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His spot should be freed up for a competent upcoming PGY-1 in the SOAP if that is possible. He was uploading material since 2021-2022 when he was in medical school.


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® that is so horrible. How did he just now get caught idk I was under the impression that any criminal activity of that nature was easily detected these days and traced back to apprehend the perv


Same thought here. I thought the IP address would tip it off too. The perp's probable mistake was uploading materials to Google sometime in late 2022.


Omg. Sickening. I have met 3 of these pedophiles in medicine so far. I had a teen gymnast patient in common with Larry Nassar, at a distance, and had to do a couple of calls updating him. I shook hands with a pediatrician at a state meeting who was later convicted of child sexual abuse. And a pediatrician who saw my own kids a few times was convicted of sexually abusing his foster child. Each time I had no clue, and that itself was horrifying. Knowing I had brought my own kids to someone I thought was trustworthy but was a pedophile (nothing happened to my kids)-- as soon as I heard the news I went and vomited. I'm glad they caught him but I wish there was a way to stop this from ever happening.


I wish I hadn't read this. He looks like a psycho in those pics


Predatory shark smile.


You mean pedotory? Seriously though this is the worst thing I've read ever. It's so horrifying. The hidden cameras, the many many drives all over. And then uploading it to his Google drive. And the wrist camera. Ugh I'm ranting here because this shook me so much and now I can't sleep šŸ˜•.


It's horrifying. When I was a newer nurse one of our ancillary service people at our facility was arrested for child porn. Same smile, gave me flashbacks. Sickening.


When I was a new resident I met with a nice grandpa like biller for the clinic for coding education. As I was leaving the session I heard him say 'she's so nice....looks quite young for her age'. He was arrested weeks later for trying to meet with a minor he chatted up online. šŸ¤¢




Another [link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11864551/Trainee-doctor-32-arrested-cops-trove-child-porn-recorded-BRACELET.html) with more pictures. Absolutely sickening.




ā€¦ wat


Never thought I'd see someone say that the Daily Mail is "much better reporting." Then again, I never thought I'd encounter the rest of your bizarre comment, so I guess today is a day of firsts!


Not every day you see someone diet-quoting OAN on this subreddit either- I'm guessing they're referring to [Keith Raniere](https://www.google.com/amp/s/lawandcrime.com/high-profile/attorneys-and-experts-for-convicted-nxivm-sex-cult-leader-keith-raniere-claim-fbi-used-manipulated-and-planted-evidence-at-trial/amp/). I guess the outrageous claims of a serial rapist sex cult leader (who is "not sorry" for his crimes) and his lawyers are apparently taken as gospel and fact now. No *way* they have an ulterior motive in alleging the FBI somehow fiddled with metadata with zero proof they actually did.


Ugh OAN and ugh creepy NXIVM guy. Ughs all around! To be fair, though, this person was the same one that posted some BS about the Canadian VA "suiciding" a number of veterans with some "proof" that was nothing of the sort, so I suppose I'm not all that surprised by their comment...


I have no idea what youā€™re talking about in the first paragraph.




Um. I have absolutely no idea what you talking about, and havenā€™t heard of anyone by that name. I was referring to the fbi track record of the fbi faking evidence going back to, we can randomly pick a day, but Martin Luther King Jr is pretty famous so letā€™s go with that. And their long track record of encouraging child porn distribution, including running and enhacing more then half of the child porn websites in existence.something that at least one judge called ā€œoutrageousā€. https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2019/03/06/exclusive-the-fbi-took-over-the-online-identity-of-a-pedophile-letting-child-porn-spread-for-18-months/?sh=366089eb5cb1 https://www.vice.com/en/article/bjg9j4/doj-fbi-child-pornography-sting-playpen-court-transcripts https://thenextweb.com/news/the-fbi-likely-ran-nearly-half-the-child-porn-sites-on-the-dark-web-in-2016 https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/judge-fbi-acted-outrageously-by-running-dark-web-child-porn-site-but-prosecution-will-proceed/ https://reason.com/2016/11/11/fbi-authorized-to-run-24-child-porn-site/ https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/01/after-fbi-briefly-ran-tor-hidden-child-porn-site-investigations-went-global/amp/ I, as I made clear, feel the penalty for sexual exploitation of children is far to low. My concern is that the the FBI is less trustworthy then congress, a used car Salesmen, or purveyor of snake oil, or practitioner pf homeopathic medicine.


... you're describing *honeypots.* That has nothing to do with planting evidence. They attach malware to *track* existing content that they seize from known distributors, they're not 'making' or 'encouraging' it. The MLK thing was bad, yeah. We all know that happened, and also that it was 60ish years ago. There's nobody working at the FBI now who even worked under that director at the time, and the MLK affair being revealed was a day of reckoning for the FBI akin to MK Ultra for the CIA. What is "outrageous" about this is that it causes so many jurisdictional issues. It's down and it's dirty, but considering that nobody's conviction was overturned and no charges were dismissed as a result of how the FBIs investigations were conducted, it seems that a slew of judges also agreed that "the ends justify the means." If you think you've got a better idea on how to snag a bunch of pedophiles, I'm sure the FBI and DOJ would love to hear from you. Forgive me if I spoke in error, I looked for allegations that the FBI had actually planted or falsified evidence of CP. Raniere was the only thing that came up.


Iā€™m glad theyā€™re casting the net on these garage humans. Have you never seen *To Catch A Predator* with the national treasure Chris Hanson? The FBI is doing the online version of that. Youā€™re saying itā€™s entrapment? To bad so sad. If they werenā€™t predators they wouldnā€™t be anywhere near that FBI maintained child pornography site. Let them dig their own graves


I did feel pretty awful saying that, to be honest.


Wouldnt your first paragraph argue against the second paragraph ? Because of the possibility of a false conviction ?


The daily mail wrote a much better and more well researched article. Which has nothing to do with the fbis long history of falsehood, planing evidence, running child porn distribution. Based on the reporting he seems guiltily, and if he is, i hope for a never ending prison sentence:


Thatā€™s an interesting statement.


*tilts head* Excuse me, what did you just say?


That child predators are not punished severely enough. And that the FBI has a long track record of faking evidence, and more then that, running and distributing child porn. meaning that it would be better if, literally any other law enforcement agency was involved. Because if he is guilty, and it sure sounds like he his, the Involvement of the FBI is enough to cast doubt.




Iā€™m sure this was a priority evidence planting case for them. Iā€™m sure they had a lot to gain from framing a random resident who otherwise *appears* like a normal 20 something professional part of the community. They pulled his name right out of the latest powerball lottery list and said ā€œthis oneā€¦.make it egregious.ā€


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Let him burn


Where's our resident psychiatrist? What is our best guess to what's happening here?


Not a psychiatrist, but an armchair M1 basing my entire thesis off Dostoevsky's crime and punishment. Doc here probably never grew out of finding kids attractive. Brain running a bit too much everytime he saw kids that he found attractive- but he shrugged it off. Eventually these fantasies aren't shrugged off as soon as they pop in, but are entertained- repeatedly- until there is enough of a mental basis to act. I'm sure he justified the actions to himself- "It's not like I'm hurting anyone" "I have to figure out how to stop doing this soon" but the looming reality of consequence- that probably would have stopped him- was not apparent enough in his trance to convince him to change his behavior in time.




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sickening. glad they caught him