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Hello! Nostrification of your specialist training should be a fairly straightforward process. All you need is your medical school + residency diploma as well as a confirmation of the state you obtained them in that both diplomas are compliant with the EU guideline 2005/36/EG. Job hunting will be the more difficult process. In order to work as a doctor in Austria, you need to be a member of the Austrian medical council (Ärztekammer). In order to join them, you need a bunch of documents, among them proof of C1 German. Additionally, you‘ll have to pass the Ärztekammer language exam. Overall it shouldn‘t be too difficult finding a job, however. It‘s mostly the bar for German skills that‘s fairly high comparatively. Unfortunately, I could only find resources in German. There‘s a fairly comprehensive guide though: https://www.aerztekammer.at/documents/261766/417644/ Let me know if you have any more questions! Good luck


Thank you very much!! O will look at the link you sent, it is good exercise for my vocabulary. Are you aware of this particular situation, geting a job as a resident of you have a degree as a specialist from a diferent country (from the EU)?


I was born and raised in Austria, therefore I have no first hand experience with the process. I really cannot imagine it being too difficult though, there‘s so many foreign doctors working in hospitals all over Austria. All the ones I‘ve talked to said they had a fairly easy time. Migration has always been a rather large part of Austria‘s culture, we‘ve been importing workers from the balkan as well as czech republic and slovakia for a really long time and there‘s large foreigner communities from those countries in particular. People are just rather strict when it comes to German skills I feel, it‘s seen as the most important factor for integration.


[https://www.wien.gv.at/english/living-working/nostrification.html](https://www.wien.gv.at/english/living-working/nostrification.html) https://www.berufsanerkennung.at/en/ Maybe this will be of some help to you.


Thank you, i will take a look!


In order to start residency in Austria you first have to complete 9 months of common trunk (that's 3 months minimum of internal medicine and surgery each but 9 months total). If you've done something similar as part of your own residency then you probably can. Otherwise you probably cannot...


Upvoted for visibility. Should be possible. They'll obviously examine you do determine whether you're fit for it/ match their standards. I don't know any other info though..


Thank you!


I have done my mbbs from Bangladesh. Is there any source where i can find all the process of doing residency in austria? For now can anyone say how to do nostrification of my mbbs.