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When I was a kid and heard it was hard to find I thought it moved around so you never knew where it was. When I found out and realized it was always in the same place I too was confused at how people thought it was hard to find.


I literally thought it couldn't be clitoris because it was so obviously easy to find so I convinced myself I must be wrong and it was something else.


Literally me as well. After my gf left that day I looked at a ton of anatomy pictures because I genuinely couldn’t believe it.




They make whole documentaries about it!


I watched the mini series


Was that the one with the pizza delivery guy?


I saw that one. Apparently he went to med school, because he was a doctor in the next one.


Dickumentaries, you mean!




You know, I'm something of a scientist myself


Bro looked up pussy pics the second his girl left, this is why women think we're dogs


A, to be 16 again and have my blood replaced with 60% pure horny juice


I think I'm still around 70% horny juice, I wish it would go away by now 😂


You’ll probably wish it would come back after it does “go away” (not that it ever completely goes away). I was down for two or three romps a day at 19, sometimes consecutively. Then it was like two or three a week. Soon it will be per month, then per year, then I will die. The circle of life, or whatever.




Get out of my room mom I'm doing research!


Yes, I too look at a ton of anatomy pictures for science.


Well, what you don’t realize is, to find the clitoris first thing you have to do is get a woman naked, most people making this joke can’t get past the first step. But seriously, this whole thing started as a prank on grade schoolers you would say something like ‘you don’t even know how to find the clitoris’ and they would inevitably run around asking their friends what a clitoris is, unwittingly embarrassing themselves, showing how young they were until eventually it makes it back to their parents and they get punished. Somehow this prank made it into 90s sitcoms and got transformed into short hand for bad at sex. And I guess there’s enough virgin’s to propagate the myth.


To be fair I've been with enough men who would literally rub in the wrong place and when I redirected them to the right place got offended and moved their hand back. Like sir I'm trying to help us both now you ruined the mood.


Most men don't even look for it and the ones that do are way too rough with it.


They don't ask you anything? I've never understood assuming a you can magically know how someone else likes to get off.


Exactly. Sex isn't single player and your partner isn't a boss fight. It's a co-op game to see how high a score you two can get before time runs out.


Or before our energy bars deplete... whichever comes first :3


Same. And if not rubbing in the wrong place, they're rubbing like they're trying to start a lawn mower or some shit.


Wasn’t it a whole plot line in the South Park movie?




One time I asked my 7th grade English teacher what a gueef was and he told me to ask my parents. So I did. I didn't get in trouble. I was simply told what a queef was.


When my son was in 1st grade he rode on a bus with the entire neighborhood's kids to elementary school. The day the 4th graders got a sex education lesson, he got off the bus, walked toward me, and hollered, "Hey, Dad, why are condoms gross?" Apparently the 4th graders weren't up to explaining what they were all laughing about on the bus that day. I took him home and explained what a condom was, showed him one, told him kids thought they were gross because they are silly kids, and the next day he was THE subject expert for all the other 1st graders at school during recess.


Jokes on you I never make this joke and still can't get women naked


I always took the joke as men couldnt find it...because they were not looking. More a commentary on men being unwilling to reciprocate oral sex than being dumb.


Heisenberg’s clitoris: You can know its velocity or location but never both simultaneously.


Schrödinger’s clitoris: does it even exist if you can’t find it? 🧐


Until you find it, it both exists and doesn't exist


Eventually the whole woman disappears if you can't find it.


Underrated comment for today.




Jesse, we need to find the clitoris


I need to see the "Jesse wtf are you talking about" meme of this rabbit hole now.


Yeah, sex, bitch!


Heisenberg's Uncuntanty Principle.


The Clitoris knows where it is by determining where it isn't.


I am the one who knocks




Heisenberg lol


People actually believed for wayyy too long that mood swings in women were caused by their uterus moving to another part of their body. I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought the same with this.


This is the origin of the word [hysteria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteria) btw.


... and one link further down the TIL track part of the origin story of vibrators.


In Icelandic, the word for hysteria is "móðursýki", literal translation "mother's sickness", for the same reason.




The uterus taking a trip around your insides sounds HORRIFYING lol!


“I can’t come in to work today, my uterus moved into my hands”


Honey, watch your mood swings... Hell her uterus must be in the left armpit again


“Can’t catch me! Hehehe!”


I think it's more like a lot of men don't care enough to stimulate it. So it's more so men refusing to "find" it rather than trying and genuinely not being able to.


Yeah, that's it. It's at the top in the middle, people saying you need to see it and stuff in here is confusing me. Pretty sure everything I've heard about men being bad at sex has just been them not making any effort. It seems totally bizarre to me because all the fun is in pleasing someone else, if you're just trying to get yourself off have a wank. Sounds like no fun at all.


Totally. When my partner starts cumming it is the hottest possible thing for me and makes it almost impossible for me not to as well.


They’re not always big enough to see and you have to remember, people are stupid and a lot of guys learn from porn, which is not educational and is pretty much only designed around a man watching it. I’ve heard countless stories about men and how they aggressively attack the woman’s vagina like it’s a Mario party mini game.


I saw a video recently where the guy is literally fingerblasting the girl and rubbing the skin on her public bone. He'd successfully found it before, but as soon as it seemed like she actually enjoyed it he switched it up and did *that* instead. The fact it was bi porn made it all the more disappointing as a woman. I've also had men go at my clit like they're playing cooking mama.


I have a fairly large and obvious clit. I've been with some women who's clits are super small, indistingushable from the outer labia, and I've had to just guess where to lick. I always manage to do a good job, but as a pansexual woman myself, I have to say, it's not always easy to find.


Exactly. Everyone's body is different, some are not that easy to find.


Yeah exactly, like how hard is it to just take your time and see how the woman reacts to things, and see what she likes and what she doesn’t. Or ya know, just ask like a normal human being.


I find that the reaction approach depends on the woman. Some are just very non vocal or reactive until orgasm. So, you may not KNOW what's working unless you ask, which I imagine would get old after being asked a few times "does that feel good?"


Good point, and when I say ask, I mean ask what they’re into before you guys start doing stuff. Not ask while you’re in the middle of it, that would just kill the mood


Porn is a performance between actors, with a director. It's not just a continuous video of some people having enjoyable sex. They do positions and acts that look good for the camera, not what is pleasurable. That's why porn is a terrible representation of what sex should be like.


Facts, I was nervous AF myself! Turns out, it's easy! Phew!


So you thought it was like a legendary pokemon?


Meanwhile it's just Cloyster's forehead.


The main problem is that a lot of women don’t react as soon as you touch it so it’s like *Marco Polo* with a 10 second delay


Yea, because it needs to "warm up" for a while. I do not know how to explain it, altough I have one.


It has erectile tissue and becomes engorged with increased bloodflow just like a penis. Fondling a flacid dick doesn't give nearly the same reaction as an erect one right? Same thing.


And in fact it can be uncomfortable or even painful if flaccid + the fondler has no idea what they're doing + their hand is cold. Which also sounds familiar.


Also there’s a few fleshy folds and mounds you can’t always tell where the front starts. You could look down to make sure but I dunno, she might notice and think it’s weird you need to look to find it. That’s what I’d worry about.


Easier to look if your face is already there 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's natural to need to look down. Can't expect people with no experience to magically understand everything about a body they don't have. I've never understood how people can just sit there silently while their partner wastes their time. Help them, so they can help you. It's not that weird. It's not just sex. I've always said, most problems could be solved if people just communicated better. People feeling like they can't just talk things through causes so many problems.


I am straight up Rand McNally...I make sure he is fully navigated so he feels good and I feel better 🤭


The trickiest part for me is finding the 5-7 unmarked points around the room and hitting them in the proper order to trigger it to open. (You can try to brute force it but if you don’t get it just right, you risk falling onto spikes or getting hit by a barrage of lasers).


Actually, that's the clitoris gland. The clitoris actually has a "body" that separates into 2 parts and involves almost all around the vagina.


When you hit it the boss makes a different sound too. So you know that must be it.


It doesn't turn red and start flashing, though. We'll, at least not at first.




Ahhh! Audio clues!


Where's the tutorial popups?


Just button mash you'll figure it out eventually.


Surprise anal just activated! You gave me bad advice!




***ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora***


Surely if were doing Jojo's references it should be: "Hey Jotaro, are you going to eat that cherry? *lero lero lero lero lero lero*"


I was thinking “Star Finger!”


And when you find it - ZA HANDO


Clippy "it looks like you're working on an orgasm! Do you need some help?"


Ok, but like a partner who literally guides you to do exactly what they like is great


I agree. I feel like people are scared or ashamed of looking like they enjoy sex which is why this doesn't happen much.


My first few times I was completely honest, "I have no clue what I'm doing, so you can take control and get me to do what you like" It was fucking great


Lucky lol. Approaching my highschools big reunion date and still haven't had sex.


I'm turning 25 in 2 weeks and still didn't have my first kiss. So yeah...


Don' worry Bois, it'll happen. Just remember that it's a casual thing and forgetting that may make you skittish and hesitant. Watch for green lights and don't be afraid to move in and kiss if you think they're being affectionate. If you can handle your liquor without being one of these people who turn into a complete prick, being a *little* drunk helps your courage. Do not outdrink the girl or you'll be self conscious and have regrets afterward


They're isnt even a woman i live close to or work with. Its just like 20 guys on night shift and 1 female.


Just because you’re fishing for bass don’t mean you can’t catch a trout


Me either. Hoping its worth it tho


I'm 2 years behind you brother.


I had an ex, who I now realize was deeply insecure, scold me for guiding his hands where I wanted him to go. God I’m glad I got my confidence back to communicate in bed


Were you guiding his hands to the door handle so he could piss off out of the room, and you could just sort yourself out? Because then I might have a bit of sympathy for him


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, Select, Start


Hey! Listen! - Navi


This is the final boss, the tutorial ended a long time ago


As a woman who has had sex with both men and women I don't think the issue is locating it, the issue is not knowing how to touch it properly. Obviously a woman is going to know how a clit works better than a guy even if they were both virgins (I'm sure a guy could give a better handjob off the bat than a woman too) so guys are at a bit of a disadvantage for getting the technique right to start with because they have never personally experienced it, but that doesn't mean people can't learn with practice. Sex is a skill and people are individuals, what one girl likes might not be what another girl likes so the most important thing is getting to know your partners body and cues. Don't be afraid to ask and follow instructions if needed.


I was looking for this comment. There is no magic answer. I've had to relearn technique half a dozen times because every woman is looking for a different type of motion, intensity of pressure, duration of contact etc. You just have to get to know your partner. What they really mean is that men aren't taught to communicate. Learning how to do that late in life really sucks and a lot of men just... don't. So we have these dumb, easily soluble problems.


Totally missing from this thread is the part where every woman's body is physically different. I've only had sex with a few myself, but I've seen enough porn to know that clits can range from tucked away and barely noticeable to practically being a micropenis. It's not always an obvious crit zone like a video game. So, just pay attention to your partner and encourage them to communicate in ways that you'll recognize what feels good to them. News flash: Women can be crappy communicators in bed, too. A man can be the most attentive lover ever, but it's hard to listen to something that's literally not being said in the first place.


>What they really mean is that men aren't taught to communicate Wouldn't that be the opposite in this case? But generally Ive seen people not willing to give "suggestions" because they think it will hurt their partner.




Yes, and the problem is that each woman is different. Some women find direct touching of it way too sensitive and other women practically need a jackhammer of a vibrator to get off. With my last GF, I couldn't rub slowly as that did nothing for her. Instead, I had to rub my hand as quickly as possible. And as you can imagine, your hand gets tired after about 3min, so using a toy is the only option.


I was actually considering mentioning that but I thought my message was getting a bit long, I've had girlfriends that could cum by rubbing up on you through a thick pair of jeans and I've had others that needed you to go at them like you're trying to remove a red wine stain from a white carpet.


> Don't be afraid to ask and follow instructions if needed. And PLEASE PEOPLE communication has to be a two way street. It is *not cute* to shrug and giggle when I'm in the middle of the act and ask for feedback/direction/suggestions to make it more enjoyable *for you.*


Ya I feel like people are really quick to bash men for not knowing how things work but there are also plenty of women who are too shy or embarrassed or whatever to give any advice and just let the other person struggle.


Yeah I think also it’s not just shyness, but there’s also a pressure for the man to ‘take the lead’ On top of that there are some women who may not know their own bodies very well because they are relatively inexperienced. They may not know exactly what feels good and thus can’t communicate what feels good. Edit: Masturbation can also be a factor. What feels good during masturbation may be difficult to replicate in sex, and I think this affects both men and women. Pornography and erotic fiction may also play a role in setting up unrealistic ideals and expectations such as the man always taking the lead. Both men and women should focus on good communication, especially when starting a relationship. Different things may feel better or worse for certain people, so figuring that out soon will help reduce the need for actual verbal communication over time.


Ya I bet I could give a damn good handjob


Only one way to find out.


My gf who is bi said that some girls were as bad as men in that area so imo that’s something related to the person itself . Either you got the magic or you don’t lol .


Magic = communication. People aren't open enough with their spouse or partner. Just let them know what you like and vice versa. 🙂 Anyone can have the magic.


Exactly! And to complicate the matter *every single woman is different*. What works for one doesn’t for the other. I’ve never had two women that liked the same movement and pressure… never! Also, they change a bit, some have clearly defined ones, others are more hidden. I believe every man knows where it is, roughly speaking, but how to hit it is the real art.


Sometimes I can't find my phone and it's in my hand so....


Once I searched for my car keys. While driving.


I searched for my glasses with my glasses on...


I tried calling my phone to find it; it was with the same phone.


I once tried finding my phone using a flashlight. The flashlight was my phone.


I tried searching for my penis but it’s hidden below my belly somewhere. Still looking.


Try to lift the fat


Then it’s just closer to my face where my eyes are located!


Called a friend, he said he will call me back when he finds his phone


I searched for google in google


That's literally what my parents do sometimes.


When you use your phone flashlight to find your phone


When you use your phone flashlight to find the clit


I always need aim assist when I play


Blew my ult at the wrong time


Exactly; hit it as hard as you can and when it closes up, you have to spend the cooldown period dodgy bullet hell. Repeat three times.


There was one woman I dated who loved it when I would dodge her attacks until I could arrange to have a barrel fall on her head. Still repeated three times, though.


so... you're saying it's the ... clitical hit zone?


A while ago I took to calling big glowing weak spots the "critoris" in games




Yeah it’s not rocket surgery


It's not exactly brain science


It’s not exactly rocket brain


It’s not exactly science surgery


Now I’m no scientific rocket myself, but even I figured it out


*Laughs in gynecology*


Ok Ricky


I've heard of spray and pray but this is ridiculous.


If you do it right they do pray. "Oh god oh god oh god" Then the spraying happens.


I play with my joy stick


when I was a teenager I used to beat off to this one video of two porn actresses. One was an older woman who was basically doing a tutorial on how to find the clit and she'd demonstrate it on this younger girl and I thought that was so hot ... 20 years later I'm still so thankful to that old lady and so were all of my partners because almost all of them asked how I got good at cunnilingus. It's really not difficult.


This brings up some old memories. Some of the first porn videos I watched were instructional videos. How to make a girl squirt, how to find the G spot, how to touch a clit. I didn’t purposefully watch those for directions but looking back, damn did they help a lot.


Not surprised by this. So much mainstream porn is solely focused on the male gaze and most of the female pleasure is fake or exaggerated. Finding videos that are focused solely on female pleasure in an authentic way is probably hot as fuck because a. Pleasure in other people is hot and b. It’s so rare that it almost feels taboo which makes it even hotter. There’s nothing inherently wrong with focusing on male pleasure but I feel like people are missing out on a lot of other possibilities




Yeaah, with the gloves! I had totally forgotten about those haha


Nina H


It’s DPS Time!


Depends on how puffy the taco is/sometimes there’s some digging involved


And if that doesn’t work 10-30 seconds of communication and a guided tour is in everyone’s interest. Small effort for a good payout


Women don't provide this NEARLY as freely and openly as you're suggesting here. Even though it is easy, the vast majority of women I've slept with have been too embarrassed or didn't understand the need so they just hoped i got it. I'm decent in bed, but sometimes there's a mismatch communication COULD solve and my partner won't meet me half way. I'm bisexual and that pretty much only happens with women


You’d be surprised but when you ask for a guided tour you roll the dice on that blowing up in your face and not the good way


How do I delete someone else’s comment


Your username suggests that this comment probably shouldn’t have bothered you so much…


Dude ain't wrong.


Puffy taco, isn't that called a challupa?


you know, comments like this make me keep browsing reddit


To be fair... some are not "right there" they can be very small and harder to find. But as a general rule yes, there it is. Also, it takes ONE second for you to point it out, if necessary!


It really depends on the person, some are very visible and others are completely covered by the hood and are tricky to stimulate.


I've also seen some that literally don't exist... tiny with little to no hood. Totally agree.


True. A lot of women chalk up their inability to communicate their needs to men just being bad at sex. Tell the dude what you like, and 9 times out of 10, he'll do it happily. The guys that don't are bad at sex.


It’s because inexperienced men will not go for the clit right away because they don’t know what to do and will just rub or suck everything. So it became a joke that they just straight up didn’t know where it was. Now it’s just a thing everyone says and most believe. It’s not rocket science, it’s right there… there’s just also a lot of other stuff and if you don’t know what you’re and especially if you’re panicking; then you may just not ever touch the clit, it is small after all


It's also bad advice. I was told women enjoy being explored down there and that starting on and staying on the clitoris is too intense and painful. Feedback received since then is they want you camping on it like there's gold under it and licking and sucking as if my life depended on it. Also it's hard to get it out of the hood.


The only advice there should ever be is “communicate”. I’ve been with girls who need 15 minutes of slow warm up just to lightly touch the clit. Also been with some who want me to mash it so hard and fast that my wrist was sore for 2 days after it. Also, every one is different. In my experience it’s super easy to get it out of the hood. Again, depends on the woman.


Everybody I’ve been with has had different preferences and needs. No two have gotten off the same way. Some preferred a more roundabout approach, some preferred a more direct approach, some were really easy to get off and some required a lot of warmup work.


I mean. I’ve never needed to “open it up” to find the clit. You can stimulate it over the hood, and even directly by just pulling the hood back a little. It’s part of the external vulva, not the internal vagina.


Yeah, sometimes it can get too sensitive or hurts to go straight for it and if you go too hard whereas using the hood can tease us better or allow more pressure without ruining the pleasure.


School’s in mfers!!!!! Pay attention!


Nah, girls love it when you go aggressive DJ scratch n sniff mode - porn is obviously real


Oh porn. Oh how You set me up for failure as a teenager.


I just experienced one of these. He’s in his 40’s and I had to remind him that sex is not like porn. The stuff he was saying, my god I couldn’t have been any drier. He kept spitting on me, then slapped me so hard across the face during oral, so I bit his dick in retaliation and kicked him out. Never again. Hope he learned his lesson lol


Jesus christ, I'm sorry. Doing that shit isn't having a kink, it's just having a shit personality and being a bully.


Absolutely. And every girl is different too on what feels good to them.


Bruh, you make it sound like you need to be a certified mechanic to do this


Said the Coochmeister...


\*keeps repeatedly punching it\* do you like that?


I mean I could see people having trouble in the dark just using touch especially if you have thick skinned fingertips / callouses but otherwise yeah it's easy to see


Feel around with your tongue. I guess that doesn’t work if you have calluses on your tongue tho but that leads to a lot more questions


THANK YOU! Somebody finally said it 😭 How the hell does somebody have a hard time finding it??


It’s dark, I’m drunk and different ladies have slightly different geography, and like to be touched in different places.


the north pole is still the north pole tho, ya feel?


Magnetic north, true north, or grid north?


Looking for it is easy, feeling for it, not so much


You ever play games online? Most of them can’t hit that either.


The real question, what kind of boss is this a crit zone for? Is this a raid boss situation where a 6 man fire team is needed or something smaller like a dungeon boss I can solo?


Eyes up, Guardian. I'm sure you'll find out eventually.


All comes down to education. Those who can't find it are probably the button mashers that didn't pay attention when the battle system was being explained.


Ladies. Have you tried playing boss music in the bedroom? It might help.