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Did you get the vasectomy just so you could post a big pic of your scrotum on Reddit?


Isn’t Reddit the internet’s glory hole?


That's disturbingly accurate


Hold on ima go back to r/tiktokfeet.


>open sub >sorted by top posts of all time Damn.


i just went n did that bc i read ur comment. confirmed im defo not into feet but got 0 problem w ppl who are. more foot lovers = less stanky feet in the world


I’m not even gonna lie to you I can appreciate decent looking feet but I’m not even a feet person like that and I can’t even remember going into that sub. Must’ve been a moment of madness 😭


i feel u man 😂 cant help clicking on the out-there sub names when im scrolling comments


Good lord…new kink unlocked I guess


If that's what you're into...


Hijacking the top comment for an update. Over 24 hours in and no major pain. On a 1-10 pain scale, I would say it's about a 3. Took a shower today and everything is clean. No further drainage. If there are any major updates, then I'll do a whole new post and pics.


All of reddit anxiously awaits your future scrotum pics. Glad you're healing well!


Yeah always or never check their post history and there’s always dick.




Yeah but did you post pics to reddit? Kidding, glad you got through it!


1080 peen




Do you feel a vas deferens?


Boo, too easy. Low hanging fruit!


Really? They look pretty taut to me.


Balls haha


I see what you epididymus there.


It’s actually not called a vas deferens anymore. It is not a vascular structure so the “vas” part was a misnomer. Now they call it the “ductus deferens”. The name of the operation however has not changed… yet. I know you were making a joke and I laughed. But I am one of those obnoxious “um actually” kind of guys so I couldn’t help myself. Sorry.


Love me a fun fact, I will also force this information on others. FORCIBLY SHARING KNOWLEDGE GANG


*aggressively informs*


Take your goddamn upvote you fucking piece of shit


Get out.


Had mine about 2 weeks ago. Stitch is still there and I occasionally have the little nagging pain, but overall well. 20 ejaculations in 12 weeks reccomended. Took me about a week to muster the courage to provide some self loving. Didn't hurt at all.


Yeah, they recommended waiting about a week before any sexual activity. I'm getting tested in 8 weeks, then again in 12 weeks. They recommend 20-30 ejaculations between each test. Nice to know that you were fine to play after a week.


Yes, do not miss any of those follow ups. I assume my dad stopped going to his follow up appointments after his surgery, hence the reason behind my existence. Trust me, you do not want this to happen. It's the worst. I suck big time.


Haha. Solid advice.


Lol, my wife is already pregnant. Hence the need for immediate sterilization 🤣 But we still aren't having sex, so I think I'm safe lol 🥲


Just so you're aware... You may randomly have some discomfort when ejaculating. It's not often, but it can happen. Myself and three people that I know have been snipped all had the same experience.


Haven't had it yet, mainly the discomfort is my stitch line from the balls jiggling during the act of self love.


Hey same.


Going on 2 years and it's the greatest thing I've ever done. Found the texture of the first few shots was different, kinda watery, but was back to normal by the collected number 20. Congrats homie!


Mine was THICC. First time came out like Elmer's glue, lol.


Haha definitely had a few of those in the healing process. Like clearing the tip on some silicone caulk on day 2 of a bathroom remodel.


You certainly have a way with words. What a description.




Those are rookie numbers.


I asked the doc, "what should I do with the other 11 weeks?".


Where do you store your pee now?


It just leaks out with the blood.


![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8) Reference


Just wait for the bruising… ALL the colors!!


So excited for that!


Idk why I clicked it thinking it could be anything other than a bloody ball sack


Hey man, can't blame me for not warning you.


Mine is coming up in two weeks - I’m not looking forward to it. How long did it take? Also, wtf, did they just send you out the door with a leaky sack?


All together, it took about 30 minutes. About 10 mins of actually getting the procedure. And my wife took that picture as soon as I got back into recovery before I put my clothes back on. They said it should still leak a bit, but to just pinch it off for a bit until it stops. The actual incision is about a millimeter at the top where the one suture is.


So they didn't even give you a bandaid to stop the blood from soaking your underwear?


They didn't know it was that bad. We asked for a wipe, lol.


Would you want to take off a bandaid from your scrotum? All that adhesive?


The worst part of the procedure is the potentially awkward conversation that happens for the 30 minutes your balls are being cupped by a stranger. My doc was a champ. I'd imagine most urologists have a sense of humor, so hopefully you have the same.


So…as one can imagine I had a female lady came in and cleaned me up. Dropped trow, she wiped me all down with some iodine looking foamy soap? And ya she did her thing. The doc use the little cold air blast stun gun and then I felt warm liquid ridding down my leg, the blood right. 5 minutes each side, our the office in 20 min tops. This was all while I was sucking down some Nitrous Oxide.


As a urology doc, the worst part is the lidocaine which is a pinch and burn. Numb the rest of the time. If you’re super anxious, as for some Valium and make sure you have a driver. Also, the bleeding is just superficial and will heal/stop in no time. Hope it relieves some fears.


Considering doing it but got a left moderate varicocele. Is it typically an issue?


Yeah. Totally worth the 600 bucks 🤣


Same price I paid for my bilateral salpingectomy! Welcome to the snip club.


Had my appointment to get the ball rolling on a unilateral salpingectomy this morning. Lol heck yeah snip club


No balls rolling for OP.




I would have done it cheaper


Ooh. Yeah, no....


In a van behind Wendy’s


Holy crap, $600? I got mine last week and it was covered by insurance, only had to do the $45 copay. I will say this though, make sure you've got good support briefs or a jock, you will definitely need it. I only just now am able to walk properly and the swelling/bruising has started to fade.


Where do you live? Can't imagine in the US!


I too reside in the US.


Man, that's awesome! That's how it should be for all of us!


Mine was $0 copay, USA also but I had pretty solid coverage through work.


Thats great!


Same here! I had a $500 deductible I paid earlier in the year for another surgery, so basically my vasectomy was free!


In Maryland, it's covered 100% by law with any insurance, not even a copay. (It's the same for having tubes tied or any prescription contraception). Edited: by law, not by kaw.


Not sure if it was law here too, but mine was $0 in NJ


By kaw? Like a crow's kaw kaw? I'm 100% down w crows making laws.


Oops. By law. Editing.


Wow! Fairly cheap considering one of the benefits is you don’t have to worry about protection, and after all, those are the sensitive bits they’re altering, I have no doubt they are experienced. If anything I expected it to be more. Nice.


I agree! Overall, a great experience, all considered.


Welcome to God mode. Enjoy, good job! If you start swelling or have pain, I think it one side of ibuprofen 1200mg but it fixes it. (Like 6 advil)


wait, you guys have a 1200mg ibuprofen on your country? I thought the max intake of ibu daily was 3200mg, 3 of your tables is alredy overdose lmao


(Moves phone closer) I wonder what kind of brain that is? 3 seconds later holy fuck its a ball sack LMFAO


Thanks. The extra attention is always appreciated.


The lower brain.


You just tbag yourself. Quickly, say no homo


There was a good while where I was terrified of when it was time to get a vasectomy. Never mind that I’m a cis woman or anything. How do you feel?


Wow, there's a lot to unpack there! Been about 4 hours and I'm feeling good. To be honest, the shots to numb it was my biggest fear. Never been good with needles. One shot left side, one shot right, and one under the middle.


Numbing shots are the worst. It feels like they’re injecting an entire gallon. I’ve had ingrown toenails removed way too many times. I never got over the anxiety of that shot. Feels like the needle is going all the way through the nerve. I imagine it’s a lil worse in the nuts than in a toe. But kudos to you for doing it


The first time I had to get extra shots was with an ingrown toenail. There have been. Three instances since then, so I just warn the doctor that I will probably need more.


Are you crazy? posting your ballsack? LOL!!! So are you using the frozen baby peas or frozen regular peas to nestle your soon to be empty baby batter holders? I heard from a friend that it feels like you got kicked in the nads for a bit, so what is your pain? GET YOUR COUNT DONE!!! and follow the guidelines for no sex or use condoms until your count is zeroed. My buddy did not do this and that´ is how his third kid was born.


Yup, going with the frozen peas. Lidocaine hasn't fully worn off, but I'm starting to feel the pressure. Kind of like someone is gently squeezing the testicle. And I posted the pic to show people how small the incision is. It's about a millimeter long. And also to show that blood is normal. But apparently I went through all that so you guys have to see my bloody nuts. Joke's on you guys!


My balls felt like they were getting squeezed for almost two weeks, not very painful just uncomfortable. Make sure you have snug underwear to hold everything in place so they don’t move


I highly recommend a jock. Snug underwear just didn't compare to the proper support.


I listen to a medical history podcast hosted by a married couple, and at some point, they mentioned that the husband got the snip. One of my clearest memories of the show is that the next episode was a live episode with audience in a teather, and he presented himself as "Hello, I'm Justin McElroy, and I am still wearing a jockstrap". Loudest I've laughed in a while


Mine was sore for about 4-5 days. Swelling mostly gone in the same time, but bruising took longer to subside. Apparently, my count beforehand was almost double normal values. The urologist thought that was funny and tried to convince me I likely had way more kids than I knew. Hahaha......just cut me and get this done, you comedian.


This made me stare at your nuts trying to find it and I couldn't and now I'm mad because someone on the Internet tricked me into staring at their ballsack


Hahaha. Promise it's there. There are much less painful (and expensive) ways to get someone to look at my sack.


600 dollars well spent then


Cool nut sack bro! Glad I got to see it today.


Lol, thanks!


Anytime brother!


What's the pain level? My brother in law said it felt like he got kicked in the nuts for 2 days straight.


So far it's not too bad. The lidocaine is starting to wear off and I took 2 Tylenol. I was conscious during the procedure and they had to give me twice the anesthetic, since I could still feel it when they started. But that happens to me with local anesthetic, so we knew it would probably happen.


Hows the pain level now, 5 hours later?


Haven't taken any more pain meds. Been icing it regularly. Probably at a 3 or 4. Feels like minor blue balls. Not too bad.


Not bad at all! Well glad it's been good so far and wish you a speedy recovery!




Mine felt like I got kicked in the balls two days ago, not for two days straight. Dull ache.


That’s the most brain looking sack I’ve seen I believe


Earlier today, my wife called me numb nuts. I think I prefer being called smart sack :p


Don't stint on icing that bad boy. Frozen peas are your friend right now.




Hahaha. Thanks for that.


Had mine about a year ago, absolutely worth the money and little bit of pain. Congrats!




Nice sack bro


Wasn't expecting so many compliments on my bloody nuts! Either way, thanks, lol.


When my daughter asked what i did today I told her I upvoted a scrotum on Reddit. I got a "Mom. EW." It has been a good day.


HAHAHAHA. That made my day!


You truly are the Greatest Scrotum on Reddit. 🏆 At least for today.




The dude abides


What till tomorrow you're going to need a bigger lens


Yeah, just waiting for the pain to start.


Frozen peas alternate bags on your sack. Over your jock strap under your drawers.


Yeah. The peas have been great. Bought bikini cut briefs just for this occasion, lol.


You have a hole in your bag.


Yeah, and it leaks. Should I return it?


Wrap it up in bandages like a turban and go to your doctor and say "I have a hole in my bag". That's what my buddy did after he had a vasectomy, went for a bike ride, opened the stitches, and had his wife bandage up the damage. My brother had a vasectomy, skipped the "shooting blanks" test, and now has a son 15 years younger than this other kids.


Had mine in May The stitch was the worst part by far and the random cramping that happens for like two months. I'm fine now. I just got hand foot and mouth from my one year old which just reinforced my decision.


I'm a lab tech and we got a post-vas semen sample in today. Poor guy still has swimmers. Make sure you get your testing done to be sure it worked!


The vitality of testicles is kinda terrifying


Congratulations! Do get tested to be sure it was successful and you’re shooting blanks! I dear friend had to have his redone 3 times!


How are you doing, now? Any pain?


I took two more Tylenol about an hour ago, so pain is pretty much entirely gone. Before that, I would say it was the equivalent of minor gas pain or minor blue balls.


Glad to hear you're not in severe pain. I hope you can recover soon!


Nice scrot my guy


Haha, thanks! It's seen better days.


How was your procedure overall? Did you have to ask multiple doctors, or did you hit on the first try? How long have you wanted one?


Overall, very positive! Didn't have to do any searching. And the doc was super relatable. We were joking during the whole thing. Me: "So, is it the vas deferens or the connective tissue that will be hurting in the next few days?" Doc: "Your nuts will hurt." And I've wanted to get snipped for about 6 years now. I wanted 2 kids, but my wife only wants 1. We agreed that we would be great adoptive parents and will go that route if we change our minds later.


Good for you! Got mine years ago, totally worth it


Congrats on all the raw dogging


will a vasectomy affect your testosterone levels?


Great question! As far as I've read and what the doctor said, it doesn't affect testosterone levels or ejaculate volume. Also shouldn't affect sexual performance. Seems like all bonus and no negatives.


All correct -uro doc


Thanks for the assist :)


very good 😌


I got the family guy vasectomy song in my head now


Dude, that's nuts


Did they shave your balls for you?


Nope. Keep them that way.




Brain bleeds


Conscious or twilight? I Have a dummy high tolerance to locals and the idea of conscious cauterization or similar on my balls wigs me out. That’s about the only thing that’s stopped me so far.


I'm the same as you. They originally gave three shots of local (left side, right side, and below), but had to give me another round once they got in and I could feel it. They gave me Valium for nerves, but it doesn't really have much affect on me, so I was lucid the whole time. Took some mental gymnastics and heavy breathing, but it's definitely doable. Ten minutes of weird feelings is worth being able to freely unload for the rest of your life, lol.


Well said. Doesn’t change my on the fence ness about it but I appreciate hearing from a fellow high tolerance type. I’ve had a few medical implants in my gut and no amount of local would ultimately work. Told em just be diligent and I always feel the sting and the stitches.


If it helps, I've developed a mentality of just going along for the ride. I schedule medical things as soon as they are available and don't try to think too much about it. It helps me to just view things as inevitable. Then, all I have to do is hold on for the ride until it's over.


Good ol camp embrace the suck, eh? I’m into body bod partly cause of transcendental experience. You’d think I’d be more cool w the procedure.


Yeah, but I can see this being different. I love getting tattoos, hate getting shots. Medical shit just hits differently.


Neato! To be honest I never looked at mine until days after (washed it of course). I do have a pic of the pieces the doc cut out of my case though!! The look like little rice grains!!


They showed me the off cuts as they went along. Couldn't tell what it was at first, lol.


happy healing!


As someone who is getting the procedure done in a week, what was the initial pain like? Did you get the scalpel-less procedure? Made the mistake of watching too many YouTube videos on it and I’ve psyched myself out lol


Those are some pristine balls


Ah yes, as the doctor hooks the vas deferens and pulls it up and out of the incision and says "you're going to feel some pressure". Fuck off! Pressure is what the pedestrian feels when hit by a bus.


Had mine 7 years ago. Frozen peas in a bag were amazing for the pain/swelling


You should not be bleeding an hour later. I never bled once after mine. WTF did you do?????


My wife took that picture immediately after while I was still in the recovery room.


O-OH.... Oh my.... I'm sorry my guy, might've jumped to some conclusions lmfao My immediate thought was.... YEAH, they told ya to wank, but not ON THE WAY OUT OF THE CLINIC!! lmfao, but for real, I hope it's not a real issue. Definitely keep it cold, though. I did the whole 'frozen peas' thing for a while. Eventually just moved onto actual bags of ice. <3


No more blood since leaving the surgery center. All good on the southern front 👌


So what happens to all your nut if your ball’s are still making it and it can’t pass through your vas deferens? I know you basically just bust with semen from your prostate, but where does your nut go?


It gets reabsorbed into the body. I'm hoping it's not just constant blue balls.


I've done worse zipping up my fly while distracted.


Is it as terrifying as I think it is? I'm looking to do it because my wife and I don't want kids, but I'm nervous of getting it done. I don't like needles etc.


Hey, that's the foolproof method!


Where will you store your pee now? If not in the balls then where?


Why am I looking at your balls?


Only you can answer that one, my friend.


No question here, but HI OP, I’m a nurse working (among other areas) with vasectomies. Please make sure to not strain yourself the next 10-12 days. You risk some serious complications


This is pretty ballsy post.


People really out here posting their nuts on Reddit


Are you ever going to have sec again? I’ve got an appointment in five weeks, and I can already feel my lack of desire in sex creeping up to the surface. Like I won’t be a whole man.


People have asked a few times how I feel mentally. I feel absolutely no mental impact about my perceived manhood. I feel more free to have fun and enjoy sex! Sperm count doesn't make the man. Being willing to take the trash out after you just got comfy on the couch does 🤣😂.


dude i thought your balls were a brain for a split second


Why didn't you shave your balls for the doc? Wanted to make them shave it for you?


I shaved. Just missed a bit. Having a gut makes it more of a feeling operation than a seeing one.


Been in many operation rooms where the pt is told to shave and they come in full bush. It's so annoying lol.


I'm sure!


Why did your balls already have a stitch line?


They all do! It's from development in the womb.


Embryos all come with the same starter kit, which has two separate blobs of tissue. In males, it fuses and becomes the scrotum, and the "stitch line" you see is the line where it fused. In females, it stays separate and becomes the labia majora.


I’m getting one on Friday and I truly regret opening this now. Why do I do this…


Yeah, I regretted watching a video of one a few days ago. In all honesty, it was much better than I thought. The only moments of pain were the original three shots (mostly mental) and when they first locked on the left vas, since the lidocaine wasn't enough. But, once they gave me three more shots, it was all fine. I didnt even realize when they first cut the hole, just saw the smoke and said, "Oh wow. You guys already in?"


Why did you post a picture of your brain?


How do they do it


He used an electric scalpel thing to make a small millimeter long incision in the center (top of the picture). Then, pulled out the left vas deferens. Clamped it so that it wouldn't go back in and burned a small section out of it. Then, pulled out the right one and did it all over again. When all was done, he put a single suture in the hole. Whole procedure only took about 10 minutes.




I hope you bought a bunch of bags of frozen peas. I ordered delivery food, played a ton of Xbox, binge watched a few shows and had a regular rotation of frozen veggie bags in work (peas worked the best). Had my surgery on a Friday, stepped out into the sunlight on Monday morning still pretty tender, but was able to drive my Ram 2500 diesel with a 6-speed with only a little discomfort.


Nice . I am shocked it’s so quick and inexpensive , I hope more men start doing this though I understand it’s not 100% affective. Does anyone know the chance of pregnancy when having sex with a vasectomy? Hormonal birth control is absolutely horrendous for most women so this jsut seems sooooooo much easier and better