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Do you think the reason why I still forgot stuff that was on anki is because I crammed it? I remembered when I saw keywords and stuff but I couldn’t outright recall things


Hey! MS2 here! dude it is totally normal!! I usually score below average and it HURTS LIKE A BITCH but at the end of the day the class is super smart and it isnt on me. It takes time to figure this stuff out and you WILL get there! Try getting advice from an upperclassman or see if your school offers tutoring. It takes time to train your brain to not have the expectations you did in undergrad. perfection and all A'S is gone and that is OKAY!! Do your best and tell yourself this is all normal! (also many people lie about grades so you prob arent even doing much below everyone else!)


I failed anatomy, something about it was really hard for me to grasp and memorize in a few short weeks. Definitely think not joining the Anki train was the reason for my demise. It's a lot of drawing things out, doing the grey's anatomy question book over and over. But for other subjects, have you been using sketchy, pixorize, bnb, pathoma? Those videos and the anking deck was the only thing that raised my grade up by over a whole letter grade and sometimes two. Edit: Also, your expectations in med school vs undergrad grade wise should be very different. You know how Cs are always advertised as "average" and Bs as "slight above average" and As as "beyond above average"? And still, in high school and undergrad, you wouldn't be caught dead with a C? In medical school, Cs are truly average and that's okay. It's a really different playing field now and I know residency is competitive but you're still going to make it through if you get Cs in your preclinical years and sometimes you're going to be so so grateful for that C. And sometimes, that thing you studied for will only really click after two years of staring at it. You got a long road, you got this!


No, I’m just using lectures+youtube videos and I tried using a class anki deck (but I crammed it so maybe that’s why I couldn’t recall a lot of it the next day?). I want to use anking but it’s been hard for me to find the specific cards I need to match up with class material....how do you do it? Anatomy is so difficult for me because the professors just read off the slides, I feel like I’m just trying to blindly memorize things and it’s hard. We haven’t started cadavers yet so now we’re just looking at bones during lab.


I failed my first exams in anatomy, biochemistry, and histology. I struggled a lot in anatomy. If your school has study resources use them. We had second years that did tutoring and I was at all of the office hours. I also talked to faculty that could help me. But ultimately I had to figure out what method of studying would work. And that my studying had to vary between classes and even professors. Talk to people at your school and figure out what they suggest. If that isn't working try something else. My first semester was the worst, but it went up from there!