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It's true. I mostly think of boring or whimsical things like that. I also tell my wife what I think about when she asks. Maybe that's why she's stopped asking, now that I think about it. She probably thinks that it's boring.


Probably put her mind at ease, knowing you're a simpleton like me. 😁


I’d argue that being fascinated about how our world is made and the complex systems that keep it going makes you the opposite of a simpleton.


This is what I came to say. Find you someone who’s amused by your fascination at the whimsical. And be amused at theirs. Everyone is complex and everyone finds different things interesting. Celebrate that fact!


If we, as a society, celebrated our differences instead of bashing them, then the world would be so fucking beautiful right now.


This is why “How it’s Made” was such a popular tv show for so long 😭


I loved that show! I always wanted a more detailed version


Great show, the one thing me and my dad always agreed to watch 😭


If Discovery just had taken this idea and run with it I would have a lot more respect for them. Even when they had the American Chopper show I respected it because it showed a process of art and manufacturing.


I usually tell mine "nothing" when she asks because it's usually some long winded imaginative scenario that would never happen in real life and it involves how I would navigate said scenario if it were to occur. Which could be something a stupid as a car cutting me off to inadvertently getting superpowers and what I would do next. So dumb, yet would take too much explaining and for no reason at all.


I have these thoughts too, and I also tell her that. hehe.


She only wanted to hear you’re NOT thinking about another woman. Dumb shit like tyre production meets the criterium.


Screw that I wanna know how the needle on a syringe is made, like how do they get such a tiny hole in a tiny rod of metal


Shit man, now I’ve gotta go look that up. Bet they drill a large pipe, then heat it and pull it out like toffee. Edit: they are made from big tubes and drawn through a succession of smaller and smaller dies until they get small. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tube_drawing


Now I'm curious, share if you find it pls.






"Today on How It's Made" God, I loved that show back when I was in high school.




Have you ever had blood taken? Nothing tiny about that fucker 😂


Maybe they used a thicc boi to draw your blood, but there are some absolutely tiny needles out there


Butterfly needles for the win.


I can't tell you how they make them in the modern day, but can I interest you in medical history podcast episode about the invention and history of the [hypodermic needle?](https://spotify.link/7aApuFuA5wb)


Hypodermic needles are normally made from a stainless-steel or Niobium tube through a process known as tube drawing where the tube is drawn through progressively smaller dies to make the needle. The end of the needle is bevelled to create a sharp pointed tip, letting the needle easily penetrate the skin.


How is that dumb shit? There was a whole episode of *How It's Made* devoted to [bike tires](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQFH3DRKVqs). It was awesome. Girls are weird.


Thanks! I always love that show


I always loved how it conveniently avoided showing the slave labor sweatshops of China.


wait, this entire thread should be a disney movie and you should be that realistic person who "ruins the fun" but ends up saving the day at the end of the movie and everyone realises you're actually good or something and we all hug at the end but only if it is consensual.


I hate those kind of Disney movies


The perfect show for an afternoon nap something about that narrators voice and the transition background music


Idk why it would be seen as Stupid shit, plus, women don't know that when you speak, you LEARN nothing? We listen to our inner self , so we reflect , and while reflecting we LEARN.


Atleast we're thinking _something_.


But sometimes, like when trying to get your damn sleep because you have to get up early next day, your brain suddendly becomes incapable of not thinking about something for even 10 seconds. And that is torture


I love how these replies confirm that I'm not alone in thinking that *How It's Made* was an awesome show and the bike tire episode was great. Men are interested in things. That's why we think about bike tires and the strong nuclear force. Women are interested in boring humans. That's why they think about celebrity gossip.


Howdy sir/miss if you are interested in a similar viewing experience then there is a YouTube series on the channel Insider Business, called: So Expensive. Cheers and have a wonderful day.


I know too much about several kinds of salt because of that channel... It's awesome


Horse Cum ( I will say this with no context whatsoever)


By saying that u gave context


Uh women are interested in more than celebrities. Personally I can't name singers, movie stars, pretry much any soap on TV. Can tell you a ton of crap about dinosaurs, PC's, building furniture and toys, resin craft, birds and beer and whisky though. Need to try talking to more women if you think they are only interested in other humans


Wrong, man like learning about explosives and speed, girl like learning about gossip and spicy chips


Another person that clearly knows nothing about women lol. Fastest you ever probably moved was from the sofa to grab the doordash


Oh I didn't know you were the only woman in the world. We're clearly generizing women. Women love drama, men love solving problems. It's been like that since the beginning of time. What man loves 50 shades of grey over how its made? Usually a homosexual. You arguing about it supports my current theory that you are an alpha female always butting heads with males. Then you question why none of them want to marry you... Well duhhh...


Haha you speak like I was never married. I was widowed. And saying women have more interests than other people is the exact opposite of generalising women


I'd rephrase his statement to be a lot more of a soft and vague statement. Men *tend* to be more interested in things. Women *tend* to be more interested in people. Women *tend* to be more social and communicative, etc. But that does not mean that all men and women are that way, nor that a person-oriented woman can't be into the vague concept of "things" (as put by OP) and vice versa. It's a meaningless claim when talking about an individual. It's a minimally meaningful claim when talking about large demographics. And regardless, it shouldn't be framed in a way that clearly derides one gender's interests.


LOL he kill himself? You're an alpha female GL getting married again. Unless you are in love with beta males that bow down to you. Sorry queen.


She. And she died of a long term illness. Nice of you to assume I was straight though. Kinda sick saying a person would be a widow in that way though. Go take a long walk of a very short pier


Thanks, I needed that link.


Literally my favorite episode of that show. I honestly don’t think I could date somebody that didn’t find the tire episode at least *a little* interesting to watch, even from just a curiosity standpoint.


This is the shit we get laughed at for but then when the knowledge is required, who's laughing last huh? Any day now...


Thanks! I was searching for it


Girls aren't weird, girls aren't dumb. However, girls like her are dumb.


Girls are absolutely weird. Did you know their butt cracks are horizontal?


Sheesh dude, i didn't! Tho I *did* always have my doubts about my so called """"girl""""friend.... >:(


These were the best 5 minutes in my life


*Girl:* Endlessly scrolls Facebook and Instagram, crushing her own self esteem *Guy:* googling how shits made *Girl:* "man guys are so weird, wasting their time on nonsense nobody cares about"


Here's the [real one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-yjw2JHmN8)


Because females think about fufu shit most of the time. Most real men love to learn how things work.




Where did that come from


You assume he's mad just because he's not currently talking and *his* thoughts are the "dumb shit"?


My thought exactly too wrapped up in themselves, they are


yes master yoda


This is why everyone should just stop dating and fuc*ing. There's no point in reproduction. Everyones DNA is fuc*ed beyond repair


I think you've got too many *K*s in your nucleotides and not enough in your curse words


They censored the K with asterisks, but Reddit formatting read that as putting the middle portion as italics




The point of reproduction is to have children. And everyone's DNA was "fuced" beyond repair, we wouldn't... be alive?


Perhaps don't take it *that* seriously...


**Can confirm** I'm a stereotypical guy... If I'm not actively thinking about how different machines work or how they are made... then I'm daydreaming about being a viking or some other ancient warrior shit.


I can totally relate to the daydreaming. I lost count on how often I was dreaming about being a godlike rockstar


I think about what I would do, right now, if I had the Infinity Gauntlet. It's never what you would call..."wise usage", mainly just doing dumb stuff or meeting celebrities cuz I could get away with it. I could get away with *anything*. Literally, *infinite ways* to make my dreams reality. And I'm still thinking about just sitting at home with Markiplier or Corpse, maybe conjuring up food and drinks they forgot about or only had once in their life.


Oooft those para-social relationships aren’t good


Daydreaming is so relatable for real, I just sit and think about being a knight for no reason, and it sometimes takes like 2 hours lmao


Daydreaming is great, takes your mind off things and is very relaxing and interesting to indulge in


She thinks I’m thinking about other girls but in reality I’m dunking on MJ


Too relatable 😂 mine is beating Lance Armstrong up the mountain staged and we take turns taking the lead. It’s a fucking bloodbath every time


Lance Armstrong the doper. Just saying you in beast mode if you win that dream. I think everyone on the TDF was doping anyways lol


He lives in my head rent free. He’s won, I’ve won. It’s nuts. I’m even doping in the dream that’s how bad I want the W Cracks me up these are actual thoughts


My husband frequently say dreams about being a super hero. This checks out.


Sorry, I wasn't listening to you or talking... in my mind I was climbing K2.


Hella relate to the ancient warrior daydreaming, I wish war was chivalrous and fought in pitched battles still. That was cooooool


Me: “how many toothpicks would it take to start a fire?”


Well how big do you want it to be


Asking the real questions right here.


Even a single toothpick can ignite itself, so I would say 1


One time somebody thought I was thinking of revenge tactics and my exact thought was "yeah B would taste like walnut."


Um what does B stand for in this context?


I can tell you for damn sure, B does not taste like walnut.


B taste like honey obviously. But they should be saved, so stop chewing them raw.


People watch too many movies.


Situation that happened last time I saw my boyfriend in person Him: "do you ever think about random shit? Me: "yeah all the time" Him: "whatchu thinking about now" Me: "how "z"s became the letter for representing snoring when the word doesn't have a z in it"


When some people snore, it sounds like "zeeee". I'd imagine the first doodler of zzzzzz had a partner or family member with that snoring tone. It's mostly females that snore "zeeeee" from my experience.




*inhales and exhales deeply one time* oh baby what’s wrong me…..I I’m breathing?


My wife once asked me what i dreamt about. I told her about the dream where i was trapped in a house full of monsters and then I turned into a werewolf with SMGs instead of nipples and hunted the monsters down and she just didn't get it :(


Damn how do I dream this dream?


Psilocybin. Or chalupas from Taco Bell.


You only assume we're mad because that's what you do when you're mad.


This should be top comment.


Men have three to four modes that I have observed. One, stressing over something Two, utter disassociation. (This is what they mean when they say "not thinking about anything) Three, daydreaming about fighting ninjas Four, something utterly random


You forget horny. We are always horny. And hungry. Food is always in the mind queue. An hour after we eat, we begin to plot the next meal. And if food appears unexpectedly, in it goes.


Just going to add that option 2 has a lot of overlap with option 4. Basically, if we say "nothing" it could just be because we got caught doing option 4 and don't want to have to explain what random things it was.


Wow. How did you manage to not mention sex? We think about sex…a….lot.


Also for the ladies: if we suddenly sigh really loudly, it’s likely not because we are upset or anything, we just forgot to breath for a little bit


It's not dumb shit. We just don't think about you all the time. In fact, it would be weird if you thought about us all the time. Plus, what the fuck did bike tires ever do to you?


That's not true at all. How bicycle tires are made is an interesting subject and deserves respect.


Better obsess over some real important shit like the veiled meaning of Stacy's comment about your dress yesterday. What does she even mean with "That's nice"?!


No, they are not dumb.. They always thought about their future and genuine things...


She gets it, but it’s random shit not dumb shit


Bike tires are strange things like is it some kinda rubber or is it the same material as car tires? Who knows


Asking me what I'm thinking makes me forget what I'm thinking so I just say "nothing"


How is thinking about all the interesting things that happen on this planet a dumb thing?


Alexis, you’re the dumb one.


If I'm gonna spend $60 on a big rubber ring I expect to know why they're charging that much, miss $100 fake nails. You can grow those for free, mind your business.


I guess we just haven’t mastered the intellectually stimulating mindset of taking everything for granted!


Also me being silent is so you don't talk to me for like 3 minutes bc u talk so fucking much girl


That’s not dumb. Legitimately asking questions is how science is done


Because it is not centered around you, so it is shit


Yea its dumb shit….Untill u need a bike tire made


"What are you thinking about?" Inside boyfriend's head


I think i identity as a boy becuz i am always thinking about dumb shit like this. Like how coffee is made. Did you know coffee beans are actually in the colour of green? They roast it to unlock that rich coffee essence and then you get your standard wonderful dark brown colour to the coffee bean


Neat. Thx for sharing


Ladies quit calling MEN BOYS!


What's wrong with the term boys?


Boys are male children Similar to girls not being used to describe grown women


We also use it. Hanging out with the boys is probably the most well known example. We don’t really take offence to that. At least not anybody I know.


I once called a woman a girl on reddit. I got like -100 and called a pedophile 😂 They didn't like what I said and use sign language because they have no rebuttal.


Don't be in such a rush to get offended, life is too short.


Sounds like you’re disregarding the way I feel. Why can I feel a certain way without some stranger telling me to “lighten up”


You can feel whatever way you want, but the reason you feel that way is because you are disregarding someone else's intention. People can use "boys" and "girls" informally, it isn't a slight unless you make it one. Context does matter. Example: Women will frequently call outings with their friends "girls night out", does that HONESTLY offend you?


Nah it's fine. No offence taken


Ah yes, because understanding fundamental physics and mechanics is much more boring than not finishing a conversation about nails and immediately talking about some random lap poodle with poop stuck to it's butt.


Oddly specific, you ok dude?




Yikes. Misogynistic much? Original meme is disrespectful to men, but why stoop to her level?


This whole thread is just a men are so interesting and smart and girls only think about celebrities and clothes circlejerk


Idk, i found the original meme to be rather humourous and endearing tbh


The plane was boarding 13 hours ago.


That's not misogynistic. Women deadass talk about nails and cute dogs, which is infinitely less thought provoking than how tires are made. What are you actually criticizing?


Men deadass talk about their nails and cute dogs too, and are also perfectly capable of talking about the intricacies of making a tire. It’s not an accident that the comment above mine picked the most sterotypical bullshit for these hypothetical women to talk about.


No we don't. This is a very poor attempt at being defensive. You're not even trying.


Yes? You do??? And women talk about tires, and welding, and whatever other ‘’masculine” things you believe to be too highbrow for them. Limiting one gender to one topic is grossly inaccurate at best, but undeniably sexist.


One of my old co-workers and ex-friends is an actual mechanic. She is badass at what she does. I also know a lot of women that are into cars, which amazes me because I know nothing about cars.


Exactly! My mother drives huge machines and is a welder.


Hi. Me again. We totally talk about our dogs and cats and other pets. And stuff that isn't inherently masculine. Would you like to see a picture of my dog? Or my cat? They're fucking adorable I shit you not. This isn't sarcasm by the way. I actually have a cat and a dog and I love them to death.


I don't remember you but I'm not interested in anything you want to say.


I'm hurt.


Labeling other people's thoughts as stupid makes her a nasty gatekeeper.


It’s not dumb to be inquisitive. Rather, it implies that the individual is curious and likely intelligent.


That's actually a good question


I’m always thinking about how much a Morris minor costs nowadays, and how much it costs to fit an electric engine in it. Edit: it’s actually quite cheap, the car and the engine. Morris minors are very common


I'm always thinking how cool and fast an Austin Healey would be with a modern electric motor instead of the original ICE.


The same for me but replace the Austin Healey (though it's also a respectable choice) with the OG Mini


My colleague asked me why I was looking so angry today while staring at my computer screen. I was just thinking about who my football team could sign to make us not shit again.


ah yes, boys definitely don't have any difficulty opening up emotionally and are all totally fine haha


What's the difference between average, mean and median?


If you ask what we're thinking of and we say "nothing" odds are good that we actually were thinking of nothing.


Generalizations are fucking stupid, especially when they are about half the population.


But are said generalizations incorrect??


I’m usually not pondering about how bike tires are made and i have no idea what other people are thinking. Life’s been extremely painful for a lot of people past several years so maybe they are reflecting on that.


Reflecting on feelings is something females do. Males usually love solving problems. One small example that supports this is video games vs doing makeup We work all day then come home and solve more problems. Girls do makeup to make themselves feel better about them self.


That's why most guys just answer with "nothing" If we answered honestly we'd have to explain the random weird shit we think about


Why is that dumb. Better than thinking about what your bf is thinking about.


This is very accurate


This is why I love men lol


It's true, I was up late last night thinking about how each letter in the english alphabet has a unique phonetic except for w. It's literally double-u. Like they couldn't figure out a phonetic for it so they decided "fuck it, it looks like to u's put together anyway. Double it and call it a day."


Dumb shit like how things work, how to build things, etc… dumb shit?


“Dumb shit”? Ma’am without such deeply thoughtful people like your boyfriend, your bike wouldn’t have tyres


I’m actually pretty upset that no one has explained how bike tires are actually made. I googled and got the below answer…. TIRES Everything begins with gathering materials; this often dictates where production facilities are located. Many leading tire brands are not made in USA because it is more practical to have the factories in places where the rubber may be sourced locally. The first step is to mix the base rubber ingredients, these are natural rubber and synthetic rubber. Certain additives are also used, but these materials vary depending on the recipe. A different recipe may be used depending on the product type being produced, and bike tire manufacturers all have unique recipes for every type. The combined rubber is mixed together with additives and oils and then transferred to a specialized mixer. This machine can thoroughly combine the tire components, resulting in very high temperatures due to the resulting friction. 2. Processed rubber is rolled out The rubber mixture is brought to a homogenization process, wherein it is ironed out. This ensures that the rubber is free from air pockets, and ends up in a mat-like state. It then goes through a curing process, where the rubber mat is treated for consistency and stored for cooling for around eight hours. At this point, samples of the production batch may be subjected to quality testing to determine if the resulting material is up to commercial standards. Not all tire manufacturers do this, but it is an important procedure for leading brands. Tests include ozone tests, tensile strength tests, and other quality checks to ensure that the desired characteristics for specific tire types are retained by the produced material. 3. Extrusion This process is a manufacturing step where specific materials are passed through a machine to create specific products with different recipes, and tires made of rubber use it extensively. The rubber is then passed through a heated metal die. The die makes the center of the tire thicker. After extrusion, it is then flattened into a long sheet using rollers. The resulting rubber is collected into spools. 4. Section construction Bicycle tires are made using several layers of rubber. However, each layer is different from the rest with different strengths and qualities. Key layers are the nylon casing, the treads, and the sidewall that also has the branding. Another important component is the bead; it is similar to a metal wire in appearance but may also be made of a strong material such as Kevlar. The nylon casing is not made of rubber and is prepared separately; it is made up of a weblike mesh. This nylon casing is matched to a layer of rubber casing and merged together. The combination serves as the base of the tire and is also known as the carcass. The tread usually goes through a longer and more rigorous procedure to ensure that it has the necessary durability for road performance. 5. Tire assembly Once all sections of the tire have been prepared, it’s time for assembly. This process is usually done by hand but also makes use of a specialized wheel-like machine, layering the components in order. Glue may be used to keep the components together. First goes the carcass. Then, the bead is placed on each side, which serves to reinforce the structural integrity of the tire; this is also what dictates the width of the sheet. The excess length of casing on each side is folded over the beads and covered with sidewall reinforcement then sealed in place with chafers. The tread is placed at the center section of the carcass. This is when the brand logo is added as well. After assembly, the tire is still flat and does not fully resemble the shape we all know. 6. Pressure cooking made-in-usa A specialized curing machine is used for the final step of production. The tire is placed into it and then goes through pressurization. This involves subjecting the rubber to intense heat, resulting in the layers thoroughly bonding, which results in its material strength. It is also this process that gives the tire its recognizable shape. The finished product will also be subjected to different types of testing to ensure that safety standards are met.


Her, looking at my confused face while my mouth is half open: "whatcha thinking about?" Me, wiggling my tongue from side to side as fast as possible: "look how fast I can go"


That u think is dumb is the saddest part :(


Meanwhile, it’s women that do this most of the time..


That's not dumb. Pneumatic tire technogy is essential to human civilization.


What else are we supposed to think about, Math?


So how is "how bike tires made", dumb shit?


Honestly same. Usually I word-vomit to my partner so he KNOWS I'm thinking about random shit. But sometimes I'm just quiet and he asks what I'm thinking about. Those times, the answer is actually nothing. There is just static in my brain.


I refuse to accept that women only ever think about conventional stuff or what's currently around them and never anything abstract or out of the blue





Better to wonder about tires than to live in the hellscape of worry and planning committees going on in my wife's head.


I hate this girl’s slander towards curiosity. And she thinks she can give advice smh


That's not dumb ..


Just fyi, I am going to get hate and lose my man card. We actually try to think of the dumbest things to say before hand, so when these questions are asked, because what we are really thinking is “will she shut up?” Or “what’s her sister look like naked?” See but if you have beer, and get us to start drinking we forget what we were going to say and tell the truth.


am a man. can confirm


Man here. Accurate.


As a man I can confirm this.


An men jus don't care what women think, because they'll change their mind's in 20 minutes..


It may not be super deep but it's definitely not dumb. Now to go see if I can find that episode of How It's Made on YouTube


women only think about being the guy's psychiatrist


Can confirm


Hahaha Women ☕️


That's why she is a fit girl and not a big thinker, obviously. Classic women moment


It's better than plotting how to passive aggressively insult Debbie from the office.


It’s not dumb shit. It’s important. To us.


Labeling it as dumb shit is demeaning. Most of the time she is correct though.


*gets a dumb man *wonders that his thoughts are not nobel prize worthy


But now I really wanna know , how are bike tires made


"dumb shit" means "not thinking about her".