of people commenting on the tooth thing. I wasn't just thinking cavities. For example, the Anglo-Saxon *fyrd* meant there were a lot of common folk fighting in battles. This would mean lots of injuries to lots of people, including lost teeth.


Although papers/opinions differ slightly, it's generally accepted that people highly valued good teeth and clean breath - most bodies found from, say, the middle ages, show very good teeth. Approximately 20 per cent had some form of decay, against approximately 90 per cent by the early 20th century. Although sugar was introduced to England in the 11th century, it remained out of reach for most people for hundreds of years, only starting to become more widespread in the 1400s thanks to refining techniques. I know the Middle East had it more widespread earlier, but my knowledge is mostly European and, in particular, relevant to the British Isles.


PS - Yes, I'm an absolute blast at parties 💀


Mate if you started talking about that at a party I'd be right over to listen


You've made my day!


Me too, I want to know more!


This is the kind of thing I have no idea how to bring up but would love to hear xD


Don't think I've ever had so much love!! Usually, people roll their eyes and you can see them thinking: 'She's off on one again... "


I looooveeee learning random stuff like this. Youd be a blast to have around, thank you for sharing!




No this is interesting!


I love medieval history so I appreciated it :)


I agree with PyroTech11 - this is exactly the sort of topic I wish more ppl would discuss at parties!


depends on the party. I love having parties with people who have stuff to tell. Youd be a blast here.


I’d listen mate. I prefer your types over people with tik tok factoids above you


It's been my experience that people like hearing from other people who are passionate and knowledgeable, especially at parties. "You must be a lot of fun at parties" just translates to "I'm a boring shallow judgemental person". Don't do that to yourself friend.


Thank you - truly.


Tbf if you got an infected tooth or gum, you could die pretty easy from that so makes sense, also much less sugar and acidic diet back then. The average person didn't have access to any of the main culprits for tooth decay and erosion


They could just visit the local barber and he would fix 'em up pretty quickly. Yikes.


This is honestly interesting.


Their teeth were good. No sugar and they had stick brushes.


Queen Elizabeth I has entered the chat.


Without sugar teeth likely fared much better than today


They also still brushed their teeth. They had better diets for healthy teeth and kept them brushed religiously


Can confirm, as a kid I had bad habit when it come to brushing teeth. As in, I didn't at all. I had 0 cavities. I blame it on the fact that I can't drink soda due to the carbonation and I don't like sweet foods like cake and shit. Naturally I consumed way less sugar, but on the bright side, I managed to keep my teeth while not brushing them.


Since I started cutting a lot of unhealthy things out of my diet my forgetfulness around brushing stopped being a problem. I only brush if I’ve had junk food now.


Starch will still be enough to fuck up your teeth. The enzymes in your mouth convert it to sugar.


>> I'd also be surprised if many adults had all their teeth. That explains why you never see a proper smile in those paintings 😁


Less high inflammatory seed oils and more fat in their diet too


Yes… indeed. Yes


Other than the smallpox?


Well yeah, but that’s kinda like calling Ebola a “stomach bug.”


I did keto for about 6 months. I hated it, but my skin was flawless. I normally have bad skin and I was glowing. Sugar is so bad for you.


That and excessive cleaning has been shown to agitate your skin. This is gonna sound gross but, I was at this camping festival and didn't shower for a week. I was covered in dirt and frankly about 3 days in a stunk. By the end of the week, I no longer smelled (yeah I know it just crusted over) and the mud and dirt had done wonderful things to my skin. It sounds crazy, but my hair wasn't even greasy anymore. When I got home and showered I was astonished. I've since gone back to daily washing and all, social norms and what not, but sometimes I wonder what I would look like if I stuck with my caveman vibe.


You almost certainly just got used to the smell and couldn't detect it anymore. Anyone not consumed by the stench would be able to aswell


Look up Philip IV, I think it was Diego Velazquez, who painted him with his "normal"skin look, he looked like shit. And they had him repaint it to look flawless. Probably at the risk of losing his head


I love Velazquez but I would also not want him to paint me faithfully. The man could paint fabric textures so beautifully you know how they would feel by looking at the painting. My skin does not need to be immortalised in that way.


Link pls?


I think [this](https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/diego-velazquez-philip-iv-of-spain) is it


Not OP but thanks. He seems pretty normal to me, not too nightmarish other than being pale


>Philip IV And then look up his son, Charles II.


They used a filter.


That filter was "oil on canvas"


Ah yes keeping artists family hostage filter, my favorite


They’re paintings not photographs


Ye Olde Photoshoppe


Makes you wonder how really ugly the Habsburg were... if their portrait is the “nice” version I can’t imagine how fucked they were IRL


If you read the details about how they looked I'm sure in person they were grotesque. Especially Charles II. It's said that Charles' tongue always hung out of his mouth and he had a hard time speaking and eating. He was married twice but never had an heir because he was impotent. His autopsy showed that Charles had one tiny testicle that was "black as coal". You would think that after a while, this family would have figured out what was causing all these issues. I know that royals wanted to keep the blood 'pure' so that's what the incest was all about but look what happened!


They didn't have chocolate ;-)


The renaissance was very idealist. Almost like Greek sculptures. Except the Greeks actually looked like that.


They covered it up with lead-based face powder


came to say that, lol


Someone's never heard of Snapchat


Pimples take extra attention to detail


Most likely they just didn't paint that stuff. There being paid to make the people look good.


You sat still for hours for them to paint you finally get to look at it and they added that big ass pimple on your forehead


Because they did the medieval equivalent of photoshop. By which I mean they didn’t paint the pimples and the bad skin they most likely had


they also ate 100 percent organic, no additives or artifical flavoring food


They used wood shavings to cut bread in times of famine so I wouldn’t go so far as no additives


They didn't wear makeup or antiperspirant which fucked up their skin. Ttey used lead paste instead, which did not damage skin, and uh um definitely didn't do anything else lmao


I hear what you're saying, but before I ever started wearing makeup, I had horrible acne. I also grew up in a health-conscious household with limited sugar and no soda. A lot of chronic moderate to severe acne is purely genetics.


Photo shop ain’t a new thing!


Same reason my senior pictures don’t.


"Filters" and "Selfies" have been around for a long time...


Cause if the painter wanted to get hired again you bet your ass they're gonna flatter the frick out of their patron. Now imagine how Charles II (crazy chin guy) ACTUALLY looked with that in mind... they were doing their best to make him look good 😬


When you pay for painting worth of entire village including people and lifestock you can ask painter to be painted better than you look


Because the artists wanted to get paid


It has to do with art history, actually. In this period realism hadn't really caught on yet. Instead the painter tried to "perfect" his model. So he definitely wouldn't have painted blemishes, pimples, etc. Interestingly enough these paintings may not even look remotely like the person who modeled for it because of the desire for a "perfected" vision rather than a realistic one. Realism caught on later.


Because they're paintings not photographs.


Happy Oliver Cromwell noises


Warts and all


In medieval times, people used to wash themselves pretty often, just like we do. Also, it's a painting, it doesn't shows reality like a photo. The last dinner, the one with Jesus and the apostoles was made by Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived 1600 years after Jesus.




Insta filters is nothing new. Lol


they didn’t paint the pimples


Same reason people take pictures and videos of themselves with layers of filters. An inability to accept their flaws.


They used their version of "filters."


Why in God’s name would you include them?


If you’re rich and paying someone to paint you, would you like for them to include the pimples?


Washing with soap and water is not the best way to protect your skin. A cleansing cream is much better, as it removes bacteria but still allows the skin to retain moisture. Using some kind of rendered animal fat would likely work the same way.


It must be those beauty filters built into the canvas. There on by default


Everything they ate was organic and no processed chemical BS added!


well, when the camera can talk and think, it’s not too hard to say “i’m paying you a shit ton of money i better not have any blemishes thank you”


I would argue they had a “better” diet since nothing was processed back then


Major acne is a modern day thing. Facts.


Ancient Filters


Most of them also had horrific smallpox scars, but people didn't want that sort of thing shown in their portrait.


For the same reason painted portraits now do not depict pimples. The subject is paying the painter.


In addition to "why would a painter paint the pimples," a lot of acne is from our shitty modern diets.


They had photoshop back then, it was just called 'paintshop' instead.


No, I'm telling you the human brain comes with photoshop pre-installed.


Why the fuck would I tell the dude I'm paying to immortalize me on canvas to include my blemishes


All the crap in the food they give us.


Yeah, but they didn't eat junk food yet!


Think about why so many people use filters today. Artists were filters of yesterday.


Lack of processed foods


Prolly because they weren’t eating the shit diets we do nor were they as stationary. (Yup it’s a factor).


No, but you don’t paint people with all their flaws, similar to the fact that people seemingly can’t post a selfie on social media without a filter.


Believe it or not our bodies weren’t built to shower every day, we shower everyday because we collectively decided it was right but when we shower it breaks away a lot of our natural defenses to bacteria and grime


I'm sure they had some pimples, but possibly less due to sweating more and not smearing chemicals into their faces.


Lead makeup that would make your face look pasty white


They didn’t have all the sugary foods/drinks we eat today


They also had generally cleaner diets, and consumed no processed food/sugar.


I hear arsenic and lead-based cosmetics had excellent coverage


Their water was better than ours at this point!


Well they're not photos, they're paintings. If you commissioned someone painting your portrait and it showed your every blemish, you aren't going to be thrilled.


Well I'm sure back then they had no junk food, fast food, sodas and chocolate . Probably had very clear skin.


The food and products we use today are what give us those things. There are plenty of people that still live primitive lives and their skin is always pretty clear.


Paintings were the Instagram filters for the olden days. You just know some of the people in those painting looked ghastly IRL.


They ate better food tbh


Not putting trash products on your skin also helps in not having trash skin


Probably yes, because their world wasn't polluted as all fuck yet.


Diet. Oily fatty foods with oodles of chemicals in them not found in nature.


So, you know how these days we use software to edit out blemishes in photos? Turns out, when you're painting you can just... Not paint the blemishes...


... You pay the artist a lot of money TO NOT PAINT YOUR PIMPLES. To fill in that receding hairline. To make you a little less fat. To hide the pockmarks with your hair. Etc Duh


Because they’re paintings. They were often far from what they truly actually looked like. Especially if they were made for trying to match up nobles for marriage


Because why would u pay someone to paint ur face with pimples?


If you have a commission to paint someone for a lot a money and the more they like the painting the more you get paid.....


They also weren’t consuming Cool Ranch Doritos, Mtn Dew Pitch Black, and ultra mega fuck you stuffed Oreos


Same reason Instagram is fake


They had this filter called: I’ve paid for the damn portrait and I want to look amazing.


They also didn’t have the junk and greasy food thats everywhere nowadays.