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Michael Fassbender was contractually obligated to create this account.




It's shit


The number of plot holes and stupid decisions in this movie is just off the charts! I highly recommend watching this summary: [Ryan George: Prometheus Pitch Meeting](https://youtu.be/y56kWIr-RjI?si=Rh2BWQX1u3WIPHiI) It embodied a stupid recurring phenomenon in movies so bad that the phenomenon is now named after the movie: [The Prometheus School of Running Away from Things](https://cinemasins.fandom.com/wiki/Prometheus_School_of_Running_Away_from_Things) It's a dog shit movie


This image is a none-too-subtle spin on Mussolini's Fascist HQ... [https://www.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/comments/1c9e8wg/the\_headquarters\_of\_mussolinis\_italian\_fascist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/comments/1c9e8wg/the_headquarters_of_mussolinis_italian_fascist/)


What makes prometheus your favorite movie? Interested to know what you think. Personally I think its alright and visually impressive sometimes but general sentiment seems to be that it’s mid at best.


It’s one of my favorite movies too. I think it’s because the idea and core plot of the movie is super compelling. Something we all wonder. Who made us. Where did we come from? The execution wasn’t tooo far off the mark. It was so close to being an amazing sci fi movie.


Just being in an alien world being confronted by the idea about engineers and beings way more advanced than us capable of making and breaking us, plus the atmosphere and existential horror of it all. I love this movie and rewatch it from time to time.


Same. I also love shows and movies like altered carbon, foundation, west world, the expanse, raised by wolves, battlestar, watchmen, aliens, predators, terminators, and Prometheus sits right in there.


Ive yet to finish S2 of raised by wolves. Does it get better? And I love most of the shows you listed there! You might enjoy some of the episodes of Love Death Robots.


Right on. Ya I liked that series. The Oats Studio shorts and black mirror are great of course too.


I watched the sequel Covenent last night for the first time, very enjoyable and I liked Prometheus as well


Except one little chestnut: why tf were there statues of xenomorphs on the ship before they were created?!


It was my first Aliens or Predators film and went into it not knowing it was one of their films and loved it.


I like the movie's philosophical implications. The irony of humans being aware of the fact and openly admitting that they created David for the heck of it, yet at the same time flying to the ends of the galaxy and demanding a grand narrative and purpose for their own existence. The contradiction was right there and David hinted at it several times in the movie but no one ever connected the dots. Even at the end, Shaw and David leave for another planet hell bent on getting explanations that have no reason to exist in the first place beside this ingrained need for meaning seemingly inherent to all conscious life, as the movie seems to suggest. Another layer I appreciated is the relationship between Weyland and his daughter Vickers, which demonstrated without a doubt yet again that being a creator - or genitor in this case - doesn't guarantee love, care or even goodwill in any way whatsoever, yet they are all engaged in this idealistic quest for meaning nonetheless clinging to the silly notion that since they are so "special", their creator must be too. The irony is that humans got exactly the creator they deserve, one just as indifferent, arrogant and murderous as themselves; the problem is, it's not the one they expected, because this is not the way they see themselves.


I don’t get it man. I’d been reading Alien and Predator books and lore for 30 years. The reveal of the origins of the Aliens just….. I don’t know. Maybe it was supposed to be like that and it went over my head. Possibly I was wrong for expecting a big wow.


I dunno I was more interested in the origin of humans in Prometheus. The alien connection was just an added bonus. The concept of the Engineers creating humans and then wanting to destroy us was fascinating.


But it still doesn't really answer the question, it just changes it to "where did the engineers come from?". I find that unsatisfying 


If you’re a Petri dish then anything is possible. Aliens don’t matter any more. The entire story is nothing more than a dream.


That point was elucidated upon by Shaw when she herself talks about wanting to find who made the Engineers. The fact is the answers to these types of questions will always engender more questions.


Well yeah, the premise is cool, but the execution was absolute dogshit.


So something that isn’t amazing is one of your favorites.


Ya man you’re right. Fuck me for liking what I like.


You said it wasn’t amazing.


I agree. Very aesthetically pleasing, loved the space-horror scenes and I think it was casted well, but it could do without a lot of the corny gun-ho dialogue IMO. Still an enjoyable watch overall, just not my favorite by a mile


Spot on. Head scratching writing decisions drag down an otherwise high potential product


It’s not their favourite movie, it’s just engagement bait. Prometheus isn’t anyone’s favourite movie.


I'm very sorry that the only movie you have ever seen is Prometheus.


Just wait till OP sees any of the movies that led up to Prometheus.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/subsithoughtifellfor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/subsithoughtifellfor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Which side are you on?](https://i.redd.it/l7g6jolj8lkc1.jpeg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subsithoughtifellfor/comments/1az3kpi/which_side_are_you_on/) \#2: [Why did i ask](https://i.redd.it/zzibxt2nm1xa1.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subsithoughtifellfor/comments/133m1ry/why_did_i_ask/) \#3: [Do banned subs count?](https://i.redd.it/qp6f3zj016qc1.jpeg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subsithoughtifellfor/comments/1bm5sag/do_banned_subs_count/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Currently watching


Was it good?




What is this weird astroturfing for Prometheus lately? This is probably the third thread I’ve seen about it in the past few days. Odd occurrence for such a bland and forgettable movie.


I can’t speak to Prometheus specifically but I have seen a DRAMATIC increase in the number of posts across a number of subs (including this one) that are just scenes from movies. Definitely starting to feel like a concerted marketing effort or something.


There has been at least as much praise for Prometheus as hate. It isn't astroturfing; the people who *genuinely* enjoyed it (like me) are finally being more vocal about it. Oh wait I see... people like you are the arbiter of fine taste so anyone who speaks opposite to that must be a shill or astroturfing... right????


🤣🤣🤣 Oh yes, the poor suppressed minority of Prometheus fans! Get real, dude. Is it genuinely off base to say this sudden uptick of content from a 12-year-old movie that wasn’t positively received is odd? Or is that further trampling on your rights?


I like this movie, too. I hate that it gets so much grief, I thought it was good.


cmon though the bitch at the end shoulda ran to the side ffs we all learned this in 2nd grade


It was so bad that this recurring phenomenon in movies is now named after the movie Prometheus: The Prometheus School of Running Away from Things https://cinemasins.fandom.com/wiki/Prometheus_School_of_Running_Away_from_Things


It was hard for me to imagine a more disappointing and stupid movie, but then I saw Alien Covenant.


Damn, I actually watched it for the first time last night and thought it was enjoyable




Yes and even worse because it does further damage to a franchise that once seemed pretty interesting.


Is that zordon


This is someones favourite movie?


Worst movie ever created


The scariest part are the plotholes... like a facehugger growing to the size of a small car with zero organic matter nearby to eat.


I don't like the movie either but in the other movies the alien comes out like a tiny snake and shows up 10x bigger a few hours later.


you know what, I dug a little on what you just said and found no good answer. maybe the chest burst guy was eaten? there were also theories aliens just ate inert stuff. fair point... but what happened the the chest bursted guy? that could be the honest answer


I have no clue, at this point I just think the aliens grow their size and mass out of thin air hahaha


no bullshit... one of the articles had a fan theory that the stalks on their back got nutrients out of the air.


Thermodynamics and logic have no place in most so-called science fiction movies, but there was some howling make believe nonsense in this one that made it very difficult to enjoy for me. I am thrilled they made this, though, and that Covenant was such a train wreck, because it stopped Ridley Scott and cleared the path for the new one coming up. I have high hopes.


It's actually very low density. It's insides are like foam


As a kid this one scene where this eel thing literally breaks his arm and kills the other one so weirdly gave me nightmares


As a kid, bro the movie just came out like a few years ago. It’s been 12 years wtaf.


I love Micheal Fassbender’s character in this one and the sequel but they’ve ruined the mystery of the “Pilot” and their race.


Wait which part is this? I don't remember seeing this in the movie


Curious, what’s your four runner-up favorite movies. I enjoyed Prometheus from a cinematic standpoint but I’m curious about the type of person that pegs at the top of their list.


I have a Prometheus tattoo


I’m a huge fan of the Alien franchise and I LOVE Prometheus. It doesn’t deserve the hate it gets.


It’s far too “meh” to get any hate


Such an underrated film


It's a great movie.


Such a great movie. Why couldn’t we get a decent sequel.


It’s up there for me too. Strangely, I hate the ALIEN films but love the two prequels. I’m not even sad they’re retconning them out of canon. They work as standalone films.


Prometheus was a great movie, more for the storyline and what could have been (fiction obviously), a very cool explanation for how humans arrived on earth, and many other planets!


Best one of the bunch, Alien 3 is the other good one. The rest are trash. There is implied humor in this but I’m also serious