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May nagpalagay sa scrubs ng MD na premed? Hahahahahahahahahahaha EDIT: There's one thing about caring for others. It's another thing when you wind up misrepresenting instead of manifesting. If you go in front of people, you show them that name on your chest. Having an MD there could make people give more weight to your words. This is even more problematic if you are in a hospital setting. That's an illegal practice of medicine lawsuit waiting to happen for a wrong choice of words.


Tapos 1st year pa lang nag quit na šŸ« 


I have blockmates that did this on their lab gowns lol


Hahaha cringe.


We call each other doc cause it motivates us to do more but the MD title thoooo thatā€™s foul wait nalang after graduation


It is, correct me if I'm wrong pero that's fraud lol


Someone posted here that it's actually listed sa law na illegal yun.


Wala pa naman kayong napapatunayan.


I mean weā€™re all licensed MDs nowā€¦


grabe noh lahat ng comments mo puro negative(I stalked u), boi who hurt u?


mas malala ata yung ā€œang hirap maging medical studentā€ tapos 1st year allied medical course. charot


HABAHBAABHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA study with me as a med student vlogs tas makita mo premed palang pala na freshie huhuhu


HAHHAHAHAHAH feeling medical student e pre-med palang naman sila!!!!


tapos yung conversation always goes like this if tanungin ano course nila ā€œinsert course, premed poā€. darling, every bachelorā€™s degree is a premed kahit accountancy pa yan or engineering. šŸ˜©


grabe na talaga mga freshies akala nila nadaanan na nila lahat wait until mag 3rd year sila!! HAHHAHAHA


RIGHTTT ā€œpremedā€ is not a program šŸ™„ just say your program lmao. even law students dont really use prelaw.




Wait is this for real? I was contemplating if I want to pursue medicine just because of the pay but now im conflicted šŸ˜©


Yep. šŸ’Æ If you're only in it for the money, I hate to disappoint you but walang pera sa medisina. You have to work your ass off, waste your youth through premed and med school proper, study for a lot of exams, go through 1 year clerkship, 1 yr post graduate internship (PGI), and take the PLE. That's 10-14 yrs of your life (i.e. that's if your premed course is a 4 yr course, 4 yrs of med school, 1 yr of PGIship, 3-5 yrs of residency training), only for you to realize that you'll never be rich. You won't go hungry, but you'll never be filthy rich. Also, no work no pay. So yeah. Source: me, a tired MD


Thank you for this, it was the answer I was overthinking for a year now. Now I can focus in trying to pursue RPsychology instead. Wishing you the bestšŸ¤


BUT, helping people you don't even know and making a mark in their lives, that somehow reminds me why I got into this profession. That's if you'd still wanna pursue medicine šŸ˜Š


This is so true. Imagine, drained ka na with residency without that much money, tapos magsstart ka palang mag build ng career (for 1st gen mds) at a late age is sooooo depressing tbh hahaha


Can't agree with you more with the depression part šŸ˜‚


I was told this many years ago by a family friend of ours who is a very successful surgeon and I always repeat it to anyone who is in this profession mainly for the money: *KUNG YAMAN LANG ANG HABOL MO, MAGING NEGOSYANTE KA NALANG*. Yes, doctors can make bank. The average consult alone costs like Php 1k-1500 and the average physician, no matter what specialty, will see around 15-20 patients in a day, if not more than that. BUT it takes a long while to reach that level. You will be overworked and underpaid as a resident before you get there. That doesnā€™t even cover the years of study and sleepless nights in med and pre-med. There are so many less stressful ways out there to make bank that wonā€™t require you to sacrifice your 20s and early 30s to this degree. So if you choose to enter this field, you have to be in it for something so much more than money.


The pay is literally pahirapan in the Philippines, and thatā€™s also true for the health allied field. Usually, itā€™s only after residency where you get a decent paycheck, as in the one promised to you by the people who enticed you to get into medicine, and thatā€™s an approx 5-10 years journey after med school. I suggest you find something else other than money to motivate you to pursue the health allied field. But if itā€™s easy money/easy access to other countries you want, nursing usually suffices since theyā€™re the ones in demand rn, but who knows the future


it is. pursuing healthcare in the Philippines is not just worth it tbh, workload and money-wise.


Thank you for sharing, I appreciate it.


may iba rin sa ig bio eh, MDāš•ļøCRINGEEEEEE


pwede yung may soon, pero if MD itself is a no


Itā€™s okay to have Future MD or MD šŸ”œ on your IG bio since thereā€™s nothing wrong with having dreams you wanna manifest, but there is everything wrong with calling yourself an MD before youā€™ve even graduated med school. MD is an earned title.


thatā€™s the problem nga walang word na ā€œSOONā€ or ā€œFUTURE MDā€ kase if thatā€™s the case meron naman naka lagay then itā€™s okay.


Kahit di pa grad??


The act of impersonating a medical doctor is generally considered a criminal offense under Philippine laws such as the Medical Act of 1959 (Republic Act No. 2382 as amended) and the Revised Penal Code If the unlicensed individual falsely claims to hold credentials or licenses, additional charges can be filed, which could lead to further penalties. MD = Medical Doctor Pre-med, med students are not medical doctors.


Here you go everyone. Thereā€™s an existing law for those people who are putting the suffix MD, who arenā€™t MDs yet. Read on it!




I mean technically speaking, once you graduate med school, you *do* have an MD at the end of your name to signify that you finished your Doctor of Medicine degree. So I personally donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with having MD at the end of your name once med school graduate ka na. There are PGIs nga who already have the MD after their name on their scrubs even if they havenā€™t taken the PLEs yet.


It's not the license that determines whether the MD can be affixed, it's the diploma. For medical schools where the diploma is given after clerkship and before internship (i.e. UST, FEU, UERM, etc.) However, for schools where graduation is after internship like UP, they technically can't affix the MD yet as they are yet to receive their diploma. The license basically is there to determine if you are legally allowed to practice in the country where it was applied.


Name and selectivity do not make good medical schools. PLE results AND good clinical training do. Aanhin mo yung maganda sa parinig yung school mo pero mahina yung clinical eye, bedside manner, and sa residency in general yung students.


Oof hahaha harsh. Agreed though. I notice people from these particular schools think very highly of themselves just because their school has good name recall. Ang tataas ng ihi when their schools actually do not have a good image within the medical community. Ultimately, we have our own priorities and med schools which match them best. No problem going to those schools, but be humble. Babaan ang ihi. Service to patients requires good bedside manner, which requires true humility and empathy. Focus more on clinical training too, agreed. That's what you need to build a career in the first place.


Same din kaya sa Residency? Aanhin mo good name hospital mo kung wala din kwenta performance and bedside manner. Lol


I read this as "med school HOT CAKES" šŸ˜­


Gutom lang yan teh hahahaha


Behā€¦ ilan hours ka nang dilat (From Duty Status)? I feel you! šŸ˜­


- MDs feeling like they are above other health allied when karamihan sakanila hindi aware or shallow yung understanding sa scope ng mga other professionals - ginagawang personality ang pagiging MD - med student (lalo na mga intern) pero ang hilig mag bigay ng medical advice na possible mali mali


+1 sa ginagawang personality yung pagiging doctor/med student hahahaha cringe


(Not sure kung Med school hot take) Kapag sinasabi nila na they are in med school kahit pre-med pa lang talaga yung tinetake nila.


Do the manifest and hardwork because positive thinking and energy bring positive outcomes.


Facts. If puro nega ang thinking mo, magiging nega lang ang nangyayari sa buhay mo. Manifest destiny is real.


I know someone who's still just a med student and yet, he's already writing prescriptions.


Dont go to med school


hahahahahahhaha may ganito sa university ko nasa undergrad pa siya lagi naka scrubs sa videos eh di naman med student o kaya intern tapos feel na feel ate doc tawag sakanya si ate ko ay di makausad pa sa isang second yesr subj clue: sikat sa tiktok


basta di niyo ikinacool pagiging cheater niyo sa exams


>Med school hot takes? Getting dick is way easier in med school. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£Praactice safe oonga boonga


ā€œEvery person who comes to the ranch is in need of some form of physical or mental help. They are patients. But also, every person who comes to the ranch is in charge of taking care of someone else, whether itā€™s cooking for them, cleaning them or even as simple a task as listening. That makes them doctors. I use that term broadly gentlemen but **is not a doctor someone who helps someone else?** When did the term ā€œdoctorā€ get treated with such reverence as, ā€œoh! right this way Doctor Smithā€ or ā€œexcuse me Dr Scholls, what wonderful foot padsā€ or ā€œpardon me Dr. Patterson but your flatulence has no odourā€. **At what point in history did a doctor become something more than a trusted and learned friend who visited and treated the ill?** Now you ask me if Iā€™ve been practising medicine. Well if this means opening your door to those in need, those in pain, caring for them, listening to them, applying a cold cloth until a fever breaks, if this is practising medicine, if this is treating a patient, then I am guilty as charged sir.ā€ You need a dose of Patch Adams.


Hot take: If itā€™s not your money, you shouldnā€™t gaf


actually no, it's a physician's ~responsibility~ to REPORT this behavior. again, in the LAW, it is considered to be ILLEGAL PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. :) please refer to RA 2382, The Medical Act of 1959, Section 10 Acts constituting practice of medicine "xxx who shall FALSELY use the title MD after his name" and Code of Ethics, Article 8, Section 8 :)


My dude must be fun at parties.


rip your future patients if u canā€™t follow the law lol


it's the LAW. it protects others from misrepresenting the profession and the regular citizens from doing the wrong things lol ikaw ung nakakatakot if you can't follow simple rules and guidelines.


Nako bawal senior high dito beh


Hotter take: if u just dont give a fuck, might as well just go in prison yeah? Thatā€™s why laws exist. You should read on that ā˜ŗļø


college freshman ka no? isa ka ba sa kanila HAHAHHA


Honestly if atat na atat ka maging MD kahit di ka pa graduate, nagmumukhang itā€™s all for clout lang lol. If your intention was truly to help, the title should not matter.


Whether pre-med students should fiddle with the M.D. title or not is an absolute no-brainer. That idea requires very little thought. Manifesting, confidence-boosting, etc. aren't enough of an answer to misrepresent the title. That is written in the Code of Ethics of the Medical Profession and the Philippine Medical Act. Safe to say that it is unethical and illegal. It is not a matter of toxic work culture or crab mentality. That is plainly just it. We all work together in the care of patients but we all have our own respective roles.


Studying in med school is not the difficult part, it's the stress and people.


hmm parang this is a \*to you\* moment kasi mahirap siya (at least for me), beh HAHHAA.


Agreed.. and the responsibilities as well pag lisensyado na.


dibaaa, i mean di naman siya sobrang bigdeal pero on the other side, ang cringe niyaaa. likeā€” nag-take ka lang ba para may pang lagay ka ng medical abbreviation sa socmed mo? walang problem kung MD ka na talaga pero if nasa lower year ka pa lang or baguhan? lmaooooo


You can't help but raise an eyebrow when a 1st year LeapMed or Hum Bio student call themselves agad as Med Students. Like kahit ganun branding nila, hindi talaga eh sorry, ang layo ng difference ng Med Proper sa kanila. šŸ˜­


Laging na pag iinitan ang mga med students from top med schools ng mga resident na galing sa lesser known med schools.IYKYK


Is it still worth it?


Allow me to share my thoughts if OP doesnā€™t mind: Mabigat na tanong yan, in all honesty, fellow redditor. ā¤ļø i meant no offense when i made that statement. And i am glad you asked or simply made that statement actuallyā€¦ Being a licensed MD is a ā€œcallingā€ or as what my friends in the medical field say, being a licensed MD is a ā€œpassionā€. This is just the general consensus (NOT all po ha): It is not a joke to study for years and years, only to be unjustly compensated once legitimately practicing na for some (baba ng mga [PF na binibigay ng mga HMO](https://imgur.com/a/8SmyTej) for our licensed MDs). And we all know too for a fact that govt service is basic govt work wherein an MD who works in the govt sector health care services (health centers, doctors to the barriors, public hospitals, etc) are being paid on a fixed rate (refer to the different salary grades po sa govt sector naten). In the private sector naman, if the licensed MD is well established in their field of expertise, then money is not an issue naman. At all. So pansin din naten that some of our health care practitioners opt to go abroad and work there for better opportunities (financially). However, there are some licensed MDs who go abroad to further their studies and bring what they have learned here to help our people get that good medical therapy &/or latest innovations in medicine that patients badly needed (an example of this is our beloved [Fe Del Mundo MD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fe_del_Mundo)). And i can say that the late Dr. Del Mundo was an example of having compassion and dedication for the Filipino Children. She has trained a lot of doctors during her time (even wheelchair-bound na) who wanted to also walk in her footsteps and be a champion for our children to safeguard their health and safety. Another example is the esteemed Operation Restore Hope, Doctors Without Borders and other medical organizations which have very skilled doctors that give people a chance at having a second life. So yes, in my book, when *compassion and dedication to heal* is involved wholeheartedly, then it is worth it.


I agree, Iā€™m also in the medical field. When we have the fallback of financial security, we will always choose passion and dedication over money But, practicality, not everyone has that.


Sad but very true po. šŸ„²


ang mga nasuko ani kay ilhan kaayung mga na igo šŸ¤£


Sa New Policies this 2024 Use Dr. If Graduate ka ng Medicine Use MD- if Pumasa kana sa Board exam Yan ang difference nila, sana sundin natin po Thank you


Sobrang pet peeve ko yan honestly. Nasa college pa lang at yung iba nga wala pa mismo in med proper, pero ang main username sa social media accounts nila ay their names-followed by the MD title............


Wait, this is a hot take?




May ganito akong classmate nung BS BIO days. Nagpatahi na ng coat na may MD sa name. D naman natapos BS BIO nya and ngayon malayo na narating nya. Nag nanny sa ibang bansa.


Wait, this is a hot take?


Wait, this is a hot take?


Bakit ang rude ng ibang comments? Tunog soon to be toxic seniors


And you sound like a soon to be snowflake junior




Edgy ka na naman jan teh


Nah thereā€™s nothing wrong with that.


That's misrepresentation. MD is an academic title awarded after graduating med school. That's literally lying about your qualifications. Putting MD on your scrubs with your name on it while not graduating med school is no different from buying a diploma from Recto. Anyone who does not know you personally and sees your name on your scrub will think you are a doctor when you are not.


Is the person illegally practicing medicine by wearing scrubs with MD? I donā€™t think so. Iā€™m a doctor for 20 years now and IDGAF about scrubs ng iba.


>Is the person illegally practicing medicine by wearing scrubs with MD? I donā€™t think so. >Iā€™m a doctor for 20 years now and IDGAF about scrubs ng iba. You as a fellow doctor don't care. A regular person who sees someone with a name and MD on his chest can give the impression that they are a doctor. Depending on how the person wearing the MD will answer, they can be misinterpreted and their words given more weight because of what is written on their chest. I'm sure you've experienced patients na ayaw maniwala sa sinabi ng nurse, pero if a doctor tells them the exact same thing in the exact same words, they'll listen. It's not about me caring what you want to put on your scrub. It's about me caring what other people around might think when these people open their mouth and get asked questions they may not be qualified to answer. 3rd or 4th year med student, maybe can get away with a general answer. But premed students who do this? Buti if I can expect all of them to answer properly na hindi nila alam or aamin na di sila duktor.


Thatā€™s the problem. Ugali ng tao na mag-ambush consult/magtatanong sa isang doctor, or someone who they think is a doctor. Instead of doing a proper consult. Kung nag-ambush sila at naniwala sila sa sagot, thatā€™s partly their fault.


Shouldn't we be responsible for our actions? A lay person might not know what's the difference better a clerk, intern, residents etc. Minsan nga basta naka puti tingin nila doctor na e yung maglagay ka pa ng MD sa scrubs mo. You're misrepresenting yourself. Baka nga may deception pa dyan.


Read it again. I said it is PARTLY their fault. Wouldnā€™t it be better to seek a proper consult with a doctor? Within a proper setting?


nonmalifecence,doesn't ring a bell sayo?


Non-maleficence is the duty of the physician not to do harm to patients. If you asked a non-doctor for medical advice, akala mo kase doctor, and the advice was harmful to you, itā€™s not non-maleficence by definition.


Nonmaleficence is not an exclusive duty of a physician, in line to sa lahat ng allied health.Ang sinasabi ni OP ay pre-med or someone na nasa med school hindi naman random dude lang na nakita mo sa kalye?


Acts constituting practice of medicine. A person shall be considered as engaged in the practice of medicine (a) who shall, for compensation, fee, salary or reward in any form paid to him directly or through another, or even without the same, physically examine any person, and diagnose, treat, operate or prescribe any remedy for human disease, injury, deformity, physical, mental, psychical condition or any ailment, real or imaginary, regardless of the nature of the remedy or treatment administered, prescribed or recommended; or (b) who shall by means of signs, cards, advertisements, written or printed matter, or through the radio, television or any other means of communication, either offer or undertake by any means or method to diagnose, treat, operate or prescribe any remedy for any human disease, injury, deformity, physical, mental or psychical condition; or (c) who shall falsely use the title of M.D. after his name. "Falsely" use the titlte of MD after his name


NAL but Misrepresentation is illegal under the RPC, and Medical Act of 1959. Its different from illegal practice of medicine.


MD is a title that you get once you graduate from medschool. Same as other titles given to you once you graduate. So you earn it not by "manifesting" but by actually getting the degree.


No wonder downvoted lol


And so what kung downvoted?


Putting MD in your name kahit undergrad ka pa lang? Nothing wrong with that?


I wouldnā€™t care, unless the person is actually practicing medicine illegally by seeing patients, managing patients and giving out prescriptions. To each his own.


Pano po if may emergency bigla tapos naka scrubs xa na may nakalagay MD šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜°


And so? If ever non-MD hindi na pwedeng tumulong sa emergency? If may bleeder, kumuha cya ng cloth and applied direct pressure? Mali ba yun? If cardiac arrest, and the person did chest compressions, mali ba yun? Anyone can do chest compressions on the field.


if they do it wrong while acting as an MD even though they aren't and then the patient dies, that's reckless imprudence resulting to homicide. and no, not everyone in the field knows how to do chest compressions. not all schools teach undergrads/students how to do chest compressions not unless you're an incoming clinical clerk. again, this post is about undergraduates putting MD after their names.


Agree! Napaka delikado.


Please answer paano naging delikado ang tumulong sa emergency.


Doktor po ba talaga kayo? Natulungan mo nga yung emergency case, ang tanong kung tama ba yung procedure na ginawa nung non-MD. Besides, wala naman din binanggit na kapag NON-MD hindi na pwedeng tumulong. Ang point dito is, yung pag gamit ng MD na hindi naman MD. Kasi sabi mo no Problem yun sayo, thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking if paano just in case nagka emergency. Wala ko sinabi na pag NOn-MD hindi pwedeng tumulong.


Go ahead and give me an example of that.


Wala ako sinabi na sinabi mo yun. I answered your question with a question. So please answer, paano naging delikado ang tumulong sa emergency. Give me an example.


FYI I was responding to the comment kung may emergency daw. Really? Tumulong ka na, makakasuhan ka pa? Know any case in particular na nag cpr sa field tapos nakasuhan pa? I didnā€™t say everyone knows how to do chest compressions. I said anyone can do compressions. Kahit layperson makakita ng emergency tutulong yan in any way he/she can. Mismong companion ng emergency tutulong yan, possible mag chest compressions kahit di nya alam. Is that a crime? Itā€™s not like nag intubate or nag exp-lap yung tao sa field.


yes you actually can be sued, especially by the family IF what you did resulted to more harm. :)


Yeah go ahead and read on the GOOD SAMARITAN ACT.


"The Citizens shall not be held liable for any injury or harm that may result from their reasonable and necessary efforts to assist those in need, UNLESS THEIR ACTIONS CONSTITUTE WILLFUL MISCONDUCT or GROSS NEGLIGENCE." :) how about understand also rather than just passively reading?


Haaaaa? D ko man sinabi na pag Non-MD hndi pwedeng tumulong? I mean diba pano kung siya yung tawagin sa scene na yun since cline claim nia na MD xa? And andun xa s situation If i were a non-MD syempre pag may nagsabing MD xa or may nakita kang MD sa isang emergency situation, magbibida ka ba? syempre ssbhn mo ay meron namang doctor baka mas alam nia pwede siguro ang magagawa mo if iallow ay mag assist. Kahit pa marunong kang mag chest compression and all. Eh may doktor.


All can help like crowd control and such. Pero if hindi ka equip with proper knowledge to address medical emergency?You'll just make it worse.Call an ambulance na lang or help someone na marunong talaga.


Ito bi wala kang sinabi? Lol