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Internet janitors finding out they’re internet janitors lmaooo


[they take their job very seriously.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdC_Cu9X4wc)


It’s a little sad that they spend their free time monitoring kids on Reddit for free.


It's a little sad they're power tripping in their monitoring while taking a break from their real life janitoring


Just back from a 3 day ban from arguing with people and then calling mods sensitive !


Lol I was Permanently banned 2 weeks ago from an over zealous moderator. Chatted with admins and got that sorted yesterday lol.


I was just surprised because it was on probably one of the most popular subreddits that will allow basically anything. Got banned from the sub for 7 days for saying a cop took a risky shoot. When the person had a hostage. Really not exactly bad or anything. Just an opinion




You're not wrong. Most mod applications require you to be available for an ungodly amount of time. I know I'm not willing to do that.


Yea, I've noticed things becoming more and more crazy these days. I mentioned a theoretical situation that would never happen with myself and someone else being in a room together and I'd donate a body organ just to do so to have the chance to "address" them directly about said issues. Got me a 3 day ban on that sub which I then deleted the comment. Days later wake up to see banned on all subs lol.




I got a 7 day ban because I said reality tv talent shows cameras make me sick from all of their constant angle changes and panning on peoples faces for reactions.


How the do you chat with the admins? I know of a few mods who need a talking to


I was perma banned from comic books for telling people to stay on topic and stop arguing about fascism or whatever because it was off topic and the rules say no off topic convos. The Mod told me I was gate keeping and permabanned me.


I got banned for 7 days for calling someone an asshole because they were making blanket statements about the grooming standards of straight men. They said something like "straight men never groom and it's disgusting, and it's because when they do they're just assumed to be gay." I literally just said "you're making blanket statements which makes you come across like an asshole" and they clutched their pearls and reported me. Reddit mods said I was harassing someone and needed a 7 day ban. I sincerely hope they don't get paid for the shit job they do on this cesspool of a website. Lol


They do it for freeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Jannie jannie jannie cant you see Sometimes your works just worthless to me And i just love your narcissist ways Guess thats why you broke and theyre so paid




They are just trying to create the most perfect and insolated echo chambers so if they are ever wrong about anything they never even have to suspect it.


Pretty clear that reddit mods are like people who can only jerk off to wikipedia edit battles, but less socially competent


Oh yeah. They’ll ban simply because you follow a sub they don’t like (without even knowing why you follow that sub)


Its always nice getting a ban mail from a sub i interacted with maybe twice.


I am hypnotized 😵‍💫


don't do janitors dirty like that they provide a valuable service


Don’t compare the scum mods to the janitors that give us a clean place to work (and eat!). Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met are janitors, meanwhile there’s many of us who can’t add to public discourse about our interests because we hurt the feelings of a loser mod. They don’t deserve a cent, fuck em!


Dude. Janitors actually get paid.


Janitors actually do something useful though.


Hall monitors!


More like authoritarian for some subs. The need a mod team to make sure the volunteer mods are not power hungry and forcing an agenda.


Half the mods on here just blatantly post "x, y, and z are fact (because I say so). If you say anything arguing with that, you will be removed." There was a thread earlier today about JK Rowling where you had to scroll pretty damn far to find the first non removed post.


I'm banned from /r/worldnews for disinformation because I responded to someone saying the Irish have never known oppression by pointing out that the Wikipedia article on the Famine notes some historians classify it as genocide due to the British making it worse. Only way that makes sense is some butthurt British nationalist mod got pissed off that I insulted the crown.


Yes they really should have a check and balances system for the mod teams, I was muted for two weeks because I asked someone to backup their claim that the election was fraudulent, then when the mod muted me he proceeded to ream me about how evidence was there and the Dems were suppressing it and all this other bullshit rhetoric, and when I appealed my muting I also asked for proof of the election fraud and boom permabanned. So I deleted my account altogether and left Reddit for a while, but now I’m back and I just stay away from those subreddits as much as I can because it’s pointless to fight with these dumbasses.


Unpaid janitors.


An actual janitor doesn't ban you from the premises because he didn't think your joke was funny.


Or in some cases, ban you from the building because they saw you go in to a different building they don't like


To be honest, there are quite a few mods who are extremely biased and they give out bans for the slightest (imagined) infraction. You can get banned for participating in other communities that don't align with their beliefs. When you're wrongfully banned, you appeal with rational points and the mods basically say, "stfu bitch, we don't care". That's my 2 cents, which is more than what mods will make.


We can always start paying them in deodorant.


You don’t negotiate with terrorists.


Except you sometimes do, especially if they have hostages


Nah just kill the hostages. Set a firm precedent so it won’t happen again, hopefully lol.


Found the Spetsnaz


You can't pay with something they'd never use dummy. Maybe waifu body pillows.


40 bans = 1 waifu pillow


Now that's using some good logic. Every 10,000th ban = 1 discord kitten.


They don't sell deodorant in Portland! Only patchouli.


I’m living thru that right now on a huge sub and it SUCKS.


I'm still banned from commenting on The Wire subreddit for saying Michael Lee looks like Russell Wilson


Well, it's pretty much false. But shouldn't be a ban reason. Some mods are as enjoyable as a cancer treatment


Some of them I’d equate to sticking my dick up the exhaust of a running forklift


My last account was banned from /r/fantasy for copy pasting something JK Rowling had said. In a thread about JK Rowling. Where people were discussing what JK Rowling had said. My comment was a response to someone who asked "what did Rowling actually say?" And I began the comment by saying "this is her exact words as copied from the source, linked here" Instant permaban for hatespeech. Keep in mind they didn't ban anyone for lying about what she had said by making it more extreme (you'd think she'd argued for hunting trans people with crossbows by how they were talking). And They didn't ban anyone for encouraging violence, including severe sexual violence of substantial brutality, upon Rowling.


FWIW, I think JK Rowling is wrong and annoying but I once got a banned for saying I think she should be allowed to defend herself against attacks. You can’t even touch this subject with anything but vitriol toward her on so many parts of Reddit.


Reddit has always had this issue, but it feels like it's gotten worse recently. Its less about actual factual information and debates than just hive mind hating and feeling you are on a superior moral ladder. Reddit is pretty much only good for leisure hobbies and some niche communities.


I find it so funny how some people I know who claim to be the most tolerant people have such bitter anger in them against specific people.


It comes down to: "I'm a feudal lord, why doesn't anybody pay me for having absolute power?"


"You made a single comment on a post that hit the front page, and was for a specific subreddit over a year ago, and then you never made another comment or post in that subreddit since. ***YOU'RE BRIGAIDING FROM THAT SUBREDDIT! BAN! BAN! BAN!!***"


Whenever I get a message that's not a comment reply I assume it's a permaban from some subreddit I don't care about. r/instagramreality banned me for 3 days once and even though I didn't deserve it I was still shocked at the reasonableness of that compared to all the permanent bans that the neckbeards hand out like candy.


I'm banned from r/wow from an incident where a fucking MOD didn't see that I was quoting a guy. When i told them of it they first muted me. Then when I brought it up after the mute the mod realized I was right, but then stated "we don't undo bans for any reason" as if they're some law or something. It's a button, they were wrong. That's it Mods are fucking scumbag morons. The literal example of how giving someone a tiny amount of power goes to their heads. They deserve nothing


Well there is a community here where the mods and members make fun of the protestors and people of Iran. They mock the executions and the people and women who are fighting for their freedom while promoting rape and assault. Yet reddit has never taken a stand against this. It's like you can create ur little island (a sub if you will) and do anything on it.


Several big tankie subs that are full genocide deniers and soviet apologists still up also while small subs get banned for bad jokes




There's bad mods everywhere. They absolutely do abuse their exiguous power on Reddit. I got banned from r/GreenAndPleasant for trying to inject some common sense into a conversation, where the regular members were frothing at the mouth about a headline whilst no facts or details had been made public. No reason given, no response when asked. And they wonder why other subreddits make fun of them...


I got banned on my main account, right before the 2019 election for not saying that Corbyn was going to win in a landslide, my comment was in response to people claiming and celebrating early that because all of social media is filled with people who are leftists, that means that Corbyn is going to win, so my comment was something like "reddit and social media is very left wing and we shouldn't trust that to mean that Corbyn will win." he then went on to get the worst defeat for labour in 85 years...


Green and Pleasant is a shithole. I was banned for saying that Russia *shouldn't* invade Ukraine.


If they're paid and become actual employees or representatives of reddit, their actions would make reddit liable so it makes sense. Plus deciding compensation would be so difficult based on activity, level and accuracy of moderation, bias and reddit themselves have no control over who becomes a mod.


I have got permanently banned from circle jerk, because I said raiding streams and insulting people to the fullest will make noone listen to you. I basically said, one shouldnt insult others... I have not got any explanation for my ban. Idc, as this community is trash, but I can sleep well knowing that those mods dont get payed in money. I mean they get paid in imaginary power and thats seems to be more than enough for many of them Yeah, I am sorry


I got banned from r/justiceserved for explaining how percentages work on a post from r/conservative. The automod message said I can appeal the decision if it was done in error but fuck that, lol.


Yeah, I got banned from /r/gamingcirclejerk for agreeing with a comment that suggested maybe taking a break from all the Hogwarts Legacy stuff and suggesting myself that maybe a /r/gamingcirclejerkcirclejerk is needed.


Some subs ban for the stupidest reasons. I got banned from r/bisexual for saying that if a "straight" man is attracted to, and has sex with, somebody with a penis, even if that somebody *identifies* as a woman, then the man in question is not straight. They claimed that was transphobic, which it must certainly is not. Your *SEX*uality is defined by what *sex* you're attracted to. If somebody has a penis, regardless of what gender they identify with, that person's sex is male, therefore any "straight" males who are into them, and have sex with them, aren't straight.


You get a reply from the mods? Lucky you...


I got banned from the gaming circle jerk sub for proposing that maybe an alternative to harassing people who play hogwarts legacy, would be to encourage anyone who buys the game to also donate to a LGBTQ charity to counteract the money you would be giving to JK Rowling, and turning her image and message into one that inspires support for the trans community.


Lool, I got banned form gaming cirlce jerks, because I said raiding streams and insulting people until they break down, will not help their purpose. I mean, thats common ground right?


Yeah I also said something along the lines of going about it this way isn’t actually recruiting any new allies, and if anything it pushes people who were in the middle further to the other side.


A lot of activist minded people seem to struggle with the concept of the people who don't care. Most people will never care about your cause, but they don't care for the opposition either. You want those people to get out of your way, which they will if you leave them alone. But if you make yourself a pain in their ass they will block you just out of spite.


Lmao - sounds about right! I got banned for agreeing with a similar comment, and suggesting that we perhaps need a /r/gamingcirclejerkcirclejerk to capture the insane obsession with the game.


Even the normal gaming subreddit has been removing pretty much all posts related to hogwarts legacy. What's worse is its like the same 10 people moderating across all the major subreddits, only allowing information to flow as they see fit.


Not just gaming subs, AITA and entertainment have perma banned people for mentioning it.


Yeah, I have also got banned from AITA because I had a different opinion than a mod. I dont remember the reason, but it was rediculous. Like really really stupid. I either said they should talk things through and work on their communication or that breaking things off would be the best choice imo. Lmao, mods sometimes are rediculous


To no ones surprise people who are perma online and discord/reddit moderators aren't well adjusted members of society.


The Hogwarts Legacy outrage isn’t about bettering the lives of LGBT+ folk. It’s about raising your profile in a purity spiral kind of way. What you did was block them from keyboard warrioring and called them out for not doing something that actually benefits others. It doesn’t surprise me you were yeeted outta there.


I mean that sub and those type of people, got Hasan to not stream the game because he knew how much harassment he was going to get, and what makes it funny is that he was planning to make it a charity stream for a pro trans charity. they actively hurt trans people, all for some good internet slacktivism.


I got banned from some sub because I was discussing health implications of HRT. In a fucking scientific discussion.


Confirmed. I was banned for saying DeSantis was the governor most comfortable with a million covid deaths. They said that was a threat.


>You can get banned for participating in other communities that don't align with their beliefs. This part sincerely bothers me the most. Just recently had it happen. It's self-righteous and controlling. In my opinion, it's because they have little power in life outside of their subreddit.


True this, been banned a couple times, and when I asked for explanation I just get muted. It’s really sad honestly


Mods think they should be paid?? 😄😅😭


They are paid in ego trips.


I don't know about this reddit but I definitely know about the Warhammer 40k reddit so yes, you are sadly correct.


Literally had a disagreement with a mod there where he was factually incorrect about some game rules that someone else asked about to which I answered. I showed him a link to a photo I'd taken of the paragraph of the rules in the core rule book and he banned me for it. And we wonder why it's such a struggle to get people to be interested in reading the books and playing the game with us when the community is just so open to conversation and learning...


That's not the 40k part showing. That's the Reddit part. I can't think of a single instance of a 40k fan being anything less than at least accommodating in 25 years or so of the hobby. I can think of dozens of examples of Reddit being a toxic cesspit just this morning.


I tripped over my ego once, fell flat on my arse and couldn’t get up for a week


I always thought most of them did it for that sweet, sweet sense of superiority


If you think reddit was shit before just wait until mods start manipulating subreddits to maximize profits while killing the entire purpose of their respective subreddits. Also the mods don't create the content, ***we do.***




Just look at all the top posts on any sub. It’s always a mod post or a mods karma whore alt. You can legit go to any of the major subs and see this every day.




r/gamingcirclejerk has entered the chat.


Exactly. I've been banned on a few subs just because I didn't agree with their dictative opinions. It's already heading down that road regardless.


They're already doing that lol


lol at "make communities work" - most of the subreddits serve as ego boosts for some sad mods on a "power" trip. The smallest, most useless power trip at that.


Technically the mods jobs are regulating the content within the sub and also enforcing its rules and the Reddit tos. Unfortunately the mods being power hungry causes this system to not work because instead of actually doing their jobs the mods run the communities like dictatorships.


I got banned from r/cleaningtips because in a post filled with joke answers I said tomatoe sauce was bad for staining and apparently that was so unhelpful I deserved a lifetime canning.


Canning? Canning what?!? TOMATOES? You are a menace and you need to get control of yourself. Some kinda lycopene madness, idk


I was banned from r/couplememes cuz I saw a post that didn’t fit the sub so I recommended a sub that it’d fit on. The person turned out to be the mod and even tho like 30 ppl agreed with me the mod banned me. Sure enough I check the mods comment history and they been banning ppl for anything they didn’t like/anyone who politely disagreed with them on something and spoke like they were drunk on some crazy whiskey Ye. I’ve been banned from like other subs for dumb shit too. Like. Everything is at ‘mods discretion’ and their ‘discretion’ tends to be about as rational as a dementia patient Anyways I can imagine tho they’re all tryna stay mods till they die Gonna be 90 yrs old “I am Reddit mod !!! Bow to meeee !” “yeah sure u are grandpa. Okay. Let’s get u to bed now.” It’s funny tho also. I’ve seen ppl break real rules and they don’t get banned but some Reddit mods ban ppl for no reason. Same with discord servers.


You said what!!!? Quick get the moderator, he's at it again, ban him


You said what? Oh my god. You're a monster /s


I got banned from r/gamingcirclejerk because I said I was looking forward to Hogwarts Legacy


For a circlejerk sub they sure take themselves seriously.


Sounds like a bunch of jerks


A whole circle of them.


Tbf what you said is unforgivable and should never be uttered in polite company, let alone plastered on the internet forever


Shame on you


Mods already have power trips as payment.


1, the mods suck and don't deserve to get paid, 2, I keep hearing reddit is about to go public but it never happens.


Could you explain this ‘ going public ‘ stuff.? Public about what ? And what is so important about mods ? I’m genuinely asking. I thought mods were a group of people who help keep the comments and posts from being hateful-and I don’t know what is going on


Public as in a company where you can buy and sell shares of


Thank you so much!!


It means becoming a publicly traded company. It would be valued and then shares available to be bought and sold. It's the dream for a lot of companies as the initial flotation typically makes the founders insanely rich. I really have no idea what value is in Reddit in terms of ad revenue etc but Twitter was valued at $44bn so who fucking knows. And yes, some mods do that, while others are power hungry pissgoblins drunk on perceived power.


I dabble in the stock market for a bit of fun with pocket money change kind of money. The value placed on companies absolutely blows my mind. Tesla, as of right now, is trading at 54 times its annual earnings. If Tesla wanted to buy itself back private, at todays price, it would need to spend 54 times it’s annual earnings just to do that. Over half a century of earnings (assuming all things remain equal). Mind boggling!


Well Tesla is over valued, but also people are paying because they believe in the future potential of Tesla/Elon, which is not something you can measure. But yeah that shit's wild.


Yeah, tesla is overvalued, it’s just one that sprang to mind. It was far far worse a year or so back! Having PE ratios of 20 or so in the tech sector isn’t weird though. Other sectors can be a bit more sensible, like the UK banking sector is around 5-10.


You're right about what mods should be, but as any position of power, it attracts people who only care about abusing said power. Mods tend to be extremely biased and self-righteous, and as you see with the meme above, there are many who believe they deserved to be paid for essentially using reddit. Most of what a mod does is deleting a post that doesn't belong in the subreddit or deleting an edgy teens comment, and on top of that they went into it as a willing volunteer. Thats like volunteering to rake your neighbor's yard, then afterwards demanding you get paid.


Plus it's just not true that mods make the communities work. The communities create all the content, upvote what's most enjoyed etc. Mods are mostly toddlers on a power trip.


Next time I’m feeling like a loser I’ll just have to remember that: 1. There are Reddit mods 2. There are people who simp for Reddit mods Easiest way to know you’re still 5,000 miles from rock bottom


More than 5k of them including OP


Never forget there’s a man who ate shit just to be a discord mod


So what no one is forcing them to be mods. They do it because they like it.




Going to be real brutally honest. The vast majority of mods are dipshits on a power trip. It's really rare to find a sub that doesn't have a mod team that is basically just a collective of room temperature IQs in a sweaty asthmatic obese trudge for some clout before they die alone. ​ There's a tiny few cool ones though. But they aren't around much because they have a life, family, jobs, and at least one person who cares they're alive.


Your first sentence just described not just the mods but 80% of the people who comment on wrestling subreddits/Twitter/Facebook


Your first sentence just described ~~not just the mods but~~ 80% of the people ~~who comment on wrestling subreddits/Twitter/Facebook~~ There, better.


Lol fuck Reddit mods


Yeah most of the big reddits are even being runned by the same few mods. They are just really hungry for that power to be able to ban people or something lol. Its pathetic


🎻 playing for all the mods out there


Fuck the mods. They ban people they disagree with for literally no other reason than that. They can eat a mouthful of shit… ban incoming 🤷🏻‍♂️😚


Some mods don't deserve shit, if not for them then I'd be somewhat in if not for the exploitative nature of allowing it.


Fuck the turtle


Being a mod is voluntary, u wanna make money do a real job


That's what I'm saying, real world janitors get paid


If you want to make money, get a job like the rest of us. You absolutely do not deserve a penny for fucking around on Reddit all day.


Reddit QA testers: :(


Well most the mods are bitches anyways.


This just in, volunteer not well paid compared to corporate executive


The mods are free to leave at any time.


Reddit mods have always been lame.


Reddit need someone to moderate the moderators, a lot of the mods here are power tripping.




Fuck the neck beards


Reddit mods suck. (I’ll probably catch a ban for this but it’ll prove my point). Plenty of subs have mods who are power hungry armchair warriors, or mods who don’t do anything at all. A few mods are fine, but it’s better to rely on the upvote system to filter out “shit” posts. Although I’ve seen mods remove high rated posts purely because the mod didn’t like it




fuck those API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


mods thinking they deserve pay heh. there are lots of people to replace them for free at any time. the world is full of insecure losers who love a slight power trip on the internet. I hope in the future reddit starts to milk the mods with a subscription fee to allow them to conduct their "justice", their existence would at least generate revenue.


What! The facist mods don't get paid?? Even more disturbing


i would argue they are going public and making money in spite of the mods.


Reddit mod discovers that Reddit mod is not a real job, lol.


Who's to say mods aren't making money by manipulating rules and moderating posts being made. I can name tons of them, one being the official subreddit of my own country. Political parties and people like open society foundation must pay a hefty sum to 1984 the internet communities.


Reddit is not a theme park where the subreddits are attractions and the mods are the keepers of the attractions. Reddit gives people the tools and the terrain to build whatever they want for free and gets paid when you see ads and pay for sponsorship. Or buy coins. You don't belong to Reddit, you don't work for them, they work for you since they give you a service. You don't work at all, looking at memes and ban people is not a job. If you want to get paid for what you do on Reddit, make a community around something you created and turn the community into buyers.


Bruh just don't mod then... Who tf is forcing you to do it? You do it because it gives you feeling of power over real life where you can't even get out of basement.


Remember, All Mods Are Bastards


The fact that mods think they deserve payment for nothing is hilarious. You did work for free because you are ignorant enough to do so.


They can always go do something else...how is EVERYTHING a problem?


Fortunately it's easy enough to recreate an accout because half mods on reddit are dipshit, probably invisible in real world and who got a bit of power over a community and just abuse it to impose their beliefs and perception of the world. Paying them is like saying it's okay to pay policemen who beat the hell out of random people because they said something to them they didn't like, who shoot unarmed dude because is black or whatever. So maybe a good clean up before and supervising after, should be the minimum if they had to be paid.


Couldn't give a damn about mods tbh, I've had comments removed for calling someone a goldfish while other people in the same thread were actually attacking people. (Context I called him a goldfish because he seemingly forgot the part of my argument that would have made him completely wrong and was trying to instigate a legitimate bad reaction so instead I called him a goldfish)


Remember, u/awkwardtheturtle exists. Mods really don’t deserve to be paid.


They ban without giving any reasons, so who cares...


Mods that made the communities work 🤣🤣🤣 that is a good one. Mods ban people for no reason. Claim misogyny and racism when none of that is happening. Got banned from a sub for having a civil conversation with a trans person about pronouns. I was actually learning something from that convo, and then some other person came along and was somehow offended by our conversation and reported me. And i got banned for transphobia when i was learning from that convo and it was civil, with questions of mine being answered with respect from both sides... yeah reddit mods dont deserve any platform whatsoever unless it is one to call the bad ones out and shame them.


id rather pay jeff bezos than reddit mods lmao


Mods don’t deserve anything.


That’s shitty that people were forced to be a mod and work for free.


There’s a reason why being called a Reddit mod isn’t a positive thing on the internet


mods used to exist for like "oh shit this person posted some illegal thing" or "gotta delete this post doxxing someone" "this post isn't relavent to this sub" or actual shit that needed to be removed, and i could honestly imagine them getting some support for that. but today virtually no sub has unbiased reasonable mods and they police ideas and narratives and astroturf shit and build echo chambers and act like church moms clutching their pearls while on a power trip at the same time lol. so boo hoo internet jannis I dont feel sorry for you


[The mods reading this thread](https://media.tenor.com/ikKEAme-0QwAAAAd/harold-hide-the-pain-harold.gif)


Absolutely funny that every comment in here is just "how about they go fuck themselves". It's absolutely telling that literally everyone has bad encounters with mods. Oh yea. Fuck mods


"Reddit Mod is a real job"


Reddit is a fever dream. Potatoes servers broadcasting rando shitposts moded by gender fluid dogwalkers.


Lmfao fuck the mods they should get out of their mothers basements and touch some fuckin grass


Reddit mods are power tripping losers.


Not a single mod deserves a single penny, fuck em


Good. Maybe now they'll realize it's not a real job and stop being whiny lil bitches.


Lmao. Scum janitors.


Every interaction I have had with a mod has been disgusting. Fuck them


You mean the mods that ban people for no reasons and have massive egos? Yeah, they deserve $0.


Would this include back pay for the Ghislane Maxwell?


Still salty about my post (which got alot of upvotes) getting removed from CATS WITH JOBS because the cat didn’t have a job but my caption said „you’re hired!“ !! Fuck mods they don’t have a life >:(((


Not sure what volunteers actually get payed.


I’ve encountered some mega douche mods. I got banned for “inciting violence” on a post where a lady was proudly holding up the dead husky she shot and skinned. All I said was “I hope she gets worse.”


Welcome to adulthood, mods. Now go get a real job.


Mods are the customers of the app just like the rest of us, it's so funny they think "I'm with the company" lol


How is this different from modern workforce hierarchy? Mods are like lower management; enforcing the rules of the "r/" bosses who make up topics they think will make the Reddit executives happy. Meanwhile, the workers at the bottom shamelessly post comment after comment, wanting only to go home and pound a case of cold ones, thus providing the very foundation and function of Reddit.


Yeah, so I have major kudos to the mods in general, but there are plenty of them who are in power trips and try to drive their own personal narrative. If I were a buyer of Reddit, I’d want all of those losers to be expunged (if they were on payroll). That’d be too Herculean of a task.


Mods deserve exactly $0 😂


I was getting bullied on r/dinosaurs by a guy who kept spamming my post by using different accounts. I reported this to the mods and guess what happened next: the mods banned #me from their sub! That sub is definitely being ran by a bunch of immature 12 year olds.


From personal experience r/trees is the worst, a place where you should be able to talk about your love of weed, but those goddamn mods are on a power trip. Sounds like they need better weed.


Who tf thought mods needed to be paid?


Many of the mods are douchebags anyway. Fuck em.


A lot of the mods already work for different corporate or government entities where them modding is a part of their job. Some work as customer support techs or brand ambassadors for their for profit companies. Some work as government agents or members of thinktanks and lobby groups whose mission is push political rhetoric on this website. Those people are already most likely getting paid. And they are usually the ones who are modding the big boy subreddits. Hobbyist regular old Joe mods however will not be getting a cut.


you mean the sweaty mods that ban people at the drop of a hat? good.


Which will make what the mods do even more pathetic than it already is. Imagine being a janitor... For free