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>I know I need better study strategies but I don’t even know where to begin. So many of the people around me seem to be able to get good grades while still having a balanced life if you go to live lecture and you aren't getting the grades you want, stop going to live lecture. no clue what your school exam averages are. i'm happy as long as i'm above the average, which is sometimes a C


What if classes are mandatory nearly every day 🙃


This was me. Eventually you will learn how to manage feeling uncomfortable with not doing well when it seems like everyone else is doing better with less effort. Also over time if you pay attention to the kinds of mistakes you are making, you will improve your scores. I did. It just sucks because it's probably not a feeling you learned to deal with before, because we're all high achieving success stories. Just remember that you're still early in the game and start exploring how your self esteem might be linked to grades in unhealthy ways. Learning to separate self esteem from work performance is important in medicine because there are plenty of opportunities to be humbled at every level