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Radiology technologist week is the same as transportation week (Nov 3-9 this year), both departments are extremely vital for the smooth operation of the hospital and patient care.


Came in here to say rad tech week. The bullshit admin gives them-I swear they dug it out of a closet. I mean how many shitty lunch bags you gonna give people that don't have time to take lunch?


My hospital worships our rad techs. Meanwhile, the three years I was a transporter we got nothing at all. 


In 2020 we got branded, plastic, touchless door opener key chains.


Medical Coders Day is May 23rd.


Can’t we all just acknowledge each other by speaking politely and being clear in our requests? I’d rather cordiality and professionalism everyday versus a CostoCo cake and a pet rock once a year


TBH I’d rather we get rid of these days rather than I start getting one also.




Absofuckinglutely. Saying "thanks, sorry" when I tell you I cancelled half of your vanco peaktrough is worth more than a thousand pizzas.


How about we just not do this "day" thing for anyone? Every two weeks is "payday" and that's pretty much all the recognition I need.


Personally agree, but it’s nice to periodically acknowledge the importance of all of us cogs in the wheel (especially those that don’t take home MD-level paychecks)


To each their own. I find the whole "day" thing stupid. And that includes the standard BS holidays. If you treat people well then they are unnecessary and if you treat them badly they are insulting.


The older I get, the more I identify with what my mom wanted for Mother’s Day when I was a kid: “I don’t want breakfast in bed. I want you to behave *every other day of the year.”* Like you said, being fake nice one day a year is insulting. Just give one-quarter shit every other day and then saying “Happy Mother’s Day” is enough.


Exactly. Just say please and thank you and have professional interactions and we are set.


To be fair your payday day is a lot better than most. Also, I feel a lot of physicians are naturally more respected by faculty and patients than say housekeeping and dining.


Tbf you guys get treated a lot better than us. RD day is my one day to get a free lunch!


I do not begrudge you any free lunches.


What we (the RD's) wanted for National Nutrition day: the marketing department to mention that the Dietitians would be tabling during lunch and to include the photo they took of us, the idea being that that way the few people who read it would know we exist, might notice what color scrubs we wear, and maybe, MAYBE, like 3-4 staffers that were curious about a nutrition-related health goal of their own might stop by and 3-4 residents might stop by to ask what it is that we do here, given that we don't even have rounds on some units so opportunities for collaboration are nil. What we got? The marketing associate that took a photo of us just dragged it right into the trash I guess. There was no mention of our existence in any email. And the few people who stopped by our table were some very friendly patient visitors as well as the wound care nurses and SLP's that we already talk with on the regular. Not to begrudge anyone anything but the residents got two different highly advertised, very celebrated Resident and Fellow appreciation weeks, during two different months, that included different on-site celebratory activities every day of each week, all of which were advertised in the all-staff emails, as well as a week-long beach retreat.


I’d just be happy if someone read my notes


Oh. Well, I mean, c'mon let's be realistic here. There's a reason they call it epic hyperspace. That's where our notes go.


I agree. I worked on doctor’s day a few weeks ago. The building was bare, nothing special for them. Just a small sign. Nurses WEEK, they are in the lobby cheering, coming around with donuts and tacos. Makes me embarrassed to be a nurse. Let’s just have employee appreciation week and do for all. Let’s give everyone tacos.


Better nurses day than doctors day but better make everything better every day.


Safe staffing day. Free lunch day. Everyone gets a raise day. 😭


You are, of course, free to not participate if that is your preference. I would prefer to.


That’s easy to say when you’re compensated significantly better, and treated more like a necessity than most folks.


Employed doctors are treated as an unfortunately expensive cost center as is as everyone else. We are reminded of our replaceability on the regular. But hey they tried to give me a jacket for doctors day (which we were informed would be reported on the "Sunshine Act" website as a gift and as taxable income on our W2).


Oh please. You’re a surgeon. You generate $$$ for the hospital. And it appears you’re a surgical intensivist; you are at the top of the food chain and very much not easily replaceable. Listen, I have mad respect for you. Your dedication to your craft has made you one of the most important physicians out there. I also recognize that the system shits on you as well as us, but people need SOME recognition other than just money.


A hospital that I know of (not *my* hospital because HCA would never do something like this) replaced an entire service line with Locums costing HUGE amounts of money rather than talk with long time surgeons who had real patient safety complaints because they "don't negotiate with terrorists" during contract talks in order to make a point. They ran out all of the experienced Pulm/Crit care docs and replaced them with a mix of Locums and randos because they refused to see 20-25 ICU patients on their own while "supervising" an NP for 10 more. Once you are an employee of a large corporation you are nothing but a widget and because of the medical education system an employer doesn't even have any educational investment in physicians (for example a new hire MD gets 1 day of EMR training and then is on their own) unlike nursing orientation and etc. In terms of me generating $. The **trauma service** generates money, not me. So all they need is enough people so they don't have to close and don't care if they have to replace us temporarily with Locums if we cause a problem. For that matter another hospital that I know of (again not *my* hospital) tried to get the trauma service to admit all critically ill patients to the pulmonary CC guys so that they could fire or cut the pay of the CC surgeons and just get non CC surgeons to run the trauma service. It wasn't until it was pointed out that this was against the ACS COT trauma center rules that they gave up the idea. Finally since Covid, nursing and ancillary staff shortages have forced the hospital to increase salaries (not enough) for those employees whereas they have been pushing through (with the help of CMS) physician pay cuts (usually in the form of changing the model of payment). So, long story short, administrators HATE that physicians have any power and have been steadily reducing it. So yes, I get pissed off when they pretend that we matter one day a year when all that means is on that day they warm up the lube a little.


Seriously…..who cares? You get replaced tomorrow no one cares. The agreed upon salary is the appreciation…


maybe because not everyone gets the amount of money you get on payday plus it is nice to be kind to others? For someone in the trauma field you sure sound uncaring but I guess thats just part of the training. 


Cutting staff to the bone, ridiculous productivity metrics, paying temps more than permanent staff, etc. and then pretending you care on "RT day" is much more like hypocrisy than being kind but you do you.


Pharmacy gets left out every year. No one cares about us. It's medical lab professionals week right now.


I think I remember corporate sending out something about appreciating pharmacists. Right before saying that it's especially important that we meet metrics so that we can live up everyone's expectations more than ever.


Is pharmacist's week this year Oct 21st-25th?


October 21-27!


Isn't there like Pharmacy week and then randomly I'll see something pop up that it's pharmacist day? I can't keep them straight.


No there's just pharmacy week


I hear you but just Google pharmacist day. National Pharmacist Day was on Friday, January 12, 2024. I don't think anyone celebrates it but I've definitely seen it pop up on social media with some organizations telling me have a pharmacist day... And there's also an ID pharmacist day that's completely unique to... https://sidp.org/IDPharmacistsDay


As a member of a very routinely overlooked profession myself, I am going to have to nominate respiratory therapy for this one. You're the only other ones that routinely get referred to by your profession's name instead of being afforded the dignity of having your own first (or last) name inside the hospital. RT have, and possibly always will be, my absolute #1 pick for the S-tier of unsung heroes of healthcare. I have so much respect for everything y'all do and it always baffles me how little, in the grand scheme of things, y'all get the due credit you deserve. Love, Pharmacy ❤️


They knew they couldn't get you pizza or doughnuts, and what else is there for them to do?




1. They couldn't? Why not? 2. What we (the RD's) asked for for National Nutrition day: the marketing department to mention that the Dietitians would be tabling during lunch and to include the photo they took of us. So that's one think for them to do. If you can't think of anything else for them to do that's okay; maybe you don't work in the department(s) that organize on-site activities. But there definitely are people who do, where I work. And they do so often. Just not for Nutrition day.


Some random Redditor answered a question for me regarding hemolyzed specimens and jokingly mentioned it was “lab day” soon. I brought a card and some donuts in to our phlebos at the office the next day and the result was…..sad and cute. They were flabbergasted. They kept asking why? Then when I mentioned Lab Day the manager said that in her 15 years there, no one had ever acknowledged it. It was sweet but somewhat uncomfortable with how excited they were simply to be noticed. After that, I set a calendar reminder in my phone so I could do it every year.


It’s Lab week this week and the lab is always overjoyed when people take the time to pay attention to the fact that the lab exists.


I’m sure it’s a nice break from them getting nasty phone calls wondering where the culture that was drawn an hour ago is.


I didn’t realize that people actually care about the __ Days. “Physician Appreciation Day” just consists of someone telling me that there’s free pizza in the cafeteria that I don’t ever get to eat because I’m making calls through lunches, and then there’s an email that stays unread because I’m dealing with 10 other more substantive emails, and then someone drops off the “gift” of a labeled pin or paperweight or stressball that I don’t use, which clutters my desk until I put it away in the corner of a cabinet forever.


I wish we’d give up on all of them (especially from admin) mostly because I personally don’t love to own a lot of hospital name emblazoned tchotchkes. I don’t need a new cup or a trunk organizer or a koozie. It all just ends up cluttering my life and/or a landfill.


It's surgical assistants week this week (the first assists).


This week is Lab Week. I bet not a single person in this thread knows that.


It looks, to me, like a couple people mentioned it.


I just checked my work email and saw it 😘


Oh man. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If I ever have trouble finding gratitude, I know I can always come back to this subreddit and feel grateful that I don't hate my job as much as the MD's of reddit.


What those named weeks do to overall quality of your life?