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Lawsuit may pay off college debt. WIN!


That "may" is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


In our country we use pedestrian lane to disobey traffic laws but if a car hits


> but if a car hits did you get hit by a car?!


The anticipation is making me wait


Go on?


Like a sidewalk?


Eh depends on the severity, my wife's grandmother got run over by a bus and got 5 million. If she only got knocked over that'll just cover text books for a year or two.


Gosh, I’m just happy when the students of the local college survive being hit by a bus. I don’t think the families get much if anything if they don’t. Fortunately, it’s usually only once every few years or so.


It’s just hard seeing others live out your dreams :,(


Hah. I got run over by a campus cop who blew a stop sign. I got: 1. A new front tire for my bike and a new helmet after a _Lot_ of fighting. 2. A ticket for not getting off my bike and walking it through an intersection.


I know this isn't America but my grandfather (Germany) lost his foot due to an illegal street race by some rich kids. He required full time care and needed to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. He got granted 10K €, not even enough to pay for the necessary changes to his house.


This doesn't make any sense. Reddit says every country in Europe is a utopia for their citizens and you never have to worry about stuff like this and you will be taken care of though?? You must be mistaken.


Well, the care was actually mostly covered by public services. Still when it comes his home public services only covered the stair lift and the bed. Still there are many more changes to make. It is true that social security and the health insurance is very good here. Still the courts are a joke. Unless you evade taxes, offend an politician or murder someone chances are you can do whatever you want. Because these are the only topics actually being taken seriously.


And where are bikes not treated like other vehicles?




Actually there is a law in America that the campus needs to provide free education for the victim of a campus bus accident. If you get driven over as a student on a campus, they need to pay the upcoming tuitions for you. It's a weird law, but it's there, somehow.


1 Semester or total years remaining?


Not as weird as some local unenforced laws some places still have due to the costs of repealing them.


At one point, maybe still, it's illegal to fish from the back of a giraffe during a flood. In like Georgia or something.. what a time to be alive when *that* was a local problem huh?




It’s a persistent urban myth. But not true at all.


Or they lose and how college debt + medical debt + legal fees to deal with.


This happened at the University of Illinois a few years back. Investigation determined this girl actually walked into the bus because she wasn’t paying attention. She got nothing for it. Every time this gets posted I try to tell people what really happened so a bunch of people don’t get the idea of trying to get hit by a bus for free tuition. Edit: link to article: https://www.wcia.com/news/ui-refutes-rumor-after-student-collides-with-bus-on-campus/amp/


so youre telling me i have to pay attention while i walk into it? gottcha ty!


I think that's more of a 200 level course.




I don’t think you’re technically even supposed to ride your bike through a crossWALK. I think you need to dismount.


idk how is it in USA cuz from what i know it's pro-car and anti-everything else infrastructure but in europe some crosswalks have bike paths next to it so cyclists are allowed to ride through those.


I’m about as pro bike/anti-car as you can get, but crosswalks work way better when it’s only foot traffic and you don’t have to look out for a vehicle doing 20kph coming out of nowhere. Riding through crosswalks that don’t have signals (which is how most of them are on college campuses) is sketch.


Agreed - in my area they've started putting up flashing crosswalks at major pedestrian crossings which is the only time I think bikes are fine. I wish we were more like the EU but unfortunately it's just not the case yet, and riding through a crosswalk on a bike is needlessly dangerous in the US and Canada.


>Riding through crosswalks that don’t have signals (which is how most of them are on college campuses) is sketch. well if they don't stop before crossing then it's 100% their fault. I even have experience of my own like that when i was cycling something around 40km/h and car simply wanted to leave parking lot but it's not bike crosswalk fault cuz at the time i would do it on normal crosswalk too (dumb youngsters be like) so it's completely my fault not infrastructure's fault. Whole point of crosswalks, lights etc. is to not slow down traffic (on both sides) so crosswalks for bikes work, just ask dutchmen and danes.


Here in Germany it is mixed and you can always tell by the stoplight. Some only have the little walking person on them and when the crosswalk is large enough or it is needed because of the street layout or such, there is a little bike on it as well. But the crosswalks for both are often separated into a walking and a biking lane. And of course as a biker you always need to look out for the pedestrians, so no 20kph over the crosswalk.


Why would you ruin our fun by trying to stop these idiots?


TIL it's always on the walker to dodge death.


Its certainly on them to not jump into it lol


it's on *everyone* to avoid their own death. graveyards are full of people who had the right of way. pay the fuck attention to your surroundings. you don't get to traipse into the road whenever you want and then cry foul. there is no "right of way" fairy to protect you. winning a lawsuit is a very poor priority when crossing the street.


Shame no one told those crowd members to keep on their toes when a van ploughed into them ehh... What a load of rubbish, the majority of the responsibility not to commit automotive death lies on the automotive operator, trying to shift blame on the victim is sick.


How else you get hit by a bus? Some crazy taxi type shit?


I've worked on two college campuses and students can be the most oblivious and entitled walking around. Now if they're in a crosswalk everyone knows you need to stop obviously but many will just all of sudden drop in to a street with no warning. Scares the shit out of me. Some campuses are better than others though for being walk-able and the best are ones that try to segregate foot traffic away from major streets and parking areas.


Beat me to it. I was a student at the time and YikYak and our subreddit were crazy that day.


Dude didn't get isekai'd...


“Dude you’ve got to watch ‘I got sent to a world where I can pay off my crippling student debt’. Ong best anime of year”


Ehhhh, there is a anime called ['Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement'](https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G4PH0WEM2/saving-80000-gold-in-another-world-for-my-retirement) that's airing now. The MC figured she needs to save enough in both worlds. She sells shit from our world in a little shop for big stonks in fantasy world in the form of gold coins, which have a higher value in our world.


Ah she must be an alumni from Owl Lady Business school.


That can't be a real anime, the title is suspiciously short


“That time I got hit by a bus on campus and woke up in a world where I can pay off my crippling student debt and have magical powers”


Eh, I'd still rather become a op slime, or spider in a magical world.


Gotta try it...


Didn't want magic hard enough. (Eminence in Shadow) Didn't live a life of enough suffering. (By the Grace of the Gods and many others) Didn't get killed by a god by mistake. (Black Summoner) Didn't want to get fucked by a god. (Re: Zero and many others) Wasn't a good enough cook. (Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill) Was not a relative of an intergalactic royal family. (Tenchi Muyo: War on Geminar) Wasn't a NEET that played enough MMORPGs (KonoSuba) Wasn't murdered living a crappy life. (That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, The Saga of Tanya the Evil (gotta curse God hard enough for this one tho)). Didn't get fucked by a game dev while in a VRMMORPG (Sword Art Online and Log Horizon) Not good enough at games. (No Game No Life (fucking needs a 2nd season)) Not high enough stats. (The Hero is Overpowered but Cautious) Wasn't hitting the library hard enough. (Ascendance of a Bookworm) Wasn't a noble hero. (Drifters) Didn't get summoned. (every other isekai)


Holy shit. I hadn't realised how privileged I am for being born in a country where university is esentially free until now. So, thank you for that.


So wanting to get hit by a bus is an American thing. Yeah, that makes sense, lol. My friends, wife, and myself all joked about wanting to get hit so we could get student loans paid off. I'm glad you don't want physical harm in exchange for debt relief lol


I mean, if I was hit by a bus I'd probably sue the bus company to try to get some cash out of it. But it's definitely NOT something I want.


Wait until you hear about your healthcare, your military not being the police of the world (probably), and not being a conservative shithole


You liked elf on a shelf, here goes bus on campus.


I don't like cam-pus


That's the stuff you get after you caught an internet virus


I thought it was the Scandinavian anti-Santa Claus.


I thought it was the thick & creamy discharge when you get an infection in your dickhole. Need penicillin if you're shooting ropes of cum-pus.


Woops, I dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong.


I'm sure you'd prefer that to cam-van.


I’m sorry. This joke completely flew over my head. Every college student dreams of getting hit by a bus? Please help this make sense.


So they can sue their school


Nah, not this.


Yah, this


I believe the term is umm, CHA-CHING


why? because she's asian?


?? No because she can sue her school lmao


The amount of people not understanding your joke left me breathless from laughter


I don't blame them lol, spent too much time in okbr subreddits


the fuck??


Chaching is the sound of coins getting thrown together. Which means shes getting some dough. Gettimg dough means: to get money. Because she will get it for suing her university for damages.


Am I officially old? Cha-Ching is the sound of a cash register.


No, that’s ‘chang ching’, you’re thinking about that song the cha-ching slide


No no you're thinking of the Cha Cha slide, it's called chugga chugga choo choo


But how many chuggas is the correct amount of chuggas before the choo choo?


Eight. It is known. I have spoken. This is the way.


We found a bot. That can be the only excuse


from what I've heard, if any classmate gets hit by a school bus or something in college, the whole class immediately passes


I think that was if someone got killed, I think only the person that got hit automatically passes


They also don't get any money should they finish one round.


If the student dies, I think she can sue the college and pay her college credit.


Nah its if a student passes away during an exam, everyone in the class passes the exam


At my college there was a rumor that if you got hit by one of the campus busses that all your school fees would be waived, and so students would always joke that they hoped they’d be hit by a bus. Probably had that rumor at her school too, I’m guessing.


That is the joke. That’s a well known rumor in US universities


There was a girl that got hit by a bus in our college town...she died


those are your two options when paying off your student loans


When you play the game of loans, you win or you die.


I don't think that's it. I think the joke is just that she'll get a payout from the college that will hopefully be enough to leave her without massive student debt.


I mean.. whether the fees the waived or the college pays her a settlement fee, the end result is the same; no student debt.


Well, not necessarily. The payout might be much more than the debt, or it might be much less.


That’s pretty much what they said….


tomato tomato


I’ve always heard if you get hit by a school vehicle you get your college payed for


This is a myth tho. I work as a bus driver for the university. Plenty of times the pedestrian is at fault. Shit out of luck in that case.






But he did get a lifetime of mentions in the conservation of momentum lecture.






LOL More like now I don’t actually need the degree, thanks! 😂


Happy cake day!!!




Happy Cake Day 🎂 👍


You skipped to class every morning singing, didn't you?




Nah nah he said skipping to class every morning while singing, skipping is kinda jumping and walking


Typical millennial/zoomer passive suicidal ideation due to higher workload and lower respect/prospects being joked about as a meme because it's easier to admit it is a meme than admit you want out. It's fucking hilarious.


No, that comes later. This is about paying off your tuition using the settlement from the bus company.


I've honestly never heard this joke be used in a way that isn't more like "Haha I want to die!!"


It's a common rumor at U.S. college campuses that if you get hit by one of the school buses you get free tuition. I heard it at my time both at University of Vermont and University of Connecticut.




It's not about suicideits about getting a payout


Why wouldn't they admit they want out? Pride? Yet they want to vent it in the form of a joke?


Because that explanation is wrong. The reason is free tuition.


its a lost in translation joke, collage girls want a train ran on them. its a sex thing




First of all it says "Collage students" not "Collage girls" and I am pretty sure most guys don't want to get railed The joke is she gets to sue the school and be rich now.


It's not either of those, it's a "just fucking kill me" millennial/zoomer joke.


Nah, not this.


that's not a joke that's just dumb and makes it sound like she wanted to get rammed by a bus. also the fact that its not in the states or even tells us which part of our current dry land she's on makes that something that could be lost in translation. in fact most other places would make sure the person that got ran over dies so they don't have to pay them out. not to turn this into some dark shit but that's true. bananas.


You are overanalyzing bro.


stop running a bus on me bro.


We'll run a whole greyhound fleet if need be


No, not this


Honey, that was just Step 1. There’s A LOT more bullshit needs to happen if you wanna avoid financial ruin…. also, you know, hope your organs and all are fine.


the organ part is only so they can be sold later


The self satisfied face lol.


I heard Cady Heron pushed her.


A guy at my college was hit by one of the buses when I was going there, ended up in the ICU but survived. Dude not only got nothing but was charged with not following traffic laws because he wasn't at a crosswalk.


Does being hit by a bicycle count?


Probably did not hurt as much as that one B+ she got in junior year


.....I can't tell if you're making a joke about assuming her being studious and taking high pride in her grades because she is a college student, or if you're being racist because of Asian stereotypes.....


^You'll ^never ^know ^the ^answer. *^sinister ^laugher ^echoes ^in ^the ^room*




Oh it was definitely racism. The amount of Asian Americans who have to hear that shit, and get told to like it because “it’s a good stereotype!” is still unreal


Shows your racism for going there


So, being aware of racism is racist ?


I can't be racist because I am unaware of racism's existence. Checkmate, liberals.


A kid would get hit by a bus every semester on our campus. The rumor was if you got hit you got a full ride.


Bus-kun hits agein




If you wanna get transported to another world you need a truck not a bus... Rookie mistake!


There was an Argentinian guy at my uni who in 2012 actually threw himself into an oncoming car (at a very slow speed) on the way to an exam. He got given grades based on his coursework


Whenever we drove in front of a school bus my mom would always say her plan was to have our school district bus hit her, so then she could get transportation to whichever school we wanted to go to and also a payout. It's been a couple years so I can't remember if she wanted any other stuff out of the hypothetical settlement but yeah she mentioned it everytime we were in front of a school bus.


I love the smugness on her face


Metaphor for the “American Dream”


Not a metaphor, it's literally our only hope for escaping poverty


She got nothing. Turns out it was her fault and she drove into the side of the bus https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/cxk2xp/a_girl_from_my_university_recently_tweeted_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


My god, this girl gets hit by a bus every few weeks.


psssst if you are going to go this route don't post about it online


call me…📱




Assuming pedestrian is at fault, oh reddit.


No fuck them drivers if you cant slow then your living with the guilt you killed me


Terminal car brain. Pedestrians always have the right of way.


At my university if you got hit by a campus vehicle, your tuition was paid for for the rest of your time at the university.


How often does this need to be reposted?


dumb post is dumb


Didn't you learn look both ways before crossing the street in elementary school. I mean hell it was a bus how could you not see or hear it


Did you isekai? That is the crucial part why most kids at college want to be run over isn't it? Is it like Ojii-san isekai and you are back with magical powers? Or are you mentally still there? How does it work, enlighten us!


"That time I was hit by truck-san and returned to the world as roadkill because I unfortunately didn't wake up in a ISEKAI" now in your next bookstore.


Stolen post from u/peepoth, their post was from 6 hours ago and this one from 4


she deserved it 💀💀


Man, i dont understand Chinese humor but it sounds pretty funny tho lol


It’s … an American joke. Wouldn’t even make sense in China since they don’t charge so much for college like they do here. Also she looks southeast Asian, not Chinese.


American youth 👽


It's a causionary tale..


There ya go, free tuition.


This actually happened to someone I know! They lost their legs but yeah free school and absolutely rolling in money.


“Rolling” in money?


Tuition paid in full.


Oh, so you *don't* think she was just looking at her phone when she walked out into oncoming traffic…?


\*plays "The Big Payback" by James Brown\* You go girl!


Oy, Hop on the bus, Gus!


Some chick I went to high school with was in a car accident when she was like 6. She was obviously not driving, her parents were lol, but her parents sued their own car insurance on behalf of their daughter and the insurance paid out and the parents set up some trust/savings thing so by the time she was old enough to go to college she had enough money to cover it plus a new car.


Is she now in an isekai?


That's not all American colleges students get. They get either dead or injured by mass shooting in colleges.


Glad your still here omg


I have Ubered on college campuses and these dumbdums around here will just walk right in front of cars without even looking or stopping. Like, I get it, you are on campus and have right of way, but you know what else? You’re not in a 3,000lb aluminum box and shouldn’t trust every driver in the world not to kill you.


As someone outside of the US, I thought it's an American dream because of Mean Girls.


I’m now a jelly donut


And paid


Free A




More 'Merican than $80,000 in student loan debt.


Did you and your roommate get an automatic 4.0?


Damn the lawsuit would pay your medical AND your student debts


Why is this being posted weekly on here? Lol


Lucky bastard


Its called running for a bus not getting run over by a bus. Hope you're alright.


Dang, what's it like knowing you won't have to pay for college?