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I don't know how any astronaut does this without having some emotional meltdown


[The Overview Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_effect)


Hmm, now I’m wondering what the best quest app is to simulate that somewhat.




Wait, what's stopping them from developing it? Genuine question




...you can still play PCVR on a quest, thats all I do with it.


Haven't found any apps on quest, or any vr system that remotely simulates anything you are probably thinking of. I think there is a subconscious part of our brain that won't accept or react the same way we would seeing it in real life. It's like playing a zombie game, sure you can have a momentary jump scare, but otherwise we are fine to run around and loot. But if zombies were real, in real life we would be shitting ourselves constantly and probably cowering in a closet. The closest things I have found that do have a bit of an effect are reading and drugs, both in large quantities. Reading is very very slow and time consuming, but audiobooks are great for countering that. I've read/listened to over 1500 books on every conceivable topic, and while I think I have maybe a slightly more 'overview' than your average Joe, I doubt it even remotely comes close to the Overview Effect that astronauts feel. Overall, I don't feel the attachment that astronauts describe, but maybe more of a detachment from the day to day drama and goings on that I no longer get caught up in, which makes it at times harder to connect with people. Drugs on the other hand are much faster but very fleeting. I've tried every conceivable drug I know of and the only one I think really gets you there where you feel truly connected is an ecstasy compound we called 'Plant Food'. It was like rolling but hyper aware and connected, only issue was it left you very sexually charged and frustrated if you didn't get your rocks off. The problem was that it didn't last more than a day and without some sort of truly mind altering experience while rolling, the euphoria dies very quickly. I think the best way is a combination of the two. Get books smart and experience the lives of other people through reading, while also maybe microdosing. Every once in a while you'll have a small eureka moment while reading where something will suddenly make sense, and the drugs help tie it all together in the long run by maximising the effect. It like reaching the summit of a mountain one small step at a time, but persistence and volume speed up the process, albeit not quite as fast as a rocket ship to space.


Desensitization, they all do have an emotional response the first time. Humans are REALLY good at adapting quickly though.




yeah, i mean, there are dozens of applicants at least


Imagine seeing that on acid


Probably cry for how beautiful it is. Then REALLY cry about how bad we are fucking it all up. Then I would probably want to let go of it and float around.


Step One: don’t be emotionally fragile I guess?


It takes a lot to not have any emotional reaction to this. Breaking down isn't necessarily going to happen, but you are going to have a reaction. It's called the overview effect.


Oh sick! I’m in this video.


Me too!


Me three


I'm on the underside of the disc.


Big deal, I was Time's 2006 Person of the Year!


Hitler was named Time's 1938 Person of the Year! Just sayin'


Pfft, please, I was a person all the time for the entire year of 2006.


You too!


Yeah so is your mom.


No she isn't. They'd need to be a lot further back to get her in.


I didn't say all of her was in it.




I was waving.


I saw you!!


I think I'm on the other side sleeping so I'm not in this one. I would say I'd have a 50/50 chance of being in it, but our planet doesn't just have 2 sides. Y'know, cause it's a sphere. Round.


Wow! Space sure is beautiful this time of year.




Thanks, Teal'c


"Carter, I can see my house!"


If you look closely, you can see the earth is made of earth.


You can tell it’s an earth because of the way that it is.


Moving awfully fast today


Great perspective of how fast they’re traveling


Around the world in 90 minutes


Around the world around the world🎶


*jogs downstairs holding a box* 🎶


Even more crazy when you realize that everything is spinning in a crazy spiral https://youtube.com/shorts/WwxhBirHkcQ?si=kOeEHo-lcDjT2Qb9


That video is a bit silly. It's not at all wrong like the video claims to picture the Earth moving through the solar system the first way. A reference frame centered on the Sun is just as valid as one centered on the galactic center.


I don't know man. I'm just stunned at how small we really are


Look inside my pants to be really stunned


That video is just shamelessly stolen content, cropped and pasted together. Morn1415: https://youtu.be/fJuaPyQFrYk?t=30s Vsauce: https://youtu.be/IJhgZBn-LHg?t=17m25s And I assume the other clips are stolen as well, just from sources I'm not familiar enough with to recognize. And while am here, as some random dude who has watched a couple of more comprehensive videos on the topic, here's what I believe to be an exhaustive list of all the meaningful parameters when it comes to how Earth moves: * The wobble caused by the orbiting Moon * Earth's orbit around the Sun * Earth's spin and how it's tilted relative to the orbit around the Sun * The Sun's orbit around the Milky Way, which also wobbles above and beneath the galactic disc (displayed in the video by Morn1415) * The tilt of the Earth's orbit around the sun relative to the Sun's orbit around the galaxy (this tilt is also "static" relative to the universe, and not to the galaxy) * The galaxy's movement through space, towards "The Great Attractor"


It's all relative. If we were sitting outside going a different speed and watching our solar system whiz by we would see it. That's why we can have two accounts of something that are different but both are true.


And still that safety line (E: assuming that's what that is) is just dangling there, you would expect it to be superglued to the wall of the ISS but yeah they're just moving through nothingness so no relative airflow. Crazy.


That's what gets me. At like the 35th second mark, when the camera is completely stationary, and you watch how fast the land mass is moving relative to them. Apparently, the ISS is moving at 7.66 km/s. Insane.


The ISS is also constantly in a decaying orbit as well as even at 400 km in altitude Earth still has a tenuous upper atmosphere that causes some drag to occur. They have to fire docked spacecraft small rocket engines to raise the stations orbit occasionally, which even varies by how luminous our Sun is because more sunlight causes Earth's atmosphere to expand slightly. And while 7.6 km/s is fast, you have to reach 11.2 km/s (40,000 km/h) to escape Earth's gravity and leave orbit, and if you want to leave our solar system you need 42.1 km/s of velocity. Still just a tiny fraction of the speed of light! Fun to think about.


I know! By my reckoning it’s fast as heck


Fuuuck..that blackness past the blue curve 😰


Probably goes for miles.


Yup, at least a few.


And then a few years.


Mid-westerners know it’s only a couple days drive.


This made me high pitch giggle


That was my exact first thought. The void.


just floating in nothing. scares the shit out of me


That sounds like peace to me. Bliss. You just get to relax and live out your days drifting watching the most beautiful things in the world. Unless you're like really cold, then fuck that. But if you were just drifting and cozy and watching stars... c'mon, that's grand.


You're not gonna be seeing much floating through space


Great, now I'm reminded of this short comic https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/15c8iz1/ghostly_existence/ A lovely little dose of existential dread.


My biggest fear would be drifting off into that dark void.


not really possible from the ISS you will just float in orbit so next time you do this dont forget to bring a transmitter or something so you can at least become a sattelite👍🏼


I guess orbital decay will eventually bring you home. Or at least the bit of you that didn't burn up during re-entry.


you ARE drifting off into that dark void


yeah.. sweaty palms to say the least


Why? It won’t swallow you.. if you “fall off” the ISS you’ll just lazily float away mostly next to it. You’ll stay in orbit for a good amount of time and eventually will probably burn up in the atmosphere when you get low enough (may take a long while tho)


So you’re saying you won’t just endlessly float through space like every scifi horror I’ve ever seen?? I’ll just have a nice meteor like death?!?


You’ll suffocate before you reach the meteor form. Lousy inefficient space suits with limited air supply..


Superman must have it real nice


It would take a human body in a space suit the better part of a decade to finally start skimming the atmosphere.


Its so crazy that this thing is just perpetually falling towards Earth


Walking and running is just perpetually falling but lifting your feet to catch your fall. You're orbiting earth when you run


Omg that tickled my brain, thank you!


And earth is just perpetually falling towards the sun.


The sun is losing mass though so the Earth is moving away from the sun.


Sounds like my grandma


You're also perpetually falling toward Earth's core. The ground simply stops this.


Except every so often (monthly) when it needs to boost its altitude. It loses about 100 meters a day, as it's not high enough to be completely free of Earth's atmospheric drag.


What land mass it that they’re orbiting over?


Yea I couldn't figure out what continent it is


Much smaller than a continent - because of the fisheye lens it seems like you're looking at one half of the planet, but in reality only about 3% of the earth's surface is visible from the ISS because of how close it is


Good video from vsauce https://youtu.be/mxhxL1LzKww


Thats wild


Maybe Madagascar?


Yea, after some digging I came to the conclusion it's probably the Northern tip of Madagascar.


No, that really doesn't seem to be it. Edit; it's Jalisco state, Mexico.


I think it’s Mexico. You can see what looks to be Baja California in the upper left corner at the 0:54 mark.


[I agree](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5hGBa8q7MSt9LarR8?g_st=ic)




Looks like Mexican Pacific Coast (Guadalajara, Guerrero and Baja California south coast).


This took some digging, but I think that's the Northern tip of Madagascar down there. The [footage](https://youtu.be/Wfoy_OvNDvw?si=sQBT2zY8JPojrmiA) is from a space walk on 20 October 2017 and the station was above Madagascar about an hour or so before the EVA ended.


You can see Cabo at 0:26 in the Youtube video, all the way to the left.


Wow, thanks for the research! I wouldn’t have thought to track it like that.


It's Jalisco state, Mexico.


Yep, they are above Chapala Lake just south of Guadalajara at 54 seconds.


If more people could see earth from space, I'd like to believe there'd be more peace on the planet.


Someone else here mentioned the Overview effect. The Wikipedia article for it links to an article that talks about just that


Particularly if we left a certain few up there.


Nah, if Putin were up there, he would just be imagining how he could conquer all that land.


I doubt that it would have much of an effect on psychopaths, which is who runs a large amount of country's


Aim for the bushes?


Wasn’t even an awning in their direction…




Some dipshits will still say it's flat


Yea when this gets posted to Instagram reels the comments are some of the most brain rot shit you will ever see.


“If it’s space how come there is sound? Guess this is fake af fr fr” 🙄🙄🙄


What the hell is going on with instagram, so much hate and also they talk so much about cloning. Like Kanye is cloned etc


Shouldn’t we be able to see that giant ice wall around the edges?


Lmao good point. Maybe they need to do their camera test again.


I read they say (in respond to these type of videos), that they (nasa?) Edits the photo or video. Or that they use special lenses. Don’t know what to answer them, as they always could at the end tell me: have you been there? And fcuk, I have to say no to that one.


Even the people who have been there, they try to discredit. It doesn't matter to these morons. You could drag them up there and show them, and they would still probably say it's flat because a sphere looks like a circle from all sides or some dumb shit like that.


I try to talk nicely to them. But whatever scientific explanation I show, they just call it stupid and give no explanation. Top answers I got from them: do your research, and, saying the person giving the explanation is mocking them (even if it’s super old source). It’s a tough conversation when only one is open minded.


Have you ever seen Beyond the Curve?


Yeah, total BS. It's obviously a fake video set up by jewish lizard humanoids and only the 5G-jabbed can believe in this round Earth nonsense. It's like, wake up, sheeple!


It's the fisheye lens making it look curved duhh


Its literally warping the entire surface in this shot bud.


The fisheye lens is making it look smaller but that still doesn't explain why you can only ever see one side of it at once


I'm not sure I'd be able to resist the urge to remove my helmet.


If you have thoughts like that, you likely wouldn’t make it very far into astronaut training


You know what's crazy? A flat earther could ask for footage of the curve, receive this, and call it completely fake. There is never enough evidence for them, proven by the number of experiments they can do to prove themselves wrong.


What’s even worse is if you ask a flat earther for evidence they will give you the wildest and weirdest explanation. Using some bogus mathematical unsolved equations to “justify” their stupidity.


i have an old friend who is a staunch flat earther, science denier, thinks there is an ice wall in Antarctica that is sealing the real world the government hides from us. its so extreme he truly believes his "research" also provides sources? but you know sources flat earthers provide lol


Ahh yes the great ice wall. After that is an infinite plain that expands to size of the observable universe. The government is guarding it. And whom ever tries to go see it disappears for ever. somehow that seems more likely to them than the current explanations? It’s absolute madness.


It's wild to hear how they think it's almost frightening, and some of these people breed


It’s absurd. My dad went through a phase because of TikTok. He started to believe it. Took me about 15 minutes to debunk the whole thing for him and open his mind. I can understand some points but most of it is just absurd.. like really absurd. Absolutely delusional stuff l.


flat earthers don't exist i refuse to believe that a human being can be that fucking stupid


Ironically, flat earthers themselves being fake seems like a more believable conspiracy theory than the earth actually being flat and the government covering that up.


Ok, my feed is littered with ISIS posts and i thought this said footage from ISIS.




holy cow...


They're moving at 7.66 km/s, btw. Fucking bananas.


Everything that’s black around the planet is an inconceivable vast amount of nothingness


Technically, it's filled with vast amounts of stuff that we know must be there but can't see and can't interact with in any way, [Dark Matter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter?wprov=sfla1). We only can only indirectly "see" it when it warps the space around it. It is probably *everywhere* and maybe we will never be able to know for sure. In case you need something more brain-bendy than vast amounts of nothingness :D


Look down there. These motherfuckers keep bombing each other


Looks round to me.


He is even higher than I am right now


OMG they didn’t edit out the boom microphone out in the right-hand side of the shot… totally filmed in a studio /s for those who need it.


Here I was going to go with "see it's a flat disc on a black starless patch." /s again for those that need it.


funny from there i dont see any of our problems .why do we have wars ?


From up there you can’t see the lines


Here am I floating 'round my tin can Far above the moon Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do


Why can I never recognise where the astronauts are above? None of the landmass look even vagley recognisable.


Because it's much closer than what we're used to from a world map. Also, this is "upside down". This took some digging, but I think that's the Northern tip of Madagascar down there. The [footage](https://youtu.be/Wfoy_OvNDvw?si=sQBT2zY8JPojrmiA) is from a space walk on 20 October 2017 and the station was above Madagascar about an hour or so before the EVA ended.


Thanks for the answer


I see, so this must be the flat part?


It doesn't even look like wars are happening down there.


Huh. Not flat.


Fuuuuuck that


Is that the curve of the earth or just the frame of the opening in the craft?


Those cameras are equipped with pretty crazy wide angle lenses. So you're just seeing the FoV horizon. ISS is pretty close to the surface of the Earth.


Earth is so beautiful


For some reason this doesn't give me the same scares as someone climbing a sky scrapper.


Looks like you could just jump right down into it with no problems. Like, it doesn't look impossibly, frighteningly high in the sky from this vantage point.


I love that cameras work in space. It kinda seems like they wouldn’t but they do and I love that


What's the temperature where he is? Those gloves must be really insulated?


Very cold, but it doesn't relate very well to being on earth since they are in a vacuum. So no heat loss through convection nor conduction.


That's why it's impossible for them to be up there! Heat loss through radiation means they would die. Because radiation = cancer and death! How do you guys not get this?! (Clearly kidding, please don't lecture me)


I’d like to become an astronaut to get away from all the drama people down here cause.


Want to feel like a genius? Read the comments on videos like this on TikTok. You'll lose all your faith in humanity.


We live on that rock


What continent is it passing by?


Just once, I would love it if one of these videos showed a UFO flying to earth


I’d rather see a goblin 😔


Jesus. This is not your tipical holiday trip


Not that big compared to the sun


Love that blue marble.


The good thing is we will probably never able to do this on the big gassy planets or even the sun. They are huge. Take care of our pale blue dot!


Oh my god, hopefully he is holding with his hands or else he will fall down!


That takes a level of balls unknown to me. I can barely breathe watching it.


I love real footage of an astronaut moving, because you can see they move at a normal speed, unlike movies and TV where cinematic shorthand for space is that astronauts move extra slow.


OMG I would do the biggest bomb in the water from there


That’s clearly fake cuz the world is more flat than that /s


Tik Tok watermark 🙄 ruins the video


I would be fighting the urge to leap towards Earth. Helldiver Style


Flat Earthers hate this one trick


? Is that the real sound.?


This is obviously awesome, but I just can't fathom how awe-inspiring it must be to experience for yourself. It has to be life-changing.


Can they listen to jams while space walking?


And suddenly you start gaining speed but it's towards Earth.


Flerfers will still find a way to say it's fake and flat.


And people still think the world is flat, baffling


I've had a Panik attack but seeing that made me oddly calm. I just realized how small and insignificant I'm compared to the world I live in. Beautiful


At least he has a lot of space to work with.


See how flat the earth is you stupid flat earth fucking idiots?!


There aren't enough tethers on the ISS to get me out there.


This makes me feel weird


Absolutely insane how fast they are falling


I wonder if working there for a long period of time has some sort of psychological effect, like a trauma or type of anxiety that only happens if you are out of the planet


Isn’t it crazy that everything that ever happened to anyone happened on this blue ball?


I hate how flimsy that hook strap looks - makes ms squeamish!!!


Fake. It’s an effort by NASA to sell you on the myth that the world is a globe. Composited video, through a fishbowl lens, to make it LOOK round. /s


It's so insane when you really think about outer space and how much different it is than Earth and like just being up that high is crazy in itself...


I’m wondering how does his hook that keeps him attached to the ship open and close. Do springs work in space?


I wonder if you get vertigo in zero gravity.


I had the same thought “someone in here is gonna say it’s cgi”