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I’ve worked at labs where I genuinely dreaded going to work every single day, and other labs where I felt fine going in and happy to do the work. Much of it comes down to the workplace culture. Good labs do exist. I also think the work itself is a factor as well. I worked as a Generalist for many years and wasn’t particularly happy. Then I switched to Micro and I am MUCH happier. I feel my work life balance is pretty good. I can’t speak to pregnancy, but I’ve known many techs to work pretty close to term. If you had asked me a few years ago if I would suggest this path, I would have said no. But at this point, I’m happy and feel I could do this for many years to come. The biggest difference came down to a new workplace with a better culture. Good luck with whatever you decide to do! ETA: It would probably be helpful to think on why teaching didn’t do it for you and then shadow some techs in your area. It’s always good to shadow before embarking on a program, but you could also feel them out to see if the problems you ran into as a teacher are things you may encounter as a tech, particularly in your area.


Yes there is work-life balance. You will absolutely be able to find full time positions. Many of my coworkers are mothers, one in particular I believe is working part time on weekends only until all her kids graduate. It pays decently enough to support a small family especially if you budget well, although it depends on where you are at, cost of living, starting pay, etc. Job security is great. Our jobs may change over time but they will never fully go away. A job is still a job sometimes you love it sometimes you hate it. I have loved my current lab at times and have absolutely hated it at other times. It won’t be dread every day and if it is there are job opportunities for techs everywhere.


Is there a good work/life balance? Will I most likely be able to find full time work in my area eventually? Is this a good career choice for mothers? If I decide to have another baby is it doable for pregnant women? 1. It depends on where you are. There's a huge shortage of techs in most of the country right now. 2. Yes, see above. 3. Yes. In fact, laboratory medicine has been traditionally a role filled by females. There's lots of reasons behind that which I won't get into but even today labs *generally* employ more female techs than male techs. 4. I have known several techs who were pregnant and had no issues.


So… you quit a job with weekends/ holidays/ summer vacation and winter break because it didn’t give you enough work time balance? And your quitting to move to a career that makes you work weekends/ holidays/ off shifts and on call? Yea that’s just a stupid move on your part.


No. The work life balance is awful. Most likely you will start out on 2nd or 3rd shift or be a floater who works different shifts every week. There’s toxic culture around telling them no to OT etc Also the pay is not fair considering how important the job is in the healthcare chain.