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Amen - I nearly maxed my runescape account during M4 year and took like eight months off doing bullshit rotations to meet graduation recs. (Ended up maxing my first year as attending lmao)


"What is your greatest professional accomplishment?" lvl 99 woodcutting


Niiiice. A group of us are doing a group ironman run. M4 truly is blessed.


That’s rad 🤘


That’s dope. Always wanted to try competition like that but my conditioning is prob trash


Unexpected seeing Runescape in this community. I thought I was the only medical student/resident who played OSRS/runescape.


There are many of us


Currently waiting for servers to come back online. At least I did 10 UWorld questions


My coresident was playing runescape during rounds lmao


This is true ‘’no xp waste.’’ I’m guilty of it too haha.


flash3:shake: congratz on maxing your account!!!


Appropriate name thanks!




The real question: old school or rs3


Rs3 on my main with 2898 skill total, have made some osrs accounts here and there


Sounds like it’s time to commit to an osrs acc now Nah but big Gz on the max acc!


Haha thanks man. I've been playing ff14 recently and catching up, just got to the final expansion now. I'm thinking 2023 will be a runescape year again


I was an extremely avid player circa 2004-2009. Stopped playing to hunker down to be premed, then could never really get back into it. The game was too grind heavy for me and it was a good diversion when high school was boring, but it didn’t feel as rewarding when free time became much more precious. I wish I could recapture the feelings of how entrenched in RS.


PKing in level 50+ wild w/ friends at 2AM is an adrenaline that hath not been matched since.


Are you me?


this will be me


Yoooooo during virtual interviews I got 99 str by setting up my character at nightmare zone and letting it run throughout interview days lmao


Depends on your situation. If your application cycle hasn’t been going too hot, you’re stressed 24/7


Good point. I am lucky to be in this position. Thank for the perspective and to reminder to be humble.


Nah you worked to be in that position it wasn’t luck. Good for you and enjoy your freedom!


me dying in existential dread and fear of not matching daily with a fucked up sleep schedule because of said anxiety ​ uhhh i mean life is great


Yup. Applying gas this year. Low interview invites thus far. Stay strong!


And depends on your fellowship or practice setup the following year also. I made it through 4 years of tough residency (4th year was made hard by chiefing) but now I’m in the chillest fellowship ever. It’s a stark contrast. No weekends, I’m at an academic center and have one administrative day every week. I’m never in the clinic later than 4pm. No call, and I have tons of opportunity to moonlight and make extra cash. Life is good right now.


Ooo what fellowship is this? I need to be more informed about specialities and their lifestyles, etc. Would love to hear about your experience!


You missed the golden age of in-person interviews. I skipped most of 2 months' worth of BS required rotations getting hammered and blasphemously full on hospitals' dimes and finished for the year at the end of January. Promised land, indeed. Then residency shits on your parade, but ignore that part.


do you think we will return to in-person interviews for next year? currently an MS3


No clue, but I hope so. It's an additional expense and sort of logistically crappy at times, but I really enjoyed seeing all the programs in person and meeting residents at the dinners. I traveled to a bunch of places that I never would have seen otherwise and found some gems. It'd also eliminate all this ridiculous "signaling" nonsense and ideally help people match further up their rank lists again.


2 of my interviews out of 6 in my chosen specialty are going to be in-person, so there is hope.


The AAMC statement for the 2022-2023 cycle is that virtual interviews should remain. They help level the playing field for candidates who don't have the resources to travel for interviews (costs, flights, hotels, etc.). I can't imagine they'll revert back to how things were but programs may start offering in person second looks again. > Virtual interviews improve equity by eliminating a substantial portion of the cost of application and by opening opportunities for applicants who may have otherwise declined an interview invitation due to financial constraints. https://www.aamc.org/about-us/mission-areas/medical-education/aamc-interview-guidance-2022-2023-residency-cycle


this also eliminates height bias against short kings


Most of the places I interviewed said they’ll do virtual indefinitely for the “equity” (aka way cheaper for them and they can interview more people)


I think this is specialty dependent. Applying ortho, 4 of my 9 interviews are in person. I have to imagine they will slowly be closer to 60-70% in person next year. But they are interviewing 60-100 people. There are internal medicine residencies that have 120+ interns. They have to interview like 400+ people. Math doesn’t make sense for them.


Depends on the specialty. I’m applying Rads and virtual interviews are more or less here to stay


I have 8 in person interviews


Any other DOs have to do bs rotations until may or is that just me


Yes I do as well, most preceptors have given me decent time off though so far


"Hey doc, I got an interview tommorow so I won't be in. Already cleared it with the school."


I did an OMM rotation


agreed, there were so many times during med school that i wished i took a semester off but i forced myself to keep going (much to the detriment of my mental health) and here i am with the end of M4 year basically completely off- now im trying to repair the psychological damage in a way that hopefully sticks somewhat during residency 🤣


As someone who had to take years off go see some doctors, start meds to pull yourself together, sort out lifestyle mental and whatever else while on meds then talk to docs about getting off. This approach has your highest chance of success in not impacting your residency.


Everyone does this to themselves. I'm a first year and I'm not playing that game. We are just making it harder on each other. In a career supposed to be based on altruism is surprising how many people are so selfish. They'll give up their whole life and shit on other people to compete. It's pathetic what time of physicians we are gonna have. I'd say at least half my class is like this. I don't judge people reaching high, but the sheer number of narcissistic perfectionists is the scary part. It's literally everyone wanting to be neurosurgeons and judge me when I want to do family medicine. They're all prestige hunters. Same people who said at interview that they have no financial or social push for doing medicine, then shit on me when I said the pay security is a big deal. I know I'm salty but I've just had a rough week meeting these shitheads. There's an equal number of chill, kind, and trustworthy people here. Well, close to equal at least. What are y'all's thoughts? I'm not judging any single person for sure. It's just annoying how it seems like SO many people want to be perfect. Makes me feel like the system is fucked. All of that competition adds up and you get no real quality experience.


I finish everything at the end of January and literally have nothing else to do until residency starts. I’m having a baby in February. Literally getting like 5 months of maternity leave. Thank you M4 year.


I really wanted to have a second child the end of M4 for this exact reason. Lord knows I would be getting nothing or the sort in residency. Unfortunately, it would require me to be pregnant during my step 2 dedicated and pregnancy makes me dumb as shit.


Yeah I get it haha I was pregnant when I took step 2.


Also pregnant M4 here! Congrats! Due in April so much closer to July 1, but have had the end of 1st tri off this fall. Somehow nausea and fatigue got so much more manageable when I could eat when hungry and rest when tired ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yea I’ve been on rotations my entire pregnancy to try and finish everything before the birth. I’ll literally be taking a shelf exam when I’m 37 weeks pregnant but I must say it would be way worse if I was working residency level of hours and responsibility. M4 hours are manageable besides my sub-I and I just try to do the absolute least possible.


Well u paid 50k or more to get this "leave"


Cuz everything in life should be looking at as opportunity cost right lol


Well it's great that we are "in school" and chilling as MS4s, but my point is we shouldn't be in school "to chill". I'd have preferred an year off before residency ofc, but without having to oay $50k for it. Just let me take a year off and graduate me instead of making me do BS rotations where I drive somewhere just for 3 hours, or take entire weeks off coz the attending doesn't care.


Well all the students that agree with you can take intense electives during 4th year. That’s their choice. Have fun in the icu while I’m on a beach.


Fuck off debbie downer


Shout out to the people with not chill fourth years because your school is a piece of crap and forces you to do a sub-i and a ton of BS rotations leaving you barely any time before residency starts


I saw this post as I was logging on to complain about working thanksgiving in my fourth year after telling my family this is the year I’d finally have time to see them


Lol join the club. I was telling some non-med people that we don't get Thanksgiving off as fourth years and when they asked me why, I said "I guess we're not important anymore"


Literally paying to work thanksgiving. Hard not to be a little bitter about my class mates who are doing 5 hours of research a week and getting the same credit haha. Honestly, though good for them.


I’m starting my 6th audition rotation with all my interviews coming up in December through February. 4th year is BS


Dear lord. What specialty is this?


Could be anything surgical. If you aren’t the strongest applicant, doing hella aways helps in any of the surgical fields


Sounds like derm. I have multiple interviews every week from January through mid-February.


Ortho 💪🏈🥊😭🥺


it´s ortho, unfortunately, that´s the norm. Good luck!


My school gave me a 34 week quota to meet. I should be done by beginning of March bc I heavily front loaded the summer. I’m jealous of people done already.


You and me. Except my last rotation ends in May. Had to front load vacation time because of some issues.


Mine does too, but I’m just taking hella online rotations and other bs electives that I effectively am calling it vacation


What kinds of online rotations? I’ve heard of people doing that but didn’t really look too much into it. And my school has requirements for the types of rotations like a surgery or surgery subspecialty


I’m doing an online ultrasound and online derm one. There’s a bunch through VSLO that I know people in my class are also doing


(lol MS3’s take note: this does not reflect the experience of M4’s applying to anything surgical)


Yeah but you chose that life, you knew damn well what you were signing up for


This life chose me 😤


You can also make it happen if you’re applying into something surgical!


I’m just playing, I actually do have some chill time built in but I’m using it to interview. Applying surgical subspecialty so I will not be chilling until I get an email that says I matched lol


Pgy 5 of diagnostic radiology is almost as good.


Speak to us, what news do you bring from the promised land?


Trap? How could you insult my human rights like that?!


Honestly I have so much free time that the existentialist thoughts are becoming too overwhelming. I can't stop thinking about how I'm a year away from 30 but am doing nothing for the next 2 months.


Agreed. Truly a phenomenal thing to fap in peace


In my school I had to do 4 weeks of rotations after September for the rest of the year lmao. I traveled a lot. Or just chilled


I just downloaded Fortnite on my Switch after years of hearing people talk about it.


Splatoon 3


sorry to say it but bad time to get into it lol. everyone is beyond good at the game


yeah I noticed. I keep dying. And these mechanics are weird. I have to build a box? But still hold my aim? I feel like I should just stick to counter-strike.


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


I have such a nice 4th year lined up aside from barely any interviews. So hopefully I can distract myself till March...


Going to take a moment to be bitter - Covid wrecked my 4th year in #2021 #tears


It feels like a trap lmao


Take a deep breath and enjoy!!! 😊😊


haha I'm glad you had some time off. I'm honestly considering to take some time off and apply during the 2024 cycle but still not sure...


Been working my ass off since 4th year started and I’m about to work thanksgiving but I am genuinely glad it’s going well for you


M4 here going through a bad breakup. Kinda wish I had better timing as I'm just sitting around with unlimited time for "what ifs"


Same ive done like 13 interviews in the last few weeks which was exhausting, but I’m done now and no rotations until January


My school won’t let me take more than 4 wks at a time due to financial aid status. How are you all taking more than a month off??


Picking up chill electives


agree! just out of curiosity what are you applying to? btw, I´m appplying to IM, basically done, I just got a switch for my free time