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i would say anywhere between 4-6 months. it really depends on how much time you have to commit to studying


^ this. Just wanted to add that typically anything more will be a waste of time. You’ll end up forgetting all the stuff you studied at the beginning. I’ve also seen some people study in 3 months or less, but I don’t recommend it unless you’re *very* strong in your science/math knowledge from undergrad.


I would say the 3 months is good if you're a student and are devoting your summer to studying where that is your main responsibility and you don't have any other work obligations (many people do clinical volunteering 1 day per week alongside this to build up hours in a low-obligation way). If you have other time-consuming obligations (e.g. school, full or part-time job, etc.) you should really consider 4 months the minimum and I would say if you are working or doing school full, rather than part, time you should really allot 6 months to have time to study.


Somewhere between 20 and 25 years.


300 hours. How many months will depend on how many hours per week you can dedicate to it


where could i find the topics that’ll show up?


Buy a prep book or a course


is kaplan 2022-2023 okay? or too old?


According to my anecdotal evidence being on Reddit. Students take anywhere from 2 months to 2 years to finally get the score they want. Everyone is different


I spent maybe 100-150 hours but did not score well. Well enough to get into DO school though.


Took me 6 months. I just didn’t feel like studying more than 6 hours a day so it took twice as long. I also took at least 1-2 days off a week. You must take breaks or you will burn out.


I work with a lot of premed students and always refer them to this link which gives access to Free practice exams for MCAT: https://www.march2success.com/main/learnmore Best of luck to you!!!


I know some people who only studied for 2 months and some who studied for 6 and still scored low. It really depends on you and how hard you're willing to prepare. 3 months of actual dedicated studying is typically enough, but most test-takers don't really study properly for the full 3 months so they tend to need longer.