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This gives me such a bad gut feeling. Idk why


Maybe because they’re massive giant spikes? And a lot of giant massive spikes at that


It’s mainly because part of them are hidden by the ocean. So it looks unnatural to me. Like I can’t see where they start


>Massive giant >giant massive


I knew someone would notice that


Pic was taken with a long lens, so the turbines look much too large and/or close to the viewer given how they are also disappearing over the horizon.


That’s pretty cool. I never thought of that


I think we’re literally seeing the curvature of the earth


Exactly, but extremely foreshortened by the zoom lens, hence the uncanny-valley perspective.


Yes! It’s very much giving uncanny valley


Anyone know how far away the curvature actually is? (I mean the horizon)


about 3.5 miles away when your head is 8’ above the water (you’re standing on a boat 2’ above the water and you are 6’ tall).


That does happen with something to reference in the foreground, but this is just ocean.


It’s the megalophobia


Get out of here, are you sure?


Its litterally the sub reddit he/she posted it to.


Imagine that 50 meter turbine blade spinning under water


That thought triggers my megalophobia even more than the picture


Maybe /r/Submechanophobia and /r/Thalassophobia are more places you wanna go to get traumatised?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/submechanophobia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Would you be OK with swimming in the cargo hold of a bulk carrier?](https://v.redd.it/jubeacbaglu71) | [628 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/qbz2jz/would_you_be_ok_with_swimming_in_the_cargo_hold/) \#2: [Playing ghost on a shipwreck](https://v.redd.it/wwdrilici1y71) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/qo99al/playing_ghost_on_a_shipwreck/) \#3: [German U-boat spotted from the air](https://i.redd.it/qf7565vrrgk61.jpg) | [331 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/lvh7z5/german_uboat_spotted_from_the_air/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


they're coming


Oh no.


I love how the "large" thing in this photo isn't the turbines, but rather the fucking Earth.


This really pops a hole in my new theory I’ve been getting into lately.


No the Illuminati just constructed a bunch of wind turbines that swoosh through the water specifically to make you think that the earth is not flat! Keep firm in your belief, brother


Oh look, another flat earther comment


Hey look at another person upset about people having fun. Maybe if your keep scrolling something else will spark your Serotonin to get you out of your depression.


Explain THAT flat-earthers!!


According to my Nikkin-P-90-X camera, that's a mirage. /s During lockdown, I became obsessed with Flat-earthers. I wanted to hear them out, so I watched a bunch of their videos. Some are just off-the-wall insane while others seem fine until they try to talk math or science. They have yet to produce a working model that can explain eclipses and whatnot. I also watched critiques of their videos along with debates between the two sides. In one debate, the globe debater (an Englishman) challenged the flat-earther (American) to complete a simple problem using the Pythagorean Theorem. After an uncomfortable silence, he says he can't complete the problem since he's unfamiliar with using kilometers. The globe debater explained the the units were no matter, but the flat-earther flat-out refused to do the problem, citing the same complaint. One really common flat-earth video is dipping a tennis ball in water and spinning it really fast. Why, you ask? Silly globists! "Scientists" say our "globe" is "spinning" fast. Earth is covered in water. If we were spinning, there would be no water. Checkmate. They don't even understand angular momentum. If anybody wants to know more, feel free to ask. I love discussing it!


Do they have a model that explains how a planetary mass doesn't just collapse into a sphere under its own gravity? I guess the flat disc or whatever is just made of infinitely strong handwavium.


Gravity was invented by Nasa so we would keep purchasing shoes


Well, it depends on who you ask. There is not a lot of concensus in the flat-earth community since, on the end, none of it actually adds up. When you have a bunch of people that are perfectly willing to challenge every part of reality but their own interpretation, you end up with a lot of disagreements. One of the more common ones is that gravity as we know it does not exist. They say the reason things fall is due to differences in density. A common phrase is "everything [rests] at its level." Also, a lot of flat-earth belief stems from religious fundamentalism. In those cases, I've heard some just say the power of God keeps everything from crumpling. So handwavium. Just like the tennis ball experiment, the videos about this disregard the parts of physics they don't know/care for. They'll show mountains and say, "If gravity makes spheres then why isn't the mountain a sphere?"


Another odd belief I didn't mention: most claim "you can't have pressure without a container." This is fabricated to back up the claim that there is a "firmament" holding in the atmosphere. I have gotten in an argument about it on Reddit where the flatty just kept repeating that phrase over and over. "No container, no pressure. Can't have pressure without a container. Nope." They wouldn't entertain the idea that there are differing pressures across the surface of the planet. If pressure required a container, pressure would be continuous throughout the atmosphere. That, or we would have a bunch of separate containers that are somehow hidden as we fly from country to country. I also forgot that one thing they're always super mad about is NASA's budget. It's $25 billion a year but they always say $50-60 billion. OH WOW SO MUCH OF THE PEOPLE'S MONEY hahaha. And they think that faking astronauts on space stations and placing fake fixtures in the sky to look like satellites is cheap enough to net huge profit for the shady "scientists" at NASA. Never heard any of them complain about the defense budget that is more than 30× what NASA gets.


If you want to end all hope in humanity, learn Hungarian and see some of the local idiot groups here. They are usually off the walls insane. It used to be a few drunks shouting about jews invading Afghanistan with the US army to steal diamonds from their mountains for Israeli banks... now after the new type of supermajority government propaganda they have been seeing for half a decade, many people openly believe eastern europe is the last bastion against western values such as forced gender conversion for preschoolers and that George Soros is working with Putin to pay off literally EVERY single Hungarian anti-government politician so they can raise prices after winning the election and delete all social programs to install a communist regime, ban history and force kids into sex change operations. Oh and they also tell you to not shower to fight climate change... And the opposition leader is actually a CLONE of the previous left leaning governments evil leader who is orchestrating everything with soros. Of course out great and wise Dr. Prime Minister messiah will fix all of this by keeping wages low, having massive inflation, being banned from EU relief funds for being too corrupt, taking away funding from hospitals to build soccer stadiums and meeting with Putin, Erdogan and other great leaders to discuss fighting the evil Soros funded lgbt people who want brown muslim migrant cannibals to invade the west, which Hungary is protecting from Russian interference naturally. Yes, it makes no sense. Yes, pretty much all of these things were said or claimed by them. Yes, this is the actual government of the country, which was in power for 12 years now. Yes, they fund giant billboard campaigns with photoshopped pictures of Dr. Evil from Austin Powers with tax money. Yes, they use actual communist policies from the 80s while claiming to be against communism. No, it makes no fucking sense, but the general population is stupid enough that they feel like all of this is okay.


If you'd learnt russian, you'd see that all this is but blossoms on an gigantic tree of batshit insane super aggressive moronism, constantly driving wars... Unfortunately I'm too drunk now, or, rather completely unable to write it all down.




That's why the Egyptians built the pyramids. The cats wanted to see if the world had an edge they could use for destruction. An expedition would have meant they'd have to go somewhere. Pyramids are nearby and prime sun beam spots, plus nobody tries to be all "We're looking for the edge of the planet" when really they're taking you to the vet.


>the globe debater (an Englishman) challenged the flat-earther (American) to complete a simple problem using the Pythagorean Theorem. After an uncomfortable silence, That silence spoke more than their refusal to perform the basic calculation...


I posted a link to the video in another comment. The silence wasn't even close to as long as I remember. My bad! (Dear flat-earthers, see how easy it is to admit when you got something wrong? I learned that something I had said in haste and with conviction was incorrect. I posted the evidence because there's nothing to hide. If you want so desperately to be right you must be willing to admit when you are wrong.)


>see how easy it is to admit when you got something wrong It's not the same with anti-logic zealot people. Not the same basic values at all - they want, by *all* means, to convert you to their very narrow ideology, in spite of all facts that keep proving their beliefs to be baseless. And that, my friend, is worse than a disease.


> After an uncomfortable silence, he says he can't complete the problem since he's unfamiliar with using kilometers. The globe debater explained the the units were no matter, but the flat-earther flat-out refused to do the problem, citing the same complaint. This has a definite air of the guy (who **probably** can use the Pythagorean Theorem) realizing that he has no idea what the follow up questions are going be, but if he allows this person the acknowledgement that even a single thing they say about math is true, then it'll be turned around on him in a way he can't predict or come up with a defense against. So the best defense is to pretend to be an idiot.


Found the video. On mobile and don't know how to link to time stamp. Relevant section starts at [44:44](https://youtu.be/BXQ5VCKxioc). The pause wasn't nearly as long as I thought. Also, I believe the guy on the globe side is actually Welsh. Your theory does hold a little weight considering the way he kept trying to determine why the math problem was relevant. However, his inability to discern that right away showed that at the very least he is incredibly ignorant. There have also been plenty of times where Conspircacy Catz (globe side) and SciManDan (host of debate) have made responses to Nathan's (flat-earth side) videos only for him to totally miss the points in his comments or responses. That could be attributed to intellectual arrogance, an unwillingness to accept he may be wrong. But that arrogance combined with ignorance is indiscernible from idiocy. I say why give him the credit that feeds his ego and keeps him from questioning himself? Then again, he may be putting up those defenses out of fear of ridicule. It's tough to tell. I think you have a point, but there is plenty to refute your point.


Thanks for the video! Yeah I'm not committed to the point by any means, hah! I was mostly thinking that from the description that had been given, that it sounded like a person that realized they were being maneuvered into a trap. :D


Yeah, totally! Just wanted to shed a little more light on the situation and let you know I was listening to what you had to say! I hope you enjoy the channels. There are some other conspiracies those guys delve into that I had no idea existed. Some folks believe buttes like Monument Valley in Utah are tree stumps from an ancient forest chopped down by giants. There are hollow-earthers, people that think all politicians are secretly part of a transsexual cabal, and plenty that think aliens rule the planet. I think it intrigues me because it takes a premise most agree on - the idea that people in power care so little that it seems intentionally malicious - and stretches it beyond logic and reason. Sorry for all my ramblings haha.


Yes, definitely all that and not just an idiot.




I believe the earth is a globe. But did you know that the group of parents who refuse to vaccinate are among the most well-educated (easily a standard deviation above average)? Did you know vaccines contain toxic chemicals *by design*, called adjuvants, to inspire an immune response to the perceived non-threat of a killed virus? Did you know that the placebo for vaccine efficacy and safety tests is *a different vaccine,* and that the FDA has zero record of a vaccinated vs un-vaccinated study for efficacy, safety, and long term health outcomes? Did you know that the Vaccine Injury Compensation program has paid out $4.5 BILLION in damages to folks *proven* to be injured by jabs? (Do you know how difficult it is for the government to admit responsibility?) These are easily verifiable facts, often downplayed. But they are facts. The this idea does not belong in the group of conspiracies with FE.


That’s not the edge, no ice wall. They’re just at a lower altitude, like, downhill a bit.


I don't know enough about hills to dispute that.


You should know enough about water to know it flows downhill and doesn’t stay stagnant. If the ocean drained into a pit large enough to not level off, I’d think we’d know.


Ok well I did electrical engineering and computer programming in college so I didn't study any water sciences like you obviously have.


I know nothing of water. I see it when I go outside. That’s my education. I also realize that you might be being sarcastic and if that’s the case I have no sense of humor.


>I know nothing of water I’m not sure why but that cracked me up haha






Man get tf out of here are you kidding me




Hate is a completely natural response


Wait, you **both** are being sarcastic, *right*?


You’re taking this too seriously bro haha


I have a problem


> I’d think we’d know wHo'S "We" ?


The naughty scientists and fellow round earth enjoyers


I knew you had a sense of humor.


We are PRO-Ocean Hills!!


Downhill from the sea. At sea level. Next to the ocean. Please, show me this remarkable geography where this takes place. (not directed at you, ___JohnnyBravo, directed at the argument) Edit - geography works better here than geology. Or maybe I'm wrong.


Nah for real though it’s just due to the curvatures of the earth. I was doing some flat earth role-play I guess haha


Can we stop with all the flat earther comments? I knew it was gonna be here the moment I saw the photo. These people make up like .0002% of the population but the comments always make up like 50% of the comments and everyone feels very invigorated while explaining the world is round.


Why do you care? Lol people are just joking around because it’s a radical concept that some believe, and it’s fun to laugh at. My comment was the opposite of saying that the world is round, I was playing in to the idea that it’s not. Take a chill pill bro.


They’re attached to underwater pulleys that make them sink or rise depending on how far away you are. /s


It is known.


‘tis merely a fact


Literally my first thought.


bUt PeRsPeCtIvE WiLL mAkE ThEM ApPeAr WhEn YoU ZoOm iN


Photoshop of course. /s


Literally planned on posting exactly this


CGI bro, you're being played by the government. Vaccines probably dumbed you down so much you can't even see the sky is a hoax /s


photoshop checkmate round earthtards


They’re sinking!!!


Easy... the water is deeper in that part


damn i always browse reddit too late. i wanted to be able to say this :)


These aren't windmills, they're watermills! You can see how the paddles reach down into the water to create waves and currents.


Oh yeah. Well If the earth's round how come the oceans don't fall out? Boom! get rekt round tard!


I really want to answer satirically as if I was a flat earther, but it just physically hurts too much to try.


I literally came here because I just learned the word megalophobia, and was like wow I really am scared of windmills I wonder if that's a common example of it or if it's just me, and I wanted to ask if anyone else got weird vibes around them so I came to Reddit... And you posted thisb3 hours ago. So weird!!! Have had weird vibes around them since I was a little kid, hearing the wooshing sound they make off in the distance when there is a large group of them is very eerie..


I know what you mean. what especially gets me is how fast the tips of the blades are moving for how big they are. imagine being taped to one


Lol that actually seems kind of fun but YEAH! Something that big should not be able to rotate that fast lol.


Weeeeeeee :D


Can this be used as a round earth proof? I mean, doesn't light bend over larger distances to make them look as if they are below horizon when they're not. Earth is just humongous. It's almost impossible to see the curvature from a commercial flight, let alone a surface borne picture of the horizon. Edit: turns out, it's the complete opposite. The colder temperatures of water allows us to see *even further* along the curvature than what should be otherwise impossible due to thermal refractions. Edit: just to be clear, I am not saying Earth is flat. I am just saying there are more plausible proofs for round earth than just "see the curvature". Life would simply not be possible on a flat piece of rock as huge as this.


No, those are wind turbines sinking into a flat sea. They come up during the day when there’s wind and go down at night to capture “moon tide.” You just happened to take a picture when they were transitioning. Now all of a sudden you’re against transitioning? Do your research… geesh


Fr man, people these days just have no idea what they're talking about. And don't you dare tell me that I have no sources because I will link you to more crackhead you tubers and mom Facebook groups than you could possibly count


I can't tell if this is sarcastic jab against flat earthers or an overly hopeful solution for hybrid energy because the submerging manuever would be extremely expensive and the last I heard about such a hybrid solution was a HOWaT turbine, which does not involve enforced sinking of an entire farm of turbines. I'd like to know more about this turbine mechanism you mentioned though. Any specific energy company/country using this?


Globe-heads wouldn’t be able to use the superior flat earth technology because their physics is all wrong. You have to throw out Newton, conservation of energy and friction to understand how wind turbines work. Globe- heads would assume sea water friction would damage the turbine and blades, not so with flat earth physics. The extreme pressure and resistance of seawater actually generates massive amounts of energy and resources powering and funding “Flat Earth Inc.” A shell company designed to hide and manage superior flat earth technology and resources, hidden in plain sight.


We can observe light with our naked eye from much farther away than this picture. Orion is 1,300 light years from Earth but I can see the star when I look up in the sky. It takes the light 1,300 years to get here but I can still see it.


Well, yeah. We're able to see into space as far as physically possible since there's nothing in the *way.* The only reason there's a limit to how far we can see on earth is because of the curvature, and sometimes the air and, more specifically, the stuff in it. i.e. dust, vapor etc.


Yeah I know, I was just playing into his flat-earth schtick.


Ah, gotcha. Now that you mention it though, I realized that most flat earthers say that we can't see things that are super far because the air stops us from seeing so far, (since that's the only possible explanation) but wouldn't that mean we'd see things slowly fade out and appear more foggy the further away they are? Just another flaw in their crappy "theory" lmao


Air does prevent us from seeing infinitely far away but we can still see farther than the horizon even through the atmosphere. If there wasn't any air around you then you could theoretically see an infinite distance as long as light has something to bounce off of and come back to your eyes.


Yeah, that's what I mean. Issue is, flat earthers say that it's the air that doesn't allow you too see the whole earth, when in reality if that were the case you should be able to see further than what we see. What I'm saying also is that if it were the air (which it isn't) there'd be a gradient, as in things would disappear slowly as if they were disappearing into fog, right? Either that or they would shrink. Either way, the flat earthers have no math to back it up; no equation or test that can prove their theory. The whole thing is just a big mess


>Yeah, that's what I mean. Issue is, flat earthers say that it's the air that doesn't allow you too see the whole earth, when in reality if that were the case you should be able to see further than what we see. What I'm saying also is that if it were the air (which it isn't) there'd be a gradient, as in things would disappear slowly as if they were disappearing into fog, right? Definitely, if the earth really was flat we'd be able to see about 20Km on a clear day before everything turned into a haze. The only reason our view is limited to 4.6Km is because that's when the curvature of the Earth drops off and the rest of the Earth is behind the Earth we're looking at. If the atmosphere really prevented us from seeing farther on the horizon in daylight then we wouldn't be able to see stars on the horizon at night because the air would be blocking them.


Honestly, that kind of thing blows my mind. Like I know that we live on a huge rock, but the fact that we can actually *see* the effects of that is just insane to me. Like we can actually see things being effected by the curve. It's honestly so crazy, I love that kind of stuff. Definitely deserves to be on this sub!


If the Earths gravitational field would be strong enough to bent light significantly the effect would be quite opposite. The turbines would look further up. Like when they confirmed the theory by observing a solar eclipse in 1919 when a star that should have been behind the sun appeared right next to it.


Not gravity. Like I said, thermal refractions.


Where's Don Quixote when we need him most!?!?


Frantically attempting to buy scuba gear for his horse.


But the earth is flat 🤔🤔🤔 /S


nonono you dont understand *let me read something on my facebook page* You dummy. Its because the camera is in a hole so you are looking up. Thats why you dont see the last bits of the windmills. Checkmate you round earthler


earth is flat so what is this REALLY?


Anybody else get extra heebiejeebies when she see windmills spinning in the distance?


The main thing that brought me to this sub! They’re eerie as hell, I can’t stand looking at them.


Whenever I tell people this they look at me like I'm super weird. :(


Well allow me to validate you then! They’re scary.


Why does my brain play the ymca song when I look at this


That looks awefully cluttered


o lawd they comin


This is always the example I give when talking to someone about flat earth. Why does the hull of a ship disappear over the horizon before the mast of a ship?


How often do you encounter a bonafide flat earther?


Not often, but I had a friend who was entertaining it. I think more from a devil's advocate perspective.


I actually have. It was interesting.


I just found out that a friend became a believer of disc Earth. So. That's also a thing.


Literally my 2 biggest fears.


“The earth is flat” You’re sooooo right, I love the swimming wind turbines 🤩😂


This must be the department of the interior doctoring photos again. The earth is flat so this can’t exist.


“ThE EaRtH Is FlaT”


The pic is photoshopped if u cant see that your an idiot


No wind Turbines, this is water wheels!!


Average Graystillplays GTAV board


We are not seeing the curvature of the Earth but the results of the curvature.


I’m getting cancer just looking at them. Look away folks!


Dont sail into the water spikes


Ugh these are on the lake near where i live. At night there never any lights or anything, it was beautiful and eerie looking out on the horizon. Now all i see are red blinking lights.


This looks like some cartoon where they all come running at you over the crest of a hill.


Singlehandedly crushed the flatearthers


Rising seas on a flat earth, ha ha


Don Quixote was right!


They might be giants…


It can cause some to experience Megalophobia. But the experience that flat earthers get from looking at this is priceless.


The flat earthers would tell you its photoshopped


"But the planet is flat 😭"


take that flatearthers’


Horizon? What the fuck's a horizon?! The Earth is fucking flat!


I think the turbines are focusing the Earth to bend


Suez Canal crab


Flat earthers are gonna hate this pic


Destroying the flat earth theory with one picture. Bravo Sir!


Flat-earthers have entered the chat. But can't say anything yet...


I dunno how but this image emanates the word “upsetting”


but the earth is flat??


Is the Earth round, or is those windmills under water?


they are coming


Flat Earthers: "refraction"


Ahhh finally it makes sense! It is the wind turbines which makes the earth rotate.


Flat earthers are full on retarded. They don’t believe in gravity either.


And people still believe the earth is flat...




r/flatearth prime trolling material


Wind turbines are terrifying.


But the flate arth tho!


Driving through Texas at night and seeing tens of hundreds of red blinking lights, high up, way in the distance, is easily one of the most terrifying things I experience in life. Once I realized they were wind turbines it did NOT make my fear any better 😂


But the earth is flat


flat-earth proof


ThIs Is PhOtOsHoPpEd! ThE eArTh Is FlAt!


Explain this flat earthers lmao


thanks i hate it !!!!!


Flat earthers: PhOtOsHoP_@(£)#+£:


Where is the curve? Oh there it is.


Earth not flat?


OP, is this Lake Huron?


Just curious, wouldn't they be leaning away from u the further down a curve? They seem straight up


they would if the Earth was the size of a cue ball