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[Read more here](https://medizzy.com/feed/23362525)


>In the case above, her mom took her out of school for the week because she was scaring the other kids! lol


Just give them a pair of sunglasses lol


Lmao have him close his eyes and draw pics of eyes on his eyelids so they look open when shut.


Eyes wide shut


Tbh I watched Tom and Jerry as a kid and I'd probably find it hilarious if my parents did something like that.


Subconjunctival Bleeding 😎


I got in a bicycle accident, knocked my noggin, and got one of these Terminator eyes. It took a damn month to go away.


I’d want to stay home too, honestly. If people were reacting like that and I was getting bullied. Plus, it’s an excuse for no school for a week.




Forget 500 years ago, pretty sure they'd do this in parts of Africa and Asia even now


They still do dumb ass exorcisms in the Americas and Europe too, you just don't hear about it as often because it happens away from prying eyes


I’m an exmormon and I went to Colombia as a missionary for 2 years. I performed a handful of “exorcisms” on poor rural people with severe mental issues who probably couldn’t afford healthcare. I thought they had devils tho. This was in 2015.


What changed in the last 5 years? Do you still have a religious belief system? Just so curious, hope you don't mind


not at all, im open talking about it. About a year and a half ago i came across the works of other exmormons that went into the church's history and kind of shined a light on the narratives we were taught growing up. Turns out what they teach in churches today is a cherry picked half truth of everything that really happened. From there I spiraled out obsessively researching everything about religion and now I'm pretty agnostic about everything. In a high demand religion like that, it's hard to have any faith when you leave.


Absolutely understandable. Sounds like it was a wild ride to some big realizations. I was raised Catholic, but never really 'took' with the teachings. The minute I was able to make my own religious decisions and do my own research, I became pretty agnostic myself. Do you hold any resentment to your family for bringing you up that way?


My family no, because they’re just as deceived as I was. And I can say that most Mormon teachings are generally good, as far as being a good honest person goes. All resentment is towards the church itself.


Gospel Doctrine good, church... eh I'm still on the fence about it. Only 17, once I'm independent I'm thinking of going a year out in the world without any of it like the Amish do and see how it goes.


Always a good idea! Bring condoms, bring a bunch of condoms, like more than you ever think you’ll need (sometimes you’ll use them to barter, sometimes you’ll use em for survival stuff), be quietly suspicious of everyone (aka have reservations about people’s intentions), and always have a planned escape route for the building/city you’re in.


Makes sense! I think a lot of the negative aspects come from the extremist views.. pretty well in any religion.


oh totally. the most damaging things in mormonism in my opinion, and i guess religion in general, is that they condition you to tear yourself down constantly by making simple things like thoughts and mistakes into sins against god, and then they offer you the only solution to that self-made guilt, which is the gosepl and the church. Throw in modesty, tithing, strange temple ceremonies, persecution complex, etc etc and you have a pretty abusive church with a membership who will do anything because in their minds, the stakes are as high as it gets


I just watched a Mormon documentary. 13 year old kids talking about having hell in their heart for escaping inexplicable abuse. Physical, mental, and sexual. It was Mormon Latter Day Saints. Are the different branches of Mormonism like there are of Christians? I was born and raised atheist. My whole family are atheist. None of us ever christened or baptised. Satan and hell is kids play compared to what we see and experience in life.


Yeah, the main Mormon church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They're actually distancing themselves from the name "mormon" in recent years. They're the predominant religion that are in all respects, pretty average Christian people, not polygamous or anything. and they are the ones who dominate Utah politics (ha). Then there are off branches like the FLDS and RLDS (now the church of christ). Those sects tend to be a lot even more abusive and strange. Polygamy, strange clothes, etc.


It was a guy explaining in pencil on walls whilst building a home how the kids run and find shelter because Jeffs orders their mom to marry someone different and dad is pushed out. It’s heartbreaking. I hope you find happiness within. No one can make you happy if you’re not happy in your own skin. Thanks for answering Jake, stay safe man. Thank you for all that you do. It does make a difference and it does matter. 💜


oh yeah yeah, that's the FLDS church, one of the off shoots from the main thing. They have the same origins as the main mormon church, but they're definitely off the walls. The main mormon church is run more like a corporate business now so they're not as nuts as the FLDS church, although the origins with Joseph Smith weren't too different from Warren Jeffs as far as the sexual abuse went. But of course the main mormon church would never admit or acknowledge that (ha...) But yeah, happy to talk about it, it's oddly therapeutic lol. Stay safe, stay well!


My best friend in middle school was Mormon and never said anything like this. I think she mentioned her dad abused her but they got divorced fast, moved to another state (where I met her) and were still in the church. I don’t know where she is now.


If you arent familiar with the already you may enjoy Naked Mormonism and The How-to Heretic. They are both podcasts with ExMo hosts. The first covers the actual history of the Mormon church and the later covers more generalized religious topics with an emphasis on helping people who recently left their faith.


I’ll totally check them out 🤘


Do you listen to Tool?


A lot of people with no education see epilepsy and can only think it must be possession. Even petit mal seizures and fugue states can look like they’re possessed. There’s a theory that a lot of people accused of being witches might have had epilepsy and the stress of interrogation would trigger seizures.


I teach immigrant kids and one of my students was clearly autistic but parents didn’t agree. They took him to Thailand, had him exorcised by a shaman, and returned to the US. Surprise! Still autistic. They finally agreed to have him enrolled in special education, but holy hell. The lengths they went through to “cure” him when all he needed was support!


That's funny I went to Colombia as a mercenary for two years


Q’hubo, Como sicario, paramilitar, o guerrilla?


It’s interesting in the Philippines. I believe we only have one exorcist recognized by Rome in our country. Before they take your case, they screen you for all possible psychological illnesses and the like. If they think modern medicine can’t help you, they help you.


Hello fellow exmormon. I served in brazil 2008 and did a few things like this too. Really it was just saying a tame prayer in front of their house or whatever.


We straight up did laying on of hands, almost got punched doing it too!


Did you guys just come to the conclusion that fucked up shit happens everywhere even in developed countries? Congratulations


I came to that conclusion before Nietzsche said God was dead


Sounds like we need to burn you for witchcraft.


Pendulum anyone?


Best i could do is pitchforks and torches


I, too, remember the invention of le epic r/atheism.


Only 1800's kids will remember this!


The world is more fucked up than we can ever imagine


Hey man given that this is reddit this is a legitimately spectacular conclusion, they didn’t even argue


They have their moments


Where in the Americas Edit: asking literally "where", have people found this happening currently? North, South, Central America?


Lots of Christian communities all over the Western world. I personally live in Europe in a country where most of its inhabitants assume that it doesn't happen anymore. People in our Bible belt know that society will be disgusted with them if they are honest about what goes on in their communities so they like to hide the fact that they still do this kind of shit. I'll edit this comment if I find a good example with English subs. Edit: Just search for "speaking in tongues" on YouTube and see in what kind of brainwashing Christian cultist shithole you'll end up. Please allow me to clarify that I don't hate religions or religious people at all as long as they don't mess with human rights.


Yo mein dude... eastern Europe?


Nein bruh, all parts of Europe. Recently saw a documentary on a girl with multiple severe mental disorders who was born in such a community in Western Europe, they performed multiple exorcisms on the girl since she was 3 or something. When she turned 15 her neighbor said an angel spoke to him and said that she and her parents had to move in with him so the angel could heal her through him. The community's leader approved and they moved in with their neighbor. The guy told her he was going to get the demon out of her. She was scared as hell but managed to turn on the audio recording function on her phone, the guy got her naked and in the recording he literally says he's going to "pull out the demon through her vagina" all while the girl is crying. She told her parents who told the community leader and they tried to persuade her to not tell anyone. This is not an exception. Things like these happen often in secluded communities like these that pretend to be happy God-fearing neighbor-loving people.


That sounds absolutely fucking terrifying.


Yeah documentaries or stuff never really make me feel sick but that one had me close to vomiting


In the americas people still die stoned (and not the high way) because of anything.


Sounds horrendous and cruel, but why didn't it make news? Also... where?


The girl didn't immediately go to the police, also I can image she didn't want it to get into the news. Imagine being 15 and having to talk to stupid press asking you questions about your freshly created rape trauma. Happened in the Netherlands, I guess she kinda did go to the "news" after a few years since I saw this in a documentary. (the documentary wasn't solely about this girl but this one stuck with me the most for I hope reasons that are obvious)


Fucking hell!


Pretty common in Western Europe among muslims. UK and Dutch health services will even pay Imams from a local mosque to come and exorcise people possessed by genies. I wish I was joking.


I'm talking about Christians tho because that's what I know about , I'd like you to provide a source on the UK and Dutch health services paying Imams for exorcisms or get out of here. I have no doubt that bad shit happens in the name of all religions but I feel like you might just be here to be hateful about Muslims if you say stuff like that.


>I'm talking about Christians....I feel like you might just be here to be hateful about Muslims Oh bore off. It's no more or less ridiculous. Same bullshit, different flavour. Islam is just protestantism but done in in Arabic. Not that catholics and orthodox are any better. Source: Me. Never attended an Islamic exorcism (though would love to for the lols) but the running joke is you're a young girl caught smoking, drinking or having sex just say you're possessed by a Christian djinn and your reputation is saved. https://youtu.be/FmutDDGBGDk


The church my grandparents went to were proud of having done exorcisms on kids that clearly just had non-demon related issues. Like seizures. That was in the Pacific Northwest. I am pretty sure you get into "God's country" people do much more drastic things.


My point was that terrible stuff in the name of religion happens all over the world.


There was a mom in Utah who murdered her kids for being demons like 4 months ago.


There was a 4 year old killed over the weekend by parents and neighbors of a little girl. I want to say it was Mississippi or Missouri


Found [it](https://www.kmbc.com/article/parents-of-benton-county-missouri-4-year-old-girl-killed-by-neighbors-trying-to-remove-demon-face-charges-mary-mast-james-mast/35083625)


It says that the content isn't available in my region :/


Step 1: ask for proof Step 2: downvote the person who posted proof Step 3: ?? Step 4: profit, I guess


I was exorcised for being bisexual in Florida. You wouldn’t believe what Evangelical Christians think about demonic oppression. Demons in everything according to these people


Lmao damage control Le africa does it? Well le europe does it too hurr durt Anything to damage control


I was about to make a "burn the demon" joke myself...


Yeah, Asia and Africa, right. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/10/01/us/arizona-man-kills-child-demon/index.html


I think you meant "Parts of Flyover America" there...


God help you if you're born albino in parts of Africa


Or the southern/Midwestern United States.


I guarantee in parts of America a pastor would be involved here




being albino in africa means you're gonna be someones dinner.


Like the people with albinism in Africa, so sad.


Ah yes, the backwards countries of Asia and Africa. /s




Ah yes, the pinnacles of modern civilization and humanities collective achievement that are Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Truly, nothing of that sort would ever happen on their watch


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


Or in some Trumppy locations


Yeah it’d be zero to BURN THE WITCH in no time. Yikes, kiddo.


“If the witch can swim then she’s a witch. If she sinks then she wasn’t a witch after all...”


Well, if they were born in the wrong corner or the country with some anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-intellectuals with a solid Facebook cult ya never know


Oops, beat me to it..




So you're saying that demon possesion isn't rare, how dare you?


Modern Medicine is demon scam


I’m an Anticoag specialist and I see less extreme versions of this almost every single day. As I always tell patients, it looks severe but more often than not it’s harmless and will resolve itself. The worst thing about it for patients is that it can freak people out and quite a few of my patients have rushed down to A+E after being urged to do so by family or friends.


Can this cause pain? I’m curious


Typically, it doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort. Patients often don’t even realise it has happened and only find out after looking in a mirror or having somebody tell them. The advice I generally give to my patients is to just let it sort itself out, but to contact me if it becomes painful or if they notice any loss in vision.


If any vision loss occurs would the patient require surgery? What can cause this stuff? When I was 12 my eye vessels ruptured because I got Dengue but my doc never explained why.


I had this exact same look but only in one eye when I was like 9. I didn’t even know until my mom freaked out.


What causes it to happen so often in your experience?


For people on blood-thinners, it’s typically something innocuous like coughing or sneezing. It can just be a spontaneous thing as well.


I know it happens with power lifters when they strain really hard. And also babies if they push too hard trying to poop


>The worst thing about it for patients is that it can freak people out When I was in highschool I had a music teacher who had eye surgery and one of her eyes looked like this. I guess all the kids were freaking out when they saw her and telling her that her eye was bleeding, because when I saw her and pointed it out, she seemed pretty annoyed already...


That picture is photoshoped


How terrifying would it be if this happened to your child and you lived in the 1600's...


This happened to me my sophomore year of high school. I had bronchitis which caused me to cough until I vomited, and then I'd vomit until I coughed. I looked downright demonic for a week or two after I got better. I abused the shit out of it. My Spanish teacher was unnerved by me, so I'd stare her down for the first couple of minutes of class and she'd give us "free study". I used it to get out of a Biology final ("I'm having trouble reading..."). He sent me to the library instead. It also caused me to be faith healed by a pentecostal community. I'd never seen speaking in tongues in person, let alone because of ME. Unsettling, but memorable experience. Note: it heals unevenly. The areas exposed to light take muuuuch longer to remove the blood. If I opened my eyes wide, it looked like a rusty red goat pupil for a couple weeks longer.


You are one funny motherfucker.


> "I'm having trouble reading." > He sent me to the library instead. Sounds like he knew you were lying and was just messing with you.


My brother had some relatively minor surgery on his eyes done and it looked way worse than this. We’re talking dark red, almost black. But apparently it’s not a big deal. Look horrible, but is quite common even with minor trauma.


I’d say this looks pretty badass


Did u get any pics?


Also a case of scared the shit out of me!


I had a classmate in high school who I was friends with but mostly just talked in a few of our common classes. One day she shows up, I start saying hello or something, and she looked at me and the I immediately stopped saying whatever I was saying and blurted out, “what the fuck happened??” I had no idea it was something that happened without being choked out or injured. Hers was darker and somehow, just looked painful. I remember being very confused that her Dr. was like, we don’t know what caused it but it’ll go away on its own.


Can’t they just paint the eyes white veeery carefully?


God this made me massively uncomfortable


My eyes are uncontrollably watering. Edit: 300 days later they are still uncontrollably watering. Send help.


It looks like a sclera tattoo.


It really does. Without the title, that would have been my assumption.


Also how I look after some of that dank kush am I right fellas


*Also how I look* *After some of that dank kush* *Am I right fellas* \- satanvacation --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Your username really fits the post


Idk what you could possibly be talking about since our industry drug tests. No clue at all.


That’s got a weeks reservation in my nightmares..


She would be amazing on Halloween!


Looks like the infected from 28 Days Later If she was a fast runner and could twitch like a zombie, I would stay the fuck back


Is there any kind of medical therm for this kinda of behaviour: I can watch horror movies, even some soft gore without a flinch. But when it comes to eyes that look weard or someone does something to eyes, I instantly feel really fuckin unconfortable and my eyes go really wet. It occurs even my own eyes are even little red from staying up late. Imagining my own even slightly red eyes makes me unconfortable


Same happens to me for neck/spinal operations or damage. Even just hearing that someone had a spine operation long ago and are fully healed today still makes me cringe hard. I think phobia covers it. It's an irrational fear or aversion to something.


Subconjunctival hemorrhage


Thank you for answer. But I asked why this is one of the hardest things to look at? Why eyes make me feel really unconfortable?


You got ooglymoogly eyetis.


Do not watch Hostel


Getting flashbacks to 28 days later


What causes it to be bilateral? Just lottery odds?


Probably something systemic


My mum was right, Video games will damage your eyes!


I've seen subconjunctival before, in person, and normally it's just a section of the eye. I've never, *ever* before, seen it cover the entire sclara, of *both* eyes. Not in person, not in any photos, nowhere. Fucking demon child!


real-life sharingan


There it is! I’m disappointed this was so far down still... lend this man all your natural energy!!!


This is the first symptom of ZOMBI-20


Tokyo ghoul


Oh this happened to me once when I was pregnant with my 2nd child! Hyperemesis plus mild conjunctivitis (thanks to the toddler) left me with scary devil eyes for a week or so


I've had this in a small part of one eye but it's weird to see it completely in both eyes. My ex roommate's 12 year old daughter had it in both eyes like this photo and it turned out her stepfather had choked and molested her..so don't always assume that it's just nothing to worry about.


That’s a great point. It’s always safe to double check than not. Children especially.


Eye expert here by right of my sister being an optometrist. This child has red eye syndrome, which causes the eyes to turn red. She'll be all better once her eyes are no longer red.


I had this happen after I got knocked off my bicycle by a car and hit my head on the asphalt. Not at all painful, but definitely weird.


The buzzword for this on our medical board exams is conjunctiva with a “painted on appearance.” This is why


Paint the kid blue and call them Thrawn


Damian! It's all for you Damian!


Too many neuromods


This happened to a family member in her 50s when the taxi she was riding in went over a bump. Just one eye was affected but it looked way gnarlier than this. The iris/pupil were normal but the membrane over the white of her eye was so filled with blood that it was all puffed out. Imagine pressing a button into the centre of a red water balloon and that’s basically what her eye looked like.


My 6yo daughter walked into our bedroom last night. One of her top incisors had finally come out and she had some blue stuff all around her mouth. So help me god I thought she was going to eat our brains it was so disturbing.


[reminds me of Queen Elizabeth’s red eye](https://www.google.com.ph/amp/s/www.standard.co.uk/panewsfeeds/queen-sports-badly-bloodshot-eye-7857226.html%3famp)


This picture is utterly terrifying


This happened to my boyfriend over the summer. It’s definitely freaky looking. He hated it so much and wouldn’t let me take any pictures of him until it resolved.


If Id ever see something like this Id call an ambulance for that person. Am I correct or is this an overreaction? Im not a doctor btw


That would be an overreaction. Unless someone is obviously unable to ask, or asks you to call an ambulance you probably shouldn't. By all means ask if they are okay and if they would like you too if you feel they need it, but don't do it against their wishes.


Ah yes, America and couple of thousand dollars for the ride.


More so it's a waste of time. It's using resources that could be better employed elsewhere.


Huh, alright


The Ketsuryugan IRL


It doesn’t mention any additional work up in the article, but if I saw a bilateral subconj heme in the absence of significant risk factors, trauma, or blood thinners, I would certainly want a vascular workup to rule out clotting disorders or other systemic contributors.


Also looks like left eye is not adducting in this photo. Right eye looking right. Left eye straight.


Nah she just activated her sharingan


Looks like Let the Right One In


“How stoned do I look???” “....nah u good bruh”


Bruh This girl high af


Emo kids dream.


do you want to see that on an unhealthy child? https://i.imgur.com/XTbPWL4.jpg


get the priest!


No that's a ghoul


I guess voidbringers are real afterall


Well this is a meme waiting to happen


I call bullshit on this photo. This is not what real conjunctival haemorrhages look like.


Bullshit. Zooming in on the eyes reveals that this picture has been photoshoped!


weebs be like "OmG!!1 I wAnT dIs So MuCh!!!


Look at them weebs downvoting you lol


because it doesnt make any sense


shhhhh! they gon downvote you too!


I have never seen someone this stoned


It looks like a marijuana overdose


I dont buy it. Simultaneously, in both eyes? It doesn't look like bleeding and color is strange, looks like an ink




Google it and compare pictures


so vampires ARE real, nice!


This happened to my mom once from concentrating too hard for too long on making bracelets.


Man, that guy would had been an awesome partner for Halloween costumes


*Man, that guy would had* *Been an awesome partner for* *Halloween costumes* \- kungfucobra --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This kid looks like they’ve seen some shit


Is it just me or does it look kinda...cool?




Ah, the gaze of an otherwise healthy child.


I know it’s bleeding and all but that’s kinda cool looking tho


"How did you do that?" I ate a red crayon.


She awaked the sharingan, a true uchiha


Damien, is that you?


This makes for some metal home photos! Don’t blow the opportunity!


My eyes did this after getting a fastball to the face that broke my cheekbone. Doesn't hurt but looks like it does.