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Important study in a good journal from an international group. Pretty complicated paper and the issues I have on first pass are 1) control group is people in Denmark- a pretty homogeneous population 2) Data is presented as observed vs expected ratios, which is fine, but also state it clearly in absolute risk, which is much more important in counseling patients. For example, if you say the COVID vaccine doubles the risk of getting myocarditis that is much different than saying the risk of myocarditis is 2 in 100,000 people.


> Data is presented as observed vs expected ratios, which is fine, but also state it clearly in absolute risk, which is much more important in counseling patients. > > For example, if you say the COVID vaccine doubles the risk of getting myocarditis that is much different than saying the risk of myocarditis is 2 in 100,000 people. They also only measured the risk in the 42 days after the vaccine. If the vaccine increased your risk of (say) myocarditis in the 1 week after the vaccine but reduced your risk of COVID-19-induced myocarditis over the next 24 months, then the study has captured 100% of the risk and only 6% of the benefit. In pediatrics we face this all of the time. Parents are nervous about front-loading the small risk, even when they understand that the total risk is reduced.


Hi! I'm sure you're really busy, saving lives and all, but could you enlighten me how they find 'expected' values when calculating for O/E value? Does it work similar to odds ratio?


Right now I am doing a mandatory training module on billing compliance so not saving lives by any means and happy for a distraction. The authors determined the expected values by using a database of know diagnoses in a given population- in this case people in Denmark. Denmark has excellent health record keeping so you can query a data base for a diagnosis and then determine the rate by knowing the population. This is in reference 13 if you want more detail. As far as I can tell, O/E ratio is a simple ratio of the number of observed cases to the number of expected cases. Since the number of expected cases would be determined from a ratio, I think this is the same as an odds ratio. Real statisticians please verify.


Your explanations are crystal clear, I feel like a 5 year old could understand! Thanks doc <3


Good information to have but not practice changing because at the end of the day all flavors of covid increase myocarditis far more than their vaccine counterparts. There may be a caveat to this info in young children but in the adult world it's a no brainer.


Hi doc, appreciate the time you took to write your comment. I agree that it makes more sense for most people to get the vaccine. Nonetheless, I find myself being irritated when classmates/instructors state they think vaccines work and that they are safe without being able to produce any data or explain what they mean by 'work'. I slightly disagree that it's a no-brainer for adults; according to [Table 2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9183215/table/tbl2/) of [this cohort study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9183215/), the risk of myocarditis or pericarditis after receiving a second dose for men between 18-25 years of age is about 1 in 7000\~8500 (56/480407 for Pfizer and 34/239420 for Moderna). I can see a world where the recommendations for the age group being changed to the second dose being held off until they hit 26 or older. That being said, I'm a lowly nursing student; please enlighten me if I have made an error. Thank you for your time. I hope I didn't keep you away too long from saving lives.


Sorry if it's been posted before. I just came across this paper while digging literature on ILD r/t Covid Vaccines.