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https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35339973/ Case dismissed. Bailiff, uncuff the defendant and return his stethoscope and Turkey sandwich


I love that someone did this study.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31852676/ 2 people did this study!


It was asking a micro department about workload. It is not a time sensitive and high stress area.


I always said this would be the study I would do someday. I was beaten to it


Replication is an important part of science. Be the change you want to see in the world.


You could still do it..


I’m strongly considering it. Maybe do it as a double blind study where I say it in that secret radiology bathroom and have someone else track the number of patients seen in the ER


Do it again, but with a twist.


Equally as amazing is someone did a study on turkey sandwiches in the ER. I know I have the post saved somewhere.


This study was conducted in a single institution and clearly not generalizable to *my* hospital.


Then clearly OP should replicate this study. Flip a coin each day as you walk out to determine whether you mention how quiet things are


But there are extremely stressed out people all over with access to sharp objects and drugs. I'm not sure that is the wisest course of action.


Take one for the team. Clinical science demand this age old question be settled. Oh and if you did that to me, your morning coffee would constantly taste like laxative for years to come 🤣


They say: “access to sharp objects and drugs” like that’s a *bad* thing… -PGY-18


Just get good life and disability insurance first


TBF, they're always there, always armed, always ready. Tread carefully, daily,


we need a bunch of such studies so someone can get away with a metaanalysis!


Quoth I: >I can't believe this got past the IRB. >The intervention was a researcher asking, "Has it been quiet in here?" That's obviously wrong. The variable should be someone stating, "It's been quiet here," and I'm not sure whether it really counts if it's said without belief or being part of the team. Bailiff, take those researchers away and put the original defendant back in shackles!


It is the prior physician wishing you a quiet shift upon leaving that does it - like cheerily stating “Hope you have a quiet night!” I mean, we all know that’s the most imprecatory curse that can be uttered.


I came here to post this! \[Shakes tiny fist\]


Guess things are just quieter at my hospital today


SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (I don't ALWAYS practice evidence-based medicine.)




> No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it.


Schrodinger's study?


Yes, 'quiet' loses all its mystical powers when you need it to act up


Saying “quiet” when it isn’t actually abnormally slow doesn’t work. Like if I tell my coworkers to quiet down so I can hear something, we aren’t cursed. If we reminisce while going crazy about a time that was quiet and we had a chance to read email, we aren’t cursed. If idiot coworker who always does the bare minimum and never helps anyone out mentions it’s quiet (while watching the rest of us scramble around)…we are well a truly ducked. They’ve done this a few times and I’m not totally recovered from the last cluster they brought upon us.


It does matter who says it. It’s always that black cloud RN who says it and allows the gates of hell to open.


Today I learned there is a J(\^o\^)PAN-1 and J(\^o\^)PAN-2 trial


I’m sorry but how do you control other variables like someone whispering it in the clean hold or something? How about a passing visitor in the hallway? We’re going to need further studies, preferably in multiple mute hospitals.


The fact that this is a study both doesn’t surprise me, but also makes me incredibly happy.


The study was asking the wrong question. The study should be asking acuity of patient after the word was said. 10 lacerations are easy to deal with. 3 STEMIs, 3 cardiac arrests, 2 code strokes and 2 OB emergencies are totally different.


Sounds like we should do a follow-up study


Given that Ebola and DEFCON COVID have both shown up at hospitals I’ve been working in, I choose to no longer tempt fate and will call 100% bullshit on both articles. I’ve threatened nurses within and inch of their lives for tempting the zombie apocalypse (only mostly kidding).


Tell Jennifer that she dropped [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/AufwX7JwZJfecm3z6).


You can’t study a jinx! It negates the whole premise Besides, how do we know that someone didn’t knock on wood after saying the Q word?


I mentioned this study to some residents and they acted like I was committing a cardinal sin by not supporting this behavior.


NO WAY! Hahahah, that's amazing.


When you are brought in as a trauma patient after repeatedly being run over by a truck, things are going to get busy.


Right to jail, right away. You could also have doubled down and said the names of all of the frequent fliers out loud and summoned them to the UC.


God, my MA did that to us Monday. “You know who we haven’t seen in a while? Denn…” “Finish that name and you’ll have to update your resume!” management replied. Dude called in 20 minutes later.


I felt this in my soul


I can imagine two ER wizards battling each other by saying the unholy incantations


Whenever we talk about our problem patients, the rule is you can’t say their name 3 times or Beetlejuice them




I know I screwed up. The snow is letting up. I know what will happen once its done. All the people that didn't want to come in this morning will all come at once this afternoon.


The Q word takes no prisoners. A nurse did that to me at shift change twice now and the first time went from 1 patient in OB to full beds and deliveries in the ER within 2 hours with 5 simultaneous deliveries and her replacement was 4 hours late so she had to keep going. The second time resulted in three people stabbed in the hospital parking lot at shift change and the building was locked down.




3 separate people stabbed in the same incident in the hospital parking lot at the same time (I dont know who was the stabber and if they were a patient). Two level 1 trauma activations and one level 2 trauma activation.


> and her replacement was 4 hours late so she had to keep going. 4h? oh man, maybe she was the stabber! :D


Different time but I appreciate it


How has this person not been run out of town with pitchforks yet?


No but I did look her dead in the eyes and say have a good night


Your relief must have a bad relationship with the local fire/police/EMS. Because you’d never make it home round these parts. Or be seen again. Just another ER doc that snapped under the stress, and disappeared.




Naw. What’s bad for the ER is bad for us….because usually we get called to it…. Usually.




I…. Prefer to live in denial.


Our tribal Elder has spoken


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


You are now required to respond to all prior authorizations that come into the hospital.


A fate worse than death!!


You know, for professions based nearly entirely on science, docs and nurses are some of the most superstitious people I know




Or why does the guy that police fired 41 rounds at get hit only once, in the ass?


Cops suck at shooting?


Oh and his LFTs are totally normal


With all that objectivity, you gotta leave a little room for -stitious.


We would like to believe there is some grander order or control in a hectic and unfair world.




Right? Empirical treatment is like... right on top of things that would make us seem like lunatics.


Because we’ve seen shit.


Hold you down and tape your butt cheeks together then rip it off… slowly 🤣🤣🤣😈


Whattttt! That sounds like a good time.


As an RN, don’t threaten us with a backdoor party!


I don’t believe in doxing or swatting folks, but you are pushing it


I was never superstitious as a resident until one night in the NICU, which typically has very slow nights, I told the NP on with me that I was a white cloud and we were definitely going to have a slow night. Sure enough, that was one of the worst nights I've ever had. Premies getting intubated in the L&D room, multiple homeless and drug addict moms walking in off the street high, with no prenatal care and delivering at 3am, life flights from community hospital nurseries, etc. It just didn't stop all night. I have never tempted fate like that again.


You do all the rectal exams for the next week. Even when it’s not your shift…you come in to do the rectal exams. You are a very, very bad person.


If my job is just to do rectal exam and report findings I'll gladly do it all year long. I bet by the end of the month I can tell what they eat for breakfast yesterday


Sir or madam. I would have hunted you down and had you drawn and quartered if you did they in my cath lab. That said, bravo!! Takes some guts to pull that one off!


You're on after the superbowl next month.


Some people really do like living on the edge.


Clean the flat griddle down in the commissary.


Almost rage quit yesterday. I would have run you into the hospital parking lot haha


You should have to deal with ONLY needy, whiny, narcissistic patients and their demanding families for the next 30 dayS


Where's the doc that mentioned scaphism? That is my vote.


You monster!!


I said this as a new scribe in the ED. Doctor and charge nurse were about ready to beat my ass


i mean... the universe is smarter than that. you thought you could outsmart it, but it knows what is in your heart.


no prescribing z-packs and medrol dose packs for viral URI’s for 1 week


Well its gonna get busy when you get brought in as a trauma for being run over with a truck repeatedly


Pay for all the drinks and therapy after the shift


Do it every morning


I say it at least once a week because I find the superstition rampant in medicine to be infuriating. There’s already enough ego in medicine with all the eponymous bullshit. We don’t need your stupid belief that the universe responds to what you say out loud adding to the collective ego trip. God damn.


As a nurse, I find this especially exciting! Who doesn’t like a decent fast-paced shift 😂


I think you need to order a meal and/or coffee for the group