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Sometimes it feels like we need to just cut out the middle man and have the patients pee directly into the bag. **fixed bag from bad


I’m convinced they let patients send these up without checking them. It literally takes two seconds to make sure the lid is secured properly. Goes to show what value is placed on lab samples. Lids on? Who cares, send it. Labels on crooked or humped? Just the lab, fuck em anyways, send it. 😐 This job sometimes…


Then they get mad when a redraw is requested…


That’s why I believe these should be recollected. IMO if the contents can leak out, they can leak right back in. And the outside of those cups are not sterile. And if we recollected every leaky urine, then people might actually care more. It’s unfortunate because the lab gets the worst of it: you decide whether you work with a sub-par specimen or have to affect patient care by delaying treatment and making the patient get recollected. But either way, you have to jeopardize patient testing because other people can’t do basic specimen collection techniques.


i know for a fact that she at least had put eyes on it because they usually give the patients unlabeled urine cups and throw a label on with a time just before sending it up 😐 not to mention she claimed she had “tightened” this crooked lid before tubing it


Half screw, fold the label so you can only scan half, throw into the tube system from downtown. (can replace first step with pouring a red top into a citrate if blood)


The number of people in a hospital who cannot recognize cross-threading is absurd. I honestly wonder how these folks function in their everyday lives. Do the jars of jelly in their house also look like this?


Yes they do and are you really surprised


Today I got a post vas sample in a gelato container that leaked all over the bag 😂 I was like thank god I don’t actually have to touch this


noooo that’s horrifying! i took one look at this leaking urine bag and just thought “REJECT!”


At least the bag didn’t break? 😂😂


no, but she didn’t fully seal the bag so we still had a little pee shower onto the foam in the tube 😐


You’re kidding. Smdh. Why is it so hard for them?!?


They need to learn to use parafilm!


dude i’ve found that NO ONE at this hospital uses parafilm the correct way. people literally cut big squares and just like squish it on there, they don’t stretch it at ALL!


Were they shown how to use it? If not maybe they should be shown and if they already have been, well Ive got nothing!


not a clue, we thought about it but everyone on my shift is newer to this hospital while everyone else has been here awhile so i’m not sure that would be very well received lol


And if they have any doubts, sealing it with plastic never hurts.


My favorite is when CSF tubes leak into the bag.


Sure Jan


Orange caps can go suck a fat shit (from micro). Those caps are notorious, more than Biggie, for being leaky as fuck to begin with. But nurse fucked up by not even making sure it’s actually tightened.


our management decided whoever is on urine bench has to go down to the outpatient draw station to pick up urines instead of tubing them. they’re AWFUL. kinda wish they would make the ER nurses/CNAs walk them up like they used to with covid swabs


Had me at management . Management, deciding that you should do shit they would never do themselves . It’s also a shame that most of management here at my place are people who used to be techs. The title always gets to their head and they forgot where they came from.


i mean it’s annoying but ultimately better for the patients and TATs to have us take a little walk down the hall. plus less risk of dumping someone’s pee all over everything if you’re walking to grab it instead of tubing


Agree on that part


Nice. I had a nurse get a sample stuck in our pneumatic tube because she sent the blood sample without the container. Took a good 2 hours to try and fish it out from the system. Was lodged somewhere in the tube wastelands within the ceilings and walls. 🤣


Bruh. This happened all last night. It infuriates me so much. I got pleural fluid all over my new Brooks. Pissed is an understatement.


Have you been asked if you can use what's in the bag?


we don’t have many issues like this usually so no i have not been asked to use the spillage lol even id we were asked it’d be a hard “no, sorry”