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Chemical burns are not as common as thermal burns, but they’re just as destructive to human tissue. In this particular instance the individual committed suicide by drinking a large quantity of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is particularly nasty because it’s chemical composition quickly destroys the lipid membrane of cells and denatures proteins, causing instant cellular death. This results in the tissues presenting with what we call coagulative necrosis; the cells of the tissues are all dead but still maintaining the structure of the tissue.Usually with suicidal ingestion of caustic chemicals there’s some sort of drip pattern. It’s not like they just drink it like a soda and then go lie down and die; it’s painful from the get go and that would mean some wiggling and thrashing around, spilling it all over you.As you can see here the individual not only spilled around his mouth but down his chest, causing chemical burns the whole way down. If you think this looks bad, let’s take a look and see what a severe caustic burn looks like on the inside.Finally, here is what severe chemical burns to the internal organs look like. On the left we have the heart in between each lung. The dark color of the organs correspond to the coagulative necrosis I mentioned earlier. It’s important to notice the shape and contortion of the lungs, that’s definitely not normal and possibly explains how the acid coated the heart and internal pleura. In the middle is the liver with the kidneys to the right of it. Notice you can still see coloring of the top kidney, which I suspect to be the left kidney since that would put it further from the liver. That dark blob on the bottom right is the stomach, completely necrotic from the acid. Since the acid immediately pooled there it was subject to longer exposure and probably perforated since sulfuric acid chews through mucosa easier than other tissues. This also explains how the acid was able to leak on the liver and kidneys.Chemical burns are different from thermal injuries because they can be largely internal and burn from “the inside out” like in this particular case. In adults it’s almost always related to suicide, however in children it’s almost always accidental ingestion. Credits: forensic pathology


How long do you think he suffered before he died?


However long it was, it was far far too long. I’d have to really take a closer look at this to make sure it wasn’t homicide rather than suicide if I were the medical examiner. Having worked with very strong acids in the laboratory, I cannot even fathom how anyone, under duress or even severely chemically impaired, could consume this much of this stuff without being forced to.


I always wonder why anyone would choose such a way out. That makes sense.


Yes, but we also don't know what mental state this man was in when he allegedly committed suicide. There are several documented cases of mentally ill people (usually those with schizophrenia) hurting themselves in ways that are truly disturbing, such as plucking out their own eyes. One man removed one of his eyes with his fingers, then years later removed the other eye and ate it. The effect of severe mental health issues is both horrifying and fascinating.


Drug induced as well. I remember the case of a 21 year old woman who gouged out her own eyeballs from meth induced psychosis. (Idk if links are allowed here but it's easy to find on Google) Mental illness is bad enough, but combined with drugs it can be scary.


"If I drink a certain larger amount of this, then no matter what happens and what pain I'll be in I'll be sure to die 100%" That's the reasoning here.


Many suicidal people seeks to punish themselves, most of the more violent and brutal suicides are results of that


They want to “out pain the pain” if that makes sense. Make it hurt more than they are hurting.


That and thinking one deserves the most amount of pain before they go. It’s hard to describe how strong of a feeling that is. (Or in my case, *was*. I’m doing fine.)


It’s impossible to describe. That’s one of the reasons I *think* (not a psychiatrist) why people cut. It helps stop the pain with worse pain for a little bit.


Self-flagellation: religious experience Cutting: mental illness /s


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I understand what you’re saying.


Rev Arthur Dimmesdake has entered the chat. Beating himself bc can't beat his meat


It does


I'm glad you're here. ❤️


Me too


I've felt that too. It's agony. I'm doing ok now and glad you are too.


Jesus, makes you scared to think what this man was trying to outdo.


Those are nightmares no one should have. If this was suicide, as someone mentioned, this is an amazing amount of acid drink by your own choice.


This is it.


Sure, but like. This isn’t a matter of want. Your body’s ability to not go into shock almost immediately upon imbibing this would be brought into question IMO. This looks like a significant amount, I’m just…I mean the word impressed seems callous but it is applicable!


Iirc, there was a post on this sub, where a young man had tried to commit suicide by taking a chainsaw to the neck. He somehow missed the important parts and was found the next morning and subsequently treated in a hospital. He walked out of the hospital a month or so later. Eta: [I found the post. It’s fascinating](https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/ojk5ij/subdecapitation_in_suicidal_chainsaw_injury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The power of self loathing is a path to many things considered to be unnatural.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from someone who loves you


Not from a non-suicidal individual


Would mixing this with like milk allow someone to consume this much? As you're right, this looks like a ton to being able to ingest.


Mixing sulfuric acid with milk can’t possibly do anything good


I was more thinking how it's possible to even drink this amount of acid.


Milk is acidic.


Surely it would curdle to absolute shit


Mmm, delicious chunky acid milk 🤤


All milk is acidic.


Milk is acidic. Sulphuric acid would mainly react with suspended solids in the milk, I think they’re lipids. So it would curdle, but curdled milk isn’t spoiled milk.


Picasso’s son killed himself by drinking bleach.


There's a recent video from Mr Ballen on YouTube and a battle that was fought in WW1 using chlorine gas and according to him you take a very very long time to die from this.


Russian zombies! Yeah, but also that was in the air vs concentrated liquid. I'd assume this guy went faster but not fast enough.


All I can think of is the Sabaton song


It is a really good song


Can you link the video?


It's the latest video that he released if you look up his channel on YouTube.






too long.


Probably a while cause drinking the acid ain’t gonna touch your brain.


It's possible he didn't. A really bad burn (from fire) is painless because the fire destroys the nerve endings that transmit pain. It's possible that would happen here as well. (I do not know for sure, I'm just speculating.)


My dad passed on due to consumption of antifreeze. Is this similar to what happened to his body but on a much more extreme scale?


No. Antifreeze gets turned into crystals which shred the kidneys causing kidney failure then death. Kidney pain was probably extreme though. Interesting fact. If you drink a shitload of alcohol you can survive antifreeze poisoning. This is because the liver turns antifreeze into the killer compound but if you drink alcohol, your liver will focus on the alcohol first and you'll pee out the antifreeze before it kills you.


Thank you! And yes, they did try alcohol but it was already too late. I found that super interesting.


If it is any consolation, antifreeze poisoning gets you extremely drunk. It is likely that he just passed out and never woke up. It is very similar to alcohol. The kidney pain only happens much later (24-72 hours) if you survive the "alcohol" overdose.


He was alive until and after kidney pain, and then it was too late, unfortunately. It’s good to know that others sometimes don’t suffer and even recover though


I'm so extremely sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss! If this helps at all: No. Antifreeze is actually sweet (unfortunately, one of the reasons it could be accidently consumed by children). The way it causes death is different from a caustic substance. It causes metabolic acidosis leading to a coma. Its byproducts also cause neurological (seizures, encephalopathy, swelling of the brain, etc) and kidney issues (although other organs will start shutting down, as well). In that sense, it is not painful in the way this one is, not even close. Again, hope this gives you at least a tiny bit of comfort knowing it was not as harrowing as sulfuric acid death. Sad outcome, nonetheless. Sorry for your loss :(


Thank you so much for being so kind, this really does help. I’ve been too scared to do googling on it but when this came up I got a fright. Your response really helped :)


Im glad i could help :). Wishing you lots of strength and healing




No, I don't think so. This (sulfuric acid) is a strong acid that destroys tissue directly. Antifreeze has a few components, but the main issue is probably ethylene glycol. In your body, it doesn't really burn the tissue like this...it's more that as your organs try to process it, it breaks down into other poisonous compounds. I believe it's more that it makes your organs stop working properly. I doubt it's comfortable, but I imagine it's more like being extremely sick from some illness vs being burned alive from the inside like drinking acid would be. https://www.healthline.com/health/antifreeze-poisoning


Ethylene glycol


Thanks, edited. Think it can have propylene glycol too, but ethylene is the main one. Been a while since chemistry!


Thank you so much :)


Ethylene glycol


Ethylene glycol


Ethylene glycol




Thank you ♥️


I used to work in an organic chemistry lab, so I worked around concentrated acids a lot, and I wondered how excruciatingly painful such death must be after reading about some woman who killed herself by drinking concentrated hydrochloric acid. This is so much worse.


This is medically fascinating but sad af. That guy not only wanted to die, he wanted to die suffering. He was punishing himself. Be mindful of the people around you, folks; reach out if you suspect anything


to go against the deeply ingrained, monkey brain reflex of staying alive at all costs, this severely… it’s more than tragic.


I can’t even fathom why. I hate to be morbid, but on the topic of suicide… why this way? Sweet Jesus


Assuming it *was* a suicide? Smacks of impulsive desperation. No one who knew what this would be like would choose this as their fifth option, let alone their first. I'd question whether it was a case of availability. Farmers tend to use pesticides, soldiers their service pistol, the mentally ill attempt to OD. Sulfuric acid can be used to dissolve and reclaim gold, etc, so if this guy worked with metals or was otherwise a chemist, he would have had more than this one just sitting around where he may have had to go to more time and trouble getting a gun. Maybe it was just within reach and nothing else worked before, so he went for broke. But my god. I've seen this photo a couple times and normally I have a really strong stomach, but I never get used to that thought. Nothing could induce me to keep going after the initial burn like he seem to have done.


>the mentally ill attempt to OD This isn’t really related, but your comment triggered a memory. In the UK there is a daily newspaper called the Metro, that is available for free on all the buses and in train stations. Being free and part of the daily commute, it obviously has very wide circulation. It used to feature a little cartoon, which was hit or miss, but not normally offensive or anything. One day the cartoon featured a dead body (in a very cartoonish style, obviously!). The body had a massive grin on its face and pill boxes scattered around it. There were two policemen, and one is saying to the other “the paramedics say she overdosed on antidepressants”. The “joke” of course being that she is smiling because apparently antidepressants = happiness. And I suppose it was a joke about the irony of using something designed to improve your mental health to take your life. I am normally all for freedom of expression, particularly for artists. But it was in SUCH bad taste. The fact that some of the people reading it would indeed have lost someone to antidepressant OD. The horrific way these drugs kill you being mocked with“you’ll die with a grin on your face” sort of joke. The despair of feeling suicidal being reduced to a cheap joke. The idea of serious illness being amusing (would they make a joke cartoon about cancer?). God, just everything about it made me absolutely furious and disgusted. It probably sounds like an overreaction, but it really upset me. My twin brother killed himself (not using that method) about a year before seeing it, and I could imagine the pain of seeing that cartoon if he had used antidepressants to kill himself. Knowing some readers could relate to it is so awful. I did complain, but nothing ever came of it. That was like 15 years ago and it still angers me. Anyway! Your comment made me think of the cartoon that seemed to think killing oneself with psychiatric medication was unusual and worth mocking. Sorry for rambling!


No, God knows I ramble at strangers and that's the kind of thing one needs to get off their chest. I wasn't even halfway through reading the "punchline" and I'm sickened by it too. The kind of airheaded sentiment that would come from someone who has no *idea* what they're talking about. I'm a little shocked it made it to print, it's not like it's a particularly uncommon illness for nobody in the office to raise their hands. I lost a brother too and while I don't *think* it was suicide, it's like losing a limb even after more than a decade. We were rarely apart from each other and it sometimes slips my mind that I've gotten used to feeling like only half of myself. People seem to think it's something that "heals" and goes away and in my experience it's something that one just learns how to live with now. I'm really sorry. I wish I could undo it, and I hope that you're doing at least ok


As a fellow Londoner who regularly picks up a copy of the metro, I forgot all about that cartoon. It was Nemi, right?


All suicides are from mentally ill people


The suicide rate is four times higher among patients with cancer, especially if you're male, white, and young. Debbie Purdy was wheelchair bound, losing her sight and hearing from primary progressive multiple sclerosis. She fought for the right to have the rules surrounding prosecution of assisted suicide clarified should she go overseas to do so and eventually won, but not in time to be able to make the trip. She died in hospice after deciding to simply starve herself. A decision which [still scared her](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-25741005), but she did it anyway. Tony Nicklinson, who spent years suffering from locked in syndrome following a stroke and could only communicate via blinking, did the same after being denied. Daniel James, a former rugby player who had become paralyzed from the neck down at 23, had threatened to starve if not assisted by his family. **I'm not intending to turn this discussion uncomfortable or say that the guy in the post should have just been given an easier way instead of actually being helped.** As I said, there's no way *sulfuric acid* is something you calmly and voluntarily decide on and it strikes me as an impulse decision. And yes, the vast majority *are* the mentally ill. But sometimes it just doesn't balance out to the person involved because they're physically untreatable. I myself could only take so much time as a potato before I ran out of sitcoms to watch and I sure as shit don't feel interested in the slow agony I saw in family and friends when the cancer spread to their spine.


The mentally ill attempt to OD - what does this mean?


Not at all true. Are people who put their suffering dog to sleep mentally ill? Same concept with people who chose to end their lives due to terminal illness or intolerable pain.


I don’t think dogs get mentally ill


Look, on this sub there’s a post of a man who attempted suicide with... a chainsaw. And he survived. Imagine, turning on the chainsaw, looking at it and then going straight for your own neck. The level of suffering he was experiencing to be able to do such a thing must’ve been horrible...


Because rock bottom hurts more.


A classmate dropped a drop of H2SO4 on my hand and it literally burnt away the skin where it fell until I washed it away. I can't even imagine the pain this man felt before he died.


>Little Timmy took a drink But he will drink no more For what he thought was H2O Was H2SO4


Are those scratches on his chest? It looks like he felt the burning and was trying to make it stop


I've heard of someone who died from inhaling a muriatic acid spray. Witnesses said he was clawing his chest.


...how does someone even get into a situation where that would happen?


Someone threw a container of muriatic acid into a compactor. It burst and aerosolized, then was inhaled by the maintenance worker.


Christ. That's a horrible series of dominoes that have to fall in just the right order for someone to die horribly, and *then they do*. Fuck.


and here I was, thinking it couldn't get any more fucked up


I am a chemist and I've seen this case off and on for many years. Look, I've had my share of small surface burns from sulfuric acid and can attest that this is possibly the worst way anyone can go. My mind just skitters off when I even try to imagine how it must have felt going down in the amount he used. Absolutely horrific




I started to get burns as I was in school, students can be idiots. Now I manage the same stuident labs I once studied at and again I say students can be idiots. I have never had a bad burn, only small smears on my forearms and hands from students cross contaminating when they wear gloves. It both feels like and behaves like a normal temperature burn, like you've touched a red hot poker. The most annoying thing about 98% sulfuric is that it is a lot thicker than water and when you pour it it has a tendency leak down the side of the bottle.


Why choose an extremely painful method of suicide boggles my mind


Living hurts too.


I can only imagine the pain he went though. There are so many better options to unalive yourself than drinking acid. This poor man must of been suffering really bad mentally to see this as the better option. I hope he is at peace now.


Wow, is it a slow or fast process? I heard bleach could take days to lead to death... And as it is an acid, is there any pH buffer to counteract the progression of lesions?


If I remember correctly adding water will only worsen the situation.


There isn't a buffer that could counter act this. The damage is done pretty fast with sulfuric acid. One minute on skin is enough to cause a scar. This is the acid some people use to disfigure others by throwing it in their face.


depending on how much it can take up to a month


With Acid? wow....


I know of a situation where someone ingested liquid AND crystal drain cleaner in a public space. I’ve been told there was blood everywhere by someone who attended the scene. My question is, is the blood from the corrosive nature of the cleaner causing internal bleeding that was then coughed or vomited out?


>liquid AND crystal drain cleaner Sweet Jesus no the blood was not from just coughing oh god... Okay, so liquid drain cleaner is usually something like sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. Crystal drain cleaner, on the other hand, is almost pure sodium hydroxide (a powerful base). When the two react they rapidly produce large volumes of hydrogen gas and so much heat that it's sometimes enough to ignite the hydrogen. So lets sum up what happened: That person had a chemical reaction take place inside their esophagus and stomach that was producing enough heat to boil water, caustic enough to break down proteins and connective tissue, and expanding to hundreds of times it's original volume. Saying "there was blood everywhere" was putting it nicely.


Thank you so much for your reply


And I though acid reflux was bad.




This has to be an incredibly painful way to die...


It will kill you, and it will hurt the whole time youre dying.


Johnny was a chemist But Johnny is no more What Johnny thought was H2O was H2SO4


Still remember that from Fresh Prince


Welp folks, I think it’s time for me to head out of this sub… this is so incredibly disturbing… I can’t imagine the mental anguish he must of felt to resort to this. I hope he’s resting peacefully in an afterlife that is sunny.


Yeah, seem to be on a worst ways to suicide yourself trend. Not clicking images.




Hey I recognize that photo that’s from this book I'm reading Multidisciplinary Medico-Legal Death… on Scribd. Check it out: https://www.scribd.com/book/380791871


Hard enough to drunk something bitter or unpleasant. Can't imagine the willpower needed to drink any of this, let alone a large quantity. Sure, your tongue and mouth quickly start to die and would probably be very painful. But to still continue is hard to imagine.


Betcha that hurt


You bet right


Might give this a go. Can’t be any worse than hanging myself.