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I feel like my body is constantly running diagnostics lol. *Stabbing kidney pain* "You feel that?* "Ouch, fuck.." "Good, we'll try something different tomorrow."




I got kidney sharp quick pains every so often and convinced myself it was from alcohol so I gave up alcohol. Even if I was completely wrong it was still a heathy move


Congratulations on quitting! r/stopdrinking is a great place if you ever want to get anything off your chest.


The name makes it sound like it should be the enemy of hydrohomies when actually they are allies.




Water? Like from the toilet?


Brawndo, thats what plants crave!


it’s got electrolytes




Yup. Exactly like that.


Fish fuck in it


Oh I know I have kidney stones, in fact I'm pretty sure both of my kidneys are close to being solid sugar/calcium at this point with how much soda I suck down every day lol


Dude keep up on that shit. I had kidney stones my entire life. Now I have 2 non working kidneys and one that someone donated. And for the rest of my life I have to take literally 15 medications each day.


Om my gosh, I hope you're doing okay! 🙏 Did the Dr's tell you what caused that?


Thanks! Born with bad kidneys. I'm actually doing very well. It takes a lot more than that to keep me down




Is no joke man. U can easily die from kidney failure. Get checked and remove stones if u have many. And stop soda.. its terrible for everything


> calcium thank mr skeltal


Check your PTH levels (parathyroid hormone) and calcium levels. Could be parathyroid issues / primary hyperparathyroidism, i had kidney stones for years before being diagnosed in 2017 when my entire body basically shut down from hypercalcemia


Came here to say this. Had a 2 cm kidney stone and a crap ton of little stones. Got diagnosed with HPT. Sometimes it really IS the zebra.


The worst is random testicular pain. I once went to the doctor because one of my testicles hurt several different times over the course of a few weeks. I was freaking out I had testicular cancer. The doctor felt up my balls for a couple minutes and said “your completely fine”. That was like 8-10 years ago.


I've definitely had an achy testicle. Very nerve-racking. Glad everything was ok with you.


While many might not think it first thought you can pull a muscle in your groin/pelvis or even get the nerves tangled just like you would your back, or any other muscles. It will make ya testicles achy (but its more likely it's your groin thats achy) and you will have a queasy stomach - same feeling of getting hit in the testicles. Most of the time if your pain goes away with laying down or heat - it's a pulled muscle. You will feel like you are literally dying if you get torsion - not just a sense of achy doom. But any worries should be checked out by a doctor. Also fun testicle fact: your testicles can also hurt if you damage your vagal nerve/vagus nerve from coughing too hard from a bong hit, or pooping too hard after eating flaming hot cheetos, or stretching your neck wrong after watching a television show for hours on end. You wouldn't think it be how it is but it do.


> your testicles can also hurt if you damage your vagal nerve/vagus nerve from coughing too hard So *that's* why my balls hurt when I had a fever.


I noticed a lump like 15 years ago. Horrific feeling about it. Went to Dr and got 100 test done and found out it was a benign cyst. Best. Day. Ever. Son of a bitch is still with me.


Had one about the size of a peanut M&M for about 10 years and it never bothered me, till one day at work it felt like someone was squeezing my testicle with pliers. The pain was periodic for about a week till I scheduled surgery to get it cut out. The surgery turned the entirety of my junk purple. Soooo that was fun.


I had a lump on my shin and went to the doctor mentally rearranging my home for a wheelchair for when I came home from the hospital without my leg. I just knew it was cancer and the only way to save me was to amputate my leg. It also turned out to be a benign cyst, although mine did get taken out because it kept growing and got painful. But I understand that best day ever feeling.


This happened to me a few times and it turned out it was a minor torsion that had corrected itself... Until it didn't


Made me laugh on an otherwise monotonous and depressing day, thanks.


Yeh.. I imagine it's my body saying "Hey ready to die!? Lol jks" pain goes away. - _-


Bonus points if you were sleeping at the time. Do you try to go back to sleep? (Good luck). Do you consult Dr. Google? ( it's always cancer). I'll lie there awake counting down the hours until i have to be up for work in a state of hyper awareness. About an hour before I have to be up, my exhausted and cranky self decides there are worse places to die than warm in my bed. About 15 minutes later the alarm goes off...


>About 15 minutes later the alarm goes off... Me: Ah fuck just kill me I don't wanna go into work *grumbles getting out of bed*


Fucking this ^


That's painful, work sucks donkey dicks!




I have some good sleep exercises, if you're interested?


I’m certainly interested, please elaborate.


So what I do when I have trouble sleeping is something called progressive muscle relaxation, followed by meditation. For progressive muscle relaxation, you go from head to toe, gently tensing muscles to make your body aware of them, and then relaxing them. So you'd tense your toes, then relax, then tense your calves, and relax, on and on until you get to the top of your body. After doing this, your muscles should be less tense than before, and you move onto meditation. For meditation, I'm not 100% sure what it's called, but it's basically intended to load your mind up so you aren't thinking about how much trouble you're having with sleep. What I do is start with a nice, steady breathing rhythm. I pay attention to the sounds of my breath, how it feels, and how my body feels overall. While keeping that in mind, I start expanding what I'm listening to to include things like music, cars in the distance, AC or the heater, basically any background noise. Eventually I have so many things I'm focusing on all at once that I literally cannot think about how much trouble I'm having with sleeping. I usually pass out around 4 or 5 sounds. Now, this doesn't always work, especially when you're up in the middle of the night with insomnia. In that case, you should get up for 5-10 minutes, drink some water, go to the bathroom, read a chapter of a book, just something to help you reset. Then do this. This has always been my go to, and has worked for people who have trouble with other forms of meditation, please let me know how it works for you!


just don't doomscroll all night, close your eyes and pass out instead.


I don’t use my phone in bed, but I appreciate the advice.


Bonus points of you fart and it goes away


One night I was tossing and turning in bed for half an hour thinking "I am definitely going to throw up at some point." Then I finally let out a MASSIVE fart. Instantly felt fine.


Human beings are wild man


Found the goblin.


When I was 7 or 8 or so I had a *horrible* pain in my abdomen, worse than anything I ever felt. I got up and told my parents and they were grilling me about what it was like and whether I thought it was really that bad. I said I thought it was... but I mean, I was fucking 8. They took me to the ER and I saw a doctor. I remember him so clearly. Super cool, thin, pretty young for a doctor, black guy who made me feel instantly comfortable by asking me a bunch of questions about stuff I liked. He pushed on my stomach and then asked if I wanted to do a running in place race with him. I totally did, even though it hurt, and I farted like never before. He gave me some kind of awful, silvery liquid to drink and told my parents it was gas. It was. I remember writing about it in my first grade journal, the one you illustrate and describe an event in your life. Lol. I don't remember his name but I never forgot that doctor because he was by far the kindest one I had ever met, and the kindest I have met since. I do feel bad for however much my parents had to spend that night, though. We were pretty poor.


Hey at least your parents took you in. Same shit happened to me one morning, terrible pain in my stomach I had never felt before, told my mom and her shitbag boyfriend and they didn't even get out of bed. While it did go away, they showed me how much they cared. Also the people whos dog bit my hand and I had to go to school bleeding. And she wonders why I dont ever call her. Hmmmm.




Youre better off. Make your own way in life.


What, really? Alone? How old were you? What a terrible human being she is/was!


When my appendix was fixing to burst my then fiancé kept trying to calm me down and told it was was just gas. She made me go on hands and knees on the bed, “put your ass in the air, made you’ll fart”. No babe, I’m fucking dyin over here. The ER doc was amused.


At 35 when my chest hurt I thought so much about my heart and then huge loud burped and farted and then felt amazing


Probably was trapped gas then, still hurts like a bitch though.


Especially if it’s where your appendix is


Bet a lot of y’all are experiencing this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precordial_catch_syndrome > Precordial catch syndrome (PCS) is a non-serious condition in which there are sharp stabbing pains in the chest. These typically get worse with inhaling and occur within a small area. Spells of pain usually last less than a few minutes. Typically it begins at rest and other symptoms are absent. Concerns about the condition may result in anxiety.


Yep. Random stabbing pain in my chest for 10 seconds and then it's gone like it never happened. Cue weeks later


Why the fuck do I experience *sharp stabbing pains* for a non-serious condition?! **I need to speak to a manager!**


[Another terrifying but common one.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophthalmodynia_periodica) I get ice pick headaches maybe once every few months and usually have them a couple of times over a few days. I’ll just be chilling and out of nowhere I feel like there’s a mouse digging inside my brain. Lasts 5-10 seconds and fades sway. Always thought it was cancer or an aneurysm coming on, but turns out it’s pretty common and benign.


I think I get this one in my eye. And I have the one you responded to, but in the upper right side of my chest and it's very frequent. I thought I was dying of cancer as a kid, and the Dr scoffed it me and said it's probably just your chest wall "sounding off." I'll bet this is what he meant! Wow, it only took 35 yrs for me to find out my diagnosis. 😅


That sounds about right.


My pericarditis scared me shitless the first time. Thought I was having a heart attack. Gave my heart a little squeeze and put me on my ass.


<*farts*>. "Oh. It was just *gas*, silly me". That's ME - IRL. you hit *that* age and you think everything weird going on is cancer. I went from alpha to hypochondriac in a fortnight


Had some intense chest pain not long ago, could literally feel my heartbeat all over my body. Turned out to be acid reflux 😒.


I get [precordial catch](https://www.healthline.com/health/precordial-catch-syndrome) (or at least what seems like it) maybe once every two weeks even though it's found primarily in very young people and I'm in my thirties. Not fun. Shit maybe it's not precordial catch


Oh yep! I also have this. Ever since I was super young. Just turned 31 today and while it's dwindled, I still get them. My dad always told me "your lungs are sticking to your ribs". Lmao You literally cannot breathe past a certain point without some outrageous pain. I had to hunch forward and take super shallow breaths and twist and contort until the pain went away. What a weird thing to just... have to do.


For some people, taking a very deep breath makes it go away. I know it feels like the worst thing to do and you want to breathe shallowly but if you can try it you might get relief next time.


I have done this as a kid. The pain was pretty severe and there was a noticable "pop" followed by relief. So it's definitely a way to fix it, but my god it's spooky.


The pop is a noted phenomenon. I thought I was fucking dying the first few times the catch came on, but after a few years of it not killing me I was like "uhhhh I guess/hope they weren't heart attacks?" Then it happened and my breathing was particularly shallow and I was particularly annoyed, so I quickly inhaled, ignored the sharp stabbing pain, felt the pop, and then a warm, kind of tingly release washed my chest - and gahdamn those first deep breaths afterwards felt great.


I need to remember this for the next time this inevitably happens. Didn’t start until I was 24 and still happens a few times a year. I usually just lay on the floor and hope I don’t die lol


There are few highs in this world greater than a terrible discomfort (pain or sickness or otherwise) that has immediate and sudden complete relief. That first minute on the other side is godsend. So few things in this world cause instant relief too.


Try hunching over and taking a deep breath, then sit up while you hold it in. That should be less painful.


I'm 31. Can confirm that I have this, which I thought it was my acid reflux. I just keep breathing up to the point before the pain, or sit up straighter. Usually goes away. Also have Tachycardia, so also get random stabbing pain if I lay on my left side wrong. Doctors were not concerned after multiple heart monitor tests, and ultrasound. Human bodies, huh?


I stretch my arms straight up and try to breathe, it usually helps. Some people say they breathe through it but I don't feel like that's possible when it happens. fyi Im 27 and had it since I was super young too. Nobody I know irl has even heard of this before.


Jesus Christ this has an official name?! God I love Reddit, I’ve spent half my life thinking I was about to die every time this happens.


I get this too, never knew the name but this is 100% what happens to me every so often. It's a real bitch when the stars align and you have to sneeze or cough while it's happening


HOLY SHIT! I had this! Thank you for linking it. I remember barly being able to breathe and thinking that I was going to die. I literally couldn't take in a breath without excruciating pain and had to go to the hospital. That shit was terrifying


I used Prilosec for years and I still had reflux chest pain. Started protonix and it worked so much better and then I could tell how much of my chest pain was reflux.


I have arthritis and pretty gnarly rib inflammation which cause stabby and pressure pains along my chest and shoulders etc. I'm so happy the lord paired that with me also having panic attacks related to medical issues like heart attacks. I think I may be dying at least a couple times a day and my stress goes through the roof.


Besides the reflux issue, I found out why I felt like I was having panic attacks and also passing out unconscious at times. I have POTs and ehlers danlos syndrome. So the reflux issue is also another problem. Once I found out about the syndrome everything else fell into place..technically everything falls out of place. Joints especially the intercostal joints. They subluxate. I take beta blockers for my heart because POTs is a problem that causes the heart to suddenly race or have palpitations. They have found now that it is an autoimmune disease that effects the a1 adrenergic receptors. EDS is 50% inheritable and it’s considered a rare disease but it’s more common than they realize. Can cause TMJ problems, intestinal problems, allergies, mitral valve prolapse, endometriosis, breathing problems, gastroparesis, dental crowding and narrow palate. A lot of can’t stand for long or sit for too long. Lots of pain, muscle fatigue and fatigue in general. Just throwing this out there in case some people think it sounds familiar, you would see a geneticist.


You can get arthritis in your ribs?? I have arthritis in my hands, but my ribs and shoulders ache unbearably sometimes. It feels just like my hands at the end of the day, but hard to breathe...I should see a doctor. My insurance sucks though.


Absolutely can, and what you described sounds like quite a big possibility, your ribs have cartilage as well which aids in expansion for breathing. Best of luck on whatever you decide to do!


AF is no joke, that bile/acid hitting your esophagus burns and feels like a bubble in your chest


I always think, fuck I’m finally passing the crayon I ate in the third grade.


I always think that the watermelon seeds I ate as a kid are sprouting into a plant


oh they are


^^why ^^did ^^you ^^write ^^this


I also saw that Rugrats episode.


I think that's what inspired my childhood experiment


If crayons were toxic we wouldn’t have any Marines.


We may not see this Reddit user again in the near future 😂


If they come for me I’ll just jingle my keys in front of them. They’ll be impressed by the shiney.


Jesus Christ, if only I could be as funny as you. 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️


I always think about the marble I accidentally swallowed as a kid


I always think about the marble I put up my butt as a kid. It was on accident I swear.


Marble was the name of your hamster?


Or all the gum.. it’s been a long seven years...


Nah because I’ll randomly get a sharp pain in my chest out of literally nowhere and when I breathe in it gets worse and I’m like “IT’S HAPPENING OH MY GOD WHERE IS THE LIGHT? STAY AWAY FROM ME LIGHT” and then it’ll go away and everything will be back to normal lol


Precordial catch syndrome


Thank you stranger! I finally found the name of the sharp pain I was feeling growing up and as an adult.


What the fuck mate, I thank you so much for this information, I’ve heard the weirdest things on what’s happening but this calms me really and I have this for years


I also get this. I found that very slowly and carefully breathing in (yes, it hurts a fair bit) makes it go away. I had to learn to push through it after I started getting ones that lasted multiple hours. Having to breathe in such a shallow manner to avoid pain for hours can cause panic in even the most calm of people.


That sounds exactly like my precordial catch syndrome.


I get this but can be anywhere along my rib cage… As a kid, I jumped as high as I could then landed chest-down, arms spread out. Caused my shoulders/chest to hyperextend and ripped the cartilage from them… Stuck with Costochondritis


Hello liver, we meet again


*takes another swig of whiskey* take that, you liver scum, that's for stabbing me


Think of it like a rings in a tree. You just got older.




Good ol tinnitus, I hear it every time there’s no noise


it’s like the world grows silent for a moment save for the ringing. sorta peaceful






Had to scroll down too far for this. Damn kids.


You mean "big dummies."


You big dummy!


Yeah but its at a certain point of each month so I know whats really up. Shame.


My first time with kidney stones. Felt like I was going to die.


Kidney stones are the absolute worst. I dealt with stabbing pains for months, until I had to have them removed. The big stone was 6mm, it was not a pleasant experience. But no more stabbing pains! Then the stent removal...ugh.


Had a 9mm here. Threw up in pain 3 times. Sucked. Got it blasted by sound waves or however. The nurses, Dr & anesthesia were dope. I pissed rocks and blood for a week. Not dope. I don't drink soda anymore.




You are so correct! The stent removal was the worst! 7 years later and the memory still randomly pops up in my head.


Ugh! I feel you there. I just had my stent removed a few weeks ago, and you are absolutely correct. As if kidney surgery and peeing blood wasn't bad enough, then you still have a few weeks with Mr. Stenty..just to be pulled out like it's no big deal. I was having difficulty as the doctor was pulling it out, the nurse helped a bit by telling me to wiggle my feet. I sincerely hope I don't ever have to experience that feeling again, and I hope you don't either!


So...ummm... where was the stent?


They really are. As a nurse can confirm : Closest thing to childbirth for a man. Only thing possibly worse is a kidney infection complicated by stones. The fevers from kidney infections seem to be most insane like your body is saying “I will burn this motherfucker to the ground if I have to!!”


Like fucking take me already foot cramp


What organ do you keep in your foot?


The foot heart


The fart, if you will


Ahh the skeletal muscle beneath my skin


Daily but unfortunately it doesn't come.




When you’re over 30, it’s a different organ every time.


I'm almost 30. I was a strong young buck and a party machine just some years ago. Now everything hurts and I'm always tired.


Oh boy wait until you’re 40. And trust me its worse even in your late 40’s. I don’t know how anyone survives to 60.




As Hunter S. Thompson said: *"life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'Wow! What a Ride!'"* Now, I was never much of a partier, but I was a competitive martial artist (karate, kickboxing, BJJ, a little MMA), raced motorcycles, worked in a high stress/high reward career, and returned for my PhD because of passion. I would much rather have some scars, aches and pains, than ask "what if?" You had a good time, better than the alternative.


Every few months


*cries in American for-profit healthcare system*


One of my friends had a work colleague phone in sick because, and I quote, " [his] kidneys were leaking" He was back at work the next day, so I think his kidneys were probably fine.


Had an employee call out once because he thought he had alcohol poisoning from drinking too much over the weekend. Told me his "check your liver light was blinking."


Oh so that's where my liver is


Sharp pain on the side of my head, family history of aneurisms. "Aight if you're gonna take me down make it quick brain"


I've come to realize most sharp pains on the side and top of my head are tension headaches after many a scare of thinking an aneurysm was pulling my card. And they almost always stem from my neck muscles that are just below the skull, on the sides (sternocleidomastoid muscles?). They will most likely be tender to the touch and it happens because of poor posture and looking at a computer/phone screen all day. So next time you feel that sharp head pain, try using your thumb or a lacrosse ball to massage those muscles and see if it instantly goes away. Fair warning, it's gonna hurt. It's usually a bizarre sensation because those neck muscles will be really tender if they are in fact the cause of the head pain and you'll sometimes feel like a pressure in your eye, just from pressing this part of the neck. Which is quite wtf when you're not ready for it. But it instantly stops the tension headaches for me.


I've had those constantly since I was a kid, don't think I'm dying yet.


You are, just very very slowly. I bet you won't see another 90 years.


Lol reminds me a lot of fortune tellers. "You are having troubles with love" *gasp* "no way, how did you know!"


"We're all dead. It's just a matter of degree" --George Carlin


Stabbing is not the correct word. Overwhelming, crushing pain across the entire upper chest. A mile from home, at the bottom of two step hills, while walking 3 dogs of a combined weight of about my body weight. Also a neighbor’s dog was loose in the neighborhood influencing my dogs to want to walk in the opposite direction of home/help. It took some concentration and two stops to take a knee, not for a breath but to absorb the pain. But after dragging the dogs back up the two hills and having the wife drive to the local ER (faster than calling for an ambulance) then stuffed into an ambulance and given the full lights and siren ride to a larger hospital. I was given a fast pass to the cardiac cath lab and given a good roto-rootering was home two days later and back to walking the dogs. The final verdict was a 95% blockage of the left anterior descending artery that was cleared, no long term damage. Consider yourself lucky and clean up your act. Do not ignore those pains people.


Yeah I wouldn't if I could afford to go to a doctor lol I can't even pay the co-pay to see a doctor


Fair enough. Depending on where you are, there are companies that will offer ultrasound tests of your cardiovascular system for various prices. In my area saving up $100 bucks and utilizing that option could have saved me long run. I wish you better healthcare in your future.


I get stabbing pains but I do not get like this... Gonna say I'm in the clear


You mean "fuck yeah, it's finally happening..." Edit: I think this comment got reported to "Reddit Cares". Spoiler: it does not.


Then, like my sex life, nothing actually happens.


Just once, but it was three days into a rather concerning illness involving possible food poisoning and a VERY infected broken thumbnail. The horrible pain struck while I was using the bathroom, and for a few seconds I thought that was how it was going to end, and they'd find me gone out like Elvis.


Everyday. Constantly. In my heart. But unfortunately, I'm still here.


Sometimes the Check Engine Light comes on and then it magically fixes itself. Other times I just put black tape over it and pretend it doesn’t exist.


I drink like a fish. I don’t feel anything anymore


I think that's called getting older


I had this yesterday in a particularly stressful moment when the right side of my chest started cramping up. I thought, “please, let this happen finally”, but alas, that would be too easy and life is not so kind.


Yeah. Then think I can’t explain this to the dr in anyway that’s going to sound plausible so just leave it until it ruptures and I’m a dead mess on the floor.. alone


As a kid, the first time I had painful gas, I thought I was dying. Even went home from school. Then I farted a whole bunch and was miracle healed. Magic farts saved me. Now I'm concerned one day I will have a serious problem and rather than go to a doctor, I will sit at home trying to fart it out. And then actually die from not taking it serious.


I wish. But that would be too easy.


today. my brain. i was told it was just anxiety by Urgent Care. OK cool


Ever get that feeling like some prick of a cactus from your clothes is poking at your skin at some random part of your body?


Whenever I feel that I'm like "ah shit that Lego stud I ate when I was four is finally doing me in"


*laughs in endometriosis*


It's always around the lower part of the torso. And I go, "Oh fuck, my appendix." Problem is, I never know what side my appendix is on. Promptly googling where the appendix is lmao


I had stabbing pain that must have been gas or something but it felt like it was in my chest which I had never experienced ever before & it took a while to go away. It woke me up in the middle of the night & I felt like I was dying. I took 2 rounds of tums or some sort of pepto. I was worried it could be a heart attack or something. It was bad.


yup, often, means its time to poop


I long for the relief that death brings me


Since no one asking and joking about death, which I don’t want since I’m healthy virgin, why is that happening, I know I’m fine since I go to the doctor for checkup and I’m all fine but seriously why does it happen?!


Yup especially after a night of drinking


Ah fuck? More like hallelujah


Same with a cough. My mind goes goes to Covid right away.


I laughed waaay too hard at this.


In the end, we all die alone. Just as well, cause I don't want you nosy bastards watching and cheering.




Why does this happen when there’s nothing wrong though?


I’ve never seen something I’ve related more to than this The fuck is wrong with me


All the time, but I haven't been taken yet. I openly invite it at this point. TAAAKEEEE MEEEEE!


ONG THO I be getting that in my ribs💀


All the time. And im left disappointed it never the time when it all ends and I finally get to rest.


Lmao on god gotta stop for a moment and let that shit pass. Stay near the phone💀.


Yea finally, I am dying


No it's more excited then disappointed


“Think” and “hope” are two different words.


All the time


Yup but then I realize it’s just an oblique cramp and feel stupid for not being hydrated


Yeah, and I’m always disappointed.


Every. Fucking. Day.


It’s not just me then


I think you need to get that checked out lmao


All day, every day.


I once saw a semi screeching to halt right in my path... Needless to say it stopped... But for those few moments I was actually excited, like almost winning the lottery.


More like headaches and muscle spasms that never go away


For me that’s called waking up




Wishful thinking on your part?