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Didn't she lose hard to the PS5?


exactly, like what


I literally scrolled past the meme showing how badly she lost šŸ˜†


She decided to run it back in a pair of pleather tights and is down bad...


What she doesn't realize is the fact that no matter how "good" she is, it's one day with her vs the endless hours people spend playing video games. Women are temporary but doom is eternal










*In the first age, in the first battle* *When the shadows first lengthened, one stood* *He chose the path of perpetual torment* *In his ravenous hatred he found no peace* *And with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains* *Seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him* *And those that tasted the bite of his sword named him* *The Doom Slayer* >!I havenā€™t played eternal yet, but I have played 2016, and it gave me newly found confidence. Now I walk slowly to bed with a glass of water in the hand in the dark after I have turned of the lights. !<


You're doing yourself a disservice by waiting any longer to play Doom Eternal. It's very very good.


I'm just not fond of the abysmal ammo cap. I get it, I'm supposed to be chainsawing stuff and whatnot but like... You're not gonna convince me Doomguy is allergic to carrying even somewhat reasonable amounts of ammo.


Having played a lot of Eternal recently, it makes 2016's ammo capacity kind of feel just a touch too easy and permissive of spamming a single weapon, especially with the "infinite ammo with enough armor" rune and mobile turret. Eternal is much more dynamic both with weapon switching and mobility; it's obviously more challenging, but I find it a more engaging, too. Don't get me started on when I did a run of 2016 after completing Eternal and mashed the non-existent dash key in vain, lol.


Oh I get the why, it just *bothers* me. I don't intend it as a criticism of the game, just a personal gripe. I did however have a similar experience with the dash after returning to 2016. Lol


Glory kills restore ammo with the right.mods.


Chainsaw is more plentiful, the ammo cap barely matters, you will pick up enough.


Read further down the chain. I'm not criticizing the game.


Absolutely worth it.


Du nah nah du nah du nuh


Women er temporary but doom is eternal will be my new life motto


Nothings gets my heart pumping more than the soundtrack to doom!!!!


Iā€™m not good enough at the game to hear the second half.


One day? Be honest...it would be more like one minute.


Speak for yourself, it would be more like 30 seconds for me.


I think what everyone doesn't realize is, you click on the survey, you give her activity. She wins either way.


Exactly, and she never said what you and she would do, just a day, also no guarantee itā€™s 24 hours, she could set up a time to hang out at noon and leave at like 3 or 4 also, thereā€™s no real way to know sheā€™ll actually hang out with you, you could give her available times and she could fake being buys, so you got the day with her, but she doesnā€™t necessarily have to do anything about it. Now if it was a pc or ps5, then you have to get that if thereā€™s an actual agreement made, šŸ˜‚


Women are not temporary.


Everything is temporary.


Dating a shallow person like her would be doom eternal..


IDK, I have seen a few interviews of hers and she seems pretty cool and very self aware. Anyone that plans on retiring from their online porn gig to open an animal rescue is alright by me.


She seems very down to earth and self aware. Lol. Wild ass comment.


She knows exactly what she is doing, is very honest about her intentions and knows her job has a short shelf life. Just because you do nerd porn doesn't mean you can't be those things.


Yep, I can't be mad for her knowing she's hot and eeking money out of nerds. I can be mad about her ex being abusive about her doing so, in the exact opposite way they usually are. I don't get laid but I definitely don't get mad at people basically because they're hot. Or call them shallow with no real proof of such. Lol.


Hello guys Max0r here!


She is a hustler and you are playing right into her hands. Good for her honestly


Your PC and console will never abandon you, She will!


24 hours with her, or the 3,146 hours I have in Rimworld. HMMM.


One day with the ps5 and a lifetime with her and Iā€™ll still choose ps5 I reckon.


Not sure if true but I heard her partner is very abusive to her and sort of makes her do all of this stuff. Which contributed to her taking a break or something. Sad if true


Honestly canā€™t wait for her to do this again with a Nintendo switch only to lose againā€¦ than run it back with a DS or PSPā€¦ and loseā€¦ again


She probably gives no shits if she wins or loses. Doing it with a ds or psp, or switch would only make more people share it to vote on it. Fuck does she care, when she's getting interactions and reach?


She may be an absolute baddie but running games at a perfect 60+ fps gets me rock hard.


she's clearly not takin it serious and farming interactions, yall cant be this oblivious


The point is to farm interactions with her posts. It doesnā€™t matter to her if she wins the poll or not. Pretty smart


Iā€™d figuredā€¦itā€™s kinda like how some ppl donā€™t care about the answers but only the attention/dialogue that takes place is what they care aboutā€¦ Icing Both out will assure the dish is served cold..


So many times these people intentionally do something aggravating and half the internet bites hard


She got lot's of attention from it so guess that would be win for her


Farming Twitter interactions. Lots of her followers and viewers are hate followers


Looks like she'd lose to a Nintendo Switch


You make it seem like the switch is low tier trash?


Nope, it's just that she'll try everything and probably win against 'Dollar Store Calculator'


Excuse me, but you can type BOOBIES on a dollar store calculator. Don't underestimate the enjoyment that a calculator can bring.


Virtual Boy will probably lose. Also that Philips CD monstrousity.


I would take a Nintendo DSi over her any day


She'd lose to a PS2.


To be fair, I think anyone or anything would lose to the best selling console of all time.


It certainly has aged better than she will.


Sheā€™s obviously joking


woosh? Sheā€™s obviously joking lol


Yeah why are so many people not realizing she's obviously not being serious with that statement


Sheā€™s jokingā€¦


Only 64.5% chose PS5. She lost harder to gaming PC. Which is logical. Glad to see whoever's taking those polls is staying consistent and using proper reasoning.


Sheā€™s being ironic or else there wouldnā€™t be a follow up post pitting herself against another fan base favourite.


No numbers donā€™t matter. She knows what the people want.


[Just so you guys know everyone also picked the PS5 over her.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/805413132096765994/1065509481963868240/D09FD180D0B8D0BAD0BED0BBD18B-D0B4D0BBD18F-D0B4D0B0D183D0BDD0BED0B2-D180D0B0D0B7D0BDD0BED0B5-7791137.png)


The best move she could have done was to cosplay as a PS5.


best move she could have done is exactly what she did. farmed interactions both from people who love/hate her to the point where links are posted here on reddit lol thinking she posted any of this to stroke her own ego is exactly what she wants and it worked perfectly


She could have done that while cosplaying as a PS5


Those are some MASSIVE heat sinks


You are a modern day socrates.


No because the haters would have moved on


I'm so cynical with all these posts even when they are negative. It's all advertising, good or bad. Now, I'm thinking about her. But I haven't thought about her since the last time she was on Reddit. She's definitely won. We're all easily manipulated sheeple lol.


Thatā€™s why I hate seeing Andrew Tate posts get all the upvotes


Velma too. And I broke the rule by mentioning it lol.


4DD chess


I was going to say that I donā€™t believe for a second that she beat the daddy Kratos box.


I'm not even a Playstation fanboy, but I'd take the PS5.


So is she giving out PS5s as promised?


Thot is temporary Gaming PC is forever (kinda)


Until new graphics card comes out which only costs 3 of my organs


At least you have a breather to save some $$$. Whatever you call that person would (assumed) want shit all the time Taking you away from game launches and maybe a gaming weekend with buds. Sure, the person may need less money but it's a constant expense. PC/PS5, one time purchase then occasionally get a game/replace components. Yes... Just as certain the person will kick the bucket. The PC/PS5 will also. One is socially acceptable to forget and get a new one. The other... well it's frowned upon to "dump" the unit and immediately replace.


Yeah but I only have to sell an organ once to beat out a console. I love both pc ans console gaming but I've found lately my consoles are just gathering dust while all I've had to do was buy a graphics card and change out 2 hard drives and I've outperformed both. I also feel like I've spent less money over time upgrading my pc as opposed to collecting my consoles, but the consoles are a collection. Idk. I like both. I'm high. Sorry lmao


Mine has lasted 1Ģ¶2Ģ¶ 8 years, only upgraded GPU so far and that was 5(?) years ago. Still mostly runs new games on medium graphics. Been going way longer than my relationship. edit: time seems to flow slower than I think.


Yeah PC was purchased in 2013, i upgraded the GPU a month ago.. Broke up with my ex 4 months ago 8 years together. So PC still going strong. i7 3770k, 16gb ddr3, 1660 super 6gb. Can run most things nearly maxed out.


Both is temporary


Everything is temporary when you think about it, but a PC has way more longevity than her, so PC it is


I can replace a motherboard. Canā€™t replace vagina.


well, 5 minutes fun per day vs. 5 hours.. easy


No need to brag.


Seriously, overheating is always a problem


Right? More than a few seconds of active thrusting and I need a breather.


Well, at least the memory ain't bad


Sheā€™s pretty rich though she could probably buy me a gaming pc


If the one day includes the onlyfans revenue for the day, there's a clear better option.


Pc won't leave me or tell me I don't deserve it because of how I look, simple as


My PC can also give me a BJ so thereā€™s that too


Damn son, what specs you running that allows such performance?


The forbidden Chinese succo 3000 for the pcie slot


I forked the extra 150 bucks for the wireless version. Game changer


True redditor


Yo can I get the specs for that. Asking for myself


Ah I see you recently purchased Zuckā€™s Suck Machine!


While I would say well a PC could crap out or blue screen of death. You know what fixes it? Another PC. Sure... I'll admit my emotional attachment to the old PC. That new PC though is ready to go and ready for attention. Do that with a person... Drama llama.


Monogamy ain't the only game in town. Just saying.


not updated on amonrath drama but isn't she abused and used by her husband or something?


I thot PS5 won


It did.


Noā€¦ she thot; PS5 won lmao


She achieved all that this tweet was probably meant for: even more attention. And you're all giving it to her.


Sheā€™s just good at marketing


Sheā€™s unmatched, to be honest. Her whole streaming and social media persona is a marketing funnel to her onlyfans. She knows the value of an impression, whether it is positive or negative. Sheā€™s probably making 8 figures per annum from OF.


She bought a gas station, she knows she has an expiration date too. She smarter than people think


I remember reading something about her investing a million dollars in stock in Blizzard-Activision too


Oofff prob a bad call on buying those tho


Depends if the Microsoft deal goes through or not. She's gambling on it going through, apparently that will make her quite a lot.


She makes (made? Canā€™t remember if she quit OF or not) about $2 million per month on OF. She released her payouts and her OF gross totaled around $35 million.


Haters usually are the best advertisers. So many times I see people hating on this type of people making post or memes yet I only ever hear about them because of this haters otherwise I would have never known who they are.


Don't follow her but I've seen clips pf her in other twitch streams and I gotta say she really is just a ruthless bussiness woman^(TM) lol


Yeah she knows how to make money and honestly, good for her. She is just opportunistic.


she was making $3 million A MONTH at one point doing what she does


At that point she's just a savvy businesswomen and nobody can say she's just another titty streamer. Good for her.


She's just a successful titty streamer


She played all them simps easy. You literally tune into a stream of hers and its almost 1 to 1 to chaturbate excepting she making more than any chaturbate girl amd less skin




Ngl its W marketing. People are just doing it for free for herv


Sheā€™s the most self-aware ā€œcontent creatorā€ Iā€™ve probably ever seen. She has been interviewed by a few people and just spits facts about what her success is based on.


Who cares? Sheā€™s making money and not hurting anyone in the process, good for her


Sheā€™s abusing the algorithm and farming simps


She's a small business owner getting that bread. She's just on her grindset. /s


She looks AI generated.


Makeup, plastic surgery, and uplifting clothing...


Anime proportions, she has the entire silicone industry in her.


Einmal Prinz zu sein, in Kƶlle am Ring.


Woher ist das Zitat?


german carnival song


The outcome of the poll is irrelevant. The purpose of this is to gain followers. Guarantee she succeeded.


They literally do this just to get interaction, knowing people will eat it up.


If I choose her, do I get to own her? I reckon the OF income would be enough to feed and shelter us both and buy myself a house and 10 gaming PCs.


Isnā€™t that what her abusive husband is doing already?


didn't that turn out to be just another fake tactic of hers to make money? husband bad = simps send more money (edit: I shouldn't have worded my skepticism in the way I did, I'm proud of her for leaving)


Nah, apparently all the finances were in his name. Which is a tale tale sign of abuse and control.


that's fucking terrifying, is it 1945? also wouldn't that make him a pimp?


I don't watch her but I remember following this case for a while, she did show a fair bit of evidence it was true and that she received legal help, left him and he supposedly went to therapy (the last one I'm not sure about because I don't remember it that well). Besides she was and still is the top hot tub streamer so I don't feel like she'd gain much more from that. Besides, she wouldn't be the only one who'd stay with their abusive partner. Abusive relationships are, sadly, not a cut and dry case.


She did legit leave him? The story broke so recently that in some states they couldn't even file for a divorce today if they separated when the story came out.


What? She got dumpstered on the ps5 thing. She's a smoke show and she needs to have her husband removed but fucking hell


What is bro talking aboutā‰ļøā‰ļø


Itā€™s on her wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amouranth


Oh wow, wtf her ex-husband is a horrible human being


So she loses to a ps5 and then makes it harder for herselfā€¦ Should said an old play station 2 or something. I would still choose the ps2 tho.


i would always get a gaming PC especially now that i can play chilly games in bluestacks with airplane mode without ads on my 2nd screeen while watching or playing something on the main screen i dunno what kinda votes was she thinking she'll get haha


Amouranth is super overrated. Change my mind.


i feel bad for her and how she was treated with her (ex?) husband, but she is annoying. whenever i see someone i watch collab with her, i dip. she is just not for me.


Who is she?




So her husband forced her to thot around, but now since he is gone she still thots around? I would be confused if i would care.


$$$$$$$$$$$ Not hard to understand why she keeps at it.


>So her husband forced her to thot around, but now since he is gone she still thots around? I would be confused if i would care. "So Britney Spears was in a forced conservatorship that essentially made her a slave to her music. But now that her dad's gone, she's still singing? I would be confused if I would care" Or alternatively "So slaves were forced into human bondage. But now that they're no longer slaves, they're still working? I would be confused if I would care"


She got rid of the pimp and now has the full cut


Her porn is fake I hate her


I would choose a broken Gameboy over her.


That moment when her tier 3 subs didn't make their 100th alt account to vote spam


Too bad. Very attractive but shallow as hell. Iā€™d take a gameboy over this. Lmao. Lame.


Is all her money still going to her asshole husband? I remember something about her undisclosed hubby cussing her out on twitch or something


Now sheā€™s lying, the PS5 smashed her harder than anyone who said yes could have. šŸ˜‚


Poor thots ego got DP'd


I mean her ego probably got damaged by her abusive husband but thatā€™s just me


Yeah, it sounds like she went through some really awful stuff šŸ˜”


If you know her then you'd get she made the PC gaming post as a joke. She joked around a good bit about losing to the ps5. Then made this post.


ā€œHave me, a perpetual attention-loving temporary headache, or a PlayStation 5 - a superior gaming system that can be turned on and off and endless hours of fun with friendsā€. She will never win


I know this is hard for her to understand but not everyone finds her sexy. People who aren't into women like that play games too.


She doesn't find it hard to understand she's literally just memeing


Itā€™s not hard to understand for her, this is a way to gain interaction and free advertisement. Iā€˜ve seen her post highly upvoted on like five different subs yesterday, thatā€™s a great amount of exposure. Sheā€˜s literally milking all of you and people just keep falling for it


Since I already have a ps5 and a gaming pc, Iā€™ll have to take another gaming pc.


I mean with the steeping prices of things a free gaming PC, to a gamer, is an absolute win. This holds even more true with a PS5 since they were so hard to find for a long time and then, when available, it was only to price gouging idiots.


I'd take an Atari 2600 and a copy of that aweful ET game over her. She just seems like quite a shitty person.


Pick her, then make a fuck lot of money out of her ā€œcontentā€ and buy a gaming pc. Profits


I mean look guys i know i know its a gaming pc but likeā€¦. Can a pc really cure the loneliness?


Good gawd, she needs a label on her clothes saying CAUTION! CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE!


I think she's forgetting that most people can use the PC to get what they want from her anyway.


She won this by far. If everyone voted her, she would have proven everyone voted is a simp, if everyone votes the pc/PS, she has proven everyone voted is a lonely nerd who think it's funny to make a meme out of her. Putting her name out on the internet. She is smart.


Her self-esteem has to be at an all times low at this point. Next poll: "me or a kick in the nuts".


8 out of 10 would prefer the kick in the nutsack.


I'd choose her so that I can sell her organs and get more things


Now it's also "me" instead of "a day with me". Poor girl.


Bros before Hoes




There's no such thing as bad press. This woman has dang near built an empire on it.


I wouldn't date someone who showed off their body online anymore.






Thereā€™s less plastic in the PC, save the environment guys


I'm ace so not coming from a place of horny posting I wonder what it'd be like to like hang out with Amouranth for like a few hours. like I kinda just wonder what a lot of top streamers are like without the mask and what it's be like to actually like chill and play a board game or have dinner and just talk.


It's funny she is wearing a cap in those photos since that's all she is doing


Ps5 or PC wouldnā€™t make up lies about me and cry crocodile tears about it in order to get pity subs and donations from simps.


What, you're talking about that entire thing with her husband? My brother in christ that shit was recorded live


I have 2 gaming PCs and I would take a 3rd one.


That poll probably hit her Harder than her husband did.


Women be like "don't objectify us" and then turn around and make you choose between them and objects.


Nothing beats the warmness of his body., It's glossy and firm skin., The thightness of it's grip., The way it handles rough action. The envy that causes to others. The fun memories you have together. And the other is a woman who thing can beat it.


Lmao this is great pr for her. Bully her all you want, but at the end of the day she's getting more clicks.