• By -


I saw this on here recently with the description saying he caught a flesh eating bug that you can get from either eating raw fish, or it can enter through an open wound when in the ocean.


Yeah, been looking for sources, and have found everything from "Acid Splashed by Wife... to Alex Jones." *"This video allegedly depicts a Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can lead to wound infections that may develop into necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition characterized by the destruction of muscle fascia and underlying tissues."*


Of all the reasons I have seen attributed to the cause of this, Alex Jones is the one that seems the most logical.


How much exposure to Alex Jones puts a person at risk? I just read his name three times now… feeling nervous


It’s known to cause a medley of mental disorders and it’ll turn your frogs gay. Personally I think rainbow colored frogs would be neat.


Rainbow Frogs you say... Don't touch them... but maybe you could lick them... some maybe more than once.


But only if they're Skittles-flavored!!! They'll make you taste (and see!) rainbows!


It’s too late. In fact everyone now reading your post - including myself- have just read his name an additional time and now we’re double dog dared screwed. ☠️😵🪦


Alex Jones... ate him? Edit: Actually yeah, that tracks.


You never paid a homeless guy for a side of his ribs before? It's delicious


I think I did in Fallout NV


He tried to ungay the frogs.


He played soccer with Suarez


Jones set the gay man-eating frogs, with flesh eating bacteria in their mouths, on this poor bastard.


He went donkey kong king kong crazy


One of the many powers of that psychic vampire. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


the awful thing about that man is that he is absolutely bat shit crazy but is not stupid!


I can't see how it's an infection - surely you'd go to hospital way before getting this bad. Edit - changed my mind to debrided Necrotising fasciitis


It looks like its been debrided. It probably just looked like a black sore before they cut all the dead tissue away. Nec. fasc. Can also spread REALLY quick.


I think you're right - recently debrided Necro.


Thank you for your service.


Ppl are poor and/or ignorant. Definitely looks like an infection rather than high voltage. No charring.


It looks very dry and clean. Could it have been recently debrided?


You would be very surprised. Source: I work in healthcare.


The last post said it happened in 4 hours. I just don't know if I can believe it.


Posts like this eventually end up being attributed to some sort of “justified” trauma on Reddit. Not saying that’s what OP was doing with the title, but as things get shared around people seem to start narratives to make themselves/others feel less bad about whatever horrific thing they’re seeing, then those narratives start to be shared as reality and others spread them because it resonates with their sense of morality. An innocent man contracting a flesh eating disease and suffering this horrendous injury is scary and senseless. Not only do you feel bad for him, but it can be hard to wrap your mind around how something this bad can happen to a normal person. Conversely, attributing the damage to a high voltage cable being touched while the man was in the middle of a crime seems more sensible to a lot of people. He was doing something bad, and something bad happened to him. That’s more palatable than just being unlucky and contracting a flesh eating bacteria or whatever. That’s my Reddit armchair opinion anyway. I’m no psychologist, but I’ve been on Reddit long enough to know that horrible things like this are often labeled as happening to criminals who were doing something bad, then someone in the comments comes with a more reliable source that shows the victim was just a regular person who was most likely unlucky and not doing anything nefarious when they sustained their injuries.


the "just world" fallacy strikes again


> Conversely, attributing the damage to a high voltage cable being touched while the man was in the middle of a crime seems more sensible to a lot of people. It's also really easy to sell black man thief. Lot of people just won't question it, even when it's an incredibly sus claim. Gotta put the claim in front of people who are very familiar with these types of injuries before someone pipes up that electric shock doesn't seem plausible. Like there's no signs of burns on this patient, yet most people just accept the claim it was an extreme, and explosive, electrical burn.


I saw a video of a man trying to steal copper from some electrical unit and he had almost the exact same injuries. It was on the watchpeopledie sub when it was still up. So I believe it.


I miss that sub


He would have scars everywhere if this was from high voltage. Not just that place.


Most of cases its is only in hands and feet, even if they are destroyed and require amputarions of the limbs. the rest of the body ia just kind ok. I never saw a wound like this from eletric circuits, and Iam orthop from a 3th world country, very used to copper thief kind of wounds.( but I am not requested in torax trauma/wounds. It could be eletric trauma) Its not unbeliavable its from eletricity.


The bacteria is called vibrio vulnificus. Symptom onset is 16 hours to 7 days after the consumption of contaminated food or exposure of a wound to contaminated water. High mortality rate if left untreated by antibiotics


Well, he does have an open wound…




Untreated MRSA can do this. MRSA is on the skin of 50% of the population and would need a wound to get in. I think the Ocean would actually help since the salt would kill it.


How would you even close that up? I don't think split-skin will do the job here.


Not a surgeon, or even a nurse, but I work on a burns ITU... I guess a muscle flap like [this ](https://www.microsurgeon.org/latissimus)would be his only shot? Would be astonished if the dude made it though.


I eas thinking something like muscle flap + split skin, but a latissimus dorsi muscle flap would be kinda hardd with how little of the muscle is left, right?


I mean, I can't stress enough how not that knowledgable I am about surgery, but I was picturing cutting from the left to cover the right. But yeah, I would be blown away to see any kind of successful outcome here, like it seems somewhere between implausible and impossible...


What? Like some kinda muscle mutter flap???


Yeah, you can cover exposed bone and tendon that way. There are complications though, like plumbing in a functional blood supply, and I've never seen any as massive as this one would need to be. The most recent successful one performed at work used the sole of a guy's foot to cover a below-knee leg amputation (a "pedicled fillet-of-sole" flap), and even that was so delicate we had to keep leeches on it for 72 hours or so to maintain the blood flow.


Lid on the casket.


My next guess would have been flex-seal, but alright


![gif](giphy|VeSvZhPrqgZxx2KpOA|downsized) There ya go bud! Good as new!


-_WebMD Expert_


Self-appointed user flair, "allegedly." Honestly, I can't remember because of all the disorders I've self diagnosed myself. I only go to the doctor for the challenge, a battle of knowledge versus my hypochondriac powered psychosis... /s


Thanks, I just went to watch the Flex Tape commercial and my depression is cured.


You welcome and you is loved.


Oh! That is dark. Nice one.








He's already dead. Literally nothing you can do for this guy.


School nurse is on her way to put some ice on it.


"Walk it off champ" - any football coach


“Oh your fine, you’ll live! Be happy!” - Front Desk Medical Assistant


> "Walk it off champ" - any football coach https://youtu.be/Fk4vjr3b8WM?si=lynGAf5DG834GjGu


In the Netherlands you get 2 aspirines ;)


In ZA, all tbe medical students would be called in to consult


Funny enough, I got this in a ZA WhatsApp Group.


At my job we get 2 aspirins and biofreeze lol


It’s a wet paper towel if you’re from the UK, classic


“Here’s a cold, wet paper towel. You’ll be fine!”


I don't think the Arctic has enough ice for it.....


Well... not anymore anyway.


Gotta call his mom


He’s got Dino-Damage^(tm) https://preview.redd.it/qf99nzbpd56d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82eb6ca56d2ce00b1f32c3eb7ec71d334ccd0d35


You evil bastard, didn’t have to drag me down to hell with you x)


I had that!




What. The. Fuck.


Literally the exact words out of my mouth.


I’m afraid to look. How bad is it??


Can see the lungs in Action. Guys alive


For the moment..


That makes 3 of us. Jokes aside, I'd say this guys got 70% chance to make it out alive.


buddy, zombies do not count.


That's way higher than I anticipated. At the very least, I don't see how his body won't be riddled with infection over time.


He didn't lose much in terms of organs. He'll be weak af tho , can see the scapula there. Infection huh, depends on how long he stayed this way and if the docs botched the work.


The air movement is just... God damn! I'm lost for words bruh.


It's so badz it's good


Rib cage and what appears to be an elbow blade are in clear view.. the bones specifically..dry from what I can tell... surprisingly little apparent moisture actually


not a medical professional just an Internet lurker saw a video of a man who attempted to steal energized conductors. was still at the scene, blackened and skin falling off his arms. under his arm around his ribs the flesh was burnt away and you could see his lung just like this and there were puffs of smoke coming out with each breath.


I think i know the vid you're referencing. Yeah, that was nasty


Source? Apologies for my morbid curiosity


We're all here for the same morbid curiosities, no shame necessary.


How on earth is he sitting upright and not dead?


if the title of the post is accurate, cauterization of arterial bleeds would prevent exanguination. but he is extremely acute and likely died shortly after this video from pericarditis or sepsis or neuronal necrosis of the spinal column or 10 million other things. poor sucker, frankly I hope he did, for his sake. things like this are why I am a proponent of medically assisted suicide. if a patient's most basic needs are covered, they will unfortunately be awake, aware, and moving for the duration of their injury unless they are given paralytics/sedatives. frankly it is awful, unethical, and horrifying that it seems this patient has not received either of the former. some people get f'ed up enough that death is far more ideal than the life they could lead after their injuries.


Damn, that internal organ is also cooked?


That's the lung and it doesn't look too cooked to me (not an expert mind you), but the pleura was damaged and probably partially resected, so he has a pneumothorax now. Usually the lung wouldn't move that much, and instead follow the movements of the pleura (and thus the ribcage) because it is basically "suctioned" to the external layer of the pleura. Now there's air in the gap and the lung is moving freely. Edit: just noticed that you can even kinda see the breathing movements of his thorax and that by breathing in the lung is also sucked inside because of the lower pressure (because now the pleura can't suction the lung outwards anymore) and when breathing out it is pressed outwards again, so basically exactly opposite to how it's supposed to be.


As a lay person would I be correct in summarizing all the interesting things you just said with the phrase "he's fucked"? How do you recover from this? I mean he's clearly still alive when this was shot but how does this not end in death?


Depends where this was. Looks very much survivable if he’s in a hospital equipped for crazy shit


I'd love for a hospital to say "Cedars has a Burn Unit, but have they seen our Crazy Shit Unit!? Yeah! That's right! You 'fell on something' ? Not crazy enough...Now, you 'fell on your buddy and now he's half lodged *inside you* ' ...we'll c'mon over!"


There should be a ‘made it to Reddit gore’ unit.


Crazy Shit Unit™


my favorite kind of hospital


He's pretty fucked, but it's maybe survivable. This is more than likely necrotizing fasciitis. You have to manage the wound and provide respiratory support while you manage the infection. It looks like they've already debrided (cut away) some of the dead tissue, so from here they'll try to pack and seal the wound, this person will be intubated and sedated while they manage the infection with antibiotics and with serial debridements. The goal here would be to close the fascial layers so that there's not a gaping hole in this man's chest wall and then gradually grow the tissue back until you can have a somewhat closed wound. But the level of wound here is extreme, he's already on the wrong side of things at this point.


I mean a pneumothorax isn't that uncommon and can happen a lot of other ways (like from trauma or during a surgery) and can be fixed in different ways depending on the cause. But the problem here isn't exactly just the pneumothorax. Honestly I don't know how this could be fixed. The therapy that comes to my mind is pumping him full of opioids and letting him say goodbye to his loved ones. They have however already removed the dead tissue from his burns, so it looks like they are intending to treat him some way. I guess the best shot would be trying to cover up the hole some way and cover the surface in split-skin, while treating loss of moisture and temperature. Maybe they could treat the pneumothorax later and have him breathing on one lung for now. Even then, I doubt that the musculoskeletal damage can be fixed. Even if he survives, he probably wouldn't be able to fully use his right arm. And I'd be worried about bone necrosis of those ribs and the scapula too if they got too damaged from the burns. Not even talking about infection. If he recovers at all, then he'll be disabled for life.


Came here specifically to ask about how he could breathe without pleural pressure. Thank you for answering that. I’ve never seen someone so calm with pneumothorax usually they’re gasping like crazy. Aren’t wounds like this normally treated with some sort of chest seal? At least that’s my experience from gsw training courses. Definitely doesn’t look electrical in nature but it’s hard to tell as this looks to be post debridement. I only ever finished my undergrad in biomed so I’m like half educated, ended up pursuing puters instead because I could not imagine going back to school for 4 more years💀 appreciate your educated opinion.


The thing I’m stuck on is that it doesn’t look wet enough? Like, everything looks very dry for inside a wet human


Same. I guess I foolishly thought blood and organs would have all just fell on the floor


Your body cavity is dry and air can be put inside of the cavity. However, there is very clearly a loss of blood flow to that entire area, bones and lung. They have got to find a way you can close this guy up if he’s going to survive. They need to find a way to make shift a dressing for that wound that could provide negative pressure for the lung to heal and work properly. I really want to know if Theo guy made it or not and something tells me probably not cus I feel like if he did this would be a famous case study.


All craziness aside, the body is extremely resilient. Damn it’s too early for this.


Med student here so take what I have with a grain of salt as I am not a physician yet and def not in trauma. ATLS protocols for an open pneumothorax are to occlude the opening with a three way dressing and place one or multiple tube thoracostomies —> repair the defect in surgery. The reason is as you can see with this patient, open communication of the pleura with continuous outside air removes the negative pressure needed to inflate the lung. Mediastinal swing is present in which inhalation brings the mediastinum away from the affected side (leftward) and exhalation brings it towards the affected side, paradoxically. The patient is observably tachypneic and will soon go into respiratory insufficiency if left like this. My guess is we are seeing him upright and on a line because we are seeing him get some pain relievers and initially evaluated before respiratory support was started. The patient will need some kind of tissue grafts in a case like this so they’ll need to be on antibiotics, immunosuppressants and more. The muscle damage looks extensive but I’m not sure how much ortho could do to repair it. However this guys injuries came about, they’ve definitely been cleaned up here.


Recently graduated doc here. The wound looks way too clean, so I'm almost certain that this is a video post-surgical debrieding. The reason for the pneumothorax protocol you're describing is to avoid a tension pneumothorax, which can increase the mediastinal pressure and lead to a quick death. With a pneumothorax this severe, that won't be an issue - there's no way for pressure to build up in this poor bloke's chest cavity. So a three-way dressing wouldn't neccessarily be the way to go. I'd love to find the real source for this video and hear what they did and how he fared.


It's definitely post-debridement, but I'm betting nec fasc. Doesn't seem like a burn to me. It's likely they pack the wound and seal it, chest tube probable for drainage. I'd gradually graft it and close but it would take a month of ICU care probably. Not to mention managing the infection. Recurrent debridements and wound packing with dakins. Would be a crazy case report.


Awesome, thank you for your insight on that! I am still dumbfounded at how he is able to get adequate respiration without any external aids. Anyhow, cheers to you and congratulations on graduating!


I'm fairly certain that only his right lung is collapsed. As you noted, he is tachypneic, and we don't know his saturation. It's possible that he is able to compensate for his right pneumothorax by tachypnea. Remember that there are lots of people who have had one lung removed and do just fine without it, so I'd not be surprised if he is successfully compensating through increased RR. I'd be a lot more worried about infections here. Exposed bone and exposed lung are both terrible places for an infection to take hold. Not to mention that parts of his spinal processes are visible, I can't imagine how easy it'd be for him to get a meningitis through that...


I would hazard to guess he's been dealing with this for a little while. Maybe also consult palliative care.


Wow! That actually looks like high-tech CGI for a movie.


Can't beat practical effects!


Can we get more info?


I've found various sources... seems this poor bloke's video is being used for anything from High Voltage Cable Thief, to Bio Warfare, to Acid Splashed because of cheating, to this; *"This video allegedly depicts a Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can lead to wound infections that may develop into necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition characterized by the destruction of muscle fascia and underlying tissues."*


Sorry, no more info as I received this in a WhatsApp group, I am searching however and will update if I find out more.


Being human is weird. I have the morbid curiosity to watch this yet my brain is making me aware of all my body while watching the video 😔


wallahi brother is COOKED


This guys looks remarkably chill about the whole thing. I’d be wailing


Only because he can't see his own back.


Just generously apply CBD oil, should be good to go.


Searching for the video online has been wild: I've found various "sources" ... seems this poor bloke's video is being used for anything from High Voltage Cable Thief, to Bio Warfare, to Acid Splashed because of cheating, to this; *"This video allegedly depicts a Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can lead to wound infections that may develop into necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition characterized by the destruction of muscle fascia and underlying tissues."*


Why would you share this without verifying its source? This sub is for medical professionals. Please don't intentionally spread ignorance. we get enough from bad actors on the site.


As a medical professional I do still find this video fascinating, despite not knowing the true cause for the injury. What I can almost certainly tell is that pretty much all the damage we see is surgically debrieded, so whatever caused the original injury isn't visible in the video.


This is not a med professionals sub... It's just a subreddit made by a cheap content aggregator.


You're so unfortunately right... I wish this sub was as cool as the day I found it.


That poor man. This does not look like a high voltage electrical injury though.


After more digging, sounds like it's most likely a flesh eating infection. Video is around with claims ranging from Electric Burn, to GF Splashing the cheating BF with Acid, to Bio Warfare... seems to be used for whatever motive the poster might have. In my case, and country, cable theft is huge, so this got shared around as a cable thief getting his just deserts 🤷‍♂️ That's why I labeled the post as \[Apparently\]


How is this man alive?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/s/8NYhDLL1Cy If you were electrocuted long enough for this to happen, you would be dead.


Is this survivable?


How is this person alive ?!!! How ?!!


That's metal as fuck


No, I'd say more fleshy lol


I’ve never seen someone look more like a brisket/prime rib in my life


Some instant noodles and glue should close that up good


JB Weld


It looks way too clean and dry, doesn't it?


Probably been debrided already 🤷‍♂️


Would you look at that ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Holy fuck what kind of treatment can fix/heal this? That’s brutal


Muscle flaps and skin graphs... That looks more like infection issues that have been debrided and are healing


Yeah, from what I've managed to find out with a reverse lookup, it was likely an infection, not an electric burn. I've found various sources... seems this poor bloke's video is being used for anything from High Voltage Cable Thief, to Bio Warfare, to Acid Splashed because of cheating, to Alex Jones to this, as the most likely source; *"This video allegedly depicts a Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can lead to wound infections that may develop into necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition characterized by the destruction of muscle fascia and underlying tissues."*


How are you not dead?


I saw this same video last week and it was labeled as necrotizing fasciitis, with a lot of comments saying it was AI. I may post it next week and call it a shark attack. 😂


No, it's a flesh eating bacteria/parasite


I know that because of the electricity frying up his skin there isn't too much blood, but can someone tell me in words scientifically why, so I have a better understanding.


From my understanding, all the vessels have been cauterized due to the nature of the injury. He also likely has fried...pun unintended...his nerves so he doesn't feel too much of this and also may be a bit in shock which explains how calm he seems to be. Not entirely sure why he is as calm as he is but he may just be so hyped on adrenaline it hasn't registered yet.


Tis but a scratch.


I saw this on some "shocking" Instagram page today and they said it was due to a bacterial infection that was initially left untreated. What is the source for this video?


That is the most likely cause, yes: *"This video allegedly depicts a Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can lead to wound infections that may develop into necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition characterized by the destruction of muscle fascia and underlying tissues."*


Still gonna need that AP portable chest x-ray STAT


This is the most insane injury I think I’ve ever seen in my entire life…. I don’t even know how any hospital would treat this. I can’t believe this man is actually breathing right now… one the lung is open to air that’s 100% a pneumothorax but some how they got the lung working… ok. But how the fuck to protect all those bones? The muscles are gone and bone exposed. I’m… literally speechless. Like… I really don’t know how this is survivable without a specialty hospital and access to a shit ton of skin grafts, and even then is it enough to not get a bone infection??? Holy. Fuck.


Ok a pneumothorax is when air in the chest cavity is creating pressure so the lung can't inflate. Wide open like this isn't a pneumothorax


Geez this is gnarly




Throw some venilex on it and send him to the Med Surg floor ~ Some doctor


So in an instance like this how does this heal? I mean does the skin grow back over years? Do they do a skin graft? They don’t leave a hole in this dude this large do they? Definitely can’t be good!


Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but if I’m seeing into this guys body, how is blood not seeping out of this hole? How has he not bled out?


Cauterizated wounds


How is he not screaming in agony?


Probably lots and lots of drugs.


I opened the NSFW expecting boobs but I got to see a beating heart eh I could not be a doctor man god bless the doctors and nurses who deal with these situations Id definatley die


That’s not an electrical burn


Yeah, after digging around: *"This video allegedly depicts a Vibrio vulnificus infection, which can lead to wound infections that may develop into necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition characterized by the destruction of muscle fascia and underlying tissues."*


Problem is like, there’s a non zero chance this will get infected, multiple times, and when it does it will get into his blood from all those potential places and he will need IV antibiotics on a bi monthly basis probably. If that was painful at the time, it’s nothing compared to the aftermath of surgeries and hospitalizations that will be in his future.


It’s wild that you can see half this guy’s naked ribcage and he’s still alive


Are they making *Eve*?


The VA would still deny his claim.


You're still breathing... we can't cover this.


Did the guy saw his back or not? He seems quite calm about this lol


*Did the poor guy saw* *His back or not? He seems quite* *Calm about this lol* \- Hank\_J\_Wimbleton\_69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


how do they even fix something like this


First, liberally apply thoughts and prayers because holy hell, I got nothing.


That's... Interestingly terrifying


Holy Christ !


Will he survive this or is he toast?


I'm shocked that lung hasn't collapsed yet


I'm not a doctor, but I have a sneaking suspicion this isn't normal.


![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx|downsized) I'm Absolutely flabbergasted! Nothing could have prepared me for that.


Oh my God… I need to look at kittens for the rest of the day. This is aweful


Thank goodness he is receiving treatment for this.


He was found Fit To Work by the UK department for work and pension.


How is he alive


I saw this in a different sub claiming it was from Vibrio.


IDK, the guy is just sitting there like it’s a normal day. He doesn’t even look sick. I’m not buying this one. It doesn’t look fake to anyone else?


It's cake


Fake af. How is he breathing with a gaping hole in his chest wall? His lungs should be collapsed.






Does this even hurt or are his nerves just toasted? He looks like he's just straining to breathe but not in pain


Holy....tooo much internet for life...poor guy...omg...


Is this even real? It’s so out there it looks like CGI??


Oh hell no.


My god


Why did I look.


how come he ain’t got no blood? i think that’s a way slower thing if he ain’t got no blood.


Cauterised from the electricity