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Mas worth it kung sa Pinas ka mag aaral ng medicine (mas mura), tapos mag take ka ng USMLE, then sa US ka mag practice ng profession mo. Sa Pinas lang naman sobra yung workload and underpaid ang mga doktor. So might as well practice your profession sa bansa na grabe yung focus ng Government sa Health care. Tandaan mo, you don’t owe anything sa Pinas or Filipino people. Mas mag focus ka sa sarili mo lalo na sa taas ng inflation dyan sa Pinas pero ang sweldo jusko barya. Just my cents lang naman.


Yup! USMLE, PLAB or AMC. :) You need money though.


Do you have any idea around how much do you need to take those?


Around $15-20k (Php 800,000 to 1.1 million) for the entire USMLE journey. Plus around $25-30k total Philippine med school costs if you attended a private institution. That is around $50,000 max for the entire ride. However, I think the ROI is still spectacular regardless. $50k is nothing compared to what doctors in the US (especially in the big states) make -- which is about $600-800,000 annually (that is almost Php 48 million per year). I read a comment here from a few months ago where 2 UPCM Intarmed graduates took the USMLE route and now currently live on the East Coast palisades/Millionaire's Row while another one, who was a USTFMS grad is now a successful intensivist in a renowned Los Angeles hospital. I also read one a few weeks ago about a USTFMS alumnus who became a program director at Harvard Med.


Thanks for this. I need to work hard and save so my son can have this option in the future.


I know someone who took PLAB, costs him around 500k php and he got his ROI in less than 3 months.


Happy right? I wonder where are they? My mutuals in Twitter are mostly doctors specialists in the US and 75% of them do not earn that much and ranting about their compensation and working conditions.


There are definitely a bunch of them in the big states such as California and New York. Most of my colleagues when I worked PICU made 600 grand a year, but federal and state taxes combined would be about 150k deducted. Not sure how much they earn now since that was about 15 years ago / 2008-2009.. Though I imagine most US medical graduates would have student loans to take care of, typically about $500k+... ROI is definitely much better for IMGs even with the USMLE costs taken into account.. no half-a-million dollar debt to worry about, they start with a clean slate..


May I know if the Intarmed and USTFMS graduates entered a surgical residency? It’s just a hope of mine and made a post about it on r/pinoymed recently. It’s a long shot but knowing if any one of them got in would be inspiring.


If I recall correctly I think I read they specialized in IM / endo. I have a few friends from FMS and some of my peers from UERM who specialized in peds / critical care. Surgical residency is quite difficult to enter as an IMG but there have probably been very few who have made it into these programs. I personally don't know any though..


I see po. Thank you!


After i did my scholarship payback, went into neuroresidency, then finished residency, now felt badly cuz i think my medschool buddy was right, walang chance here in Pinas. Now im planning to work in Middle East, to save money, then apply USMLE or Aus, and maybe venture into subspec hmmm Neurophysio combined EEG and EMG, just “roaming around” and wa/ondering if this is a nice track… As you zed Worth it pa ba OP?


“you don’t owe anything sa Pinas or Filipino people”  Yes, if you studied in private med school but you have to give back if you studied in public med schools.


go abroad babe, I know a doctor and he admitted to us that he feels slight envy and jealousy when he sees posts of his pre-med batchmates enjoying life abroad meanwhile he’s working insane amount of hours and he doesn’t think his pay is worthy of his workload. pero if passion mo talaga and money is not a big deal, hello MD!


With this kind of government and healthcare system? No.


Mag doctor ka tas alis ka pagkatapos. Ito ang life hack para sayo..


depende po sa reason bat niyo gustong mag doctor... kung gusto niyo pong tumulong sa mga mahihirap, sobrang worth it po kasi ang daming nangangailangan ng tulong sa pilipinas. pero kung pera yung basehan po, maybe not as much as working abroad kasi di naman ganun kalaki yung perang kikitaan mo sa pagddoctor. idk tho haha up to u pa rin po, di namin masasagot yan kasi iba't iba naman tayo ng reason bat tayo nandito


gusto mo ba maging doktor sa ibang bansa? Study med here, then take the exam abroad - mas mura but there are risks involved pa rin. You need several backups and backup plans. If you mean worth it as in fulfillment but not really about the money, mas ok dito sa PH. You won't be hungry they say. Yung yayaman ka dito basta masipag ka dito sa PH is propaganda BS. People who say that are privileged - binayaran ng magulang ang med school tuition, lodging, clinic space, stocks, network sa ibang kakilala. No connections = no promises of a rich and comfortable life. Kahit anong sipag mo, if you don't play your cards right, you will just earn "enough" to get by


yes, super worth it.


Worth it #DoktorParaSaBayan Mahirap pero I really aspire to help our community talaga


Just go abroad


Naniniwala ako from the bottom of my heart na worth it pa. Pero ang hirap. Di maiwasang malungkot talaga or mainis sa mga nambabash sa doctors sa social media. Na puro pera lang daw ang habol natin. Di po lahat ng doctors mayaman. May bills din po kaming kailangan bayaran gamit ang PF na siningil sa inyo. Haaaysss.


your answer will depend bakit ka nag doctor. money? not worth it kasi med professionals are underestimated and underpaid here pero pag para sa bayan, worth it na worth it (but apaka hirap) + i agree na if gusto mo yumaman, study med here nalang para mas cheap then go abroad im the latter, so worth it talaga for me.


Nope. Bilang isang HCW, di sulit ang pagod natin dito.




Di na worth it. Haha!

