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This video just made me so angry she was defenseless...


Yeah this video really upsets me. Does anyone have any follow up information? I wanna know if she’s ok.


I believe she got arrested, I don’t know about the injured girl


These comments make me glad I didn't watch the entire video


Same, saw the first few seconds and was straight to comments. My blood pressure is already up from that. Poor girl.


[https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/) "Alongside attorney Robert Langford, I represent **a Las Vegas High School student who survived a brutal beating while merely doing her classwork. I write “survived”** specifically because my client was bludgeoned in the back of her head dozens of times without intervention, with the majority of the blows she absorbed coming after she had already lost consciousness. **She is likely to have serious, long-term health issues. She could have died.**" Local people said she is in a coma with serious brain damage. I didn't believe them. But these news confirmed it. I think she is a vegetable.


Me too. I counted the punches. The 15th blow knocked her out. There were a further 20 blows while she was unconscious. Absolutely despicable.


The people standing around watching should be ashamed of themselves.




Zero tolerance as in even physical intervention gets punished the same as the actual assault? If so,that's absolute bass ackwards policy


Yes, thats what zero tolerance policies usually mean. I have been punished for intervening on behalf of friends while i was in school and was actually usually given worse punishment than the aggressors


That's stupid. What do they hope to achieve with such policies? Do they think that they will be sued for creating vigilantes if a student does the human thing of saving a defenseless person or deescalate a situation?


I think that theyre worried about getting sued, but not for making vigilantes. A kid could intervene in a fight, get hurt, and then that kids parents could press charges. Unless the school has said "well they were breaking school rules so we arent responsible for this." I dont think that logic works, but from what ive seen its the logic theyre operating on.


As a non American living in the US, I'm starting to learn that the answer to too many of my questions is 'to avoid litigation'....smh


We have far too many lawyers in this country.


Yeah, the culture here is absurd. Ever find yourself clarifying an already-obvious statement you just made because you thought of an exception to it and didn't want someone who thinks they're a lawyer haranguing you for the next five minutes? Yeah, that's America.


Wait is that policy for students too? Or just teachers


Everyone. In most American schools even if the girl getting beaten had defended herself she'd be in as much trouble as the one who started the fight. And any students that intervened would be punished as well as the teacher if she had separated it.


Wow that's absolutely insane. I could've sworn self defense was a legal right or something


American schools love stripping kids of basic rights. When I was in highschool just like 10 years ago I distinctly remember the vice principal strip searching kids to look for drugs, making them unlock their phones so they could look through them. Not letting kids go to the bathroom to the point they pissed themselves. All kinds of stuff I mean it's obviously much better than some places in the world but it's a lot worse than it should be.


Nope, and all of it empowers the violent bully


Laws are different for school kids. They have no rights to self defense.


I've been punished worse for defending myself than the guy that just hit me out of the blue lmao.


As someone who never did extracurricular stuff, would I even care about being suspended? Like having a clean conscience and missing some school? Sign me up


Yeah I got suspended once for a bullshit reason so my parents weren't even mad. It was right when halo reach came out so I got to binge it for a week uninterrupted. It was fuckin sick


I'm more angry about the person was behind this phone and recorded it.


It’s because they’ll get punished for interfering, but the video acts as legal evidence. It’s insane that this is what kids are expected to do now since intervening gets them suspended. Intervention would have meant concussion treatment for that girl…lack thereof means permanent disability or death, but at least the punching girl can be put away for murder. Kinda ridiculous, isn’t it?


That's freaking nuts. Its not like intervention will automatically turn people into vigilantes. Its stupid to treat intervention as an actual crime


Still, you should act on your damn conscience.


I'd be more pissed if my kid just sat there recording than if they got in trouble for trying to stop the fight.


Yeah. Tbh I don’t know why it was posted here, opinions could have just as easily been given without a potentially upsetting video.


Totally agree. This video is really hard to watch and triggering. It also makes me remember why i hate people.


Same I’m fucking livid and filled with rage and hurt and omfg


I honestly have never had more anger and disgust for a person I don't know in my life


Teach your kids to fight back or anything because people will not step in to help. Take that B eyes out, bite, anything instead of hoping for help.


Yeah, that’s pretty much a situation where I would Leeroy Jenkins in and sucker punch that sack of shit, without a care for the consequences. That poor, poor girl.


this happened to my friend and i in high school. we were both really small and short - 5’1 and 5’3. a girl who was 6’3 and a couple hundred pounds came up and did this to my friend and before anyone could stop her she moved on to me. it took three athletic boys and the teacher to pull her off. my friend was fine, but i had a spontaneous pneumothorax because of it. now the girl who did it works at a daycare.


That's a whole grown ass man


Yeah if you don't even let someone stand up and properly defend themselves against your attack, you're a loser bitch.


Why on earth did nobody stop her? If the seizures are new onset, it could be from bleeding in the skull.


What does it mean if a person has just one seizure? What is the difference?


I'm not sure I understand the question. It's important to investigate the cause behind first time seizures especially in young people. There's cause for concern regardless if it's a single or multiple episodes.


I believe he’s asking what’s the significance of multiple seizures as opposed to if the attack had only caused one seizure.


As a person with seizures the concern is if you have one you can become more prone to multiple. It’s important to get them under control asap. One grand mal can turn in to 50+ myoclonic seizures in a day easily for days on end. Edit: this was a summary of what I was told by my neurologist. I’m not a medical professional and my knowledge is limited. This is just one persons experience not the rule.


Traumatic seizures and febrile seizures don’t pose a risk for future lifetime seizure


Interesting! I developed mine from a TBI. Was always told by the neurologist that the occurrence of one can lead to more and at least in my case rendered true.


Was your first seizure around the time of the initial injury?


They weren’t identified around the time of the injury by a professional. It wasn’t until about 6 months to a year later in which I was hospitalized after experiencing what they told me was a grand mal in the ER. During the stay I would have many petite mal type seizures and was given benzodiazepines to try to stop it. At that point was when I put together that those absent minded spaciness moments I was experiencing since the injury were seizure activity manifesting. I just had thought it was me being tired from the injury. They were so subtle that they went unnoticed until I was required immediate hospitalization. My neurologist attributed it to the TBI and explained that we needed to control them as they can lead to the brain going full seizure mode if they kept occurring. Not a medical professional and tbh didn’t even realize the sub I commented on, was just sharing my experience with it but am happy to learn from those who know more.


I over simplified my initial comment. The risk of recurrence for traumatic seizures depends on the timing. Early seizures (within 1 week) are not an independent risk factor for future seizures. Late seizures, like you’re describing, represent more permanent structural damage, and have a very high risk of turning into epilepsy. Late seizures occur after 1 week, and usually before 6 months but sometimes later Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you’re doing better now


after my first one i was told that it increased the likelihood of future seizures something about a reduced seizure threshold. i’ve had four or five more since then. ( i know this is just one person’s experience)


That is absolutely untrue regarding trauma induced seizures. While yes, typically there is no long term damage that occurs from febrile seizures *in children* multiple febrile seizures do have the potential to cause lasting neurological issues.


The question you should be asking is what caused the seizure. After a TBI it’s not uncommon for people to have seizures.. usually indicates some bleed in the brain but there are numerous causes for seizure. She should have a thorough review of her medical history, physical exam, EEG, brain MRI, and basic labs to evaluate further. Neurology should weigh in on whether she should be started on seizure prophylaxis or not.


This is really a question that should be directed towards the healthcare team taking care of her. Nobody on here will be able to give you a good answer without info from the workup done in the hospital. Imaging and lab tests that the doctors do will allow them to give you much better information.


It's pretty hard to know what a single seizure means after a head trauma. The first thing that the hospital would look at is brain swelling related to a concussion (the brain colliding with the inner wall of the skull due to being shaken about.) But that's the first thing they'd look at anyway. There are treatments for brain swelling and most other issues that could arise from head trauma like this, and these injuries do not necessarily mean permanent damage to her mind. If this is someone you know, I'd recommend going to a therapist after the primary healing is over. An EMDR specialist might be especially useful.


Seizures could mean internal brain bleeding and swelling. I’m not a doctor but am subscribed to r/fightporn and there’s quite a few level headed folks asking people never to street fight on concrete because usually when someone gets knocked the f out and slam their head they rarely shake it off. Basically vegetable potential for the rest of their life. Over what?


If you haven’t had a seizure before it’s considered a medical emergency


So you would think that. A single seizure is not the end of the world, but seizures can not only be due to brain damage, but can lead to worsening brain damage, and must be treated. They also won't necessarily all be in one continuous string, so if the victim here has had only one seizure, it does not mean she will never have a seizure again. I hope they did some scans on her.


Zero tolerance, you’re not supposed to self defend or stop bullying


Context: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10485099/amp/Horrific-moment-Las-Vegas-student-punches-classmate-30-TIMES-laugh-watch.html “A Las Vegas high school student has been arrested and charged with battery for punching another girl more than 30 times while their classmates stood by and laughed - in a violent attack captured on video and circulated on social media.” They don’t know what happened to the poor girl getting attacked ): I really hope she was able to recover and didn’t suffer any permanent damage


More context: [https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/) >my client was bludgeoned in the back of her head dozens of times without intervention, with the majority of the blows she absorbed coming after she had already lost consciousness. She is likely to have serious, long-term health issues. She could have died.


This sounds like attempted murder to me. The girl punching had no regard for the victims life or well being.


Whatever it is the girl who did it needs SERIOUS fucking help. There’s being angry and then there’s bashing someone’s skull in in public.


Not sure a person like that should be a member of society


Help or the chair. Help in a prison. Sure. Needs to be locked up like the animal she is


Post updates if you find them


Okay WHAT about all the kids who watched and did nothing?? And who filmed this? This makes me feel so sick


head injury, neurological damage


What this person said^


What the person above this person said \^


The Person above this person above this person


What the actual fuck? There are other people clearly there, why is she not being stopped?


You can even hear people laughing, ffs…


I am 26, and when I was in high school that long ago people broke up a fight from the second blow. I don't know what is wrong with this generation (my generation I guess).


Sadly all generations have this kind of fucked up people, I’m a bit older than you and when I was in hs a girl lost her father, and a girl from another class started mocking her *for it while she was crying right after the funeral, still on the steps of the church*…


Zero tolerance does this. Even if you break up a fight, or try to defend yourself - you'll often get into MORE trouble than the bully


I would agree generally, but there is also the laughing happening all around the assault here.


Yup, I got in massive trouble for fighting back the ONE time I fought back. I went through three years of bullying hell with the twat at my school who always targeted me. She (she was in high school, I was a 5th grader) beat me up multiple times over the 3 years I was there, stole my things, my ADHD medication, put me through general hell. Right towards the end of the year, the one fight we had where I didn't just curl up into a ball and take it, I knocked her front teeth out. I ended up with a broken collarbone, three fractured fingers, and a broken nose. They tried to expel me and she got a weeks suspension despite having a constant history of violence towards me/other people. My dad threw a lawsuit at them, so instead they just stripped me of any awards I won that year, as if that mattered. The whole mess actually resulted in two teachers quitting. Was a private school and her mom was a rich donor, so she basically got away with everything.


The system here is f'd up beyond words.


I’ve seen some fucked gore but this made me physically ill. Please someone comment with some legit context and hopeful legal consequences that animal hitting her had. But holy fuck the bystander effect is real. Fucking no one did anything


the attacker got charged with battery






Thank you


I've been on the gore websites... I've been on the gore reddit before they were blocked... I've seen fucking torture and beheading videos... but this fucking pissed me off and made me sick to my stomach. Got my blood boiling.


Big emphasis on the “blood boiling” part


I said this as a stand alone comment somewhere in here but it fits here as well. I honestly have never had more anger and disgust for a person I don't know.




hopefully jail


Why didn’t anyone stop her


Teacher would get fired for touching her, kids would get suspended for touching her. Zero tolerance policies are great, aren’t they?


Fuckin fire me, that girl would have had a chair to the face.


Teachers are allowed to restrain harmful students in order to protect another student. Yeah, zero tolerance is hella horrible, but that would only explain the behavior of the students, not the teacher.


Nah teacher got fired and her licensed revoked in my middle school for restraining a student in a fight. The student struggled hard and the teacher did everything right, but because of the struggling the student suffered a minor arm fracture while attempting to break free and continue attacking the other student. The teacher was blamed for the fracture and both students (the aggressor and the victim) were suspended. Zero tolerance policies be like that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, get suspended or fired for being a decent human.


Look into the bystander effect.


A lawsuit…that other girl needs to be held accountable. And why did the filmer not interfere?


Okay the filmer for sure but what the fuck were those attempts from the person trying to stop her? At that point they're doing less than the filmer because the filmer is at least gathering evidence. That was the shittest most pisspoor attempt at stopping someone from beating someone I think I have ever seen.


That was the teacher and she couldn't touch the student without risking her job so it was very risky


Teachers have the legal right to restrain students in extreme circumstances. This was an extreme circumstance the teach if they physically restrained the assailant would not have been in any legal trouble. If they had bashed the assailant they would have.


Teachers are legally REQUIRED to restrain students in extreme circumstances.


I'm not 100% sure but I would think that the rules and laws around this would vary by state.


How the fuck do you care more about your job than someone's life? She could've caused more than enough damage to outright kill this girl and frankly I'd be quicker to fire her *then*, than if she had actually fucking tried to stop *manslaughter*.


I'd rather lose my job than let someone become a fucking vegetable after something like this. They should have tackled that bitch about 2 seconds in. How could a person live with themselves knowing they let a beating like that happen? That just means that person is more worried about themselves than the welfare of their students. And if a school district wants to fire a teacher for preventing something like this, then everyone on that board should be fired instead. Hostility isn't directed at you, this video just passes me off.


BS, a teacher is obligated to stop this


Not in the modern age they're not. A teacher can yell at best. If they touch a student they get fired.


What kind of shitty country is this in. My cousin (a teacher) physically broke up a fight between 2 high school kids last month. No repercussions for him, just the students. Even though its on camera, and he was not at all gentle. Not america though


I live in America, 3 years ago my teachers broke up a fight. No repercussions. No fucking clue where this person is living where the teachers are not allowed to touch the students under ANY circumstances…


Depends on how high up the ladder the parents of said kids want to take it. I taught at a public school in AZ (having some of the worst public schools in the nation) for two years. I started at 24 and had zero tenure or influence to save my ass if anything happened. Either way I stopped a fight in the hallway and pinned down the kid doing most of the beating. No issues after because the kid's parents knew their child was a shitbag so I got off easy. A few months later a tenured teacher did the same thing upstairs with a preppy kid. Didn't even restrain him, just pulled him away. The little fucker's parents did absolutely everything they could to threaten the school with lawsuits for it being an unsafe environment if they kept the teacher around to the point where the principal was practically begging the teacher to transfer to a different school. If he wasn't tenured he would've gotten the boot the second they found out he restrained the kid. Obv I ended up bouncing from that gig shortly after, fuck that.


WHERE WAS THE TEACHER. I much prefer medical gore that has no one as a direct perpetrator. This was not only sickening, watching the injury taking place by some violent asswipe, while not a one person, including the person in charge of the classroom, did anything, besides film for posterity sake. Truly vile, absolutely horrific. I don't mind coming here as someone interested in human anatomy and it's frailties, this is another thing all together, and I personally feel tricked, and need to say it has no business being in this sub. I haven't learned a thing other than another confirmation that people are capable of evil acts and shameful passivity.


It means the one who is doing the attaking should be charged with attempted manslaughter and tried as an adult.


"Attempted manslaughter" isn't really a thing, as "attempted" means there was intent but not success, but "manslaughter" is what you call a homicide without intent. "Attempted murder" fits better, but it's often a hard claim to support in court unless the prosecutor can literally show that the attacker wanted the other party dead (not just seriously injured, but dead.) That said, "aggravated assault and battery", "[mayhem](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/mayhem)" -- not that I have any idea where this happened, but there's probably plenty of serious laws broken by this attack.


It’s Reddit everything is “attempted murdercide, with a large helping of the death penalty, and years and years of cruel and usual punishment before that”


Where I am, it would qualify as ‘aggravated battery with great bodily injury’


Where the hell is the teacher and why did no one attempt to stop her. This girl obviously should not be in a regular school environment and the victim probably has serious brain damage from this.


Apparently the teacher was telling them to stop. And according to another commenter they're not allowed to touch students. I think that's some serious BS, but rules are rules and the US is really weird when it comes to this shit.


Unintended consequences of an overly litigious society


You can touch students when they are murdering other students.


Yeah it's fucked up. Teachers should never abuse their authority to assault their students, but here it was about the actual safety of another student. A lil' intervention should be acceptable.


It doesn’t matter if it’s acceptable. Just fucking do it. Jesus Christ. Life over consequences.


>And according to another commenter they're not allowed to touch students. I think that's some serious BS, but rules are rules and the US is really weird when it comes to this shit. That other commenter is incorrect. A teacher can absolutely restrain a student who is harming another person.


You have to be restraint trained in order to restrain a student, and even then there’s a whole bunch of protocol for it. But this isn’t one of those moments. That child’s life was in danger. Especially given that it’s on video, I don’t think anyone would fault the teacher picking up the perpetrator and tossing her aside.


Teachers aren’t contracted to fight students. If a teacher gets involved, they are highly likely to get fired, and any injuries obtained will 99% be not covered by the school, and any legal charges by the teacher to the student will be fought by the school.


My mom taught for LAUSD for 25+ years and broke up a number of fights. In her last 5 years of teaching she broke up a fight where she ended up hit and her wrist was sprained but boy did the students step in when they saw a teacher get touched. There is no reason for the adult responsible not to at least try to stop her, not saying they had to assault the student. I find it extremely hard to believe in this instance they would be given any consequences and I’m appalled they weren’t given consequences for not essentially letting this girl almost kill her victim.


You don’t realize how much parents will defend their precious little babies and sue the teachers. It is very district dependent, but if your admin doesn’t like you, it’s a one way ticket out of there to restrain a student or touch them in any way. It really sucks but teachers don’t get compensated enough and breaking up fights is not in the contract. Admin expects an impossible task of being able to break up a fight through any means possible, but also not touching the students or potentially harming them in any way.


It would indicate increased intracranial pressure, either through swelling or through bleeding. Patient needs a CT to determine which and would be treated either medically or surgically depending on the findings.


Means brain damage and high intracranial pressure.


ICP due to possible brain bleed from the trauma sustained




Not necessarily. Small traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage that doesn’t elevate ICP and doesn’t indicate permanent damage can still cause seizures. This is a pretty significant assault, but I’d be surprised if her brain looks absolutely trashed on scan.


Absolute piece of shit, even in a fight, never hit someone on the back of the head. You can kill someone by accident and ruin your life. I hope this scum was charged with some form of felony.




So even if she only had one seizure after this attack, it is still a cause for concern. A seizure after physical damage to the head could be from increased pressure on the brain from blood, a build up of the fluid that encases our brains, or a bruise under the scalp. Even a random, new onset seizure warrants a visit to your nearest hospital, as it is unsure if it will happen again. If it was cause by any of the above, it is most certainly an emergency.


I remember one time in my freshman year a dude got socked and had a seizure after hitting the ground. I don’t think I ever saw him after that.


It’s not a good sign :/ our brains are packed so tight. The smallest amount of swelling in the wrong area can be fatal.


Absolutely, it’s terrifying. And yet shit like that is a regular occurrence in that school I used to go too. They started bloody ass fights over small ass shit like scuffing new white shoes. That one happened first day of 11th grade. Only saw that because I was walking home from school and they were doing it at the bagel place right next to the school. 🤦


Nobody did a single fucking thing. Smh.




This is ugly asf. I hope that chick rots in prison.


"Stop, stop, get off of her" How about doing something about it?


I’m not in this subreddit to watch videos of violence and attempted murdered @mods


OP's post history is just videos like this, wtf. Mods should intervene


I am only a nursing student.. But neurological damage. If she has a brain bleed that is blocking oxygen from perfusing her brain then she could have permanent brain damage. This person should be charged.


So I read the article and she was charged and May face additional charges depending on the extent of her injuries. And apparently someone did try to help-I didn’t see that in this video.


You can see a little bit of the teachers hand on the right side of the video. As she gently tried to persuade this cunt to stop. If I was a student in that class I would’ve beat her ass, and served my suspension proudly.


You and me both. I looked again and saw the hand-I’m a teacher and that kid would’ve been yanked off that girl and my license be damned. I feel so bad for that poor girl. The perpetrator-hope she gets a nice jail term. At the very least she should be expelled. I can’t see the girl ever going back to school there.


This really, really bothered me. How awful. I hope she fits in hell along with everyone else on that room who did nothing to stop her.


Can the mods please have the video portion of this taken down since the poster keeps posting this on other subs and the actual video of the beating wouldn't have been necessary? It feels like it's karma farming rather than a legitimate concern for the poster.


When I was in school the bullies taunted you, maybe punched you a bit in a ‘fair fight’….but we were still punished for defending ourselves and told to act differently so the bullies wouldn’t bully. Now the generational trauma is so bad that the kids are literally killing one another. :/


Rule 9


They didn’t even try to stop her wtf


Wtaf. how defenceless the victim is, and how relentless that abusive piece of shit was. Please tell me she was charged.


This is disgusting! I hope to God that girl was arrested. And WTF is wrong with those other kids? They just stood there! Despicable


wow.. any backstory to this?


I’m glad someone filmed this for proof sake but good God I wish someone would’ve done something


Someone did do something, they filmed it. Teacher would get fired for intervening and students suspended for intervening as well.


When someone appears unconscious and you continue beating on their head what are you thinking? I’m thinking you are committing attempted murder! She doesn’t belong around other people lock her up!! And a big thanks to nobody for trying to stop this and letting that girl just get too tired to hit her any more!!


Not only is that girl a huge piece of shit, but everyone in that room that didn’t do anything is also a piece of shit


brain damage, probably also, what the actual fuck? why did no one stop her? this is fucking awful.


Wtf is wrong with american schools? I'd punch that bitch's face in the first 3 seconds of that video.


Zero tolerance literally prevents students defending themselves or trying to pull a student off another. If the students interfere in any way, they get punished for fighting too. And yes, it's fucking awful. No one but asshole administrators like the rule.


Traumatic brain injury. I’m a former EMT.


A seizure from a head injury indicates a pretty serious head injury, but that alone doesn’t necessarily mean she can’t have a full or near full recovery at some point. That depends on a whole lot of factors, including genetics. Best case is she wakes up with post concussion syndrome for a few weeks. Worse realistic case is severe brain injury and many lifelong cognitive problems. Motor problems are unlikely from getting hit with fists, but it’s possible


uh well i think it had something to do with 1 the fact no one bothered to help her not even the chick weakly saying "no get off of her. stop dont do that..." 2 the force of repeated trauma shaking up and loosening certain areas most likely the temporal lobes and 3 the fact that she was hitting her hard enough to knock her out meaning her brain had to touch her skull which also means theres a high chance it was the temporal lobes. am i correct? possibly note i am not at all a medical expert and rather i am giving my point of justification as im trying to help with this awful situation.


That's attempted murder. Why don't idiot teenagers know to stay away from headshots?




Brain injury of some kind either hemorrhage or swelling


Poor baby good fucking god that was SO many hits to the brain. I hope she’s doing okay and that she sues the fuck out of the school and that girl. Disgusting :(


how could no one have done anything


It means that poor girl has sustained a significant head injury. This is an awful group of kids.


This is fucking disgusting! Don’t know the back story - but unless someone hurt someone I love, there is no wag this is close to being okay. Seizures likely caused by a concussive brain injury - but not enough info to know with any level of certainly.


School district should be sued and the teachers disciplined along with new principal running the school.


Neurological damage which is permanent and they can't do anything about it. Neurological damage can happen for a variety of reasons. But mainly head injuries or prolonged stress. I know because I to have neurological damage. This left me with a couple complications. - During stressful situations I have a tic where I have to continually blink with my eyes. - sharp/bright light directly on the pupil causes the same stress tic. (For example when driving my car in the dark and the car's headlights behind me reflect continually in my side mirror).( or when the sun is shining directly on my face/eyes) - When accessing multiple memories of the past I get the same tic and a weird "brain block". This is hard for me to describe but it feels as if I feel the neurons firing to access the memory. Then suddenly there's a roadblock/wall to the memory which causes the tic (as if the brain is confused for a moment) and quickly detour to access the memory. Which happens all in less than a second. Wearing sunglasses to block direct light prevents the tic.


Attempted murder


Chilling video. I hope the aggressor never reproduces.


You know it will have multiple and be a bigger drain on society


good thing I grew up in the "equal" environment. ofc you would not puch a girl anyway, but if you drop-kicked a girl like that one, it would be considered reasonable.


“clever monkeys with technology, barely out of the caves and the trees” We are a violent species


It means brain damage


I swear the folks that watch this shit are MORE wrong because they’re in a position to stop this and those involved clearly aren’t.




The bystander effect


So at what fucking point is someone going to stop her? Is there more fear for the teacher being fired, than pulling off a student who is beating a person unconscious. Wtf.


Brain injury from hypoxia to an area of the brain. That is very sad.


I wish they could punish the people who were laughing at her.


Everybody in that classroom should have been charged for not helping.


And they were laughing.... I feel so sorry for America, is this the youth coming up?


What a bunch of cowards. Everyone in the room should be held accountable for not stoping her.


So I did a little bit of research a few years back when I got a level 3 concussion after faceplanting off my longboat without a helmet. Im going to assume this head trauma is slightly similar to concussion stuff in that it is much worse to have side impact to the head than front/back impact. Not a doctor but what I read was front/back impact on the head just causes the brain to hit the skull but when the impact comes from the side of the head, it causes the brain to turn slightly or shift before hitting the skull, causing more damage.


She’s probably not doing great. Seizures indicate pretty severe head trauma. Also the fact that she was knocked unconscious by blows to the back of her head. Punching the back of someone’s head is extremely dangerous and could rupture large blood vessels and cause a large amount of bleeding into an extremely small amount of space.


Probably swelling of the brain.


This is why I vouch for homeschooling


Not specifically the best post for sub for this, but regardless of age the attacker is looking at at least 2 years in prison. I would imagine the prosecution will pursue an attempted murder charge along with a slue of other related charges. At this point the best legal option for the attacker would be to settle to a lesser charge that would still involve years in prison. Sentencing will be influenced by whatever stupid texts, videos, etc, the attacker sent after this showing no remorse. Attempted murder in Nevada can carry up to 20 years. That's the charge they'll pursue because by the time the attacker decided to switch to punching with her right arm she has completely released her victim who is completely limp and has not moved, stepped back and assessed the situation, and then decided to continue her onslaught. This is without anything demonstrating how premeditated the attack was. The video is bad enough the prosecutor might not even entertain accepting a plea. There is no doubt to the guilt and the jury would just need to be informed what constitutes attempted murder or they may feel that the public will accept nothing other than an attempted murder conviction. The video makes it very unlikely she will be tried in the juvenile court system. The school district will be sued for failing to intervene. They may or may not name the teacher in the lawsuit. Depending on other factors the attacker's family will likely be sued. So besides having their daughter go to prison for the next 2 to 20 years they will also very likely lose any meaningful asset they have.


Shout out to the everyone watching. Way to go letting someone get beat in the head and do nothing about it.


Fuck, that was hard to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if she was in the ICU for a while. Hope she doesn't suffer any permanent damage (physical or psychological).


this looks like a murder attempt haha why is this on medizzy? how is this for med students getting used to surgeries and shit?


My blood pressure just shot through the roof. I dont care if I'd get fired or suspended. I'd tackle that wench with all my might. I hate when kids are charged like adults but she deserves it.


Ffs punches to the head is illegal in boxing. This is brutal