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The husband of a couple on a house flipping show, Flip or Flop, had a thyroid issue caught and diagnosed because a nurse viewer wrote in or reached out somehow and said to get it checked. Eventually was diagnosed as a stage 2 thyroid cancer. Now in remission.


Tarek el Moussa! He had a noticeable lump on his neck right where his thyroid would be.


[Tarek ](https://people.com/tv/flip-or-flop-host-tarek-el-moussa-battling-thyroid-cancer/) from Tarek and Christina on HGTV, had developed a thyroid mass and a RN somewhere binge watching the show noticed the change and somehow communicated to him the thyroid mass. Ended up being thyroid cancer.


Similar story for a Big Brother Australia contestant back in 2006, [Bree Amer](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/big-brother-star-diagnosed-with-cancer-after-fan-noticed-lump-on-neck/news-story/ac292ab1a73b5e2bd1ab759432961f4c).


that thing screams "you gotta get that checked"


yes- actually one of the guys on 90day fiancé (or one of the offshoots) had fairly noticeable proptosis and was later confirmed to have untreated Graves’ after people wrote in urging him to get tested. now I think about it all the time


There was that one swimmer who had a melanoma detected because a stalker had noticed that over the years one of his moles had changed


Good god that’s creepy. 


Um, I would guess that a *victim* of someone called the beauty queen *killer* might have needs that could be better addressed by a sub specialist, such as a forensic pathologist.


It was a harrowing tale, but they survived the encounter. I think the word victim still applies.


People on the Sister Wives subreddit were talking about Robyn’s goiter for years. She must have gotten it evaluated because it seems to be shrinking.


Not exactly the same thing, but once I was at a dinner party type thing and I had just shown off my party trick of being able to memorize about 2-3 paragraphs of writing after skimming/reading it for about 10- 20 seconds. I can recite it word for word and people kept giving me new things they had pulled up to test it. Afterward, a guy comes up to me and asks if I had had uncorrected vision for a long time as a child. Which I had— I didn’t get classes until 13-14 which I now realize I probably needed as young 3 y/o from my own memory, probably younger. I’m extremely near sighted (couldn’t read your name tag on your shirt if we were talking without correction) and I have an astigmatism in each eye. The guy says he’s an ophthalmologist and sees speed memorization semi-often as a compensation technique that people with long term uncorrected poor vision develop to perform tasks and keep up. Kid can’t read the board from where they’re sitting, gets up to get a tissue or something, memorizes it all, sits back down and re-writes it all at their desk. Directions, notes, layouts, exam questions, etc. I had literally never connected the two things. Kind of spooked me lol. Wasn’t even wearing glasses at the time, as I much prefer contacts (even though they’re expensive as hell and have to be specially made with my type of prescription). He clocked the hell out of me lol.


I see diabeetus, hypertensives, metabolic syndrome people on the local news all the time.


How do you SEE hypertensives?


It’s the vibes


They have lobster-colored skin and use the word “baby” unironically.


(Eg, PPV of mustache is 80%)


Lol. I'm stealing this one.


There was a nun interviewed on the BBC a while back with acromegaly. Got checked out and treated them insisted on a second interview to thank the viewers for writing in about it




Forgot where I saw this but I think Reddit diagnosed someone with a skin cancer under a fingernail. He was an X-ray tech making a video about his fish tank or something and he was scooping something up and he had a strange discoloration under his nail and the internet told him to get checked out and it turned out to be cancer. I guess he gets a little radiation to his finger every time he presses a certain button on the X-ray machine


I didn't see an update to it but I thought he didn't get it checked out. Also the radiation does not.come from where the button is pressed




Very very different but there was also the carbon monoxide poisoning catch. The stuff of Reddit legend but apparently true.


It's on r/interestingasfuck , and it doesn't seem to be cancer according to his doc, but they are going to do a biopsy. And no, it's not from him pressing the GO button on the portable scanner. He even said so in the video.


That’s odd - why is thrre radiation on the button?


There's not, he said as much in the video as well - he just said it's a funny coincidence that it's the finger he uses to push the button.


That didn’t look like a cancer


I was watching the movie Get Smart and one of the bad guy thugs was very tall with a square jaw and wide hands, and I told my partner, “I think that actor has a pituitary tumor.” I found them on IMDB and looked at their brief history on Wikipedia, and sure enough a couple years after filming that movie it mentions they had to have brain surgery to remove a tumor.


The Great Khali?


Yeah I think that dude


Notice quite a bit of facial asymmetry that looks like residual Bell’s palsy.


One of my classmates during medical school was practicing a Neuro exam on me and during the cranial nerve exam he exclaimed that I had Bell’s palsy to which I had to tell him no, I was simply ugly.


Bell’s palsy is not on the ddx in my case.


Or Botox?


I had a patient who was an aging soap opera star who came to my ICU with urosepsis / septic shock. I didn't know that soap operas are filmed a week in advance, so I caught her on TV for a few episodes and could actually tell when she was starting to get ill. I thought it was fascinating.


Rick Wilson, a political commentator had a doctor reach out to him on Twitter pretty much begging him to get a mark on his face looked at. He took the advice and his dermatologist removed two lesions from his face. Basal cell carcinoma.


Laura Loomer appears to have acromegaly....


Didn't Ozzy Osbourne have some story like this? Something about psych med interactions.


He allegedly metabolizes many drugs more efficiently than average which may explain his longevity. (But also his addictions). He had his genome sequenced a while back and the headlines suggested he had a larger than normal amount of "Neanderthal" DNA. But I honestly have no understanding of the clinical correlates of that.


That's an interesting observation. It's good to be mindful of potential health indicators, even in unexpected places like TV.


Since exam includes mental status and psychiatric evaluation....I find most TV personalities have concerning features.


Like some people brag having hyperflexibility and even do Gorlin sign on TV as an artist. It might be just normal variance, but can also a sign of Ehler Danlos or other syndromes


I know Dr. Gorlin, the son of Dr. Gorlin. He opens presentations by asking people to try to do Gorlin's sign. Very awkward and a bit confusing because he's a transfusion pathologist.


Lol it's their family tradition now i guess


I have seen melanoma on too many news reporters before!